The Howie Carr Radio Network

Cut the Feed: Karoline Leavitt Calls in About Getting Booted From CNN | 6.24.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Sean Spicer calls in to give his takes on the upcoming debate. In addition, he brings up a great question regarding Snopes sudden realization. Later, Karoline Leavitt dishes on being cut off by CNN's Kasie Hunt for speaking the truth.

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24 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Eviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. And thank you so much for joining us. It's a big week in national politics. The first presidential debate is occurring on CNN. It will be hosted by Jake Tapper. And there was a quote that was floating around that really caught my attention. "I think our side has to make sure that we keep the bar off the floor. Because right now, merely showing up is a win for Joe Biden. Sean Spicer, former White House press secretary and host of the Sean Spicer podcast, joins us now. Sean, thanks so much for coming on. Give us your thoughts and why you think that's so important. Why are you worried that we're setting the expectations so low for Joe Biden? Well, it's great to be with you, Grace. I think quite simply because the expectation now we've seen the stairs and the fumbles and what they're calling cheap fakes, which are translation videos that they don't want you to watch. And so what's happened is we've got to the point where if Joe Biden shows up and speaks coherently for a few minutes, the media is going to deem that as a win. And so, look, there's a reason they're holding the guy up at Camp David for seven days. It's like a spa vacation just to get him ready for this thing. And it's because they know that the expectations are such that they don't have to come out and make some massive policy pronunciation. They just need to come out and be like, look, I'm alive. Yeah. And something I appreciate, Sean, about when you're dealing with the mainstream media is you know, going in, it's an uneven playing field, you know, you don't go in expecting a fair fight and then complain about it. You go in ready to take on a lot of people with a lot of biases. And I think that Donald Trump shares that maybe it's just from his four years in the White House. He shares that mentality where you have a lot of Republicans now saying you shouldn't have agreed to all these rules. He shouldn't have agreed to go on CNN. He's not going in there as some naive newcomer thinking that Jake Tapper is going to give him a fair shot with that being said, what do you think he needs to do to keep the momentum and to challenge the questions that Jake Tapper might have if they aren't fair, if he's not giving Joe Biden enough of a pushback, what does Donald Trump need to do to kind of take over? A couple of things. I think first and foremost, look, I hate to say that you're absolutely right on the Trump front, right? But no one's going to give him credit that he's going into the lines dead. Caroline Levitt was on CNN and Casey Hunt, who was the washed up MSNBC host, got mad at her because she simply argued that people should Google Jake Tapper. She said, I'm not going to sit back and listen to attacks on my colleagues. My answer is telling him to Google someone isn't an attack. That being said, to your question, what should Trump do? Trump should get in no matter what the question, no matter what the issue, remind people that elections are about the future and that his record of accomplishment under four years of him versus the three and a half years of Joe Biden aren't sharp contrast, whether it's energy independence, the world not being in utter chaos, unemployment, a secure border, you name it, it always better under him. And just keep pivoting and saying, Joe, name something that you're proud of because the only thing that the Biden campaign can point to is this veiled, ridiculous threat about democracy and abortion. And that's it. So if I were Trump, no matter what the question or whether it was Biden himself or his lackey and Jake Tapper, I would just say, look, this is about the future. My record as president did this and this. We saw this today and this is somewhat else topic, but I don't think it is, Grace. The Snopes thing today, yes, seven years later, like somehow they had to take like a wagon. They said, we finally got around to checking the C-SPAN archive and I'm like, do you not have Google there? But my point is that they are creating narratives. They are against Trump. And so if we think that anything to your point is going to be fair, I mean, that's not going to be fine. That's not happening. So Trump needs to just get people, especially this group of what they call double haters, to remember what matters. Talking about Hunter and taking potshots at Biden may reinforce the base, may get people juiced up, but it's not going to win anyone new. The people who are undecided in this race are going to be swayed