The Howie Carr Radio Network

CNN Can't Handle the Truth Plus Eco-Terrorists Ruin Golf | 6.24.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace discusses the rioters in LA, the eco-terrorists at this weekend's PGA tournament and the upcoming debate.

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24 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, stay stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. And thank you for kicking off your week with us. We are so excited to be here. It is Monday, June 24, three days before the first 2024 presidential debate on CNN. And also, we've officially entered the ninth week of the Karen Reed trial, a case that has captivated so many people, especially here in New England, in Massachusetts. It is the talk of the town. I was out in about this weekend. And almost every person asked me, what do you think, Grace? What do you think? And the male manager and I talk about who's most interested in this trial. And she says that a lot of times it seems like it's women. But I had a lot of guys asking me about it, too. And often what I find is it's someone who will talk to me about it. And then they'll say, my sister-in-law is obsessed or my mother is obsessed or my boss is obsessed. And I don't know if it's because they don't want me to think that they're obsessed, but I don't blame you if you are. I don't blame you if you are following this. And I was talking to my mom about it recently, Taylor. And she said to me, she was on Guarino, Trooper Guarino. And she said to me, I was watching the trooper today, Guarino. And by the way, I'm behind. So don't say anything. Don't tell me anything before. And I said, this is like, this is like Game of Thrones. No spoilers in the Caron Reed case. I said, don't worry. I'm not going to say anything. And I said, you watch it at your own pace. I'm answering the phone. I tape the game. Don't say anything. Nobody say anything, please. And we are going to get into it all today. I've got Mark Betterow set up for 205. And we're going to go through some of these last witnesses. I mean, the case is winding down. The Boston Herald had a headline. The end is near. The end is in sight. And so Mark Betterow is going to break that down for us. Tyler and I will discuss Turtle Boy's interesting weekend. I feel like almost every weekend for Turtle Boy is an interesting one. I don't think he ever has a slow, relaxed weekend. He was in Canton of all places. And he managed to get himself. I shouldn't even phrase it like that. There was commotion. That's how I'll put it. And you know, he's been tweeting. I'm shocked. Yeah. He's a bit of a lightning rod, that Turtle Boy. I actually tweeted or I texted him today and I said, you know, on the off chance that you're not in court at 205. I know they will be. Their break is usually from 1 to 145 ish, but you never know. So it's always good to ask. I said, in the off chance you're around at 205, could you come on? And he said, sure, if, you know, lunch goes long, I'll be there. But I was reading a lot of his tweets that he put up after this verbal and it got a little physical at one point, um, brawl that happened in Canton and we'll break all of this down. But what surprised me the most is how many people are messaging Turtle Boy and saying he was at fault for this and saying, you shouldn't be putting this case in jeopardy. We're so close to the end, you know, you shouldn't be causing all this trouble. You shouldn't be, you know, antagonizing the McAlberts and, you know, their family members. And he was reposting them and telling people like you have his message in them back. Like there's no words to describe how much I hate you. Very aggressive message. He's like blocking people in the chats when they go against him. All right. You're blocked forever. Yeah. You don't like it. You don't like what I'm doing. You know, you don't have to follow. Um, and so we will talk, I'm not going to talk to Mark better row about that. We're going to focus more on the witnesses and the testimony that they're giving. But wow, what a difference between the witnesses we heard, the Commonwealth's witnesses versus the defense. I mean, these are credible characters. These are people who can really put a sentence together. No ums, likes, they'd be great talk show. I have an average of 40 years more experience than any of the prosecutions witnesses. Yeah. They really know what they're talking about. They have a real good grasp of what they're discussing and they seem rather pleasant as well. They're not angry. They're not aggressive. And so we will go over all of those. But we have so many great guests today, Taylor. We've got Sean Spicer at one o'clock because I noticed there was a quote floating around a Spicer talking about the upcoming debates. And he was saying how we shouldn't be putting the bar on the ground for Joe Biden. We're setting ourselves up for disaster if we keep saying how, you know, basically all Joe Biden has to do is