The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read's "Lucky" Day 29 and Grace's News | 6.21.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Plow driver Brian “Lucky” Loughran testified in court he didn't see John O'Keefe's body outside. Not a good look for the prosecution. Plus Grace spotlights her news picks of the day.

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21 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pier 360 fan. Get yours at and save $30 off their already low sales price with Code Howie 30. This deal is for one week only. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Donald Trump told the crowd how to quote, "I don't care about you. I just want to shout out to you." You are fake news. Isn't that breeze nice? 'Cause I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care. See now the press will take that and they'll say he said a horrible thing. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Because if Biden goes out there and messes up, it's game over. For 30 years, I'm empowering AA high speed leaders. You lose. Good day, sir. Bush. Now, you know sort of the difference between poor edge and key Cherokee? Yes. What's the difference? The tail lights in the back. For the edges are more round. They're cheap Cherokee and are more square. Objection, Your Honor. Can we clarify the court whether witnesses stating opinion or fact? This is your opinion? It's a fact. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Carr. What a Roberto Duran say. No moss, no moss. That's what Adam Lally should be saying then. And then this afternoon, as the defense presents one blockbuster witness after another. I must say it's pretty amusing stuff. Pretty amusing in the Karen Reed murder trial. Welcome to the Howie Carr show and we will be here throughout the day. The heat dome has dissipated. Thank goodness. Kind of disappointed in the globe though. I only saw one column saying that the world was coming to an end because of the heat dome. The fact that it's not 100 degrees today does that mean that the world's not an end? I hope so. I want to enjoy the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. Those days of soda and pretzel and beer. But eight-four foot, maybe not. Eight-four-four, five-hundred, forty-two, forty-two. That is the toll-free number if you would like to join the Howie Carr show today. And we've got lots of cuts from everybody including the trial down in datum, eight-four-four, five-hundred, forty-two. We have a handful of those cheap bastard deals from last week. I think we have three grab-and-go buckets from ready-wise. Two hundred and thirty dollar values for a hundred and fifteen bucks. Grab them now. There's only three left. We want to get them sold. It's a good deal for you. But so today, the prosecution, the persecution of Karen Reid finished up their case. And it ended as T.S. Eliot would say, not with a bang but a whimper. Actually, it was a whimper for the entire seven weeks. And so the prosecution immediately put their, began putting their witnesses on the stand. And we've got a lot of cuts to play. We'll be joined by Turtle Boy later. But one of the big things that the defense has is that they claim Karen Reid killed her boyfriend at twelve, thirty-two, or twelve, forty-six, or twelve, forty-five, whatever. They have different times depending on the day. And they, they don't know what to do with the fact that one of the, one of the people that's involved in the case, Jen McTooth, also known as Jen McCabe, Google searched at two twenty seven a.m. Hose long to die in cold, misspelling how, hose long to die in cold. And the, and then she deleted a bunch of other messages that she made. And now the, the state police witnesses say that there were some kind of mix-up and that she really didn't say, she really didn't Google search, hose long to die in cold, and that she, and that the deletions were made not by humans, but by, by the phone itself. From looking at it myself, so I don't know why they gave me just the two deleted things, but there should be other spots in the database where that phone call was there. So I don't believe that it was user initiated. It was phone initiated. Phone initiated deletions. Again, Ken's a very strange place. The phones, the phone's butt-vile by themselves. For at least they did. Bill USA. On this one day, on this one morning, in the space of four, the phones were suddenly butt-diling amongst each other. And then the phones all committed suicide the day before there were, there were orders from the court to preserve them. And the, before they committed suicide, though, and after butt-diling, they also had, they also deleted the humans do nothing about the deletions. They were phone initiated deletions. And that was by the, the very area that Westfield State graduate, Nicholas Garino, whose family runs the Garino pastry shop in, in Norwood, which produces delicious blueberry muffins. His testimony was not quite so delicious as the blueberry muffins that his family is known for. So today, they just, just a few minutes ago, less than an hour ago, they brought on their, they brought on a real expert who did not go to Westfield State, a guy named Rick Green. Not the Rick Green of Kool-Aid cult fame. And by the way, a member of the Kool-Aid cult was indicted today for more obstruction of justice. Ex-Senator Dean Tran, this was a superseding type of indictment, but not to be confused with his welfare fraud indictment and not to be confused with his state charges on stealing a firearm. But that's a different, this