The Howie Carr Radio Network

Could the Karen Read trial be over this time tomorrow? TURTLEBOY weighs in | 6.24.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney joins the show to cover what could be the second-to-last day of the Karen Read murder trial. Plus, Howie got quite the kick out of Aidan's trip to Canton yesterday, and he tells the tale on-air.

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24 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. First of all, it takes someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper. Donald Trump to see the Jake Tapper head. We should note before angry tweets that Walter has been a fierce critic of the sleaze and the thousands of conflicts of interest that occurred during the Trump years. And the audience will not carry his remarks live because, frankly, he says a lot of things that are not true and sometimes potentially dangerous. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. I'll tell you, you're going to see a very energized President Biden who is looking forward to having these direct conversations with Donald Trump. 30% compared to before the pandemic. Don't jump. If you mean "struck" in that part of the body, on the arm. Yes. I would say, no, it doesn't look like that at all. It's like a bite. No, it's not a bite. My initial reaction when I saw this photograph was that it was probably an animal. And most likely, I would say a dog, rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Carr. Jake Tapper says Trump says a lot of things that aren't true. Frankly, he says a lot of things that aren't true. Do you remember when the Russian collusion story broke with the Steele dossier? No, it's not. He's not a journalist. I mean, Carl Bernstein used to be a journalist. But Jake Tapper was never a journalist. He made his bones by jumping Monica Lewinsky's bones. I mean, let's be honest. And by working for Chelsea Clinton's mother-in-law, he's not a journalist. He's a hack. He's a Democrat operative and an apparatic. Do you doubt me? Do you doubt me? Here's a montage of Jake Tapper. And again, I remember watching it saying, "This is bull-blape." I'm watching it on TV, writing this studio. This is crap. He paid prostitutes to pee on a bed next to the one he was going to sleep on. No one would do that. Let alone a guy like Donald Trump who's a germaphobe. It made no sense. And this is a shocking revelation. They're pretending it was real. And their mouth-breathing, national panhandle radio, welfare collecting, boomer trust-funded audience was eating it up, lapping it up with a spoon. But he lies. It was all lies. And he didn't want to know anything, knew it was a lie. Cut 10. Why this is interesting and significant is that President Trump and others are trying to say that the FBI is corrupt and they had this steel dossier, which they say has been discredited, which is not entirely true. That's entirely a lie. That's entirely a lie. And this whole investigation is based on nonsense. In this ad from the founders of Fusion GPS, it is that the dossier was taken seriously because it corroborated reports that Bureau had received from other sources, including one inside the Trump camp. There's obviously a big move to undermine the Mueller investigation. And we see it all the time with all the time. Which was a cover-up of Hillary Clinton's connections. Big hoax. At the end of the day, we were attacked. The American people were attacked. And that can't happen again. Yeah, by the FBI. And Hillary Clinton. That can't happen again. That can't happen again. That can't happen again. Going forward into what happened so we can make sure it doesn't happen again. The Mueller investigation was designed to stop the investigation into what happened. That's all it was. Is that it? That's it. 844-500. That just makes me want to throw up on TV. And young Trump's, here's the headline from Breitbart. "Young Trump Spokes" triggers CNN days before debate. Host freaks out on air. You know, I don't even think of Carol. I know she's young, but I don't think of her as being young. I just think of being someone who worked here at this outfit and did a great job and should be in Congress. And again, she's wise beyond her years in many ways. But I guess she is young. I just don't think of her that way anymore. 844-500-42-42. Pete, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Pete. Thanks for taking my call as usual. You know, I just watched it. I had it up on Roku anyways. And it was on Fox News with Martha McCallum. And they had on that David Carlucci, who was a former assemblyman in the state of New York. And he was talking about Jamal. The topic was Jamal Bowman and his rant and raving show there and the Bronx this past weekend. Whatever. And she asked him, she said, "Do you think this was appropriate?" And he goes, "The old comic crap propped on the Hudson line desperate times call for desperate measures." Which tells me, Howie, number one, that the demolition crafts were in full panic mode. Number one, and number two was the only way Joe Biden is going to be able to go through that debate and even last, if I don't think so, probably not, is if they prop him up with a big fork stick and fill him, pull him, jack him up, and infed him. Am