show up and he'll win this debate. And so I thought, you know, I've got a name with Sean Spicer. I could try to get him on and he's going to come on. We're going to ask him, you know, some tips he would give to Trump. It's not his first time probably giving advice to Donald Trump. He would tell him what Trump has to do to win the debate and probably more importantly, what he has to try to avoid. We will talk about that. But as we're discussing the debate in this obvious, uneven playing field that Donald Trump's going to have to navigate, we're also going to be talking to Caroline Levitt because another lightning rod, another person who is in the news quite frequently. And I will say this. We've got her on the show today. Yeah. We got her on the show today. She's a hot commodity today. She said, I'm going to be on TV at one o'clock, but I'll make it work at one 30. What I love about Caroline is she might be off TV a little earlier. Yeah. It depends on how the interview goes. What I love about Caroline is she comes on and she always says, you know, I'll always make time for the grease curly show. She really means it. Like today was a test. I was like, I wonder if she'll actually make time for us and she's like, yeah, I'm down. So one thirty five will have Caroline Levitt. And if you miss this, if you missed why she's all over the news today. She appeared on the network, one of the most trusted names in news, CNN, the place where this debate is going down on Thursday night. And I've noticed that Caroline is very quickly already on her way to becoming a household name. She's, you know, she's very capable. She's very knowledgeable. She's great on TV. But I will say that Casey Hunt definitely just expedited that process by cutting her off. You know, it's like the barber Streisand effect. If you cut somebody off, if you kick somebody off the air, you are about to, you are about to give them so much free publicity. Like Caroline Levitt's career just got a massive boost from Casey Hunt exponentially, exponentially. The best part I think was after she got thrown off the air and Casey Hunt was left trying to fumble with her own words and how to go to break. It was great. Yeah, it was very awkward. I want to play the cut Taylor because the video is up at That's the first thing you need to know. Go to We put up that video and you can watch it. But Casey Hunt is a host at CNN. And here are some important things to know. She claims to be, you know, like all the hosts at CNN. You know, she's straight down the middle. She just calls balls and strikes. She calls them out. She sees them. She doesn't have, she doesn't have a dog in this fight. Now, her header on Twitter, you can put like a photo there. My photo is Howie and I, you know, in studio. Her photo was her longingly staring at Joe Biden during an interview, like smiling at him. Like, that's my guy. I love him so much. And also something I think is important to know, we'll play this sound later, is this is the same host because right now she's clutching her pearls. She was so offended that Caroline Levitt had the audacity to point out Jake Tapper's very obvious biases during her interview and to make matters worse. And to make it even more reprehensible, Caroline Levitt used Jake Tapper's own quotes that he made on a televised segment on his network against him. She used those as evidence of his partisan hackery and it was all too much for Casey Hunt to take. One other thing I want to know is now that Casey Hunt is clutching her pearls and she's doubling down and she's like anyone who attacks my colleagues will not be on the air period. She's pretending that she's holier than thou, morally superior to Caroline Levitt. Just remember that when Rand Paul's neighbor attacked him and he had several broken ribs in a collapsed lung, Casey Hunt was the one who was overcome with joy about it. She said it was her favorite story of the day and to your point, Taylor, that was another awkward fumble where then she realized what an ass she sounded like and she had to walk it back. Listen to this flashback before we get to the main cut. This is Casey Hunt. Oops, Freudian slip. You like it when a Republican has, you know, his, his lung collapse and his ribs broken. Oops, he's he and now now she's on Twitter going, you come on. My show, you respect my colleagues, period. I don't care what side of the aisle you stand on as my track record clearly shows. Oh, yeah, you are. You're really mother Teresa. You're really doing the Lord's work. So take a listen to this amazing segment. Again, you can watch the video, grace curly This is we'll take the first part, cut 10 president Trump is knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network on CNN with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well-known over the past eight years and their biased coverage of him. So president Trump is is willing to bring his message to every corner of this country to voters to ensure that he wins this