The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy breaks down Lucky and Dr. Marie Russell Testimony | 6.21.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Turtleboy joins the program to give his take on today's Karen Read trial. Later, Grace discusses the upcoming debate and Van Jones' comments regarding Biden's upcoming performance.

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Your truck means they're one that's specifically assigned to you when you pop? Yes. And does that truck have any particular nickname? Yes, it's called a Franken truck. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. We are joined now by Aiden Carney, aka Turtle Boy, who's going to give us some updates on the Caron Read trial. Now, full disclosure, Turtle Boy, I have been on the air since 12, so there's only so much that I've been watching. But I did want to start with the plow driver, Lucky Lachlan. Because you tweeted a lot about this. You tweeted about how the jury's receiving him. What stood out to me was, I kept thinking the way Lally was setting this up with the basketball hoop, with the timeline, that he was getting ready to drop some smoking gun on Lucky Lachlan and kind of destroy him. But that didn't happen. No, Lucky Lachlan. I've talked to Lucky Lachlan plow. I was actually the first person to interview him on the record. And one thing about Lucky Lachlan is that man knows how to plow. Do not talk crap about his plowing experience. Let the man plow. Let Lucky plow. And if you take a shot at his plowing, like Adam Lally did today, he gets defensive. And he doubles down on the truth. And he suggested today that maybe you're a bad plow driver. Maybe you hit a basketball hoop. Maybe you couldn't see something. Maybe you didn't see that Ford edge there. Maybe there was a body there. And you just didn't see it. And that just made him come down harder and say over and over again that there was nobody on that front lawn that would have had a body been there. He would have seen it. And that he is so meticulous in his job that there is absolutely no way that if John O'Keefe was lying there, he wouldn't have seen him. And that it was a Ford edge there. Not a Jeep charity. Not a black Lexus-Elexley caroride drives. But a Ford edge that three members of the Albert family drives. That's what was there. Yeah, and also-- and this is kind of a theme with this trial-- is that some of the information that Lally brings up to these witnesses actually does seem to help Karen read's case. And one example that you pointed out today is that he was really-- or you know what, I'm actually going to switch this up a little bit. Let's-- David Yanetti brought up Lucky Lockeron's relationship with the members of the Albert family, which I thought was an interesting road to go down. Explain why he did that. To establish the fact that he is not conflicted at all. If anything, Lucky would be on the side of the McAlberts. Like, he has known the Albert. He's a canton guy his whole life. He lives down the bend from Brian Albert right off his meter crest. And he is friends with a lot of the Albert's. Like, Chris Albert is Facebook's friends with him. A whole bunch of these people have commented on his page on his wife's side last year. Like, if anything, he would be loyal to the McAlberts. The fact that he is giving testimony that is beneficial to Karen Reed and, therefore, detrimental to the McAlberts only solidifies that this guy who has no reason to lie on behalf of Karen Reed must be telling the truth. Yeah, and the quote that you put out today, these other people that Lucky talked to in May of 2023. Explain to the audience, because I know that you're very well aware of this, and I'm sure some people in the courtroom have picked it up at this point. But to people who are just tuning into this one they can, who are those other people that Lucky talked to in May of 2023? They're FBI agents. That's what Lucky talked to. When I spoke with Lucky for the first time in August of 2023, he told me that the FBI had come up to him in May of 2023 and said it confronted him with GPS data, showing that his truck had gone by 34th Avenue Road. And this is the same DPW that had earlier said that the GPS wasn't working that night. But apparently it was, because the feds found out that he was working this. So as part of their investigation into the investigation of John O'Heeff's death, they discovered that the police never spoke with probably the most important witness, the plow driver, who went by there at 230. And he told them everything that he told me about how there was a four-edged parked out there, that there was no body on the lawn, that he would have seen a body on the front lawn. And really, the most damning thing is that the police never spoke with this guy. All you need to know that there is a cover-up in the sound is that they did not reach out and speak to this guy. Something called Turtle Boy did, and the FBI did. But the police under the direction of Michael Proctor did not. Yeah, and Aiden, I know we're short on time here. So I did want to ask you about Dr. Marie Russell and her testimony so far. A lot of people were tuning in during the hearings about whether or not she was going to be allowed. Judge Kanoney is allowing her to testify. We