is a different Rick Green than the Rick Green that's affiliated with Dean Tran and Jim Jones-Liance in DoorDash deal. This is a, this is a real expert about cell phones. And so, you know, another, another, another, other than phone initiated deletions, again, it's very scary. You know, you didn't know your phone could, could do all this stuff on its own. This is, this is, this is the specter of AI. You, you didn't know this. These phones can, can, they have minds of their own apparently. They have phone initiated deletions. And then there's another phrase spontaneous deletion that the state police like to use when they're, when they're trying to cover up, when they're trying to frame an innocent person and protect their own corrupt, uh, minions and pals and people trying to bribe them. So David Yanetti, the defense lawyer, is asking about this, uh, this novel theory that the phones buyle themselves, phones destroy themselves and phones can delete their own messages if they don't like them. So this is Yanetti with, uh, the, with the real cell phone expert, a guy named Rick Green cut 13. Now, are you aware of the term spontaneous deletion? Uh, no, sir. I, I know what the individual words mean, but in, in relation to digital forensics, I'm not familiar with that term. And, uh, do you have an opinion as to how those calls would have been deleted from that phone? Those who have been user deleted. How dare you? Are you contradicting the, the testimony of David blueberry muffin, or excuse me, Nicholas date blueberry muffin green. Oh, how dare you? So I don't believe that it was user initiated. It was phone initiated. That could have been a poll question. Was it what did the messages, did the incriminating messages on the cell phone involving the murder of John O'Keefe, were they phone initiated deletions, or were they user deletions? Seven, seven, four says self driving cars, self dialing phones, lots of new technology. Don't forget self but dialing phones, too. And self committing suicide phones. Seven, eight, one says this state has spontaneously combusted. It really has. It really has. I don't think you have to be as old as me to remember when the state police were a respected institution. You know, but, but I mean, they're laughing slack now. I mean, they're, they're both corrupt and incompetent. So uh, seven, eight, one, even if the phone deleted the search, which is laughable, it was still searched. So they got her either way. Well, I think they do. Yeah. I don't know. Uh, six, oh three, maybe it was the ghost of O'Keefe doing the search, but apparently at two 27, I don't think he was dead yet. So that's why he, that's why they had somebody had thrown them out into the cold. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Uh, the fact that seven, eight, one, the fact that Karen Reed called O'Keefe more than 50 times before, but about 12 30 a.m. And six a.m. on June 29th is a slam dunk for me that she's innocent exactly. I mean, I said, I, you know, it's like yesterday they played all these text messages when she's calling and they, they claim she killed him at 12 45 and then they're playing all these messages that she sent him screaming and yelling at him about, then telling him to come home. And they, and you know what that produced? That produced a couple of good headlines and the paper saying, reads angry messages read, but they don't, they don't think it through. They are, the prosecution doesn't think it through and returned for a couple of nice headlines and a, and a story on the evening news last night. They're telling everybody that she thought he was alive. I mean, it's, this is how stupid they are. I know it's easy to second guess somebody just sitting the stands and the, you know, criticize, but really, I mean, why do you play messages that show somebody's angry and think somebody's alive and then claim not that they killed him by mistake, but that they murdered him. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. You may have heard me talk about Raycans every day earbuds before and thought, wait, the same audio quality I expect from the big guys, but at half the price sounds pretty good. But if you haven't pulled the trigger on a pair of Raycans yet, now is the time to check them out because they just launched their upgraded model of the best-selling everyday earbuds. With Raycans upgraded everyday earbuds, now you can also get active noise cancellation, ergonomic design and multi-point connectivity that lets you pair with two devices at once, available in a variety of vibrant new colors to complement any and all skin tones. As pretty as the new colors are, the best thing is the earbuds themselves. They are just fantastic and again, they're half the price of the better-known so-called premium brands. They have optimized gel tips for custom cozy fit, ergonomic earbud shapes fit the widest range of ears. They have this, as we said, the active noise cancellation. They have a quick charge function, so you don't have to worry about using them a lot. A lot of hours you can recharge very quickly and with the heat dome is gone today, but it'll be back soon and they had the new earbuds are sweat resistant and they are weather-proof. I love them. I use them every morning. When I take Rosco out for his morning walk, I use them in the evening. I sometimes, if the mailroom manager isn't in, you know, hasn't gone to bed, I'll use them in the living room while she's watching TV or streaming something. You have the earbuds, you're not going to bother anybody else. Nobody else is going to bother you