election in November. He looks forward to doing that. And I know the American public look forward to hearing from him. So so I'll just say my colleagues at Jake Tapper and Dana Bash have have acquitted themselves as professionals as they have covered campaigns and interviewed candidates from all sides of the aisle, I'll also say that if you talk to analysts of debates previous that if you're attacking the moderators, you're usually losing. Hmm. We have a long list of Jake Tapper cuts that we could play to acquitted them as professionals. It's mean. Also, do you think it's fair to say if you're cutting someone off and you're kicking them off the air that maybe that's a sign you're losing the debate? If you have to cut someone off, that's a very good point, Grace. And you know what else? I always love Taylor. Some people are like, we are so open to opinions here at CNN. Now cut our feed, get her off the show. We don't care. We are open to different ideas. We don't censor people. Now pull the plug. You just made her entire point. Oh, yeah. You're not biased at all, except you can't have a conversation for two minutes with Caroline Levitt without cutting off her feed. Let's take the next cut. This is cut 11. What do you expect from Joe Biden? Well, first of all, it's to take someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper, Donald Trump to see that Jake Tapper has consistently-- Ma'am, we're going to stop this interview if you're going to keep attacking my colleagues. Like President Trump at Adolph Hiltzer. Ma'am, I'm going to stop this interview if you're continue to attack my colleagues. I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who you work for. Yes. If you are here to speak on his behalf-- And I will have this conversation. I am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past now. I'm sorry, guys. We're going to come back out to the panel. Caroline, thank you very much. Very much in your time. You are welcome to come back at any point. She is welcome to come back and speak about Donald Trump and Donald Trump will have equal time to Joe Biden when they both join us now at next early-- later this week in Atlanta for this debate. Our thanks to Caroline. It's never a good sign when your voice or your pitch is getting increasingly higher throughout the segment. Like that wrap up. It sounded like Mickey Mouse at the end. Well, we thank you very much. And maybe if you could come on, you would understand what it takes to be a CNN host. Thank you. And we will have them on now, but later on this week and for the debate. And such as, and thank you very much. Oh, put their hands. I think it's pretty obvious who won that debate. Between Caroline and let it-- in Casey Hunt, I'm going to give that one to Caroline. If this is any sign of what this debate is going to be like, then, yeah, Donald Trump has to go in with eyes wide open. This is not going-- and you know, Eric Trump had a great quote today as well. He said, my dad's not just debating Joe Biden. He's debating CNN. That has always been the case. Donald Trump has to get up there and he has to not only be the person debating Joe Biden, he has to be his own moderator. He has to ask the questions that Jake Tapper would never dane to ask. He has to challenge Joe Biden. He has to have more of those moments where he says, you want to transition away from fossil fuels. Why don't you tell people about that? I'll give you my two minutes. If you want to tell people how you feel about X, Y, Z, he needs to bring up all of these failed policies and he needs to challenge Biden and an idea Jared had last week. He should also try to work in an Aleppo moment, like ask Biden something and just see if he can answer it. Take him a very basic question and see if he's that sharp. If he's still got his eye on the prize, it shouldn't be a problem. But I think that he has to almost disregard Jake Tapper as so many viewers have done over the years, just, you know, completely forget about him and run your own race. We'll be right back. We got a lot more to get to today. We'll take your calls first up 844-542-42 because yes, we have a lot of great guests. But my favorite guests are the Grace Curly Show listeners. To get on the line. We'll talk about all of this when we come back. