The Howie Carr Radio Network

Three Days 'til the Big Debate & the Chump Line | 6.24.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Howie takes calls on the Karen Read case after his interview with Turtleboy. Tomorrow could be the final day of the trial, that is, if the jury's mind is made up. Then, Howie shifts to discussing this Thursday's debate between President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump.

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24 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. First of all, it's-- to take someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper. Donald Trump to see the Jake Tapper head. Ma'am! We should note before angry tweets that Walter has been a fierce critic of the Sleeze and the thousands of conflicts of interest that occurred during the Trump years. And the audience will not carry his remarks live because, frankly, he says a lot of things that are not true and sometimes potentially dangerous. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. I'll tell you, you're going to see a very energized President Biden who is looking forward to having these direct conversations with Donald Trump. 30% compared to before the pandemic. Don't jump! If you mean "struck" in that part of the body, on the arm. Yes. Directly. I would say no, it doesn't look like that at all. Looks like a bite. No, it's not a bite. My initial reaction when I saw this photograph was that it was probably an animal. And most likely I would say a dog. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howdy car. Or it could have been a shattered piece of taillight that doesn't shatter. That's the state police's story and they're sticking to it. I didn't even get a chance to ask Turtle Boy about this Sandra Burchmore case, which he's also written about, which has now been opened, which has now been brought back into the forefront. It's in a neighboring town and it's another case where police are involved in a death, a suspicious death. And now the FBI is involved yet again, like Canton. And the medical examiner hired by the family of the dead woman says that it was definitely a murder. And Mike Morrissey says it was a suicide. Stop me if you've heard a close variation on this story before. A testimony stands for itself. Yes, that's what he said last week when I asked him if he wanted to take back any of those... What do you call it? Inconium, something like that, about Michael Proctor, about what a wonderful guy he was. Before we found out he was soliciting bribes and calling people, the women, the C word and the R word, and saying they had no ass and a Fall River accent, et cetera, et cetera. 339 says, "Ask Auden Aiden about the O'Kee family, especially Paul is now realizing that Karen Reed did not kill her boyfriend." Well, he tweeted out this morning during the trial that Paul O'Keeffe had just gotten up with a sort of an angry look on his face and left. But you never know why anybody's leaving. Have to go to the bathroom, smoke. It could be anything, so we don't know. You know, they were promised so many of these big bombshells. Remember, I think it was Channel 4 said they had ring video. They actually had the video of Karen striking him and killing him, right? And then they also had evidence that Karen Reed had destroyed the ring video from her house to show her getting in there late. That was never introduced as evidence either. In fact, their own state police experts said that Karen Reed, the Wi-Fi positioning indicated she was home at 1236, even though they had said in the opening that she murdered John O'Keeffe at 1245. But there's no reasonable doubt here. This is a slam-dunk case. That's what they're saying as they just drink themselves in senseless, in quincy and in denim, I guess, tonight. 844-542. Officer Mark says, "Howie, I'm watching the show on Rumble. During the breaks we can see your great head of hair when the headphones are off. Nice job by the laser cap." You know, Officer Mark, I wasn't going to say that, but I've noticed the same thing. I sometimes look down and there is more hair. There is more hair than there was. Again, I got the thing about six weeks ago. It's working. What you want to do is get the initial hair transplant, the hair restoration treatment, and then follow up with the laser cap, which they're giving away for free if you get it this month. You'll be all set. You'll be all set to go. You don't want to get a date and have some women go. Yucky, are you from cats? No. No, that's not going to get you where you want to go, as the mom is and the pop is used to saying. 844-542. It's the buck dialing. Self deleting phone is not enough to confess. You must equip. That's good. I like that. Few too many syllables, but you're on the right track, I think. Howie, after the Cameron Reed trial is over, I hear that the state police will be high on a bunch of new criminals. I mean, candidates, do you know how long before they start the interviews? I need a new car. The next academy class, you know, I live out near the GQ, G-H-Q, General Headquarters in Framingham on Route 9. It looks like a new car dealership, and it's new SUVs and trucks. They've all got brand new vehicles, but why shouldn't they, the kind of money they make? And that's just over-the-counter money. How many of them are soliciting tips for their investigation, like Procta? Today's poll question is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy, Mass. They help me get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids, and they can help you too. Request an appointment online and tell them howie sent you. Visit for more information. That's Hi, Howie, Dr. Patrick Colling. There you go again, saying you posted your cheap fake Brown University postcard on Twitter, but now it's missing. What happened? Did your flip phone delete it? Compared to you, the McAlpert sound like honesty blinkin'. Hey, we're gonna be fine. It was there one night, and I left the phone downstairs, and it butt-diled. It was so angry, I didn't bring it up and put it on the nightstand. And that's how it got erased. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Or my name isn't Michael Procta, or Brian Higgins, or Brian Albert, or Jen McTuff. Jamal Bowman is a bleeping bleeping bleeper. If you don't vote for Jamal bleeping Bowman, you ain't bleeping stupid. Kamala Harris is helping Joe Biden prepare for the debate with Van Diagrams. She's got some good stuff in her stash, or so a lot of people think. Maybe she should share some of that with him. I don't think he needs any of that THC-infused stuff that slows down time, though. Time is already moving at a snail space for Joe. Yeah, how much time do the phones get for closing arguments in the read trial? Someone was telling me today, well, you know, phones do self-delete after a while. I said, yeah, but they don't only self-delete in one eight-hour period when a cop was found dead on your relatives' front yard. And that some of your other relatives are butt-diling randomly and then deleting those random calls. It's a little too much coincidence. Snopes coming clean on the very fine people, folks, left being the walls that are closing in on Brandon. Yeah, I think Dan Bongino or somebody was saying he has conspiracy theories about why they're doing it. But, you know, the thing is how much credibility the Snopes have at this point, they've lied about so many things. I think people just take it as a kind of a joke. I know that's the way I take it. So it would appear that the Boston Exhibition and Convention Center will soon be known as the Mumble Center. Yeah, I saw that today. That's the lead story in the Herald. Some of the politicians want to rename the exhibition center, the New Hines, the one down near in the seaport district, formerly known as South Boston. They want to rename it the Menino Center. I don't think it's-- Wow, slow down. I don't think it's going to be called the Mumble Center. I think it's just going to be called the Mumbles. Isn't my dad? The Mumble. It has a ring to it, though. Yeah, they're having the big book fest this year at the Mumbles. Everyone would know where it is. How are you? Well, I'm calling you. You're almost police. Our models are the protected serve. Well, after this certain situation, I think the Massachusetts State Police models should be to deflect an over-serve, which I endorse. I always say to protect an over-serve, but to deflect an over-serve is just as good. You know, don't you think Bill Weld in his, in his dotage really does? He lives in Kent now. He belongs there. I guarantee you, he's been to all these places. He's been to the--he's been to the waterfall. He's been to the--what is it? The high--the high life for the--the high--what is the other one known? God, I'm drawn a blank. I'm turning Biden. Is it the hilltop? The hilltop? The high ball? I don't know. Today they were having an argument over what's a--Lally asked, what's a rocks glass? I'll tell you what, Lally, your boss knows what a rocks glass is. I used to see him drinking out of what? Every afternoon over at the stockyard. Chuck Schumer will not be known as the hamburger. No, he will not. Joe Biden's at Camp David preparing to see an end debate question. They want to make sure he can say mint chocolate chip without stuttering. They'll fix that for him. He just is having a problem with mint chocolate chip because he got a brain freeze for meeting so much of it. It is in his arduous preparation for the big moment. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. 508, all the Mueller investigation, cell phone, self-deleted, didn't they? Well, if you want to say self-deleted in the same way that the Brian Higgins and Brian Albert phones self-deleted, yes, that's true. But I don't even think they pretended it was anything other than just they all decided to get rid of everything. It's such a scam. And Jake Tapper was all in on that scam. You heard him talking about it. He was in on the Russian collusion hoax, and then he was in on the Mueller investigation, which was designed solely in retrospect to cover up the Russian collusion hoax, and Hillary Clinton's involvement in it, and the FBI's involvement in it as well. All right, that's it for the Chumpline. Today, the Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show you can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time every weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline every day, you can hear one. It's called Chop Chumps. It's the second Chumpline of the day. It's where we put all the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. Chop Chumps is posted every weekday evening around 7 p.m. You can get the second Chumpline of the day wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's poll question is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy, Massachusetts. They help me get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids, and they can help you, too. Request an appointment online and tell them how we sent you. You can go to for more information. That's How much time do the phones get for closing arguments in the read trial? You know what they do? They don't need much time because they just delete the other side of closing arguments. That's all they need. 844-542-442. Captain, everyone is happy at the hillside. Fireballs. You think fireballs are going to be selling? Not as well as they are going to be selling tomorrow night. You can if the verdict comes then. Fireballs. Fireballs. 