The Howie Carr Radio Network

Illegal immigration, Prince Harry and EVs in a Heat Wave | 6.21.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace talks to Jessica Vaughan about illegal immigration, amnesty and the media's coverage of horrific--and avoidable--crimes. Also, Royal News has Grace riled up.

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21 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trattaria Studio, it's "The Grace Curly Show." We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to "The Grace Curly Show." Thank you all so much for joining us on this gorgeous Friday afternoon. And I hope you're enjoying the program thus far. It's only going to get better because we've got Jessica Vaughn joining us from the Center for Immigration Studies. Jessica, thanks so much for taking the time on this Friday afternoon. Good to be with you, Grace. I first wanted to start off with your reaction. And this isn't the first time I've heard this narrative from the left, but recently, Primmila Jayapal and Joy Reid brought it more to the forefront of my mind, which is this idea that covering these stories, which I know the Center for Immigration Studies does quite often, covering these stories about illegal alien crime, is just a fear-mongering tactic to blow something out of proportion or to make people irrationally fearful of the fact that our border is wide open. Would you agree with that assessment as someone who's been covering this for a lot longer than these mainstream news outlets? Absolutely not. This is not fear-mongering. That is incredibly insulting to the family members of the people who have been harmed by this crime wave that the Biden border policies have set off. It is horrific, some of the things that have been happening. It is not imagined. It is very real and very serious. Not only do we have cases of young girls being raped and killed, one of them recently in Houston apparently was hung from a bridge as a signal from the cartel to this mom who was killed in Bel Air, Maryland by an MS-13 gang member to these gangs of criminals that are ravaging New York City and Denver and other places. And these are not just crimes that happen because of people being in the country. These are all instances where the people who did this, the monsters who did this, were allowed in deliberately by the Biden administration and waved into the country with no thought at all to the consequences of this. It is a deliberate policy to wave everyone in and they are ignoring the consequences of this or trying to dismiss it as racism. The left wants to sweep this under the rug, but it cannot be swept under the rug. People in these communities know what is happening and they are horrified by it. And I think there will be political consequences for anybody who supports these policies. Yeah, and that last part right there is why the media that runs cover for Joe Biden is hell bent on suggesting this. And it's just what you said. They understand that if people are aware of these stories, if people are informed, which is the job of the media and journalists, if people are informed of the danger of having an open border, they might make different political decisions going forward. I think you just hit the nail on the head. Now, I did want to talk about the Biden administration because over the last couple of weeks, Jessica, I've noticed that Joe Biden made two decisions that seem to send two different signals, or at least he wants them to send different signals. One of them is this executive order where he tried to convince us that he's cracking down on a legal immigration, that he's doing something after all of this time, only followed up a few days later by the announcement of this executive order for essentially mass amnesty, immigration relief, as he calls it. Why these two decisions so close together? And I would love your opinion on that first executive order, as it was kind of presented to us to show that Joe Biden really cares about the chaos, but did it actually accomplish anything at all? - No, this faux border security proclamation is nothing but a smokescreen. And it's just to give him a talking point, just to give the president a talking point. I think he knows that he is not gonna fool people who are opposed to his policies. He's trying to give a talking point to his allies so that they can rationalize continuing to support him in the face of this border disaster. Like, oh, okay, the president's taking care of it now. He's finally stepped in because Congress wouldn't, which is nonsense. I mean, he's had this authority for three and a half years now, and it's only now using it. I think the other reason he did this proclamation on this faux border security proclamation was to prepare the way for the next amnesty announcement that he issued just days later. So he can say, well, now that I've cracked down on the border, it's time for me to offer some relief to these long-suffering illegal aliens who've been living in the country for a long time. We can do that now because I've cracked down on the border. I can offer amnesty to half a million people who will claim to marry to U.S. citizens and to have lived here for 10 years. And also create new work programs for illegal aliens, like those with DACA or people with work permits who've graduated from college. You know, the first proclamation has to be seen as laying the groundwork to give him cover to do the second one, which is much more of a priority for him. - One thing I always talk to you about Jessica, because I don't think he gets enough attention, is the issue with incentivizing more people to cross our border illegally. As far as that