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. The relatively subdued speech as these things go so far, although here he is right now under under my voice. You hear him repeating his anti-immigrant rhetoric. Yeah, just referencing the fact that Jake Tapper clearly hates Donald Trump. He hasn't been subtle about it. It's not like something he's been very good at hiding. But saying it on CNN is like saying Beetlejuice will get you kicked off the air. It is not okay to use Jake Tapper's own words against him. What was she thinking? Now on a separate note, we're going to do the poll question. There's been so many, Taylor, this is another thing we have to get to today. There's so many stories out there. It started last week with Stonehenge. I know it's not the first time we've seen these eco-terrorists up to their old tricks again. They're big pranksters. They love to stick it to the man, but they've really been on a roll as of late. You know what I credit it to? I think they feel a little bit overshadowed by the Palestinian protesters and all the attention they're getting. And I think they must have had some sort of meeting and they must have said, listen, we're losing momentum here. No one's paying attention to us. We need to ruin some stuff. We need to get together. We need to buy several cans of spray paint and we need to ruin some stuff. What do people like golf will ruin that? What do people like Stonehenge golf? The most eco-friendly sport literally playing on grass, respect grass. Private planes will take some spray paint to it. There's so many things that these eco-warriors are getting their hands on and all I want them to do is explain to me how is this helping the climate? How is spray painting the green at the PGA tour? How is that helping the climate? And I don't think they could. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles, don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houton in Nashua. Call 1-844 a Perfect Smile or visit Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who does RFK Junior's absence from the debate stage most benefit, Biden, Trump, or neither? I'm open to opinions on this and I might change my mind as the show goes on. You can cut off collars, though, if they disagree with that. Oh, yeah. I have no issue with that. Get, give them the hook if anyone disagrees with me. But I will say that I think it benefits Trump more than it benefits Biden because based off the two commercial breaks that they're putting into this debate, they need Biden to have some breathing room. They need, you know, he always loves to talk about just a little bit of breathing room. Well, he needs some breathing room. He needs some time to regroup, as they say, to collect himself and take a deep breath and maybe get his thoughts in order. And I think RFK Junior would buy him that time and it would take away time from Trump and it would kind of water down whatever, you know, Trump's big moments are. So I think this helps Biden a lot more. I think the less-- You said Trump, you said to benefit a Trump. That's what I thought you, I heard you say. No, I think it benefits Biden more than Trump. I see. I think that Biden needs somebody in there to take attention off of Trump, but also to take attention off of him. And so I kind of think it benefits both of them in their own ways, but I would say more so Biden. Yeah, 60% say Biden, 12% say Trump, and 27% say neither. Okay, so I did want to tell you guys, this is just an update. I'm not going to have time here, but one of my favorite stories of today, and it has nothing to do with CNN or any of this stuff. It's an interview that someone from Just Stop Oil did on a Zoom meeting, and it sounds like-- and he's 73 years old. They have the members at Just Stop Oil are very, very, you know, they're not to sound ageist, but they're not spring chickens. A lot of these people are in their 80s and they're taking on, you know, Stonehenge and the PGA tour, but he's talking about this moment where they came in with a spray paint to take on Stonehenge, and he claims-- it sounds like a Jesse Smollett story. He claims there's a group of basically frat bros at Stonehenge who are kind of egging him on. We're going to talk about this and whether or not you believe him when we come back. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. There was a wonderful piece today in The Wall Street Journal by Andy Kessler, one of my favorites, and he talks about the omnikaze and how it's collapsing. And let me just read you a little bit of it before I give you some examples of these protesters who don't know what they stand for. They just know they like big crowds and they like destroying property. I think that's the common connection between them all. That's the string that pulls them all together. Life has become too easy. We Google and use artificial intelligence instead of thinking, shoot up ozempic instead of exercising, and rely on Obamacare instead of working, even though well off need to complain about something so they complain about everything. Many of these protesters-- many of these protesters layabouts are entitled, dare I say spoiled, and don't bother to understand what they are protesting. You see it everywhere, Johnny not working, Janie in a daddy-funded apartment trying to become an influencer, plenty of time for protests, and really, why work and improve the world by delivering goods and services people want. Protests are much more fun. It's a form of me time. Feed your head. Work is so, you know, capitalistic. Protests are something to do, but here's an inconvenient truth. These causes aren't always that tightly connected. On June 2, the free Palestine