The Howie Carr Radio Network

Trial Day 29 Recap | 6.21.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie and callers unpack what will likely be the prosecution's final, miserable day of arguments.

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21 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pier 360 fan. Get yours at and save $30 off their already low sales price with code Howie30. This deal is for one week only. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Don't drop tall crowd. I'm going to quote. I don't care about you. I just put a shirt on. You are fake news. Isn't that breeze nice? Cause I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care. See now the press will take that and they'll say he said a horrible thing live from the Matthew's brother studios. Because if Biden does out there and messes up, it's game over for 30 years. I've been powering AAI speed leaders. You lose. Good day, sir. Wish. Now, you know sort of the difference between poor edge and cheap territory. Yes. What's the difference? It's a tail lights in the back. Forward edges are more round. They cheap territory are more square. Objection, Your Honor. Can we clarify the court where the witness is stating opinion or fact? This is your opinion. It's a fact. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's. How he car eight for four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. We're going to play some more cuts from the trial today. And you know, I think a lot of people are going to be sad when this trial is over. I'm just, I'm looking at this Sean McDonough L. Hey, Fae. I'm telling you, you want to check him out. Don't just follow Turtle boy. There's there's several good streaming broadcasts on this. He's not on it right now because he's still getting his family's unfortunate business taken care of after the unexpected death of his brother. But he's he's tweeting out and he just retweeted something. This is a woman, a hot looking babe and she's heading in to, she says she's heading into Boston. All these. There's several other people on the commuter rail where in green, Celtics paraphernalia, she's heading into the parade and she says, she says, I'm watching, watching it on the commuter rail, watching the trial, happy parade, free care and read. I mean, it's, it's amazing. It's, I heard about someone else, they, they said their parents moved the TV. I don't know why they had to move the TV outside, but they moved the TV outside so they could watch it in the heat, it's, it is going to be, I mean, there's going to be, you know, sadness in certain circles. I mean, it's a horrible thing that John O'Keefe is dead. But the trial has become a very, very entertaining. I hate to, I hate to put it in those terms, but it's reality and it's also very informative just to show the, the decline and fall of the Massachusetts state police and also the decline and fall of prosecutors, you know? It's the, the, the Norfolk County District Attorney's Office is a disgrace. I mean, you know, I used to call them up sometimes when they'd let these people go in Quincy and they would, they would, they're off the record, they would, or they're, they're people, not even in the DA's office, but people who knew them, they'd always have the off the record. Excuseful. The judges down here are really liberal. They, they're, they're just pukes and they're the ones who let them go. Now I begin to sense that, that I was getting the, the Vaseline job, you know, I, I, I began to see why everybody was getting out and getting off and then getting to commit murders down the road and it's, and it has happened. And writing books about their careers is Winter Hill hit men even though they were just like arrested for, you know, robbing people coming out of the stop and shop in North Quincy. It's just a, it's just a total bleep shell with these people eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Here's eight, six, three. I'm a disabled Vietnam vet. I've been receiving a meager VA medical pension just shy of 1500 a month as you know Biden dictated that illegal foreign national invaders are now allowed to use VA medical services, including dental. I can't even get dental. Biden's people cut my meager VA medical pension to 712 bucks a month, obviously to pay for the illegal foreign national invaders. I may be homeless soon. I figured out a plan. I'm renouncing my citizenship and heading for the border. Does that work? I mean, I know people have been talking about that, but does it, do you think it would work? I mean, seriously, wouldn't work. Once I escape the US, I'll stay gone for three days, then I'll come back with a group of my new amigos, these illegal foreign national invaders, and ta-da, I'll be given more than I'm given now. I mean, all these people, I want to, you know, it's horrible enough that they committed these crimes. I want to know how much welfare they were getting. We know the guy who raped the 13 year old girl in the park with the machete in Queens. He was living at a shelter. We know that. We know the rapist in Marlboro, the alleged rapist, he was living at a shelter, knocked up his own daughter, and then they gave him a taxpayer funded lift ride to a different shelter in Worcester. They should have arrested him, but, you know, no thought of him getting a job or anything like that, because he's an illegal alien from Haiti. You can't expect them to ever work, right? So I wonder if these Venezuelans, well, one of the Venezuelans has only been here three weeks, and he decided to rape and murder an American girl. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. By the way, speaking of that, you know, Rachel Moran, the woman who was the mother of five who was murdered last year, and they just caught up with her illegal alien savage killer. The guy who killed someone, a woman in El Salvador, then raped and assaulted a woman in California. Now he's caught, they had a perp walk of him today on video. He was doing it like from a plane or a helicopter, looked like the whitey bulger walk. You know, they obviously did a favor for the media, for the TV cameras and the newspaper, so that he could get pictures of this monster. But anyway, Donald Trump yesterday phoned the mother of Rachel Moran. She's the dead woman, mother of five, who was ruthlessly raped and murdered allegedly by an illegal alien from El Salvador. With the grieving mom saying she was deeply touched by Trump's, quote, honest compassion. The condolences from the presumptive GOP nominee came after Patty Moran slammed President Biden's Department of Homeland Security for referring to her daughter as an individual raped by a suspected gang member. Yeah, raped by a suspected gang member. That's all. They don't care. They really don't care. This is, this is Joy, and this is, this is Joy Reid and Representative Pramila Jayapal. They're laughing at the Fox headline about this is the queen's rape, the illegal alien in Queens, New York raping the 13 year old girl. Cut one. Let me show you the, this is one of the reasons that people have these sort of thinking, this sort of thinking. Here's the three cable networks reporting of this was our banner said soon Biden announces legal protections for undocumented spouses, a citizen CNN's banner said Biden announces new protections for someone documented spouses. Here was Fox's banner migrant arrested for raping 13 year old news. Yes. And so I think that's part of the problem. Exactly. You have a lot of fear mark, exactly. So reporting the news is part of the problem, the, the actual rape by an illegal alien who was welcomed into the country by the Democrat party as a way to destabilize and fundamentally transform America, fundamentally transform Obama's words. That's not a problem. Fox News or anyone reporting on it. That's a problem. Patty Moran, the mother of the, of the dead woman in Maryland, the dead mother, he was just said of Trump. He was genuine and really, and truly wanted to know how our family was coping. He asked about Rachel and showed honest compassion for her untimely death. His words brought comfort to me during this very difficult time. I don't have to tell you who hasn't called her 844 542 42 Harry, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Harry. Yeah, Holly. I'm trying to be objective with this case. Um, it looks like she had too much to drink, hits him and takes so off. Wait, wait. How do you know she hit him? How do you know she hit him? I mean, do you know, do you, I mean, there's no evidence that she, the medical examiner said today, there's really no evidence about what caused the death there. And there's usually when you hit someone with a 7,000 pound vehicle, there's some broken bones. There's no broken bones here. I don't know. I just got the impression from her behavior that, uh, that, you know, she acknowledged if she hit him, if she hit him, Harry, why would she go home and then call him 50 times on the cell phone, telling him to come home and telling him what a jerky was? Why would the, why would the prosecutor, why would the prosecutor and one of the witnesses who is, who erased her message, how long to die and cold, why would they say that she was, uh, that she killed him at 1245 when the state trooper announced yesterday that she was, she was home at the, the, the dead boyfriend's house at 1236. How was that possible? Their stories don't add up, Harry. I thought she kind of acknowledged maybe I'm wrong. No, she, no, she, she said, did I hit him at one point? And then then the story changed as they realized they were in trouble and only one witness, the same woman who said she saw her at 1245 said, I hit him. But she's changed her story and she's also claimed that she didn't, uh, she didn't make the call how long to die and cold, even though the, the expert today, the IT expert said, she definitely said it at two 27. She Google searched it and she said she didn't delete anything and he said she deleted it. So she, she has told multiple stories and again, the prosecution has told multiple stories. The cops have tried to cover everything up. The lead cop investigating it solicited a bribe for, uh, for arresting care and read. That's that, the, and you know who turned that up? Harry, the FBI. Now, well, do you know, I mean, this is, I mean, you haven't been following the case very closely if you don't, if you don't know this, where are you getting your information from? Oh, and snippets here in the, I'm just wondering, well, with yours, have an option of reducing it way down to, you know, maybe drunk driving or something or, yes, but I don't think