goes, do you think that this amnesty, this parole in place, is going to send a message to people who keep in mind, might also feel like the clock is ticking and they have to cross over before Joe Biden hopefully doesn't win his re-election, but is the mass amnesties the parole in place also kind of opening us up to more people who are going to try to take advantage of that? - Absolutely, and while, of course, prospective illegal aliens may not know the details of this executive action, you know, that supposedly you have had to live here for 10 years and have gotten married before June 17th of this year, but they don't pay attention to that. They get the message that there's going to be another amnesty and now is the time to get in, and if they can just get into the United States, eventually there will be an amnesty that covers them too. We know that from experience, that's what happened when DACA was implemented by the Obama administration. Soon after that, we saw a huge spike in the number of unaccompanied minors coming across the border because the work was spreading that if you come as a kid, that's going to be excused later on. You'll eventually get to live here forever even if you cross them legally as long as you came as a kid, and now the excuse is going to be marriage to a U.S. citizen. Now, I think that there are some sympathetic cases that might benefit from this particular action, but I have grave concerns about, first of all, the president's authority to do it, and the screening that will be done, we know will be lackadaisical if there's any at all, and the fact that there are, he's circumventing the will of Congress that said there should be penalties on people who live here illegally for a long time, and you can't get out of it just by marrying a U.S. citizen. - Yeah, the other question I have for you, Jessica, is about the polls because people always take polls with a grain of salt, but one poll, or one topic that I've been watching pretty closely, is how people feel about certain measures to decrease illegal immigration, including deportations, and I was shocked to find that even some Democrats are supportive of deportations. Have you noticed that shift? Have you been surprised as to how American citizens are kind of coming around to understanding the dangers of having an open border? - Honestly, I'm not surprised. Immigration enforcement and a secure border never used to be a partisan issue. It was something that there was great common ground on among Americans. - That's such a good point. - That we welcome immigrants, but we want to be able to control it, and we don't want immigration to be illegal. And also these polls revealed that more than half of Hispanic voters are in favor of, quote, unquote, mass deportations, even when the pollster puts it that way, like mass deportations, which is supposed to turn people off, they still were in favor of it. And I think this is just a predictable reaction to these disastrous policies that Biden has been clinging to. - Jessica, we're getting texts for you from our listeners, and this is one topic. I know we've covered this before, but it does come up. It's one of the left's favorite talking points, and so I'll have you debunk it right now for 339. The left thinks these atrocities by illegals is no more a rate than by citizens of the US. We hear that a lot where, oh, illegal aliens commit crimes at a lesser rate than citizens that already are here. What do you say to that? - There are so many reasons that that is really a false narrative, but the most important point is every single crime committed by an illegal alien is one that could have been and should have been prevented. Victims of these crimes could not care less whether the crime rate of illegal aliens is 100 times more than Americans or 100 times less. It doesn't matter. The rate is not important. What matters is that our policies are enabling these criminals to come here and victimize people in our community. - Are you ever blown away, Jessica, or you're so entrenched in all this data and information that you've seen these headlines so many times before, but one thing that does always kind of take my breath away is when you read a story, and there was one recently about a truck driving incident where you find out that the person, the illegal alien involved in the crime, had been deported, sometimes it's like 16 times. What can we do going forward? What could Trump do to prevent that from happening? 'Cause it's all well and good to deport someone, but 16 times back in the country talk about an avoidable crime. - Yeah, that was insane. I think it was in Denver maybe when that happened. Lots of things that can be done, first of all, is to end these policies of waving in everyone who arrives illegally to stay here, to apply for asylum. And when you do that, there'll be a fewer, much less of a flow of illegal immigrants, and then the border patrol can get back to doing its job, patrolling to prevent illegal crossings. You also have robust immigration enforcement in the interior of the country. First of all, crack down on sanctuary jurisdictions that allow these people to hide in plain sight and crack down on the policies in states where they're giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens. And that includes Massachusetts, of course. And just create an environment where you can't get a job, you can't collect benefits. There's no benefit to living here as an illegal alien, and people won't keep trying to come, and people who are living here illegally will are gonna wanna go home more than they're gonna wanna stay here. And also ramp up deportations as well, impose consequences on