if you want to make a gift of them. Seriously, if you've been wanting to check out Raycon's, there is truly no better time. Their upgraded model will blow you away. Raycon offers a 30-day happiness guarantee, so what are you waiting for? Go to today to get 15% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's right, you'll get 15% off and free shipping at I'm Howie Carr. Get a crash course from the captain on everything he's talking about in today's show. Go to and click on today's edition of Howie's Homework. You'll be up to speed on today's news in no time. You're listening to the Howie Carr show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by impostors with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who's most responsible for the collapse of the prosecution in the Cameron Reed trial? Trooper Proctor's corruption, the overall corruption of the Mass State Police, the buffoonery of prosecutor Adam Liley, or Turtle Boy. I'm going with Turtle Boy. Only 20% of the audience feel the Turtle Boy is the problem here. The overall corruption of the Mass State Police while in the lead at 54%, 16% for Proctor Trooper, and 10% for the buffoonery of Adam Lolly. Lolly should be getting more votes than that. I'm sorry. Turtle Boy can fend for himself, but people aren't paying enough attention. The reason they're not paying enough attention is all you have to say is for him to say what, if any, about for the fifth time, you begin to drift into a waterfall after a few fireball rounds. That should have been how we phrase it. What, if any of these is most responsible? 844-542-42. David, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, David. Howie, can you hear me okay? I'm on the road. Yes, I can. Okay. Hey, I have a question. See, and today they come out with the speculation that in fact a dog could have caused the injuries to that police officer. Yes. My question is this. Is it possible that Chloe was driving that Lexus? That beautiful dog, a talented dog. You know, Chloe had been drinking all night at the hillside with Commander, and then they were heading off to Vermont to the farm that they were that they were both moving. Thanks for the call, David. Chloe is the missing dog, the dog that's been rehomed. The dog was around that night, but the next morning at six o'clock, the dog was gone. It has never been seen again and can't anyway. They claim it's been rehomed. Who knows? Who knows? They had witnesses that were going to say, talk about how Chloe bit them, but I don't think they're even going to call them. I think they're moving through this even faster than they thought they were. The defense, Ron, you're next with how we car? Go ahead, Ron. Yeah, how are you doing? Good. Okay. I am surprised with enough of what I've followed of this case that the state just turns around and hasn't said to the judge, we just miss all charges because they have shown with their own witnesses a number of people doubt. The defense isn't going to have to worry about calling any witnesses because of all the problems the state has already brought up. But it's too embarrassing, Ron. I think you're absolutely correct. I mean, what they've done is it disgrace. I mean, basically, they proved nothing. They basically defended the McAlberts. That was the whole case. They've spent seven weeks in a case where they're supposed to be prosecuting care and read. And they've just been basically operating as a defense team for these white trash can't in townies. I've turned it on. I've served on jury duty. Just to see what they are saying, the prosecution has done more damage to themselves than anything else. They have. And the fact that this guy, Lally, I used to know this guy, Tom Troy, he was a former cop, MDC cop. I may have told this story on the air. I've been telling it to people. I said to him one day, he was a big tall guy. And he was very popular with juries. And I said to him, Tom, do you understand? Your client is a monster. He's a fiend. The jury hates your client. And Tom Troy just laughed. And he said, "Yeah, the jury hates my client, but they love Tom Troy." You know what? The jury down there, I guarantee you, an internal boy has set it over over again. They hate Lally because he's so damn boring. He just, you know, he never, he never takes 10 minutes to conduct an examination where he can take three or four hours. And it's just, it's just so, it was just so, so painful to watch this guy in operation. And I guess he, a turtle boy told Grace, he's just, he's just chain smoking on the courthouse steps. He's given plenty of money though to Morrissey. He should be okay. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. A lot of speculation about what Chloe is. Why key? You mean, we can't take the, the Alberts at their word? German shepherds are going missing quite a bit between Chloe and Biden's German shepherd who is rehomed. Shepherds. Right. Major. One of them died. Oh, major died or was it made commander? Honestly, Jared's the person to ask. He follows. They've wrapped for the day. What about the dogs though, Jared? Didn't one of them, one of them was rehomed, Biden's dogs. Yeah, commander was rehomed. Major passed away. Major, major and champ, I think. We'll be seeing Chloe again about the next time we see Jimmy Hoff or Amelia Earhart. All right, time now for Grace with the news. Yes, Howard. Happy Friday to you. We've got a couple of stories out there. The Columbia University subway station was defaced with anti-Israel graffiti and bright red paint this week. Months after protesters occupied the morning side