844-542-442. I'm Howie Carr. Got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to policeplotter Facts Friday every Friday at 5.30. Your story could win you a great prize from the Howie Carr show store. The latest episode of Meet the Experts is out and features one of my favorite organizations, Reets Across America. Executive Director Karen Worcester explains the origins of the project and how it's grown into a worldwide collaboration. Tell us all about Reets Across America. We have most known for place in Rees during December. This year it will be probably close to 40-500 locations. One of our largest areas of growth are in small community cemeteries. Tell us about the Giving in July campaign for Reets Across America. Well, Giving in July is a time when we call attention to the other organizations and the other groups that we work with. And they use our sponsorship program. The $17 that sponsors the Reets will also return $5 to that organization. We believe a person dies twice. The first time when their hats start speeding. But the final time is when the name is open for the last time. And it's more important than ever. For us to be sharing stories with kids can't be flip about freedom. It's not paid for. It's still an open checkbook here going on for freedom. Listen to the full episode of Meet the Experts Wherever You Get Your Howie Car Show Podcasts. You're listening to The Howie Car Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system. But what's going to physically stop and intrude from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. It's simple to use and is rated to stop up to nearly 1700 pounds of force. Learn more at Flip That's Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have been included in the CNN debate? Yes, no or yes, and Cornel West and Jill Stein should have been invited to. Yes, the Bobby Kennedy. 63% say yes. 24% say no and 13% say yes and Cornel West and Jill Stein should have been included too. All right. Okay. We'll take some calls just a minute, but first I have some sad news to report. Try not to let this destroy your faith in the integrity of the hip-hop movement. Florida rapper Julio Folio will not be down for breakfast. He was shot and killed in Tampa just two days after celebrating his 26th birthday. Julio Folio, real name Charles Jones, was staying at a holiday in Tampa after being kicked out of an Airbnb where he was partying when he was reportedly ambushed. Tampa police confirmed the death of an aspiring rapper in the shooting with three other people injured and rushed to the hospital. Was anyone other than Julio Folio turning his life around? The rapper had survived the previous attempt on his life back in 2021. Thank God we got those final three years of his life to add to American culture. Julio Folio, rest in peace, bro. David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Howie, I'm sorry, I'm a part of the carrot reefing today and they had some independent investigators and the guy looked at nothing and he's like, "It looked like the brake light got hit with a glass." You know, you got to fight with your girlfriend and she dropped you off with a drink and you whipped the glass at the car and you broke the tail light and it was completely independent. But that doesn't mean she ran over him. That doesn't mean she ran over him, David. I know, it's unbelievable. Do you think she got those male lawyers through bumble? She's quite good looking, right? Stop it, stop it. Why are you making a joke about it? They were trying to put her away forever. Peg, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Peg. Hi, Howie. Hi. It was one piece of evidence, one forensic scientist. You know, there were two women in a row. Yeah. And one of them said when she came on the scene, somebody told her that the victim had been hit by the car and dragged. Now, that was the first time I had heard that one. I don't remember that one. I didn't listen to the whole -- that was today? No, no, no. This was a while back. But I didn't listen to the -- The Commonwealth's witnesses were -- Peg, and I'm being kind here, totally worthless. They were either incompetent and had no expertise to be experts, or they lied. And they were proven to be liars over and over again. Starting with the opening argument, by the way, in which Lally said that she killed them at 1245, and then one of their last witnesses, maybe their last witness, Gerino -- no, one of their last witnesses, said she was back in the -- and keeps house at 636. So none of their times worked, among many other things. I'm Howard Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. 