by policy and saying, that's going to make my life better and safer and Trump has the better record to talk about. So as long as you can come out and stay and not take the bait and stay focused on that, he wins. I'm so glad you brought up Snopes because that was on my list of things to go over because fact checkers like Sean just pointed out from Snopes, they finally debunked the very fine people on both sides lie and the way they phrased it was, we looked into these claims. They looked into these claims however many years later and it's like, what took you so long and keep in mind, and Sean knows this, but I want everyone in the audience to keep in mind that that very fine people hoax right along with the 51 intelligence intelligence agents and their letter debunking Hunter's laptop as Russian disinformation. Those were central tenants of Joe Biden surviving the debates last time around. So he was using those lies that the mainstream media pushed to save his ass during the last debates. Now, you just mentioned the double haters, Sean, and I've heard this, this is the second time I've heard this today, explain to people what that means and why critics are kind of analyzing that group of voters and thinking that those might be the people who could change the outcome of the election. So double haters, look, you have to live under a rock that's like on top of another rock to not know Joe Biden and Donald Trump, right? Everyone who's listening to the show knows who they are and has been opinion. Double haters are people who don't like either one of them and don't know who they're going to vote for. So they know them, they're aware of them, and they just can't make up their mind who they're going to vote for. And so that is, you know, three to four percent in a lot of these battleground states. And they're key. So it may not be a ton of people, but it's enough to sway an election. Michigan in 2016 was 10,000, I think Wisconsin was 40,000 in 2020. So you don't need a ton. And that's what everyone has to remember is watching the debate. I've been doing these campaigns for a long time. And a lot of times people say, I didn't like that ad and I didn't like this. And it's like, right, because you're already with us. Or you're never going to vote for us. One of the two, the ads and the messaging is always about getting people who you still need to get. And right now we need to get double haters as the thing. One last thing on the Snokes thing, by the way, before I forget, remember, this is all about a branding exercise. I mean, you brought up the hoax, the Russian disinformation, the Steele dossier, the laptop, the convicted felon to the Dems, it's all about trying to brand Donald Trump. They can't run against him on the issue since they want to figure out ways to say, see, he's a convicted felon. He was a racist, whatever it is. And so therefore you can't vote for him. But the timing, I'm going to tell you this, Grace, there's something weird about this. Seven years to the, almost to the date later, they suddenly said we figured we'd finally fact check this. Why? What's going on? Because there's something weird about it's doing a fact check from a liberal fact check inside seven years after the fact, unless they know that something's about to break and they had to do it to be on the right side of history, there is something just so odd about this. I've never seen anything like it. And I'm telling you, I don't know what it is or when it'll happen, but something's going to happen and everyone's going to look back and think that's why they did this. You're absolutely right. And you know what, Sean? I never thought of that, but they're not telling the truth because, you know, if they're integrity or, you know, the fact that they want to be honest with people, you are on the money with that. There is some reason, there's some motivation that would cause them to do that. And I guess we'll just have to wait and see, but what a brilliant point. I did want to ask you, Sean, you know, we talking about this debate prep, you brought up Joe Biden. He's going to be a camp. He's already at Camp David. He's going to be there the whole week prepping for this until the debates on Thursday. But let's talk about Donald Trump's prep. What do you know? Because sometimes people will ask me, especially if I have Caroline Lebanon, they'll say, please make sure that she relates to Trump, how important this is, you know, he needs to be prepared. He needs to do X, Y, and Z. I don't relay any of that because Caroline is very capable of, you know, telling him what she wants to tell him. But as someone who's been very close to the president in the past and you've seen the way he works, what does he do leading up to these debates? Well, first of all, I would just echo this. I appreciate everyone concerned for the president asking you to say that. But this guy, he gets it. You know, people don't need to remind him. I'm just going to tell you this right now. He gets