I wrong? No, I mean, but I just don't know. You know, when you're that far gone, I don't know what kind of drug works. I'm not familiar with any kind of drugs that could keep him going for, you know, that extended amount of time. I mean, look, after her report came out, the special counsel said he was too senile to be prosecuted. He came out and for about three to five minutes on live national TV, prime time, he was okay. And then he started fading. I mean, they gave him a hot shot that night. You can give somebody a hot shot like that, but I don't know. What are the chances you can keep him going? You can give him a big enough dose to keep him going for an hour. I don't see it. I mean, I don't just as just as someone who watches Joe Biden and watches other people who have this problem. I don't see it. I don't see what they can do it. Well, I don't see how they can do it. Thanks for the call. Greg, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Greg. In 2021, I was dealing with the mass state police, their fleet section in to come to sell them products that get used in the vehicles and the vehicles up fit. Within the next following nine months between the interaction I had with the troopers there and what followed in attempting to get information about how to go about doing this. I talked to the AG, the IG, the Mass Ethics Commission, the FBI, and was talking with Ted Daniel before I ended up taking a turn in my career. At the corrupt group, I can go into a lot of details. I have a lot of documentation about this, but all the chit chat has spun me up with this case, which is so clearly on one side, but you really wouldn't know it from watching the mainstream press. No, you wouldn't look here. No, you wouldn't. I mean, the day they played those voicemails, they treated it like those voicemails were a significant factor other than humiliating an Edison woman again. You know, just like the state troopers personal messages to his high school buddies and to the other corrupt cops in the state police. And yeah, you're right. I mean, the weirdest thing about the doctor who said she first read about the story in the Boston Globe, and I think Turtleboy said this somewhere. He said, the only unbelievable part of that story is she read it in the Globe. The Globe never covered this story. The Globe had no interest in this story until they decided to say a couple of weeks ago in a column that everybody who supported care and read was a racist. I mean, that's not exactly what they said, but that was the essence of it. And again, they're not opposed to police brutality as long as it's police brutality on their side. If our heads are getting knocked, or a white heterosexual woman is getting railroaded into prison, that's okay, because Democrats are doing it. Michael Meatball Morrissey, the district attorney of Norfolk County, is a Democrat delegate to the National Convention. And, you know, I raised the issue two weeks ago. Nobody has said boo about it in the state Democrat party. Now, now today, there's another scandal involving cops, some of the same cops involving a woman named Sandra Burchmore, who allegedly killed herself in 2021. She was pregnant with a cop's child, or so she said, from Stoughton. Next door. Stoughton is next door to Karen. In case you didn't know. And she killed herself. Supposedly. She hung herself. She'd been groomed by these cops in Stoughton, which is also in Norfolk County. Meatball Morrissey's area, his district. Since she was 15 years old, she got pregnant. She quote unquote killed herself. That's what that's what the Morrissey ruled. Guess who's involved in this case? The FBI. Some people think that's how the FBI got involved in the care and read case, because they were investigating the corruption in this case. Now they just had the medical examiner in former New York medical examiner, who also was the medical examiner in the JFK assassination, congressional investigation from the 70s. And he said, here's my report today. This was not a suicide. She was murdered. She was murdered. She had a broken bone in her neck, which is never seen in a suicide hanging, but is seen in over half the strangulations of females. You know what Morrissey's office said? There's no indication this was anything but a suicide. So now they have a second scandal that is erupting on the day before there's probably going to be a jury in this in this scandal. How long is this guy going to remain a delegate to the Democrat National Convention? I'm sorry. That's the way I think it's I think that question has to be asked, but I'm the only one asking it. 844-542-442-844-542-442. Did they call it? Yeah, you know what? The medical examiner ruled that it was a suicide. Did they call the medical examiner a suicide, a whack job then when she got it wrong? No, they didn't. That's what they call women who disagree with them, whack jobs. Sometimes they call them a whack job c-word, if it's care and read. Because she's a she's a heterosexual white woman with no ass. That's what the state police say. Nice, nice people. These are the people that are making the decisions about law enforcement in this county. 844-542-442-844-542-444. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr. [MUSIC] He's Howie Carr, and he's back. [MUSIC] Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop it and true to from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. It's used in the Revere Public Schools, among many other places. It's simple to use and is rated to stop up to nearly 1700 pounds of force. Learn more at That's F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com. F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have been included in the CNN debate? Yes. Okay. Yes, no. Yes, no. Yes, no. Or yes, and Cornell West, and Jill Stein should have been included too. No, I vote yes, though. 63% say yes. 23% say no. 14% say the other two should have been included. Okay. All right. Equal time is overrated for people like Jill Stein, especially in Cornell West, to a lesser degree, I think. All right. It's that time of the week. It's Monday, and we like to do a segment where we check in with the love letters and fan mail that we've been getting, because we always get lots of it during the course of a week. And the audience has been up lately for obvious reasons, and so we're very happy about that, but you know, we must endure the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune in addition. Right, Grace? Yes, Howie. Now that you're wearing your laser cap, the slings and arrows are coming at us even faster than they usually do. There it is. Oh, wow. For how many cars hate mail Monday. So this is the time when I put on the laser cap, and we start taking the calls and the criticisms. And if you're wondering why how he has on the laser cap during the segment, which people are, people have commented how he, what the hell is that on your head? Hey, mail Monday is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. So if you're watching this segment live at slash the Howie Car Show, you can see how he wearing the laser cap. If you book a hair restoration in May or June, you too will get this cap valued at $3,000. You can contact them today at or call 1-800-208-HARE. I tell you, I think it's working too. I know it's not supposed to show any results for three to six months, but I've been wearing it for a month and a half, and I like it. It's getting something done. And you guys could get your own once again if you call 1-800-208-HARE or go to Okay, so we have a lot of voicemails today. I would like to start Jared with Cut One, please. How we got? You talk much? You sound embarrassed like Biden every day. And stop interrupting people in that talk and you sound like a f***ing idiot. You sound like Biden. You're losing it, Howie. I didn't come here to be made sport of by someone who's already lost it. I was going to say coming from that guy wouldn't take it too seriously. He sounds like he lost it a long time ago. Howie, I also received a hate mail this week. Can I have Cut Four, Jared? Hey, this is a hate mail Monday. It's for Grace, where if you don't play this because serious users become down for High Horse. But I will throw out the challenge again. I will donate $5 to the charity of your place, but every sentence that you can start without saying, "Yeah." $5? Yeah. You know what's funny, though, Howie, and you think- What's the name of your horse? I didn't know you had a horse, especially a high horse. Loretta. Do I really stand on my legs all night? Well, you know what's weird, Howie, is that when you talk for three hours, you talk for four, so you know this too. You're going to have patterns that you do that people get very annoyed for. Correct. I know, because one thing I do is I always say, "Here's the thing. People hate that as well." So, I'm working on it. Hey, Wilbur, get a load of this story here at the bottom of the page in the corner. Does Mr. Edna know, Loretta? Loretta! All right, we also have Cut 2. This one's for Howie. Howard, this is Aunt Mabel. Stop being able to phone on the air, just so the clapping fields can laugh. You sound like an idiot. That is not- That's not Aunt Mabel. Aunt Mabel had a good Portland main, southern main accent. She would say, "Howie." Would she ever call you an idiot? Like, I'm sure she could be harsh, but she wouldn't call you an idiot. No, and if you saw one of the little kids, one of my grandchildren, she'd say, "Aren't they kind of Howie?" That was the word she used to kind of. That's an old- that's an old-style New England word. That's cute. Okay, we have another one for Howie. Gee, you know what else you'd say if I did something? You Lummox. Lummox is a great word. Lummox. You know who that reminds me of? Al Gore. Yeah, with the masseuse. I hadn't heard that since my Aunt Mabel passed on when I heard her describe Al Gore as a Lummox. All right, this is Cut 3, Howie. On the eve of Pearl Harbor, would we be allowing military-aged Nazis into the country or Japanese? Yeah, howie. Put the Japanese second on the eve of Pearl Harbor. You're all f***ing idiot. I think there was more problems with letting Germans into the country than it was Japanese at the time. I think that's not really a proper criticism. Howie, you posted a photo of Roscoe on your Instagram? Yes. And some people are applying back into the messages saying that you don't have a manly dog and your dog is, you know, fufu. A beautiful dog. A talented dog. A girly dog. Today, he