Heights Ivy League campus, a station superintendent was riding the train when he spotted the brazing graffiti on the northbound and southbound platforms. The messages included long live Hines Hall, a reference to the university's iconic Hamilton Hall, which was renamed for a Palestinian girl who was killed in the Middle East conflict. And we talked yesterday about how it was renamed by the university or by the Nazis. By the rioters, the interactionists. Yes. And we talked yesterday how we, and we didn't get a lot of time to discuss it about how Emerson in that internal email was finally admitting that the protests garnered so much negative backlash that they actually are attributing it to why their enrollment is down. Well, I mean, don't you think that's a convenient excuse? I mean, you know, Emerson train, you know, I looked at the, I looked at the social media of all the the Hamas hippies that were arrested. And they were all like, you know, would be harpists and flutists. And they, they wanted to be professional musicians. Don't we all don't we all want to be professional musicians at the end of the day? And I thought that myself, you know, there's how many decades where our parents going to go on paying 60, 70, 80 thousand dollars for their, their children to become a totally unemployable at the end of four years. I mean, don't you think that maybe reality is starting to catch up with colleges like Emerson? I mean, I think a lot of these private colleges, I mean, it's one thing to waste 30, 40,000 bucks a year at a public school. But I mean, to waste double that at a private university, it's ridiculous, isn't it? Yes. So you can say that your kids went to, you know, I hate Jews university? Right. You can go to, oh, you can go to Boston because it's such a cool place. Is Boston still a really cool place to be? I'm not sure. I don't think it is really. I don't think it is either. I don't go there very often. So I wouldn't know either. No, but how your overall point is correct. And in the email that went viral, it obviously wasn't intended to go viral. It was an internal email. But the, I think it was the president who said it's a one year phenomenon, this drop in enrollment. And I agree with you from what we've been seeing and from kind of the overall rejection of college education. It's transitory like Janet Yellen said about inflation. People are really starting to look at the trades. People are really starting to look at these careers where they could immediately start up maybe in a five year program. And then before they know it, they're making real money and they haven't got any debt. Got any debt? Yeah, they can just put money aside instead of putting it into repaying debt for ridiculous majors that they took. They can start putting it down for a down payment on a house. Yes, exactly. I'm Dem Lawmakers demand by open pathways to Palestinian refugees for resettlement in the U.S. This caught my eye because I was looking for a different story about Representative Jaya Powell from Washington. And it turns out she's one of the Democrats that is spearheading this letter that was signed by 69 congressional Democrats. She is not, by the way, anyone from Massachusetts, anyone from New England, not the main ones that are mentioned, not the spear hitters, not the spears, no Massachusetts people that were spearheading it. But I wanted to mention about Jaya Powell because I wasn't sure. Sure, Ayanna Pressley and Catherine Clark would be in on it would be in this gag. Well, that's why I was confused because how he was nice enough today to help me proof an article I was writing, which I'm hoping is going to be posted soon. It's going to be it's going to be in the Herald on Sunday. It's going to be taking the place of my column on Sunday because I'm going to be I'm writing for tomorrow and I've written four days this week. So I decided to take a slide. Oh, sweet. Okay. Well, thank you very much. But I was wondering if Jaya Powell is considered a squad member because she's extremely far left. She definitely aligns with them politically. But I think she just might be too old because and I don't want to sound ages, but it seems like the squad members are all pretty young and some people describe her as a squad member. Is it like is it like the mafia? You can be a made member or you can be an associate. She's an associate. She's an associate because then I went to the Wikipedia page and they have all their pictures. Ayanna Pressley, AOC Jamal Bowman, and I said, Oh, Jaya Paul did not make the cut, but she is part of this demand. Dem lawmakers love to demand things that Biden opened pathways to Palestinian refugees. And as I mentioned to you earlier how we off on the side when we were talking in the office is that it's amazing how Egypt and you brought up some other places, Jordan being these are the two neighboring countries to the Gaza Strip. They have no interest in taking refugees. Well, there was a they they tried to overthrow King Abdullah's father back in 1970. There was a huge civil war. They they allowed some of them to come into Egypt and there was total civil unrest close to a civil war. So now they want to come to the United States. What could possibly go wrong? And by the way, too, and I told you this too, in the Gulf States, which got a lot of money, you know, all those like a guitar and the United Arab Emirates, etc. Oh, was it Oman? They instead of when they need workers because they need a lot of workers over there. You know, they don't have enough population. Do they bring in Palestinians who speak