these egregious repeat offenders. Federal law allows for them to be locked up in federal prison for years, and that has proven to be a real disincentive to people in coming back. Right now, they couldn't care less, and knowing that they've been deported many times before they know nothing's gonna happen to them under Biden. Jessica Vaughn is the director of policy studies at That's where you can read her work. You can also follow her on Twitter @jessicav_CIS, and I gave her a very late notice for this interview, and she, as always, knocked it out of the park. Thank you, Jessica, we really appreciate your time. Have a good weekend, Grace. You as well, when we come back, we'll take your calls on this. Plus, I have a few more stories I wanna talk about. A lot of people think, Taylor, that you would be a rat, and the people who say, "I would never be a rat," are actually the most susceptible to becoming the king rat and running like rats, and just being a total-- - You gotta really have something on me in order for me to turn. - Oh, okay. You heard it, Feds. - Don't bite the hand that feeds you. - Taylor's FBI agent, whoever watches him, that's all you gotta do, and then he's your guy. Do you use scented candles, coverups, sprays, or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? We'll stop masking these smells. There's something else you can do. You can destroy the odors. When you destroy the odors, you don't have to cover them up. The problem is solved, and that's why the Eden Pure Thunderstorm is the best solution, and it's the least expensive, 'cause you don't have to keep buying more candles, more air fresheners. Instead, you buy the thunderstorm, you get the three pack, which is an unbelievable deal, and you save yourself time and money, which is the perfect way to tackle bad odors, whether it be household odors, pet odors, whatever your problem is, the thunderstorm can handle it. Now, if you wanna place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, your family room, I always say the office is great because a lot of offices, you can't open the windows and it keeps the air fresh. You can get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's, discount code GRACE3, and we will be right back. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) ♪ Money, money, money, money ♪ ♪ Money, money, money, money ♪ ♪ Money, money, money ♪ Money, money, money, money, and lots of it if you're part of the Trump team. I don't know if people saw the May fundraising numbers for Donald Trump, but the former president brought in $141 million, and Joe Biden, who's been partying with all his fancy Hollywood friends, only brought in $85 million. How does that, because this whole time I've been hearing how Trump's really in trouble with fundraising and with money, and I get it because a lot of it goes to his legal battles and that ain't cheap, but it seems like he's doing a pretty good job of keeping-- - But this job gives me enough money to have a pretty kick ass sword collection. (laughing) - Yeah, it seems like he's keeping the word chest pretty full. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm, it doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code GRACE3. Can you play that for me one more time? I'm sorry, Taylor, I just, I don't remember that cut. - But this job gives me enough money to have a pretty kick ass sword collection. (laughing) - That's the great thing about Donald Trump is he's been around for so long and he talks about absolutely everything, but there is a cut for every story. Any story you have, there's some sound drop that's gonna work with it. All right, now speaking of sound drops, we should play Van Jones because he was giving his analysis on CNN and this is what he had to say about the upcoming debate and how much Joe Biden has to prove. - This is the entire election as far as I'm concerned. The entire world will be watching. If you are a carbon based life form, you're gonna be watching. If you've got a functioning brain stem, you're gonna be watching because if Biden goes out there and messes up, it's game over. If he walks out there and a week later, he's lower in the polls, it's panic in the party. - Now, keep in mind, Van Jones has to say that everyone's gonna be watching this 'cause it's a CNN hosted debate. So they're hoping, I've read their numbers today, their ratings, they keep hitting historic lows. So yeah, he's hoping that everyone's gonna be watching. I'm sure a lot of people will be watching. I know I will. But as far as if Joe Biden doesn't perform well that it's gonna be over for him, no. He's trying to set the expectations low. He's trying to get us to believe that Joe Biden has no shot and like this is horrible and if he comes out and fumbles the bag, it's over for him. And it's only so that right after the debate, Van Jones, and this is my prediction, can go out there and say, you know, there was a lot riding on this. And Joe Biden, I think he succeeded beyond what anyone had expected. And so no, I don't think it's over for Joe Biden if he doesn't do well in the debates. The media will just run cover for him as they always do. They'll spin, spin, spin. So I'm saying no. - Well, we haven't even asked the question yet, have we? - Oh yeah, what is the question, sorry. - The question is Van Jones says it's game over if Biden fumbles the debate, do you agree? And you can vote at Grace, you say no? - I say no. - Up again, 35% say no, 65% say yes. - I did see a video from CBS. One of their reporters was outside the White House and she was talking about how Biden's gonna be at Camp David for a full week. He's there for seven days. Intense preparation for