it. He understands the moment. He understands the importance of it. So I don't think anyone needs to remind him of that. Secondly, I mean, the way that Trump prepares is two ways. One, I think he seemed at the rallies like he was in Pennsylvania. He loved testing material out to get out what's working, how the crowd resumes. The second is through these discussions that he has with people. So he'll bat around ideas or policies or lines with people. Maybe he's sitting around a table, but it's not your traditional standard of podium and someone throws lines at him and tries to get him or, you know, you with a timer and saying you only have 20 seconds to come back. Like I assume that's what Biden's folks are doing, right? Trump is very much more of a casual, like, let me try this out on you or walk me through what you think is a tweet to this policy that I could make. Like, I guarantee you he brings up the tipping thing, right? Right. And those are the kind of things that he'll work out in a rally maybe and then run by the advisors and say, okay, I think I want to bring this up to debate. What do you think about this, walk me, you know, so he might get a policy guy to say, okay, the one downside is, you know, the CBO, the congressional budget office, I'm going to score this at this. So we need to have an answer on how do we make up for that revenue or something. But I'm just saying that the key doesn't sit down and get peppered. You'll have conversations or discussions with policy folks or his aides, you know, the Jason Miller, Stephen Miller's of the world that will sit down and do back and forth. But it's more of a conversation that it is a prep session. I'm speaking with Sean Spicer, who is the host of the Sean Spicer podcast. He's been nice enough to have me on his show before. And what I love about your show, Sean, is we always, you know, we always go over some hypotheticals. What do we think would be the best move for this or that? And one of those that's been floating around for a long time now is Donald Trump's VP pick. You know how important it is as someone who was a spokesperson for Trump, that the people surrounding him, the people that he chooses to be in his cabinet, to be by his side. If he were to be elected, they need to be able to deliver a message. They need to be able to, as we were just saying, go into these situations, knowing it's not a fair fight, knowing they're going into the lines den and still be able to perform. With that being said, of all the people you've heard being tossed around for VP, is there anyone in particular who you think I would feel very comfortable with that person having the president's back? So you've got a list of eight out of quarter of the media. The one person that's not on that list that I continue to have as my dark horse is Lee's Elbin. I explained why later. But then the top three that I would give you are Bergum, Rubio, and Vance. Each of them I can make a very strong case for. I think there's another five that are apparently on his list. I think they'd all be good. There's none of them that I would not want to have as a vice president. That being said, I think when you break down the case for each one in terms of how they could help him partner with him and carry on the MAGA, America First Agenda in 2028, I think those will be the three most compelling ones. Sean Spicer, please let everyone know where they can find your show, where they can follow you on social media, where they can subscribe to all your channels. Best thing to do is go to Sean The show is every night on YouTube and Rumble, Sean Spicer on Rumble and YouTube. And last real quick, Grace, I put out a brand new documentary available right now at It is Trump's front row Joe's. It is a two year documentary when we sat down with President Trump and all of the top supporters of Trump. The front row Joe's, followed them from a rally to rally event to event, got to know them. You can go to front row Joe', front row Joe' or Salemnow right now to stream it. And I'm telling you President Trump was great to sit down with us and explain his movement, who the backbone they are of these MAGA supporters, these front row Joe's. And I loved making this movie and I'm telling you, people who've never been to a Trump rally or never met a front row Joe are going to be blown away by the intensity and the historic nature of this movement. What an awesome concept. I cannot wait to check that out. Sean Spicer. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your time. I know what a busy guy you are and we love having you on. Friend of the Grace Curly show. He's been on multiple times before. We will keep up with Sean. Well, maybe we'll be able to get his review of the debates after Thursday and we will be right back with all your questions. And there was something, you know, what Sean just said about the fact that there's a reason why they're telling us this now from Snopes. We're going to come back to that. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to call on the air anymore. You just stream what you want when you want it on demand. You could watch Sean Spicer's documentary. You just pull it up on demand and you don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day, although you're more than welcome to the same rule applies to real estate. You don't have to list your property at a price and then start negotiating. You don't have to wait for an unknown period of time to sell. There's all these rules that we think we have to follow with our real estate and you don't have to do that. But what you should do is you can sell your real estate in a well marketed auction event with JJ Manning under your terms. The best of all, my favorite part, no contingencies. Times have changed. Processes have evolved. People do things differently. The way to sell your real estate is changing too. So you think to yourself, okay, this is great. JJ Manning, they got their 30, 30 marketing plan, 30 days of marketing, 30 days to close, no contingencies. They've got this refined process. They've been doing it for 48 years. It's a proven success, but how do I reach them? Well, I've got the information for you. If you want to get your commercial, residential or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. We'll be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all with that. It interests. Hey, jurors. That is the evidence in this case after all these weeks. That's the evidence that you will hear in this case. The lawyers and I still have work to do for tomorrow, but tomorrow morning we will have closing arguments of counsel, they'll get an hour of peace to be able to argue these days to, I'll instruct you on the law and then 12 of you will begin your deliberations. So on the first day of the ninth week of the Caron retrial, the defense has rested and I'm really glad we got Mark Betero for 2 o'clock, although now I'm starting to think I told Turtleboy 205, oh boy, I think I double booked. You know what? I'll tell Turtleboy, I'll understand. I'll say I already booked Mark Betero now and you'll be on Halley's short for 30. I don't think he'll be too offended, although when he hears Taylor's take on everything he might be, but we'll wait on that. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Hout in Nashua, call 1A44 a Perfect Smile or visit Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is, who does RFK lead Jr's absence from the debate stage most benefit Biden, Trump or neither? I think his absence from the debate stage benefits Trump because if he were on the debate stage, it would give Joe Biden more time to rest in between the questioning. And I think that Joe Biden would appreciate someone else on the stage beyond him and Donald Trump. I'm saying that his absence benefits Trump more. Does that make sense? No, because last hour I said that's what you said, but you said no, Biden. I think the phrasing of the question is confusing me. I'm just saying Trump is Trump stands to benefit the most from RFK Jr's absence. That's what you're saying. Yeah, I guess so because now I've confused myself. Do you want my do you want my logistical reasoning for? I think it's Biden because, um, no, wait a second, the question is so confusing. Is anyone else? This is like inception. Is anyone on the website confused by this? I guess that would be correct Trump because RFK would have taken more time away from the other two's answers. So Joe Biden now has to answer more questions. I'm so good at picking poll questions. I've confused myself. You did leave the phrasing up to me. Yeah, I'm going to say, I think it's Trump. You think Trump benefits the most? Yes. Yes. 17, 17.6% think Trump benefits the most, 54.7% say Biden benefits the most and 27 and a half percent say neither. You know, I don't think we're going to have time today to get to all of the news because there was another cut out there from Maxine Waters and she's claiming that Trump has called for civil war, if he doesn't win back the presidency in 2024. And so I went through because Trump has never said that he, she, she says blood in her comments that he called for blood. He called the auto industry, what was going to happen to the auto industry, it was going to be a bloodbath. That's already been debunked. Snopes in seven years. Don't worry about that one. We've already got that one under control, but I have cuts of Kamala Harris, Pramila Jayapal, who recently was in the news for laughing at the story about the 13 year old girl who was raped in broad daylight by the 25 year old Ecuadorian illegal immigrant. All of these people calling for that kind of violence, take to the streets, you know, do all these things. But in Maxine Waters is crazy mind. She has somehow attributed all of those violent, mean spirited quotes to Donald Trump. Funny how that works. That my friends is called TDS. Now when we come back, we're going to have a little bit of time to kill before we have Caroline Levitt on and she does