protesters blocked the Philadelphia pride march. Progressives are eating their own. It's a crash at the intersection. And that kind of does lend itself to my theory about why, over the past week, there have been a spike in these climate protests. And there's also been, you know, it's pretty consistent at the pro-Palestinian movement. We saw that in LA, those rioters who were beating up pro-Israel women, had them in headlocks, you know, bashing their heads, and just very, very violent affair, you know, using graffiti on brick walls, destroying cars. So I'm not trying to say that any of these movements, as you might call them, is losing steam. But I do think that the climate people realized maybe it was when Greta Thunberg left and said, you know, I'm more interested in the Kefia protests than I am in the Green protests. How dare you? They thought we got to step it up a little bit, you know, we're losing our momentum. And so they took their talents to the final round of the PGA. And this was a tournament between Scotty Scheffler and Tom Kim. And I actually did see this because my husband likes to watch the golf, and he was confused. He had it, he had it backed up a little bit. He wasn't live. And there was a giant delay, and he's like, what is this delay about? How does it not end it yet? And then he realized that he had it on tape, the protesters, the vandals is what I really should call them, storming the green and throwing paint everywhere. And I think at first the crowd thought it was just like a streaker or something, like someone going crazy. And then once they, you know, hucked the paint onto the green, people started to figure it out. So first I want to play a little bit of this sound. Can I get cut 12, please? So the crowd starts chanting USA. And the reason I find this very telling is that at this point, they don't really know what these protesters are for. They don't know if they're pro Palestinian, you know, pro Hamas, if they're pro climate. But they know that chanting USA is probably against what these people believe in. Like they know that by getting together and chanting for the United States of America, it's probably going to get under these freak skin. And that is something. And that's part of the omni-cause. It's like, we don't really know what these people are for, but they're definitely not for us. They're definitely not for the USA. It's what garlic is to Dracula. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's fair. And so that got me thinking because we talked last week about Stonehenge, right? And I love this so much. So the 73 year old activists. Now I should mention that PGA, because I want to give credit where credit is due. I don't want anyone to feel left out. The PGA morons, that was the extinction rebellion. I think those are the same people who are slitting the tires in Beacon Hill. I could be wrong though, but that's the extinction rebellion. That's one big group. This group that did Stonehenge that takes credit for spray painting Stonehenge, that was just stop oil. Just stop oil seems to be dominating as far as the older activists go. They have like the 80 year old women with the chisel at the Magna Carta. They have the old folks locked down. Why do you look? You look pensive because, I mean, so it's only Monday. He's already so excited. The guy world has split into two factions. There's PGA and L.I.V. Right. And L.I.V. is funded by a lot of these Saudi Arabian oil heirs, right? I think that'd be the more appropriate tournament to protest in. I think where you're going wrong here is you're trying to use logic and I really would encourage you not to do that. Oh, sorry. I'm new here. Yeah. So just, just, you know, we'll work on that, but it's a good thought. Now when it comes to just stop oil, they were responsible, they're very proud of themselves for what they did at Stonehenge with the spray paint. And there was a zoom, okay? So there's a zoom call and Rajan Naidu is one of the 73 year old activists. And he was talking about this moment where they spray painted Stonehenge and I wanted to redo this quote. We were completely focused on our task. He's acting like he was storming the beaches. Like this is, they are the bravest people amongst us. He says, we were completely focused on our task. We were aware of them. Now you might say to yourself, who are them? Who's he talking about? Well, according to Naidu, there was a group of young Americans led by males and they were making fun of him and his organization while they were staging the protest. I'm picturing, who is that? I'm picturing a bunch of like Nicholas Sandman types with like make America great again hats or maybe the frat bros from UNC. Now we're supposed to believe according to this guy, maybe it's true. If it's true, I like this story even more. But I do find it kind of far fetched that well. It was like an arm day for me that day. Well, the 75, 70, you know, 73, 80 year olds, whatever, while they're setting up, whatever that