gets these treats from Hippie out on the bike path next to this- next to the brook. And so he got there first before these two white golden retrievers and the white golden retrievers on a set. Uh oh, dogs. You got beat here by a dog that's smaller and cuter than you are. Oh. So that was a- so that's my answer to someone who said Roscoe is fufu. What a cunning dog. He is. I'm Howie Darr. The latest episode of Meet the Experts is out and features one of my favorite organizations, Reeths Across America. Executive Director Karen Wooster explains the origins of the project and how it's grown into a worldwide collaboration. Tell us all about Reeths Across America. We have most known for place in Reeths during December. This year it will be probably close to 45 hundred locations. One of our largest areas of growth are in small community cemetery. Tell us about the Giving in July campaign for Reeths Across America. Well, Giving in July is a time when we call attention to the other organizations and the other groups that we work with. And they use our sponsorship program. The seventeen dollars that sponsors the Reeth will also return five dollars to that organization. We believe a person dies twice. The first time when their hat stops beating, but the final time is when the name is open for the last time. And it's more important than ever. For us to be sharing stories with kids who can't be flip about freedom. It's not paid off. It's still an open checkbook here going on for freedom. Listen to the full episode of Meet the Experts Wherever You Get Your Howie Cars Show Podcasts. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 818 says, and in Maine, cunning is pronounced cunning. No G on the end. I explained that to Grace as we went into the break. 818. All right. Today was the last day of the actual trial down in Dedham. The closing arguments are tomorrow. The witnesses are all done. Everything's done except for the closing arguments, instructions to the jury. And then it goes to the jury probably by noon. And we could, well, Alaska, Aiden Carney, Colonel Boy, what he thinks. You can think we're going to get a verdict tomorrow. Aiden? I don't think I'm going to be back in Dedham on Wednesday. That's my prediction right now. Tomorrow this jury is going to go and they're going to get in their room and they're going to look at each other. And for the first time they're going to talk about the station they go. So we all agree that this is bologna, right? Like this is obviously. Thank God you were thinking what I'm thinking. And they're going to be out of there in an hour. They've been here for two and a half months. They don't want to be here for a minute longer. They're not going to waste their time bringing every piece of nonsense in. They know the thing is a frame job and will be out by probably three o'clock tops. I hope so. I hope so. There's, you know, I just wonder if they've, you know, Sean McDonough keeps saying maybe meatballs slipped a ringer in there so that they're going to at least hang it up and get it hung jury and, you know, claim a puric victory. But I don't even see that happening to you. Now, I'm not from, I mean, I've looked at the jury. I've tried to find the McAlvert McGroup. I just, I can't see one. I just can't look at that group and see somebody that they would socialize with. And unfortunately I had a little run in with them last night. I was going to say, I was going to, I wanted to just talk about the, you know, the, when we're going to get an end to this. But I must say turtle boy, that was superb entertainment last night. That's the future of media in my opinion. If, if the Washington Post wanted to start producing that, they wouldn't be losing 77 million bucks a year. You, and you turned it around in like record time too. That was the great thing about it. Tell people what happened if they haven't seen it and where they can see it. So we went to Canton yesterday to recreate, we drove Karen Reed's ride. Nicholas Garino said that John's apple house data has him ascending into sending stairs at 12, 22 when he was on this street called Oakdale Street. And they said that Oakdale is really hilly. And so that, that's what made it look like he was descending in descending stairs. So I decided to drive Oakdale Street yesterday and see if my apple house data showed me going up a flight of stairs. It's, it's like Indiana in there. Like it's the flattest street I've ever seen in my life. And it's the surprise of nobody. My, I didn't climb a flight of stairs in my apple house data. So he lied. He lied. And so then we were hungry and we decided to go. I've talked so much about Sea of McCarthy that might as well eat there. So we go there and we, it's right next to D&E Pizza, which is owned by Chris Albert. Right. And we walk by and Colin, this person comes outside who I later find out is Colin Albert and he starts saying something to me. And I said, I look at him like, Oh, it's Colin Albert. So it took a selfie. And then he goes inside and he says, I'm calling the cops. Okay. And we went to Sea of McCarthy's. We ate for about an hour. And when we're in the bar, who's right across from us? Julian and Nagel with her brother, the one that saw the black blob on the lawn. And by this