Arabic and our Muslims? That would be easier. Or do they bring in Filipinos who don't speak Arabic and are Christians predominantly? You know, the question answers itself, right? Yeah, because there's too much of a risk. And I was reading an article today, it was from the conversation and they were talking about how CC in Egypt, the reasons why he's hesitant to bring in these Palestinian refugees. And it said, I'm with CC. I mean, he's an Abdullah too. Get the king. Except here's my issue with CC. He has no problem lecturing us. And he has no problem condemning Israel and making it seem like Israel is somehow Islamophobic for not taking people in. And meanwhile that he has that that's for domestic consumption. He knows. But yeah, I mean, he was a he was a major step up from from the previous guy. So it says, oh, it says Egypt is not in a position to absorb all of the Palestinian refugees. Neither is the United States of America. And it said, and also there's danger, I'm paraphrasing, but it said there's danger in importing people with Hamas sympathies. And I thought, do we all should we also be concerned about that danger before we start doing it? Yeah, there's a there's a story in the New York Post today, ISIS linked to Tajik's flood in on Joe's watch, the number of migrants, migrants, illegals, flocking to the US-Mexico border from from a country known as a hotbed of ISIS recruitment has skyrocketed under President dementia Joe. More than 1500 illegals from Tajikistan to Tajikistan have crossed the border. Tajikistan Tajikistan in the previous 14 years, you know, when Trump was president and Obama, there were just 26 Tajik terrorists crossing the border. Now 1500, isn't that great? Wow, that's historic. That's that's what Joe Biden told us it was going to be a historic presidency and he wasn't wrong. 802 if Jordan and Egypt won't take any Palestinians, maybe they consider taking a few of the great Venezuelans who've entered the US instead. We'll talk more about that. It turns out those illegal aliens from Houston that I was talking about yesterday, Venezuela, Venezuela, the AP won't want the AP says, the accused of strangling and raping a 12 year old and leaving her for dead Houston Creek. Yeah, and they and they knew these guys were troubled, but they still let them go because they're Democrats and and you know how the AP describes them, the Associated Press. Yeah, men. Oh, two men. Yeah, it is somebody and Bill Bill Melugin from Fox tweeted back and he said, you know, the problem here is, you know, you and I know who they are, but you know, thousands of outlets get their news from the Associated Press and millions of people are going to read this and they're going to say, Oh, two men, they're going to think it was Baba. And Leroy who killed these people, millions of people are going to get this who don't know how to translate the Democrat liberal media BS. That's the problem is they, they, I don't think whitewashing is the right term, but they want to take away as much detail as possible so that people so it doesn't impact people at all. It's a lot of people have said this, but with the state run media, the sins of omission are at least as great as the sins of commission, meaning, meaning they're just leaving, leaving stuff out like the fact that these are illegal aliens from Venezuela that Biden invited into the country. Yeah, or calling Rachel Moran, the individual as Mayorkas did earlier this. Yeah, I mean, Acosta did that too. This, this woman, what do you call it? This woman? If you make it in her mother, Rachel Moran's mother pointed out, she's like, they're purposely depersonalizing this so that people don't care as much. That's the, that's the angle. Luxury tech and safety are all built into the entire premium GMC line. Tux trucks in Hudson, Mass invites you to experience a GMC Sierra, the new Acadia, Yukon or terrain GMC professional grade, search their inventory at One more story for you, Howie. There's a new study out examining how extreme heat impacts electric vehicles. Heat them care to take a guess. If you had to guess if electric vehicles are saddened or gladdened by the heat, which would you choose? I'm going to say that everything else is bad for electric vehicles. Why not heat them too? Yeah, the findings revealed EVs can lose up to 30% of total range and extremely hot weather. Wait, so, so you can't use an EV in extreme cold and you can't use an EV in extreme heat. But other than that, they're really good. Yeah, other than that, they're excellent. Just don't park it too close to your house. Howie, I wanted to let people know that we have a video up of Lucky, the plow driver from his testimony today. It's up at It's already getting a lot of clicks and you can check it out there. And there's just, there's plenty of stuff on the site, police blotters coming up later and those headlines will also be posted on the website. Yeah, Lucky is, Lucky is really a great witness and he was such a refreshing breath of fresh air. And how he's going to be talking about this case throughout the course of the show. So if you did miss Lucky and you just want to get a little glimpse of what is the place. You know, finally, I can't conehead that you could trust and that you can like, and who's not lying through his teeth. It is not a jail bird or worried about being a jail bird. And you know, the conversation about the basketball hoop, how he hit the basketball hoop, I know what they were trying to do, make it seem like he can't really see that well or he doesn't know what he's doing. It just endeared him