802, the chances Karen Reid gets convicted are less than slim, we hope. However, what if anything happens to corrupt -- corrupt can't en -- mass in area, mass state troopers, who so brazenly were comp -- accomplices in trying to frame Karen Reid? That's the $64 question, 802. We don't know. But the fact that they're -- that they're moving in on the Sandra Birchmore case, which is -- which is the same people in the same district attorney's office, which said there was no -- no crime committed. It would indicate that maybe -- maybe something happens, but we can't count on it. 781. I'm working on a screenplay for a new independent movie called "Settin' It Can't in Massachusetts." It's a sci-fi title, "Night of the Self-Deletein' Phones." That's a good title, because that leaves you -- that -- that leaves you a title for the -- the sequel, "Night of the Butt-Diling Phones." It's the same night, too. Same night. I'll be hiring off-duty MSP coneheads as extras for the action scenes. Yeah, the action scenes mainly consist of them passing out in their cruisers and staggering out and leaving their guns and badges behind. That's -- and then texting one another about how women are all whack jobs or whack job c-words. Before we go back to the phone lines, I have a sad story. There were a lot of animals in the news today, starting with Chloe at the trial. They're just a human being. Oh, by the way, did -- did Julio -- Julio's mother leave a comment? He's a good boy, a very good boy. I think so, yes. I -- I hope he's got a couple of, you know, recorded albums in the can that, you know, could service his -- his cultural legacy to -- to American music or something. Speaking of Florida, where Julio, Julio bought the farm last week, a homeless Florida man taking a midnight dip in a lake, lost half his arm in an alligator attack. Moments after a concerned local warned him of the dangers lurking in the water. The daredevil -- is that the right word or is it drunkard? The drunkard who was identified only as a 31-year-old man was bitten last Sunday in Seminole County's Lake Monroe. The man was rushed to a nearby hospital and surgeon saved his life by amputating his arm at the elbow, according to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The entire nightmare could have been avoided had the swimmer heeded a fisherman's advice. I was like, "Man, we're just trying to help you, John Lawson," who was in his boat that night, told News 6 TV. And he acted like he was from Canton. "Ah, I'm drunk. I'm drunk every night of my life. I had never been bitten off by an alligator yet. Give me another fireball." Another animal in the -- last animal story in the news before we go back to the calls. Surfing legend Tamayo Perry has died following a shark attack in Oahu, Hawaii. Perry, who appeared in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film, was attacked near Goat Island on Sunday. He was 49. He was found on the North Shore by local surfers with an arm and a leg missing. Yikes. So let me tell that drunk guy in Seminole County could have been worse. You could have been attacked by a shark rather than an alligator. 844-542-42. Miller, you're next with Hawaii Car. Go ahead, Miller. Hawaii, listen. This is where the wind will read. If she loses, she'll be surrounded by law enforcement officers. Halaaba. Goodbye. Edward, you're next with Hawaii Car. Go ahead, Edward. You're there, Edward. Edward's gone. Bruce, you're next with Hawaii Car. Go ahead, Bruce. Hey, thanks, Maui. I'm a huge fan of trumps. I was a fan of his before he even went down the escalator. You know, I've spent my whole adult life in New York City. That stupid rink in Central Park could not get built for decades. Right. And he built it in days. And the way he did it, Koch was mayor, Koch didn't want him to do it. Because he knew it would show what a bunch of other foods the politicians were. And he threatened to, you know, go to the papers and say they won't let you do this. And so Koch gave it. And he also, Bruce, remember this, he volunteered. He said, "I'll bring it in under budget and ahead of schedule." And he did both. Right. And he said to them, "He promised if I can't do it under time and under budget, I'll pay for the whole thing myself." Who does that? So anyways, I love the guy. And I love that you know exactly where he's coming from every minute. You know, not a smile in your face politician while they slit your throat. But the thing I can't figure out how he is, why he would agree to these debates. And why the Republican? He has to, he has to, Bruce. He has no choice, does he? He has to, and the other guy is the incumbent. So you know, the challenger, whether it's in prize fighting or in politics, has always got to take on the incumbent if he gets a chance, doesn't he? Yes, I agree. But what surprised me is that he didn't say, "You get to pick one of the stations and I'll pick the other." Because it should be CNN and Fox or ABC and Fox, but it shouldn't be two deep state networks. And if any of us believe that CNN hasn't given the Biden administration every question... I understand that, Bruce. Do you really think though it makes any difference whether he has the questions or not when you're that far gone? That'd be good. I'd give it a guy in a nursing home, you know, anything, any kind of book to read. The great, the