point, they're calling up their Macalberts and whatever. And then after an hour, we go outside and it's like getting the minute men together. And when the British are approaching, like sitting in Concord. Yeah, it did. It's a point here. Why don't I throw a boy to it? Yeah. And so they're, they're like sitting outside like the Sopranos outside of Satriels outside of the deli. All of them sitting there, you know, spitting. And, you know, having a chew. And they come outside and they start giving us the business. And so I took my phone out and I start, you know, from my own protection and started filming it. And this guy, Jim Ferris, comes over. He's Chris Albert's 50 year old delivery guy in a Prius, comes over and hits me and smacks my phone into the middle of the street. Okay. Well, now I start like we call the can police. I start live streaming it. They don't get there for 15 minutes. And during that 50 minutes, this lovely creature by the name of Jill Daniels, the sister of Julie Albert, the aunt of Colin Albert, arrives. Gets out of her car, like gets out of the shotgun and runs right over to me. Yeah. She was chauffeured down. That's what I got. I couldn't believe that someone didn't just drive us straight to a mental health facility if she wanted to come down and, you know, tangle with you. But she was, is she the one who offered the tip to the quote unquote tip to Michael Proctor? No, no, that's Julie Albert. Julie, her sister. Okay. I'm sorry. Yeah. Yeah. She, I mean, Jill Daniels is aged like a leather couch. If you look at her, I mean, she's not, she needs to stay out of this. Well, you know, you, you really, I mean, the thing you wrote on February 14th, I went back and reread it after I watched the thing. You said, no, I won't be your Valentine. That was. Yeah. That was a memorably nasty column, but I'd forgotten about it in the Russia of other things. But she hadn't forgotten a single line. She threw every rotten thing you said about it back in her, back in your face. It was hilarious. These people don't, these people don't miss a show. That's why they're making even, you can't ignore what I'm making. They, they listen to everything I say to these people. So, yeah. And the beauty of it is they did, they, like, it was Colin and Chris. And, uh, I mean, Ryan Nagaloo, I thought it was on my side and they're all down there. And they were yelling the most heinous stuff that is possible. And we just kept our composure and we let them act this way. And, you know, I said the right to my lawyer, like, these are the people I'm charged with intimidating. These are the people who were supposedly so scared of me. Two of them are now being charged with assault and battery. And, you know, they're just like, these are the innocent victims that we're supposed to believe with. And, you know, the evidence is rather incontrovertible. It's right there on video. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's like, this is, by the way, a selectment in the town. Like, his sons are out there mouthing off to me, saying crazy things about pregnancies. And God knows what. And, you know, sexually harassing women, uh, you know, I'm there with my girlfriend. They're going after her. And it's like, so it's, it's an increase. At no point does Chris Albert say, guys, cut it out. Let's go inside. He's loving it. He's yelling stuff back and forth. And also, too, it was ironic to this guy, Chris Albert, the, the selectment. Okay. It's his, he's the pizza shop owner. And he's screaming at Turtle Boy and yelling at him and all this stuff. And he's a jail bird. He did six months for killing somebody before he hired Judge Canone's brother as his, as his public defender. So he, he yells, this the aldermen who's, who's also an ex-con, he turns around and you see what's on the back of his t-shirt, Turtle Boy. Oh, it says back to the blue, back to the blue. I mean, you know, you did this in a Hollywood movie that say, no, that's, that's going too far, Turtle Boy. That's good. He's not wearing a, he's a con. He did time. He's. They all have back to blue stuff and that's they hide behind it. They've, they've cloaked themselves in like pro police stuff and they all have John O'Keeves like that number on their car. These are just psychopaths to act like this, sociopaths. And everybody knows what they did. I'm being charged. So I got to be careful what I say to these people. And, you know, they want a provoking incident with me. I'm not going to give it to them. So I, you know, I held my composure. I'm not the one being charged. Now they are in good riddance. Some of them look like that escaped from a sheltered workshop too. I mean, they just, they just, they didn't look like, and the other thing too is, I said this earlier, if you're going to do street intimidation, the key is not to say anything, especially when front of witnesses, you know, you just glare bailfully at somebody. Don't you? I mean, if this is what, if this is what they're willing to do sober in the middle of the day and on a busy street in broad daylight. Think of what they do after a, you know, six, six or seven drinks behind closed doors and Brian Alpert's house. When someone like John O'Keefe mouts off to them. Think about that. You know, like, that's