have a hard out, but I'm not going to complain today because she's very busy. She's you know, front page of the website on the New York Post and we're going to have her on here for I think at least a solid 10 minutes. So don't miss that when we come back. What do you expect from Joe Biden? Well, first of all, it's to it takes someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper, Donald Trump to see that Jake Tapper has consistent offer interviews like the President Trump to Adolph Hiltzer. Ma'am, I'm going to stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues. I don't know what Casey Hunt's goal was, but I do know that Caroline Levitt and Trump were trending all over this morning on social media because of that interview. Caroline has often said when she comes on the show, it doesn't matter, you know, how far up she climbs in Trump world. She always says, I'll always make time for the Grace Curly show and today we put that to the test. I said, you know, she tells us that she's going to make time for us. She's probably pretty busy today. Let's see if she can do it and Caroline, thank you so much for coming on the show. Yeah, no problem, Grace, any time, wow, it has been quite the day, that is for sure. You know what? You committed a mortal sin this morning on CNN. You told the truth and we want to give you a minute here to explain yourself. What do you have to say for yourself, Caroline, for pointing out the obvious and using Jake Tapper's own words to smear him on CNN? It's really shocking how triggering the truth is for the fake news now, for CNN. I was literally repeating Jake Tapper's own statements back to Casey Hunt and she apparently couldn't handle it. I mean, I really was shocked that she not only cut off my mic and interrupted me continuously, but then booted me off the show. You know, I actually thought, great, you might get this because you do television remotely as well. When you're in a remote studio, you often, you can't see the show. You can't see the program and I couldn't. So I thought I was still on air, I was going off about inflation and immigration and, you know, President Trump's strategy for the debate, and then quickly the producer gave him my ear and said, no, you've been booted. So, you know, it was not expected and it is crazy. And it just shows that they really cannot handle the truth on that network network. Yeah. And something that caught my attention is that before that, she had said that if you're criticizing the moderators, it's usually a sign that you're losing, and my question there, Caroline, is if you're cutting people off the air when they challenge you, what does that assign of? Exactly. It shows a sign of intolerance and maybe, oh, you don't like the truth that that person is sharing. And again, I wasn't criticizing anyone. It's not like I was saying, you know, I was commenting on jig-cappers physical appearance or something. He's literally reciting what he has said, and it is relevant because he is a moderator at Thursday's debate. He has likened Trump to Hitler repeatedly. That's what I was trying to say when she cut me off. I also wanted to recite his words that President Trump's presidency was a long national nightmare. And jig-capper has pushed the Russia, Russia hoax. He pushed the Hunter Biden collusion scandal. I mean, this is a guy who has a very clear anti-Trump bias, and anyone who's being honest could just admit that and move on. But CNN wants to continue to try and be the most trusted name and news while 24/7 of their coverage is anti-Trump. It's like, let's just be honest with one another about what the president is going into on Thursday night. But CNN not apologizing, doubling down, calling jig-capper one of their most veteran, unbiased journalist, give us a break. There are plenty of clips now on social media for the whole world to see that he is anything but unbiased and a true, fair journalist. You know, Caroline, when we had you on last week, you had mentioned Trump's mugshot and you said, you know, it actually was very helpful for our fundraising. I think Casey Hunt booting you off air is going to be even, not that you needed at this point, but your star is going to be through the roof because of this now, because I've seen your face everywhere. The New York Post on Twitter, you're having so many people are discovering who you are and they're becoming such quick fans because they're going, who's this young woman who sent Casey Hunt into a complete panic and you can hear it in her voice. Her voice is getting higher and higher as the segment goes on. Yeah, it really was something to watch back. Like I said, when you're doing remote television, you can't see the host. So I actually have to go back and watch the clip and in my first answer on the program when I said that this is a hostile network, you know, her whole body language change. She was very, very triggered by that. So you know what, after she kicked me off, she said that she would have me on any