haven't been able to watch it in real time, but what have you gathered so far from Dr. Marie Russell and talk a little bit about the dog bites and the jurors hearing this case made for the first time? I mean, and seeing it too. They're seeing the picture up on the big screen of those lacerations. And she's going over each individual laceration and explaining what she believes from her extensive experience with hundreds of dog bites over the years. What she believes specifically caused those marks. Like she can have it down to a sign. She knows exactly where the upper teeth fit in and the lower teeth fit in on one part. She knows that where this, you know, how the dog sunk its teeth in. And because of an untrained dog, you know, not a police dog, it doesn't know how to like latch on. So when John pulled his arm away, it would cause those deep furrows that somebody called them earlier in the trial. So the jury, which Adelali continually puts the sleep, is on their toes, is watching this. And I'll tell you one thing. If you thought Adelali was bad in direct questioning, wait till you see his cross-examination. He's showing personality for the first time. And it's not a good personality. He's coming across as a mean guy, picking on this old, well-respected doctor. And it's not going the way he intended to go. Today has been probably the best day thus far for Karen Reed. She has all smiles in that courtroom. She hugs Liza Little after the medical examiners, you know, damning testimony that basically killed the Commonwealth case as if it wasn't dead already. But it's just been a great day for the Karen Reed defense team. - Yeah, I was just going to mention that you described him as becoming unhinged and, you know, how ineffective that is, especially when you're talking about two witnesses that unlike a lot of the other witnesses, Adelali that we've seen in this trial, actually do seem to be decent people. Do seem to be credible, you know, in their field of expertise, in their respective fields. And unlike a lot of these state troopers, these seem like credible witnesses. So do you think that the juxtaposition is also having an impact with these jurors? - A hundred percent, you know, they're very, like I said, they're very, you could tell by their facial expressions that they are very sympathetic towards Karen Reed. And they definitely liked Lucky Lockrin. They liked the medical examiner and they liked Dr. Marie Russell. And Adelali, who I'm literally watching rip butts on the steps of the courthouse. He does this every day. He goes out there and just rips. But he's probably smoking in about a whole pack today. He needs one after that. He just went through. He came across as a mean, bullying guy, frustrated because he's losing and that the jig is up and that Karen Reed's never going to jail, but other people might. - Aidan Carney, we thank you so much for your time. I know you got a run and get back in there. Tell people where they can follow your blog and I'll let them know that it's @DrTurtleBoy on Twitter. But if they want to find out more, where do they find you? - Yeah, @That's TurtleBoy on Twitter, or check out the TurtleBoy Live YouTube channel will be live tomorrow night at 9 p.m. - Awesome, thank you, sir. And we will be right back. We've got a lot more to get to today, including an undercover video. So there's this undercover video. You know what it is? It's that member Veritas media, it was James O'Keeffe's thing. And then they had a project Veritas. Yeah, project Veritas, they had a falling out. There's some sort of fight. I don't, when conservatives start fighting with each other and it's kind of in the weeds. And he said, she said, I zone out. But the important thing is James O'Keeffe is doing his own thing now. And so he set up this little sting operation or this undercover operation with a lawyer who represents Disney. And the lawyer admits to this person that Disney would never, there are some jobs that Disney would never hire a white man for, something along those lines. So we're finding out if the sound is worth playing. But the thing I wanted to bring up Taylor is that it always fascinates me when these young guys, yeah, young, he's probably mittin'. I'd say he's probably in his 40s. These guys are, I'm gonna guess he's on a date of sorts. Like he's out having drinks with this person. And that when the person starts asking them all these questions about their job, they go in, who says that? Oh, really? And how do they, like, you don't get the sense that maybe this person has ulterior motives? You don't know. - It seems they fall for it more often than not. - They really do, they're looking at this person like, oh, do you want to get another one? We get in Margarita, okay. And the person's going, and then so know who would be in charge of saying no white people can be hired. - Well, and they just keep going. It's like, dude, pick up, have an antenna. Make note here that this woman, she's a honey. In a way, she's a honeypot. She's just trying to get information out of you. And we've seen this story so many times. - And Disney's supposed to be like a highly guarded, you know, enterprise. It's one of those places where they have a lot of fail-safes in place to keep information from getting out. They're very secretive