how brave these people are. They're assault you in broad daylight. They don't care. And they're going to call the police because they know the police work for them. I mean, this is the entitlement. Like, and I'm happy that they did this. I'm happy they acted this way because this showed the world. Like, oh, man, these guys aren't some, you know, people that we should feel bad for. Some innocent witnesses being bothered. No, these people, people are believe that they were involved in this for a reason because they act like this in public and they just to go around assaulting people. And Chris Alpert on video threatened to like bash my brains in along the middle of the street. It's like, they don't care. I know whatever happened to like, you know, he's a, he's a, he's a town father. That's what a selectment is, right? You know, and he's the, he's promoting this kind of rancid behavior on. I'm trying to stimulate his economy. Like I go into his, they told me to get out of kin. What are you doing in kin? I'm paying money to a local business. I thought that's how an economy is supposed to work. I come from out of town. I bring money in. It's green. I give it to this business. They pay taxes. Unlike Chris Alpert, they pay their taxes and the funds the roads in the schools and the police. This is a good thing. And we have a selectment thing. Get out of kin. Your money's no good here. Harry from where him says the porn stash and backwards baseball hat on Chris Albert Jr. were also very can. They were. I didn't recognize him. He's like a bit player in this whole thing. He's like, you don't recognize me. I'm like, you're just not high on the hierarchy of McAlbitt. I don't know which one you are. Can you introduce yourself son? And yeah, you look like Mighty Mouse. So I got to play a cut for you here from this morning for this afternoon. This is Lally, again, another pathetic performance in his final performance on the field before the closing argument. But he was with Dr. Andrew Rinsler. And by the way, were they hired by another agency or by an entity? They were using those terms interchangeably. Who were they referring to that had hired them, the experts? I can't imagine that. That's with FBI. Yeah, I know. It's just the jury's got to have figured out what's going on here. These experts were not paid by Karen Reed. They were paid by the FBI. The FBI intervened in a case involving a dead cop allegedly being murdered. A loyal Democrat like Mike Morrissey, who's a delegate to the convention, is prosecuting this alleged cop killer. And the FBI intervenes on behalf of the cop killer. It's unprecedented, I believe, isn't it? It is. No, it absolutely is. And they're investigating the investigation. And, you know, part of that is investigating whether or not it's possible for John or Keith to get hit by a car. And unlike Trooper Paul, who tells us this wild story about somebody sticking his arm out and doing a pirouette in the middle of the air. Holding two glasses. Yeah, these guys not only explained that it is really impossible based on the lack of denting on the car, the injuries to John's body, you know, where he was found, et cetera, that it's impossible to say that this guy got hit by a car. And then they explained it to the jury and words that they could actually understand. These jury was engaged. They were listening to this guy. Like, it's hard to stay awake through some of these experts, especially the tech people. But these guys just kept them engaged. And it was just very obvious. I mean, they saved their best witnesses for last. Last guy, especially Renschler, like, loudly tried grilling him a few times. And it didn't work out the way he hoped for. No, let me play this cut with. This is, I think this is the one takeaway that everybody used on social media. Cut 16. So whether the ground could cause it or not, the roadway could cause it. The curb could cause it. A back could cause it. There's numerous different possibilities. And we don't really have enough evidence in this case to determine what one specific event actually caused that injury. You didn't have enough evidence based on what you provided. Isn't that fair? I didn't have enough evidence based on what I was provided in even looking at the additional evidence that I became aware of after the fact, there's still no evidence. I mean, you can't deny the science and the physics as to what would have happened if he was struck by the vehicle. So anything past that, you have to somehow overcome that hurdle, which is very difficult to do. You can't deny the science or the physics. It kind of sums it up, doesn't it? Yeah, I said, no evidence. This is a trial you're trying to convict a woman on no evidence. Like the medical examiner got up there and just like, yeah, I guess this could happen and this could happen. And Larry is like obsessed with frozen ground. He's like, what if the ground was frozen? Surely that could cause it. As if it turns into like plexiglass when it gets cold outside. As if there's no longer soil and grass on top of it. Like your lawn turns into a dangerous once object apparently when it snows. What is he talking about? I want to play the guy with the dog bites. Dr. Frank Sheridan, people said he sounded like Sean