means, while they're setting up their spray cans and, you know, they're working on, okay, so then we're going to press down and that's how we're going to spray paint everything while they're setting up this scene. We are supposed to believe there's a group of young, male Americans standing by making fun of them. Oh, what are you going to do? You're going to spray paint, stone hands, your big losers? Now, if that's true, wonderful. And I applaud those men. But I just, it feels very jussy, Smollett to me like that this all happened at the same time. So he says, we were aware of them. We were aware of the shouting and we didn't make eye contact with anybody in the world. We were so brave. We avoided eye contact because people were trying to send hostile messages to us. There was a group of young American people, mainly males. They were very hostile, who just kept up a continuous barking and shouting of what they thought were clever, provocative things because this action was in support of just stop oil. What do you think of those things where maybe USA, USA? Maybe they were screaming, MAGA. What did he say when jussy, Smollett was coming up with the hoax in Chicago? What did, oh, this is MAGA country. Maybe that's what the guys at Stonehenge were yelling, this is MAGA country, old man. Get your spray paint out of here. Who would have thought that the MAGA frat bros were such staunch defenders of Stonehenge and that they'd be on the scene at the exact time that this is going down. They were chanting oil and boasting that they would go back and use even more oil. I would have done this. This is a main thing to do. Yeah. I do this in grocery stores. But Taylor, if you were there, wouldn't you, I'm just, I just, again, no, look at me. I mean, I should accuse myself of the same thing. I just accuse you of them trying to use logic. But what were the hints that these people were about to embark on this spray painting journey? There were so many hints, like if there was so much setup beforehand that this group of ragtag frat guys could see it coming, they're probably all in like muscle teas. Why didn't anyone else? Like, is there any sort of security there who could say, Hey, these old people seem to be setting up shop for something? You don't know until you know, right? You can see somebody doing something weird and be like, I don't, I don't know. I'm not going to do anything about this until something happens though. I don't want to be accused of. I don't want to have a lawsuit against me and maybe they're just geologists and they're spray painting lines around stone. Maybe they're renovating. Who knows? Yeah. I love, I love that they were chanting oil, oil, more oil, all the oil. I would just suggest that you get to add something to it. You know, to really make it a chant. We love oil. No, no, no, no. We love oil. Oil is the way to go oil, but you think they made it like to sell oil oil oil oil. Oh, wow, you got to be and this guy and this guy, he's the victim. This is what I love about the climate people and and the Hamas supporters. This is what I love about it. They are the victims in every situation. You wanted to face property. You want to ruin something. You want to, you know, destroy somebody's car or beat somebody up. It's fine, but you hold all of the identity cards as far as this like victimology poker goes and you will always be the victim. You punch somebody in the face, you were the victim. You get death threats. You're the one who's owed an apology. It's amazing. And then in LA, and I'm glad we're getting to all of these because we're going to have a very busy show talking to Caroline, talking to Sean Spicer and Mark Beterow. So I want to check these things off my list because in LA over the weekend, there was a protest and the protest broke out in right by a synagogue in LA. And there was a lot of commotion. There was a protester and he, she was flipping off counter protesters. She was, she crawled up and she was like standing out of the sunroof in her Range Rover. Is there anything that is encapsulates these protesters more than that? It gets, it gets worse. This woman is flipping off people from the sunroof of her Range Rover. She's outside of synagogue. This to me sums up 2024 in the United States of America. A woman outside of a synagogue where there are people there, Jewish people, pro-Israel people. I mean, who knows if there, I'm sure there was a lot of Jewish people there, but I would go to one of these things and I'm not Jewish, but just to show people that you're on the right side of history. So there's a lot of people there where pro-Israel, this woman who clearly hates Jews standing outside, standing through her sunroof in her Range Rover, flipping off these protesters, but it gets better. The cops pull her over. She's got a toddler and a kafia in the backseat. And so naturally the cops are like, we need to get this kid out of harm's way. You shouldn't be taking your kid through this brawl. Toddler