time and I'd like to tell Casey that I will gladly go back on CNN any time as long as she promises to allow me to speak. Let's have a fair debate on the issues. And I was pivoting away from Tapper and I was just about to share what President Trump's going to be talking about on Thursday night, but you couldn't handle it. She couldn't even go there. Now Caroline switching gears here. You don't have to tell us who it is, but do you know the VP pick at this point? You know, I have been off the road. I've been hunkered down in my remote television studio due to having a baby any day now. So I haven't been on the inside scoop grace. I can't. I can't say that I have. I know, you know, there's some good options on the table, but I can't tell you I know for sure who that's going to be. Okay. I'm always going to ask, you know that when you come on the show, Caroline, now let's get back to the debates here because there are some naysayers out there. You brought them up last time you're on. There are some critics who are saying the Trump team should have never agreed to this. Jake Tapper is the moderator. As you pointed out, he's very biased. Trump's going into the lines, Dan. There's all these rules that were set up to really help Joe Biden survive this debate. What do you say to those people and what's Trump's mentality? Why does he look at all of that criticism and say, I'm still doing it anyway? Well, he's delivering on the promise he made to voters, which was to debate Joe Biden any time, anywhere, any place. And the reason we're even having a debate is because President Trump consistently kept his foot on the gas and kept challenging Joe Biden to these debates. If you remember, there was a lot of talk about whether or not Joe Biden even would. And because President Trump kept that pressure on, Joe Biden agreed to it on the Howard Stern radio show. His team was back into a corner. And of course, the only place that Joe Biden feels comfortable debating is on CNN where he knows the cards are stacked in his favor. But that doesn't matter to President Trump. He does this type of thing all the time. He's constantly doing hostile media interviews. He takes questions from voters in a cheesesteak shop like he did in Philadelphia on Saturday. I mean, he wants to get his message to every corner of this country and he's strong and he's tough and he knows he can handle it. So, kudos to him for knowing Lee again, walking into an environment where we know it's going to be a free on one debate. And whether Casey Hunt realizes it or not, she proved her point today by not even allowing me to speak and cutting me off the network. It just, you know, again, shows that President Trump knows what he's getting into, but he's still willing to do it because he's not determined to get his message to as many voters as possible. Yeah. And Caroline, you know this from being on the show and you've filled in for me before. I can be critical of President Trump. I can point out things that I, you know, wish he would do differently. But I think he made the absolute right move agreeing to this debate because at a certain point, if you keep saying anytime, anywhere, and then somebody offers you one, you have to take it. That's the media. And we know this is going to spin it as, you know, Trump's afraid, Trump's scared. And that couldn't be further from the truth. I wanted to ask you, Trump was talking today to supporters and he asked, should I be nasty or nice during the debate? If you had to give him your tip, I'm sure you're still in communication with him, even though you're hunkered down at home. What would you tell him? Nasty or nicer? Is there a third option? I would say, sir, be yourself. That's my advice to him. You know, obviously, we want to focus on policy and he's definitely going to do that. He's dialed in on his message. He's been very disciplined on the campaign trail. But also, you know, again, when you're going in the lines then, if there are lies that need to be called out, then he should absolutely do that. And I'm sure he will. And, you know, I hope that maybe today there's a silver lining out of this and CNN will actually ask tough questions of Joe Biden, like why he lied about the Hunter Biden laptop four years ago on the CNN debate stage in the 2020 election. And if CNN doesn't ask those questions of him, I'm sure President Trump will. Caroline, what's your reaction to Snopes finally debunking the very fine people hoax? I, again, couldn't believe this when I read it yesterday. Years later, far left, sack checker comes out and says, "Would we all have known to be true all along President Trump?" Never said that. Democrats, the mouthpieces in the fake news, Jake Tapper, and Data Bash both, by the way, pushed that hoax for years. The only difference between a right-wing conspiracy, according to the mainstream media and the truth, just give it a few years. The truth always comes out and, again, just proves President Trump was right about that one