Connery, but he thought he was pretty good actually. Cut that one. What is your opinion regarding whether those injuries are consistent with being struck with an individual being struck by a vehicle? If you mean struck in that part of the body on the arm? Yes. I would say no, it doesn't look like that at all. Can you explain that? Well, if you're hit by a vehicle for whichever party your body is hit, if it's a significant impact at all, you're going to get bruising and we don't have any bruising here. We just have linear, what I would call linear abrasions without any bruising. That does not look to me at all. Remoked that I should impact from a motor vehicle. It doesn't look remotely like it. I mean, I had even close. I mean, that's too dog bite people come on yesterday and it's just like dirt. I mean, a child can look at those pictures and say, I mean, a tail light, bro. Like, that's the best you got a tail light. Right. And then one of the experts said today that the tail lights don't break like that. How could the Canton cops in the state police find 46 pieces of a tail light that doesn't break like that? Yeah, they can't please didn't find it. It wasn't there when they brought their leaf blower out. It magically appeared 12 hours later, of course. We know that by now. I just, I can't, I'm really looking forward to the mark. I mean, they saved the best for last. They kept it. They could have kept calling witnesses who could have, you know, they could have called these people that were bit by Chloe and other people who could have helped. The tow truck driver. Yeah. They're like, but we're winning. You know, we're winning. We're going to call the plow guy. We're going to call lucky. And then we're going to call the experts. And then we're going to call it a day. And we're going to leave on a high note with make it very clear. This is impossible. This could not have happened. End of story. And you got to quit this lady. So she's officially, I think they're going to play tomorrow. Well, I hope I will have you with us tomorrow, you know, with the discuss in one way or another. If you can make it, we certainly hope you can. And let's hope we're celebrating 24 hours from now. And Turtle Boy, people want to know where can they see the video from last night? It should be on our YouTube channel, Turtle Boy Live, and on my Facebook page, Clarence Wood-Gemerson. It's worth it. It's a lot of laughs, I could tell you. Thanks, Turtle Boy. That's Aiden Carney. And he'll be with us again tomorrow. Hope we have a verdict by then. As always, as soon as I return to New England, I made a visit to Perfect Smiles. Peter Houtman and his team are the best in New England, and I think the whole country. When you're planning dental work, you want to be confident about the quality of the staff and their work. Perfect Smiles has an easy to get to office in Nashua, New Hampshire, right over the Massachusetts border. And it's a comfortable office, too. Before my dental appointment, I sat in their massage chair in the lobby for about a half an hour. The reason I mention that is because everything at Perfect Smiles makes you comfortable. As soon as you walk in, sit down in that lounge area in the front, get into that massage chair, and then go into the office. They will keep you very happy. It's the ultimate painless dentist. They have the best dental hygienists I've ever seen. The dentists themselves are fantastic, starting with Dr. Houtman. And now he's added two more dentists to his practice. This will cut down on your wait time to get an appointment. Perfect Smiles will always fit you in when you have an emergency, as they have done for both me and the mailroom manager. And that's very convenient, as you'll learn if you ever have a dental emergency. Whatever your dental needs are, you need to try Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire. Take a look at my video testimonial at or call them at 603-595-6699. You won't be disappointed. Change your smile. Change your life. 603-595-6699. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show will be right back. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Carr, is back. We just tweeted out a link or we're tweeting out a link. It's already out on YouTube where to see the video. It runs like about an hour and 15 minutes and he's just setting it up at first because it's right on, you know, he just got back and he's trying to put it together. And he's got it from three different angles. And it's just hilarious. And when Jill Daniels arrives, it's like a scene out of a Hollywood movie. I mean, there's an empty space right in front, like the director said. We got to have so that the villain can come in and park in the space. But being Mick Alberts, she just, or her driver, just halfway blocks the lane in double parks. Even though there's a space available for him and she jumps out and starts screaming at him. Screaming. You said my face looks like leather. And you talked about my teeth. And he said, no, that's Jen McTooth who's talking about. She's just yelling and carrying on. And then the kid with the porn mustache and the one, his name is Sam Nagel. Very, very slow looking, speaking guy. But he knows all the band words by the FCC. I'm Howie Dark.