they're going to, I don't think they're going to find her guilty of anything because of the, the grotesque misconduct of the police and the prosecutor in this case. Would you say that? Do you think that, uh, you know, do you think the state trooper should be prosecuted for soliciting a bribe? Probably, you know, that's the case. Do you think the state trooper did, did the right thing? I mean, he knew about this guy, Larry Lucky Loughran, who's, we're going to play his cuts here in just a moment. I mean, they knew about him immediately that because the, uh, the DPW commission commissioner in the town of Canton told him that there's a driver named Lucky Loughran who you, who, who's family, you know, cause his, his brothers on the board of selectment and, uh, and they didn't bother to interview him because they knew he was going to give him a conflicting story. The FBI had to interview, interview Lucky Loughran, the, uh, the witness who could say whether or not there was a body on the lawn. They didn't bother to interview him. They, there's a guy named Colin Albert who's, uh, you know, a, you know, one of the people that was in the house, the state police officer knew that he was in the house but didn't put him in the report. Why did the state police officer proctor also, uh, misspelled the names of all the, uh, all the younger witnesses? It's almost like he was trying to cover it up. Harry. Sounds like it too and then all those dog bites too kind of can be used to me. It is sort of kind of a complex and why did the dog, why did the dog disappear overnight? The dog has never been seen again since that night. Yeah, I guess, uh, I guess, to me, it's, it's maybe a little complicated but, uh, I'm wondering what the jury is left with. Can they decide to just charge him minimally with something for drunk driving? I mean, that was pretty clear. I mean, if seven after, after, after seven weeks of a murder trial, you're going to charge it with drunk driving. I don't think, I don't think that's in the cards. You got to let her go. I don't think manslaughter is in the, in the cards anymore. I think a federal, a federal indictment of multiple cops and prosecutors is in the cards. That's what I would, that's what I think. Thanks for the call, Harry, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, I'm Howie Car. The emperor of hate, Howie Car, is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashville. Call one, eight, four, four, a perfect smile or visit, Matt, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? What is most responsible for the collapse of the prosecution in the Caron read trial? Trooper Proctor's corruption, the overall corruption of the mass state police, the buffoonery of prosecutor, Adam Malley or Turtle Boy? Turtle Boy, I'm voting for. Turtle Boy has 20%. I'm surprised it's so low. The overall corruption of the mass state police is 49%. Trooper, Trooper Proctor's corruption, it has 16% and the buffoonery of prosecutor, Malley has 14%. All right, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Limerick guy, it's people like Harry that make me leery of a jury because people like him all too often wind up on the jury, yikes. Yeah, I mean, by the way, someone texted it too, I mean, you know, you can't charge someone with drunk driving just because you think they were drunk. I mean, you know, I know, you know, they did a blood alcohol test on her, but that was like, you know, many hours later, many hours after she had driven. And they have, you know, they can't charge her with, that's just not going to work as a drunk driving case in, you know, they were all saying, well, they were all drinking heavily. Again, that's the problem. I mean, that's probably the problem why they beat him up. Someone beat him up. And then they threw him out on the snow. If they'd been thinking well, they would have taken him to the hospital because what's the worst that's going to happen to them? They're cops, basically. So nothing's going to happen to them if they don't kill him and they probably could have saved him. I don't think it was a fatal, it was the hypothermia. They said there's one of the, one of the causes of death. So you know, I mean, he might have been, you know, grievously injured with the blows to the head, the dog bites, but I think it was the, the freezing to death. That's what, that's what did it mean, the hypothermia. So it's, I, but I mean, to say that this woman deserves to do prison time. I mean, it's, they, they tried to frame her. It's pretty clear. Isn't it? Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, I want to play the cut from yesterday in case you haven't heard it. This is a, this is this state trooper. Now he didn't turn Nicholas, Nicholas Blueberry Muffin Garino from Norwood next door to Canton. He, he says that he didn't, he didn't detect the, how holds long to die in cult. We don't have time. We don't have time for the cut. So, but he said, he holds long to die in cult. And they said, why didn't you find that? How come the defense guy, Richard Green had defined, he said, we didn't have the software. They didn't have the soft, they didn't have the software to find the exculpatory evidence. I think the state police should invest in the exculpatory evidence software, but we'll get to, we'll get to this when we come back eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. And we have some turtle boy questions. He just tweeted them out that he was talking about, you know, three witnesses left. Only three witnesses left. They're moving fast. Because what's the, what's the rush? They're right. Just like when you have a two touchdown lead at the end of the game, you don't pass the ball. Take a knee, run out the clock, I'm Howard Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Nicholas Greeno, a scholar from Westfield State, living in Next Door, Norwood, to Canton. And so he's talking about the deletions. She deleted all of her, this woman, Jennifer McCabe, also known as Jennifer McTooth for her lack of teeth. She deleted all of her messages, including hose long to die in cold at 2.27 a.m. when, probably when no keep was still alive, hose long to die in cold. So this guy, Gerino, who couldn't find hose long to die in cold, he also couldn't find all the deletions that she made, the, the, the real expert who didn't go to Westfield State. He could find them. This is what he said. This is what he said happened. This is a yesterday in court, trooper, Nicholas, Blueberry, Muffin, Gerino, cut 19. Now, as far as, um, all files are right ahead log, um, having things listed as deleted, if you could just speak a little bit more about that, as far as why would something be listed as deleted in a wall file? What does that mean? Again, the user has no input on how a wall file is deleted. It's an automated thing that the data page does to clean up things. It auto deletes after either programs are closed, it reaches a max data allotment for that page. That, that is it. And that would include, uh, any sort of call log history that was contained in the right ahead log of the wall file as well. That is correct. And so what of any opinion you have as to those phone calls they were showing in relation to the contact list and to miss me. What's going on in this phone is cocoa as far as whether or not they were user delete. Well, again, uh, but the defense show me was limited thing. I know there's a tribute to other, the limited that phone call was listed, um, from looking at it myself. So I don't know why they gave me just the two deleted things, but there should be other spots in the database for that phone calls. So I don't believe that it was user initiated. It was phone initiated. Phone initiated. That's what we call a BS thing from the MSP BS thing. So if it, if it, if it incriminates one of their friends, it must have been phone initiated. So today the defense was with the real expert and cell phones again, Rick Green. And he was asked about this, uh, this new concept that's been developed by this, uh, this scientist from Westfield state, who's now on the state police after being on the Norwood police for 10 years about, well, here it is. Cut 13. Now, are you aware of the term spontaneous deletion? Uh, no, sir, I, I know what the individual words mean, but in, in relation to digital forensics, I'm not familiar with that term. Do you have an opinion as to how those calls would have been deleted from that phone? Those have been user deleted. User deleted. That's the only way I know to delete a phone unless you destroy, I guess you destroy the phone, like the, uh, like the other people who were at 34 Fairview Road that night, the two cops. They, they got rid of the, the, the, the court was ordering them to, to preserve the phones as part of the criminal investigation and they destroyed their phones or maybe the phone's committed suicide. You know, now that we know that these phones are apparently sentient objects or this is what AI is, I don't know how it, are these, are these phones living beings now? It's like how in 2001 a space odyssey and now it's reality is outstripped fiction here. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, here's a, here's turtle boy this afternoon. He mentioned this, but here's his, his actual conversation, uh, him and, uh, I guess Ted Daniel or somebody from channel 25 talking with, uh, you know, the defense lawyer about what's coming. They're, they're really going through quickly through their witnesses, cut 21. We're talking about a year and a half now, we've been doing a few things and it should be the number one witness. Me or Lucky Laufer. On a honest prosecution, the prosecution should have been trying to find out, hey, who snow, who, who plowed the street on a knife where there was an absolute blizzard somebody had to and did they see his body in the lawn? Is our theory correct? Apparently they didn't care. We did. We got him within two weeks. And did that come out after his recording? Was that how you, uh, or did you know, we, we, we, we found him first, I think, six months before me. Yeah. Well, he, he found him independently. Of us. But we talked with him on February 15th of 2022, we're not early on. I knew right then that they were never going to be able to prove this case. Mr. Ganna, can you tell me how many witnesses do you have left and can you name who they are? Sure. We have three witnesses left. Uh, it's going to be Dr. Frank Sheridan pathologist and the two archeguys that you saw who were so impressive. Okay. So you won't even bother with the people who were bitten by Chloe or any of those folks. We don't have