dressed in a kafia in the backseat of this Range Rover. Police unbuckled the young child from the seat and took him away from the chaos. And when I tell you there was a lot of chaos, I'm not lying about that. And I guess you could use the same question I had for the protesters that ruined the PGA and ruined Stonehenge and ruined the private planes. Let's explain to me, I'm going to be generous here, 20 words or less how this helps the climate. And I would say the same thing to the woman in the Range Rover with the toddler and the kafia. Explain how beating up Jews in LA is helping solve the crisis in the Middle East. Is that going to create a two-state solution? You vandalizing a car in front of you or putting graffiti on brick wall in LA? Is that going to stop the supposed using quotes here apartheid in Gaza? Are you showing BB who's boss? What progress like decades from now when children are reading the history books? Well, they look back and say, you know, the kafia clad rioters who were stripping electrical wire in LA and spray painting Toyotas, they really brought peace to the Middle East. Thank God for them. Thank God for their courage. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So that's your little bit of news about the eco activists, the pro-Palestinian Jew-hating rioters. And it's all part of as Andy Kessler put it, the omni-taz. Yeah, and he's actually predicting that the DNC, which is going to be in Chicago, is going to be full of, as he describes it, green-printing capitalist hating, oppression obsessed, paper straw sipping, police defunding, meat-shaming, parent-enabled, underemployed, Marxist omni-causers. If you fall for their nonsense, if I may steal from Greta and friends, shame on you. I don't think any, I don't think they're winning anybody over at this point between Stonehenge and the PGA and the private planes. I think everybody's starting to understand why we need to stop enabling these nuisances. They all need a nice dose of jail time, in my opinion. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. All right, I'm getting out of the way a lot of these really fun stories that caught my eye over the weekend. And one of those involves Mark Cuban, who's not only a billionaire, Dallas billionaire, but he's also a very outspoken Trump hater. And I think in his mind, when he goes on the record for everything he sees wrong with Donald Trump, we're supposed to listen to him because he's so successful and he's so wealthy and surely he can't be an idiot. But you never know. You know, life's weird like that. And this weekend, this is the second time this has happened to him. He admitted to getting hacked. He basically fell for like the Nigerian print scheme. And he decided because this, I love this about celebrities and people who are just extremely privileged to use that word. They always assume everyone's going to be on their side. So they immediately take to social media. And only after they get roundly embarrassed by everyone who's like, you're so dumb. How did you fall for that? Are you a billionaire? Are you supposed to be smart? Are you on Shark Tank? Aren't you on Shark Tank with Mr. Wonderful? This was his tweet. He said, Hey, at Google. I just got hacked at my account because someone named Noah at your 65020300, called and said I had an intruder and spoofed Google's recovery methods. If anyone gets anything from after 3 30 PM PST, it's not me. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works. I'm not a tech whiz tailor can tell you that. I just do the very bare minimum, but I wouldn't fall for that. And this is the second time this has happened. Remember the crypto thing where he accidentally fell for a crypto fishing scheme and he lost a million dollars and he's supposed to be some great mind. And now he's telling the Dallas morning news, he goes, someone was really sophisticated in doing this. You describe how it went down, it doesn't sound all that sophisticated, but when you get an email saying, Hey, it's me. I need you to buy me 10 gift cards to CVS all worth $100. Do you think that's sophisticated? Oh, every day I get messages that there was a problem with your Amazon order. I didn't want to call this number and order anything from Amazon spam. Yeah. Hey, the fact that he didn't know enough to just delete this or move on with his life. And now he's trying to, you can't do two things. He's trying to explain that this was very sophisticated, you know, that anyone would have fallen for this. You already explained it to us one. So we know it wasn't sophisticated because you explain exactly how they went about it. And two, then you deleted the tweet. Once you delete the tweet, that's all the admission I need that you know you were being a bozo mark Cuban, but please tell me your political beliefs because I want to know how to vote in the election. We'll be right back. We've got Sean Spicer first, and then Caroline Levitt, don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)