this. And she said, I'm told that we should expect some surprises. This is such a critical performance for President Biden, not only on the content but on his physical performance. The fact that they're trying to play up how important this is for Joe Biden means that they're really just trying to lower the expectations and say, whoo, he passed that test, thank God. But what kind of surprises does he have up his sleeves? What is he going to talk about? - We should listen a little bit of Van Jones's first cut here. - Biden's got two things working against him. One is momentum is not there with him, but also he's got a full-time job. All Trump's gotta do is sit up in court, not fall asleep, and then go out there and say mean stuff about Biden. When you have a full-time job as demanding as a presidency and then have to turn on a dime and spend an hour and a half arguing with somebody who has no responsibilities, that is a tough mental turn for anybody, even a young guy like Obama. - Well, I'm sure Van Jones said that in the 2020 debates when Trump had a full-time job and was debating Joe Biden, right? He gave him the same, the same grace for his grueling schedule. - Oh, he didn't? Shocking. We'll be right back, we'll take your call, stay on the lines. Don't go anywhere. - Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curley show. Thank you for joining us. I hope your Friday's off to the right start. I hope you're enjoying yourself and enjoying the show. Let's go to the callers now before we start talking about electric vehicles. No, no, no, no, no, no. Taylor's not a rat. Taylor already told us that he's not a rat. - Don't bite the hand that feeds you. - You don't bite the hand. You don't look a gift horse in the mouth, that's for sure. Thank you for the call, Todd, and keep up the good work. You've been following us since we were born. That's a frightening thought. I do want to switch gears here to talk about, ooh, that's actually a really good segue 'cause it's about cars. I wanna talk about electric vehicles for a second. I just read a headline. It was from American Energy Alliance. And the headline said that Biden spend $7.5 billion for seven EV charging stations. If this is true, that's a major update because we were told so many times before this that it was eight electric vehicle charging stations. That's like almost 13% of their progress that we're just being told is not true. Seven? I thought we had eight down pat. What's next? Are we going to bring the number down to six? Am I gonna be hearing by the end of the summer? Oh, they built six? Why is this being revised down? Is this like the inflation reports? Is this the CPI? Why am I getting these revisions this late in the game? Mayor Pete told me when he was on television that we were going to have, I think it was like 500,000 by 2030. And he was very proud of the fact that in the last three years they have built eight of these. Now I'm being told the number is seven and I find that disturbing. I'm perplexed by this latest update. Now on-- Pete, I'm here at the office. On that same conversation about electric vehicles, there was a news piece today, spectrum local news. It says, although more people are investing in EVs, there are questions about their efficiency during extreme weather. And I want to say publicly, I have a commitment from Mary when they make the first electric Corvette, I get to drive it. I get to drive it. I get to threaten to run down a journalist with it. That's what he, when he gets behind the wheel of an EV, that's really what he's tempted to do. He's like, can I joke around about running someone over? But the recent studies are showing that electric cars can work normally in hot conditions, but the findings also reveal that EVs can lose up to 30% of total range in extremely hot weather. Now that's a problem. I don't want to be in a car that's losing 30% of total range based off how hot it is that day. And Trump is now promising that if he gets elected, he's going to reverse course on all these EV mandates. Let's hope so. Yeah, let the market decide. I'm not an economist. I'm not Paul Krugman. But I can tell you that if technology is so earth-shatteringly wonderful that you don't have to force it down people's throats, eventually people figure it out. And if it's such a great product, people will want to use it. And that's just not happening. Another thought I did have, since we were playing those sound cuts, and I'm sure Trump will bring up electric vehicles during the debate. But we have been discussing the decision by Trump's, I'm sorry, by Biden's team to adamantly demand that the debates be very early on. That's why we're having this June 27th debate on CNN host, apartheid tapper. They're not usually this early. And one of my callers, I think his name was Mark, said that the reasoning behind that is so they have enough time if he is a complete, if he self-combusts when he gets up on the stage, the Democrats have enough time to plop someone else in. And I've read that in a lot of different places, and I think Mark is 100% on the mark with that. But that gets me thinking, let's just play out this hypothetical, okay? Joe Biden is a disaster on the debate stage. Van Jones is right, everybody's watching. The whole world's watching, at least the whole country. And it becomes very obvious that he lost the debate, even the media. Again, it's a hypothetical. Even the media can no longer push the propaganda that they've been pushing. They have to give it up. They have to wave the white flag and say, this guy can't win. And then they decide to throw in someone else. Let's just say it's Gavin Newsom. How hard is it for Gavin Newsom