to go there. Okay. This jury wants this case and we want to give this jury this case. Feel confident right now in an octalty verdict. We feel very confident. That guy, Sharon, Sharon is another dog bite expert and see the, he's, he, he, he, I guess he's a forensic pathologist to Lally was making a big deal that the, the dog bite expert from LA who's, who's originally from Boston that she, she, she's not, you're not a forensic doctor or a physician or you know, I've just, uh, unlike, uh, you know, unlike the guy who may, it comes from a community college. The, uh, their, their witness, uh, Paul, it's, they're just such clowns. And so they, they're not going to, so the other two witnesses are from the FBI. Those are the ask, accident reconstruction experts by the FBI and the, again, to repeat the FBI interviewed Lucky Loughran long before the Massachusetts state police, although the Massachusetts state police had his name, they decided not to interview him because he might incriminate some of their drinking buddies. Apparently that's the only reason they would. So he, and again, I love this lucky Lough, Loughran cut. This is, uh, this is when he won the jury over cut for. And now when you're following, uh, where is your attention focused, sir? My attention's focused in front of me and then to the sides. Why would your attention be focused to the sides? Uh, I am, uh, trying to be aware of, uh, any side traffic, any pedestrians, and go off a bit, any animals loves animals, lucky Loughran. So they, they're saying that he, that, that Karen Reed killed her boyfriend at 1245, even though her cell phone showed that she was back at her boyfriend's house at 1236 by their own testimony, but she, their, their statement, they, they were, they wanted to be convicted of murder for killing him at 1245. And so would you, you would think his body would be on the lawn at 2 30 in the morning, wasn't sure at 2 45, uh, lucky. What did you see when you came by with the snow plow truck at the 2 45 on the Albert's lawn cut five? When you were passing the Albert residents, uh, as you pass every home, uh, what attention do you pay to the sides of the road and the lawns that are adjacent to the road? Uh, I'm, again, making sure that there are no animals, no pedestrians, and making sure no one's coming out of their driveways, not expecting to see me. And with regard to exhibit 66, you see the flag hole there? Yes. Is that something you had seen previously? Yes. And when you made that first pass by that residence at 2 45 in the morning, sir, with your headlights on, what? If anything, did you see on the front lawn in the area of the flat valley? I saw nothing. Um, if there had been a six foot two, 200 pound man lying in the cell there, would you have seen it? Rejection. Sistine. Yes, he would have. Yes, he would have. So he's, he's tight. Again, he's tight with the McAlberts. His brother is on the, uh, is on the board of selectmen with Chris Albert, the jailbird, the guy who, who beat the rap, only did six months after he hired the judge's, uh, brother as his lawyer. And so, so he's, and he went to grade school with Chris Albert before he went to prison. So he's asking, uh, if there's a, there's a rule and you know what, how it is when there's a town city declares a snow emergency, you got to move your car off the street for obvious reasons to clear it for the plows. And so they had this Ford edge, this mysterious Ford edge out on the street, which they, they never did. The Alberts never did that. So, uh, you know, uh, they, the normal procedure would be for him to, uh, report the vehicle to his, uh, supervisor at the department of public works, right? Seven. What, what are the snow conditions like that point? This is now, I think you said about fishing with your dirty. It's, it's starting to, uh, accumulate a lot quicker than what it was previous. And what policies does the DPW have regarding cars parked in the streets during a blizzard, where there's, uh, falling to be that, um, we are to, uh, notify the super, the, uh, supervisor at that point, he will, uh, make a phone call to the police. And depending on if they can have the resident move it, it gets moved. If not, it gets towed. And with regard to that policy, did you come fly with that policy in those early morning hours? No, I did not. Why? Because I was being courteous to the Alberts family. So he's obviously a deep enemy of theirs. He's, they couldn't have asked for a better witness for the defense. Did the plow driver see Chloe, the dog? No, he did not. There was a, Chloe, the dog was never seen again after that night. You know, he slept. He used to, she used to sleep in the room with a Brian Albert and the wife. And, uh, and, and when Jen McTooth came up there, that, that morning, according to her testimony, there was no dog. The dog vanished overnight. Strange. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. These are the people that are hired to the job of protecting us from crime. But no, if you don't comply with the narrative, you're the prosecuted one. 919 says, Sean, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Sean. I can't believe I'm on your show. I'll be from Chloe. You're breaking up, Sean. You're not on the show now. I'm sorry. You're breaking up. Ralph, you're next with how we car. Go ahead. Ralph. Hey, Captain. Uh, just wanted to put in where who is really covering up for the, uh, perpetrators. I mean, I mean, really who's supporting them and who's funding them, who's doing the legal work. That's really. Well, you know, the thing is they tried yesterday to put into, into, into evidence the prosecution that Karen Reed had called a, uh, a drunk driving attorney at like 1 30 in the afternoon, the day, the day that her, her boyfriend's body was discovered January 29th. And yet all of these people, all of them, including the, the, the prosecute, including the state police of, uh, trooper who solicited a bribe and his boss, they've, they've all hired lawyers. So you know, hiring lawyers is, is not a, uh, is, is not an indication of guilt. It's your constitutional right, like taking the fifth amendment. So even judge, uh, judge Bev, anti Bev refuse to allow them to introduce that as evidence because then the process, then the defense could introduce that all these witnesses that are supposedly, uh, you know, uh, on the, uh, straight and narrow when they've taken the, uh, oath to, uh, to enforce the law, they've all got lawyers too, criminal lawyers, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two on Howie Carr. You're listening to the Howie Carr show eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, the cops have got lawyers, all of the people in the house have got lawyers, criminal lawyers, high priced criminal lawyers, not public defenders, but they're totally on the level. So if, if, uh, you know, if Karen Reid's got a problem calling a lawyer, then why are they calling lawyers, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, a new episode of Meet the Experts is available now. This week I spoke with Karen Worcester of wreaths across America, which has been placing wreaths, wreaths at the graves of US veterans during the Christmas season for over 30 years. Here's a preview of that episode. Tell us all about wreaths across America. We are a publicity through the mission to remember the fallen on of those that serve, and I think most importantly to teach the next generation the cost and value of freedom. We have most known for placing wreaths during December, this year it will be probably close to bloody five hundred locations, and we'll probably place well over three million wreaths. Is this just in the veterans' cemeteries? Any way that there is a veteran buried, one about the largest areas of growth are in small community cemeteries. Some people will go out, often take a group of kids and go out in the cemetery and write down the names of the veterans, and then they can stat either looking for sponsorships or they can just have a ceremony. Tell us about the giving in July campaign for wreaths across America. Well, giving in July is a time when we call attention to the other organizations and the other groups that we work with. They could be a VFW, they could be a Girl Scouts Boy Scouts, they could be somebody in the community that's trying to raise funds in their local community to help buy a guide dog. So what we do is try to highlight these organizations' all attention to their needs and they use our sponsorship program and how it works, the $17 that sponsors the wreaths will also return $5 to that organization. There are groups that have been doing this for years and years. We have given back to date, over $25 million that have gone back into local communities, and I know you've heard me say this, we believe a person died twice, the first time when their hats start speeding and likely they're bonding. But the final time is when the name is open for the last time and it's more important than ever. For us to be speaking names and sharing stories with kids so that they understand we can't be flip about freedom. It's not paid for, it's still an open checkbook here going on for freedom and who will be the next generation to step up if they don't learn to love this country because of what they cost these men and women that want to split it. It's a great organization. Meet the experts with Karen Wooster of wreaths across America is now available at Apple Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. John, you're next with Howie Car, go ahead, John. Hey, I just found out the other day about that dog bite. Yes. I was just sitting outside of Wal-Mart's couple and I put it all together. What if he was in the house and Albert's dog kicked, he bit him and he kicked the dog and severely damaged and the owner in an instant reaction shoved or pushed or hit him. Now they had to figure out what they're going to do with an injured dog that takes him an hour or two. That's why he wasn't outside. I don't know that John O'Keefe was really loaded and that dog was sober and that dog had hurt a lot of people, John. I don't know. It seems to me that it would be more likely there would be a fight would break out and the dog would just jump in and try to, the way dogs do if they're aggressive to defend their owners. Yes, but he may not have just been him for some damn reason and he kicked the dog and severely injured. I don't think Chloe is above ground anymore. I don't believe Chloe has been rehomed but I've never heard anybody say that I think the dog was injured in the fight. See ya Monday, I'm Howie Car. (dramatic music)