too. Yes. Seven years later. It's pretty amazing. I know you have a hard out, Caroline, so I just have one more question. Lee Zeldin was on television this weekend, and he said he thinks Trump is actually closer to winning New York than he ever was, and he was kind of in the running there for a while, and my question for you is there's been so many different demographics that polling has shown are starting, Trump's starting to make inroads with different groups. Women is something that I read about in the New York Times last week. Obviously, Gen Ziers are not pleased with Joe Biden. Black voters, Trump is making inroads there. Are any of you surprising to him or have you guys really focused in on any of them and thought, "Wow, that's something that it's nice to see, but we are taken aback by kind of the turning of the tides here?" Well, we are very excited about the turning of the tides. There certainly is a palpable shift in momentum in this country moving in President Trump's favor. We see it across all demographics, Black voters, Hispanic voters, women, young people are all moving towards President Trump more than they ever have for a Republican candidate in political history. When we're capitalizing on that, President Trump is going into deep blue territories like the Bronx in Harlem in Detroit, Michigan, where he spoke at a black church last week. He was in Steely on Saturday night, and he's going to continue to do that to bring his message again to every corner of this country. We also just announced last week that we're opening offices in Virginia and Minnesota. These are states that have not been won by a Republican in decades, but we're determined to flip them to win the Electoral College and to re-elect President Trump. He has a winning message right now that's resonating with all people, because all people are being impacted by Joe Biden's disastrous presidency. I don't care what color your skin is or how much money you make. We all see that he cannot have four more years in the White House, and we need President Trump back in there. Caroline Levitt, she's all over the news today. She's very busy. I'm sure Trump is very happy with the way you handled that interview on CNN. It's really a badge of honor to get tossed off the air on CNN, especially when you're just stating facts. Caroline, thank you so much for coming on this show. You can follow her at K. Levitt NH on Twitter, and we hope to talk to you very soon. Thank you. Great for having me. Wow. It's just amazing. Like I said, she should send Casey Hunt some flowers and a thank you note. Thank you for helping my career grow even further, because what I would do to get kicked off the air from CNN, and I'm sure I should have asked her, how many Twitter followers did you gain today alone? We love our pets, but we don't love their smells. Taylor can tell you that. He loves his cat, Gracie, and if she's listening right now, I don't want her to hear this and think that what I'm about to say diminishes that at all. But every once in a while, you'll say, "Ooh, that cat stinks." The cat does not stink. What the cat does in the basement. It's a smelly cat. Stinks. You know what, Grace? You stink. Well, that's why she was named after me. That's why we have an Eden Pure Thunderstorm in the studio. Smells from litter boxes, wet dog smell, and pet accidents in the house can build up and cause a big stink. Well, thankfully, the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier gets rid of the toughest pet odors in just a few seconds. Even those dreaded pet accidents like urine, feces, and puke are eliminated by the thunderstorm. And this is how it works. It sends out all natural O3 molecules into your home that attach to those stinky smells and destroy them, leaving you and your furry pets with a fresh and clean smelling home. I don't have any pets, but I do notice the people who have pets. They let their affection for their animal override the fact that other people have to smell the animal, so they think, "Well, I love my dog so much, and I love his stinky smell." That's great for you, but not everybody else does. So, do us all a favor. Get a thunderstorm. It's going to get rid of that smell. And if you don't have a pet like me, there's so many other uses for it in your kitchen after you cook in a musty basement. It totally clears out those odors. And at this price, you're going to want to hop on this. The three-pack special is such a great deal. You can get $200 off a three-pack today for whole home protection. Visit Use discount code GRACE3. That's It's discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. Yeah, it's true. It's two-on-one. And that's why I'm happy RFK Jr. I'm not happy RFK Jr. is not on the stage. I'm really not. I actually think it's... I think he should be there. But I am a little bit happy that it's not going to be three-on-one, because if RFK Jr. And I know he's, I think he's a little bit more of a fan of Trump's than he is Biden's. But if at any