to win? Because I think that at that point, the American people are going to feel that the Democrat party is so unmoored. Like they have no idea what they're doing. And now they're getting rid of this guy. They just told us for years that he was so sharp, that he was splitting the atom. And now they're plopping someone else in. I think that instability and that kind of chaos doesn't bode well at the ballot box. - No, they're in too deep. I don't think there's any way they switch them out now. - Really? - They've put all their eggs in the basket. - They have to go with him. And maybe they're just hoping that being the incumbent does come with a lot of benefits. It does come with its own pros, but. - And this is very personal to Biden because he honestly believes that he's the only guy that can beat Trump because he's the only one that's done it before, allegedly. So they've got to stick with him. - That they're recurring. - Once he secures the election, that's when the transfer can be made. - Yes. And then what do you think happens then? To Kamala? They did put out a video recently where they accidentally called her Madam President instead of Madam President. - That happens every week. - Yeah, the White House put that out last week. - That was a cheap thing. But yeah, maybe Biden says he's stepping down or I'm not sure exactly how it's gonna be done. But there's no way, no way this guy can last five years. - No, no, no, no, no. I don't think anyone is crazy enough. Even like the joy Bayhars of the world aren't crazy enough to suggest that. I think you're right. They just need to push him over the finish line one last time, which leads me to two things. Which is one, I think the Jake Tapper is either going to A, try to regain some credibility with conservatives who will be watching who are so fed up with CNN. That shows in the ratings, that shows in everything. But also we're gonna be tuning in and he knows he sees the writing on the wall and thinks maybe I should play this one straight. Maybe I should play this down the middle. That's one possibility. What's more likely is any last remaining shreds of credibility that Jake Tapper has, he flushes down the toilet and he goes harder than he ever has before to tilt this for Joe Biden to put his finger on the scale and make this happen for Joe Biden. I don't know what kind of questions he'll have, but I think that that's a way for CNN and for Democrats to give Joe Biden one last fighting chance is let's really make it painfully obvious how in the bag we are for Trump. The other thing, which I see a lot of on social media, is they're just gonna pump Biden full of something. They are going to rev this guy's engine and send him out there. And that means we will get angry Biden. 'Cause when he's pumped up, he's usually yelling. Rob, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Rob. - Think about what you think about. - Hey, Grace, I just wanted to say that all these environmentalists out there, what are you gonna do with all the dead electric batteries in three to five years? You're gonna be up to your eyeballs in these things and you're not gonna know what to do or them, it's all hazardous waste. They have making bigger problems than they don't think ahead to the outcomes of what their actions are. - Yeah, it's a great point, Rob, 'cause it's not only disposing of the electric vehicles and what happens there, which I think is a really critical part of this equation that no one seems to want to factor in, but it's also the mining for cold-balt that is a problem as well. There's a lot of parts of putting together an electric vehicle, especially when it comes to the batteries, that wouldn't pass the smell test for something considered green or good for the climate or beneficial for the climate. So thank you for that point, Rob. It's a great question. What happens to all these batteries? It's also a reason why people are hesitant to buy the electric vehicle because you can buy the electric vehicle and then five years later, you can be told you need to buy a new battery for it and that's very expensive. - Well, I've also got to retrofit my 1951 ranch house in order to be able to accommodate the power configuration that it takes to charge these things. I've gotta put in a whole new plug. - You have to be committed. When you buy an electric vehicle, you have to be ready to change. You have to be ready to meet the moment. - You gotta be willing to risk my house burning down. - Willing to risk your house burning down, willing to maybe lose the juice halfway through if it's really hot out and willing to pay a lot of money. That's the price you have to pay Taylor to make the world more green. And if you don't do it, that's an issue. I wanted to read a headline and it's just so ridiculous. But every once in a while, actually, you know what Taylor, I'm gonna have you pull up this guy. Can you get us the Royal News sound drop? - We haven't done this in forever, but it's a Friday afternoon. It's so nice out. And I just, I need a little pump. I need a little update on the royal family. - I wish, a lot of luck to Harry. 