to me more because I thought, what an honest guy, he hit the basketball hoop, he followed the rules, unlike all these other people who don't follow any sort of protocol. He said, I hit the basketball hoop, I've got to call my superior and report it. And he was also trying to protect the, the Albert, he went that he went to grade school with Chris Albert before he went to prison for killing the guy. And you know, in the higher judge, Judge Beverly's brother and got off with a six month wrist slap for killing the guy. Yeah, that's why he didn't. And then he got elected to the can board a selectment because, because how can and is it to be an ex-con? And that's why Lucky didn't report the Fort Edge, right on the road, even though it was blocking the plowtop. Yeah, he said, he said, they said, isn't it the, you know, policy at the DPW to report someone who's violating the snow emergency? And he said, yeah, but I did it, I didn't report it out of consideration to the, to the Alberts. And he doesn't mind getting himself in trouble for the basketball hoop and reporting himself, but he just was trying to do them a solid. Yeah, Lucky got tens across the board from me. He's great. He's, he's great. All right. And of course, Lally hated him, which, which just made him even endear to me even more to the jury and everybody else in the courtroom and in the world. Yelling at Lucky and then yelling at Dr. Marie Russell. Not a great look. The defense witness on the on the dog bites was MIT. The defense witness, the prosecution witness was GED. That's the difference. Thank you, Grace. Thanks, Ali. As always, as soon as I returned to New England, I made a visit to Perfect Smiles. Dr. Howton and his team are the best in New England. And I think the whole country, when you're planning dental work, you want to be confident about the quality of the staff and their work. Perfect Smiles has an easy to get to office in Nashua, New Hampshire, right over the Massachusetts line. And it's a comfortable office too. Before my dental appointment, I sat in their massage chair in the lobby for about a half an hour. The reason I mentioned that is because at Perfect Smiles, they do everything from the moment you walk in to make you as comfortable as possible. It's the best dental office I've ever been to. From the, from the lobby to the, to the dentist, to the dental hygienist, everything and everybody is top-notch first-rate state-of-the-art. And now Dr. Howton has added two more dentists to his practice. This will cut down on your wait time to get an appointment. Perfect Smiles will always fit you in when you have an emergency, as they have done for both me and the mailroom manager when we've needed it. Whatever your dental needs are, you need to try Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire. Take a look at my video testimonial at or call them at 603-595-6699. You won't be disappointed. Change your smile, change your life. 603-595-6699. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show. I'll be Carr is back. 844-542-442. So Senator John Kennedy has been really devastating to all these nuts. These radical leftists that they are trying to fill up the federal bench with before they're thrown out of office, hopefully, in November. So now they've got somebody up, Julia Lippes. She was before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And this is Senator Kennedy talking, quoting Julia Lippes, who's in front of him, yesterday, a nominee for the federal bench, lifetime job, or until 70 and then you go on senior status, basically a lifetime job. Cut 11. This is what she said at Mr. Micah's sentencing. These are your words, not mine. What I can say, you said, is that this is a very tragic situation of a person who has a lot of good in him, a lot of good in him, having done a very represent reprehensible thing to two young children causing extreme damage. Did I read that correctly? Senator, in that case, I impose a sentence, the state requested. Did I read that your quotation correctly? Senator, that I think is a portion of what I said at sentencing. My focus was on... But the words I've read, are they correct? That's what was reported in the paper, Senator. I have not seen a transcript of the sentencing. I bet the victims remember, Judge. The victims remember. I guess they must have read it in the paper, too. That was transcript initiated. Cut 12. And then you handed down a sentence. You gave Mr. Smith 12 years, but you suspended six of them, didn't you? Senator, that was at the recommendation of the state because they... But it was your ruling. Is that an accurate statement of your ruling? Senator, I accepted the state's recommendation that six years should be suspended so that Mr. Smith would be required to participate in Texas. So I appreciate the lengthy explanation, but I think it's a pretty simple question. That was your sentence, right? Yes, I impose a sentence, the state requested in that case. See, this is the way it works. It certainly works this way in Massachusetts and probably most other states. So the judge says, "Well, I accepted the recommendation of the state." And then you go back to the prosecutor. You say, "Why did you give us this horrible arch fiend a slap on the wrist?" Well, we knew we weren't going to get it anymore, so we had to deal with the reality. It's like they have these 30, 30-year on-and-after sentences for using a machine gun in the commission of a felony, so they just use it as plea bargain now, so nobody ever gets 30 years on and after. It's a joke. Everything's a joke. I'm how we car.