point you had all three of them versus Trump, that's just kind of impossible to fight back on. Ronnie, you're next on the "Grace Curly Show." What's going on, Ronnie? Hey, you got me, Grace? Yeah. Yeah, you sound great. Oh, cool. Thank you. I'll tell you. If I had Caroline Levitt's ear, my suggestion would be Trump and his team need to go back and watch the John Fetterman, Dr. Oz debate, because the dynamic is going to be exactly the same at this debate. Joe Biden is going to be the most physically frail, weak, and mentally incapacitated presidential candidate to ever take a debate stage. And what you want people to see, you know, should he be nasty or nice? I say option three, empathetic. Trump needs to approach that debate the way an empathetic family member approaches their parent to let them know that it's your 86th dad. You've been in several accidents that's time to take the keys away, because so many people watching, you know, know exactly what they're dealing with. Like, they've been through this, having to deal with a severely incapacitated family member. And you want to come off as empathetic. You want to make sure that you let them know we are taking the keys away because you've made a mess with the economy, you've made a mess of inflation, you've made a mess of the border. Americans are suffering, wars in Ukraine, the foreign policy is done out of control. You want to firmly put all that down, but you want to come off as that empathetic person you know what I mean? And they're going to make it as hard as possible, because, you know, I mean, Biden is so adult that that, I mean, they've had to craft this debate to make it as easy form as possible. And as much as Biden may have it coming, you don't want to be that guy screaming, beating up on an old, completely helpless guy either. You want to be empathetic and that's the way I'd approach it. You approach Biden like you're an empathetic caring family member that's realized it's time to take the keys away. And if you approach it like that, that will resonate with the viewing audience so hard because you don't have to yell and scream, you know, to point out the obvious catastrophic failures of this presidency. Brilliant, brilliant idea, Ronnie. And I have really no notes. I think that's, I think that's a really great strategy. And it actually brings me back to something Tucker Carlson said early on in Joe Biden's presidency that always stuck with me. He was watching some cut of Joe Biden and, you know, there's no way I could remember which one there's been thousands of them since he took over. And Tucker looked at the camera and he said, my scorn has turned to pity. Like he couldn't drum up hatred for Joe and I know every once in a while he, you know, the mass drops and we see that real jerk that Joe Biden is. But when you see him daughter or not on stage, whether or not people like it, if you like it or not, Ronnie's right. There is something about that that makes people think of someone they know or some family member they know. And I think that Trump is going to take Ronnie's advice and here's why. He did an interview. It was with Sean Hannity recently on Fox and he was asked about Hunter Biden and he took a totally different approach. His tactic had changed and he said that he understood, you know, dealing with addiction. His uncle had addiction problems. He knows how hard it is for families and there was something so surprising about that approach. It kind of puts you back on your heels a little bit. You're not expecting it from Donald Trump and so it resonates even. It's even more effective coming from him. It's like when you know someone who's very, very gentle all the time and then one day they get fed up and they drop a bleep you or go bleep yourself and you're like, whoa, this person never swears. It has more of an impact. Donald Trump can do the same thing, he's so aggressive and he's so energetic and a lot of times he's right on the money, but when he changes it up and he looks at Joe and he says, I wish somebody else would have told you this before I had to. I wish your wife stepped in. I feel awful that this is the position they've put you in, but it has to end. Imagine what an impact that would have on the viewers. If he looked at Joe Biden and said, I'm sorry, Joe, that no one in your family has cared enough to stop this, but it needs to stop. We've, we've endured enough. You've endured enough. It's got to end. Be stern and be disappointed. Feel sad for him. I really think Ronnie is on the money with that. And that is why, as I always say, the Grace Curly show has the best listeners in the world. Because what a brilliant point Caroline Levitt, after she gets off her interview, it could have already wrapped at this point. If they gave her the hook like Casey did, but I hope she hears this and I hope she takes that into account. It's a good tip. We'll be right back. We've got Mark Beterow breaking down the Karen Reed trial on the other side. [MUSIC PLAYING]