'Cause he's gonna need it. - The famously insane European monarch is of the 19th and 20th centuries. - Hello, cheeky. - You with much fear than you look in them coins. (dramatic music) - Okay, so I see this headline today in the New York Post. And it says Prince Harry can forget about reconciling with royals if he publishes another tell-all, experts say. Now, I've put together what I like to consider a little bit of a poem. It's like a haiku. It's not actually, it doesn't fall the rules of a haiku, but play along with me. It goes like this. Another tell-all, doesn't that suggest that the first tell-all wasn't a tell-all at all? Because if it was truly a tell-all, he would have nothing left to tell. It would all be told. - Bravo. - Thank you, sir. No, you snap when it's poetry. Thank you, sir. I have a few things to say about this. One is I truly, I truly do question that. It's like, you get one tell-all in your life. You don't get two, you don't get three. You get one tell-all to tell-all. Unless you're someone who has an incredible career by the time you're 50, and then you write one more book when you're 100, he does not have any of that. - I don't even let that go. People writing autobiographies in their 40s and there's so much left. - Yeah, right. We don't need to know everything. - I can't wait for part two. - Yeah, well, you know what? We will, we will wait to find out. Okay, we'll follow the story as it goes. But yeah, it's like, okay, so your first tell-all, you didn't tell-all, but now you're gonna hit us with another one. And the second part of this that I'm really sick of is this idea of like Harry and Meghan wanna reconcile with William and Kate, leave William and Kate alone, okay? Just leave them alone. She is cancer. She has been dealing with the nonsense created by you two for the last however many years. She's part of this narrative. She never asked to be a part of your mess, Harry and Meghan. And now she's got other things on her mind. So enough with the reconciliation, because the only reason they want reconciliation is 'cause they're probably not getting as much attention as they once did. People are sick of them. George Clooney's not inviting them to all the fancy parties in Montecito. And so now they wanna glom back onto the royals and it's like back off, okay? At what point can Kate Middleton say, this isn't good for my boundaries? You know, I'm gonna create a boundary here. You guys aren't good for my mental health. It's all about them. Like they want back in. They wanna meet with the king. They wanna meet with William. At what point can she say, this isn't serving me anymore. I'm done. Thank you. But no, he's gonna write another tell-all to rehash things that we didn't ask him about in the first place. And that's that on that. That's my opinion on that royal news. We'll be right back with Howie Carr. Don't go anywhere. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for two eight Tuesday, Tuesdays at two p.m. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. And thank you for joining us on this Friday. What a fun show we've had. I wanna remind everyone that if you've missed any of today's show or any of our shows this week, you can get them wherever you get your podcasts. Now, joining me for this car crossover is the man himself. Howard Lawrence Carr. Howie, you were very busy today watching the trial and actually something we talked about before the trial started this morning was the comments by Garino about a phone deleting its own information. This is a phenomenon in Kent, where there's phones-- - Phones initiated deletions. - Well, we finally have an update on that. Now, this is Rick Green. He's the defense investigator. He performed an extraction on Jen McCabe's cell phone and Yannett, he was questioned. He didn't go to Westfield State where the acceptance rate is 94%. - You just love getting that in, don't ya? Okay, so this is Yannett, he with Rick Green and then we'll get Howie's reaction, cut 13. - Now, are you aware of the term spontaneous deletion? - No, sir, I know what the individual words mean, but in relation to digital forensics, I'm not familiar with that term. And do you have an opinion as to how those calls would have been deleted from that phone? - Those who have been user deleted. - You know, Howie, I'm going back now to the ATF agent, Brian Higgins. Remember he said that the phone and the chip-- - The SIM card. - Ended up in the trash canner, ended up in a bag and-- - A dumpster. - And then he ended up taking it to a dumpster-- - Two dumpsters. - One, the SIM card was in one dumpster in one bag and the phone was in another bag and he placed them in different dumpsters. - So what is more likely, these phones having minds of their own or human beings-- - Well, we-- - Doing things with the phones. - Higgins also told us that the phone butt-viled, Brian Albert, and then even though it was on his nightstand and Brian Higgins phone, even though he was having consensual intimate relations with his wife, the phone butt-diled back to Brian Higgins. - These phones are little rascals, aren't they? They're always up to something. - Like I said last night, it's like a horror movie. You know, I mean, you're just going about your business in small town, USA, and all of a sudden something, you know, zombies come out of graveyard, birds come out of the sky. The blob comes out of the swamp. - Yeah, this is like a Hitchcock thing. - This is now cell phones, are butt-diling, spontaneously deleting. - How many more, Mr. Speaker? - How about M.O.A.? - How he really quickly, before you go, or before I go, and you take over, Lucky Lockeron, what did you make of his testimony today, the plow driver? - When they start casting the movie, Lucky Loughran, as Lucky Loughran. - Oh yeah, I agree. He deserves to blame himself. - Yeah. - He wanted the jury when he said, I don't want to hit anything, God forbid, the animals. You know, I mean, these jurors have put up with seven weeks of the shadiest, rottenest, stupidest, most illiterate, greedy, drunken hags and thugs, and now they get lucky. - The sweetie pie. Howie Carr is coming up next. Don't go anywhere. I'll see you all Monday. Everyone is happy at the Hillside. (upbeat music)