best book he ever wanted to read, it wouldn't matter. He's, his mind's gone. Yeah, I hope you're right. Because it just, I worry so much that they have, you know, he spent a week, they've drilled the questions into them. He knows when they're coming, he knows the sequence, he knows how to answer and they're going to shoot him up with drill. Drill, drill's a good word though, drill, it doesn't, think of it in oil terms. It doesn't matter if you're drilling, if it's a dry hole. There's nothing left between his ears, Bruce. Okay, I'll trust you. And thanks so much. Thank you. Trust your own eyes and ears. You see him every day until recently when he went into Camp David to the Iron Lung. Thanks for the call. 844-542-442-844-542-442. One person said that I said that the Wi-Fi proof she was at O'Keeves at 636. If I said that, I meant to say 1236. I'm sorry if I misspoke. 844-542-442. So have you heard about this situation in Georgia, home of Fannie Willis? They now have a judge who was involved in a brawl at three o'clock outside of a cocktail lounge. And she was arrested and of course she's a victim. Even though the cops are wearing body cams and she's shouting the N word at them, she's a victim. But her name is Christina Peterson. Christina Peterson. Here's a text about her. Douglas County probate judge Christian J. Peterson was protecting my friend and was getting, who was getting assaulted by a huge guy double her size when nobody helped her. This was a setup, says another one, Peterson for the people. Officer initially claimed he was charging me with disorderly conduct, all for trying to help a woman who was being attacked by men, then took me to jail and I find out I'm being charged with a felony now. Here I sit with bruises, black eyes, swollen knee and a felony charge because the officer's security and men there chose not to help this victim and instead find a way to charge me with a crime. Where is the protect and serve? Wow, they will stop at nothing to tarnish my character. God help us, we need justice. Power to the people. Power to the people. Meaning Judge Christina Peterson. Would you like to see how she was behaving? Would you like to see what she said to the police who were oppressing her? Cut 19. I pray for you. I pray for you sir. Listen to me. So I can book you in so you can go on with your day. So you can go on with your day. You know what I mean? The last person to ever charge me like this is died 30 days later, I pray for you. And I pray for you, my God. Have another drink. Just fire at all. Cut 20. But what? I wasn't close. I wasn't in the meeting. Shut the fuck up. You look like an animal turning. You look like an animal turning. You look like an animal turning. Shut the fuck up. Stop touching me. Don't. Yeah, stop touching me. I beg to choose the N word. I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. 844-542-42. A bad ice cube. Many bad ice cubes. 508. We're going to see Biden's body double on Thursday. I know that's kind of an off the wall internet theory. I'm not buying that. Body doubles aren't what they used to be. I don't think they're not -- this isn't the movies, you know. 844-500-42-42. Roger, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Roger. Hey. Hey, how are you? You know, June is turning out to -- hello. I'm here. June is turning out to be. Yeah? I'm here. We're having a problem with these phone lines. I don't know what it is. Eric, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Eric. How are we doing? How are you? Good. All right. Listen, are you listening every day? I love your show. Thank you. My concern is we haven't heard anything about internal fears investigating any of the bust of the McAlphants, whatever their stupid name is, about their place and this whole -- Well, they are investigating -- they are investigating Proctor, but they won't say what it is it's for, whether it's for those obscene text messages that he sent to his buddies in the state police and his high school buddies, or it's about making up the fake reports, cutting out Colin Albert and misspelling everybody's name, or about not investigating some of the leads, like the fact that Lucky Lockrin was out there, or soliciting tips from the McAlphants, as he called them, tips or gifts. I mean, there's a lot of things they could be investigating him for, Eric, but we don't know what they are. Right. But that's the state police, correct? Correct. Correct. Yes. Right. The Boston police, they're ghosting. I mean, John O'Keefe was the Boston police officer. Well, but the thing is, the guy whose lawn he was found on, Brian Albert, he was a Boston police officer, too, and now he's retired suddenly, abruptly, just like he abruptly sold his house, abruptly filled in the pool, abruptly dug up the flooring in the basement and abruptly got rid of his dog, and abruptly moved out of town. That's a lot of abruptness, isn't it? Yes, it is. The whole thing is disgusting. It really is. I mean, there's no other way to describe it. And now, you know, we'll be talking more in the coming days about this Sandra Birchmore case. It's been out there to a degree. I mean, this woman who, the Morrissey in the state medical examiner said that she committed suicide. Now, now the FBI is involved in this case because it's pretty clear to them that she didn't commit suicide. And it's also pretty clear. And the, there were three cops involved with her from Stoughton, and they've all been fired or forced out. One of them is on the post commission, not to be rehired list. And it's just, it's just another giant mess. And a lot of the same state, the woman died, wait for it. She died in Canton. Canton. And so all these Canton cops that were involved in the, in the John O'Keefe death were involved earlier in the death of Sandra Birchmore. And they somehow couldn't discover that there was any evidence that a murder had been committed, although a New York examiner, one of the best forensic doctors in the country said today in a report that that's exactly what happened. I tweeted it out earlier in the day if you want to check it out. 844-542. We'll take some more calls in just a moment. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want, when you want, on demand. You also don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all data here, a particular song or show. You could just play mere grace when you want to, at the click of a button on your phone. The same rule applies to real estate. You don't have to list your property at a price and then start negotiating. You don't have to wait an unknown period of time to sell. You don't have to listen to negative comments arising out of a home inspection. You can now choose to sell your real estate in a well marketed auction event with JJ Manning under your terms and best of all with no contingencies. Times have changed. Processes evolve and people do things differently. The way to sell your real estate is changing as well. JJ Manning uses their own 30-30 marketing plan, 30 days of marketing and 30 days to close. They have refined this process over 48 years. Luxury homes, rental properties, commercial land, JJ Manning knows how to squeeze all the juice out of the orange. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 805210111 or visit Call Charlie today at 805210111 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show will be right back. The Howie Carr is back. 844-542-442-844-542-442. Scotia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Scotia. Hey, Howie. I don't know how you guys might have missed this, but if you remember how Hillary used to wear a little earpiece, I'm wondering if Joe's going to wear an earpiece and they're going to say it's because he has a hearing problem during the debate because that's a really cool way to get all the information fed to you. You know, I don't know, Scotia, but I've suggested earlier that they should have a, that Trump should have some kind of jamming truck in the parking lot wherever they are. I think they're in Atlanta, right? Just, just try to jam any kind of electrical transmission. I mean, if there's no, if there's no problem, it shouldn't, it shouldn't, it shouldn't affect the candidates, right? You're just sending out random rays. Random rays. God knows what they'll give back. Thank you. Thanks. I think they could be doing anything. You know, some people think, somebody's saying that he's got, they're going to give him, they're putting patches on his arm and that they're going to give off drugs at different, at different times. I just don't know if you can keep hitting people that hard with them, especially when they're 81 years old and as Trump has pointed out, when he goes to the beach, he can't pick up a beach chair. I think my two-year-old grandson could pick up. He was picking up a chair the other day when I was down there. And, you know, I mean, he can't do that. And if they, you know, go to the commercial break and a bunch of doctors with giant syringes come out, I think Trump is going to, I think Trump is going to notice that. I think this is one of those things, like with the 60-minutes crew, when they wouldn't let him talk about the Hunter Biden laptop, you know, because CBS is very fake news. And he had it on his, he taped it himself. I think, I think he ought to, it would be great if he could have his own crew there, just to show what was going on so he could turn around. And if he can't speak, he could just turn around and, you know, make an sort of an off-stage remark that could be played back later, if not immediately. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. One of the chances is that cops will have to go in front of the post-overall this, the post-commission. This is the thing that certifies cops. Well, one of them has already been de-certified. One of the ones in Stoughton. And then he moved, he moved to New Mexico. Another one moved to New Mexico, where he's now working for TSA. So this is a guy who's been accused of grooming young girls, is now, is now patting you down at an airport. I know they're hard up for people for TSA, but come on. Come on. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. We're going to get some more calls in. We're going to take a lot of calls in this next hour. So everybody hang on if you want to be on. And we're going to play a lot of the sound cuts from the trial this morning. This was basically, except for the closing arguments tomorrow. This is the last day of the trial. Eight, four, four, or at least the last day of, you know, this was the last day of testimony. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. We will get back to the Karen Reed case and the debate and everything else. Rest in peace, Julio, Julio, on how we are. [MUSIC]