about what they do. - Yeah, you know what the first thing this guy did once the story broke, deleted his LinkedIn. Just deleted LinkedIn, the damage is done. But they must, I'm always so curious what their reaction is once they see the story, they must go, oh God, that's why she wanted to stick around and get another round of drinks because she was filming me? I don't know. I kind of go back and forth too. And if I like this kind of journalism, it feels... And I haven't thought about it enough, but I definitely, I see why people go, this could get a little dangerous. But, you know, we've had people here before Taylor VIPs and I laughed with one of them one time. He came back, I was cutting up the chumpline or something. This was years ago. He starts asking me all these questions. Like really, oh, what software are you used for this? Oh yeah, and so do you have blah blah blah, all these questions. And finally I looked at my go, this is like a reverse project, Veritas, what are you trying to get? Like, what are you, what are you wired up? It's like Sopranos. Something under that velour suit of yours, what's going on? And he was like, no, no, no, and then he says to me, oh, no, no, I just interned at XYZ and I was like, oh, okay, that makes sense. But I didn't really have anything to hide. I was just curious, like, why do you need to know so much information? And Nintendo went up. That antenna is missing with a lot of these liberal higher up, you know, diversity hires at Disney and these other corporations. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls. It's 844-542-42. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) I mean, I hate to sound like I'm in the Sopranos. Like, you have to be so paranoid that everyone's wearing a wire at all times. But I think if you have a big job at Disney and you know the kind of political bleep storm that they find themselves in, and they're not a victim of circumstance, they engage in a lot of that, then you should know that Disney has enemies. Disney has people that don't like the corporation. I think they're too woke. And one of those people might be sitting across from you enjoying a Mai Tai. That's what happened here with John O'Keefe's new venture. I'm sorry, James O'Keefe, right? James O'Keefe's new venture. - Easy to get that confused given the circumstances. - Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. James O'Keefe's new venture, he was a project Veritas and now he does his own thing and they were sitting down with a Disney lawyer. And I wanted to play this because the sound actually is pretty good. Sometimes the sound's not great, but this woman was asking him about the hiring process of Disney. And this was an undercover conversation with attorney Michael Giordano, a senior vice president and team lead with 20th television, which is the Walt Disney Company. He revealed that Disney was not only biased against hiring white men for some roles, but that the company was absolutely open about it. He works in business affairs and negotiations for shows among creatives. So let's take a listen to the sound that we'll discuss. - Certainly there have been times where, you know, there's no way we're hiring a white person. - It's kind of unspoken. - There are times where it's spoken, right? - How would they say it? - No way we're hiring a white man, that's what we're going to say. - Like straight to you or okay? They'd be very careful how they messaged that to agents. - Hopefully they'd be more careful than you. - You're white than you'd be messing. - You need to be a little careful. Everybody needs a healthy dose of paranoia. You know, just be aware that there's maybe someone near you that doesn't have the best intentions. And these guys, they always end up spilling their guts. That's why the honeypots are always so successful when you watch like crime shows. It's 'cause a lot of these guys, they become a complete doofus when a woman shows any interest. I don't even know if this was a date. It just is giving me the vibe of a date. - But that's the thing. That's the lure of a lot of these people. They think that this is what makes them interesting. They work for this big, well-known industry and that's who they are. And that's what they have to offer. - Yeah, it was like, remember the Pfizer guy? Did he work for Pfizer? He worked for one of the COVID vaccine companies and he was just revealing so much to his date. And I just think it's better to keep some things close to the chest. Now, I did wanna read this part. Do we have the audio of the second part? Okay, so I'm just gonna read this to people because Taylor was playing devil's advocate a little bit and he was just saying sometimes, whether it's project veritas or a Keith media group, sometimes they really wanna make a splash. They put the most outrageous part of the clip in the beginning and then you read more into it and you realize, ah, the person was a little bit taken out of context, which I'm glad, Taylor, that you warned me about that because I agree with you that sometimes they just wanna make it splashy. - Yeah, well, why wouldn't you? You put the sexiest part first. - But then you read the transcript of this and you said, no, this is pretty legit. - They pretty much got this guy, bullseye. I've been at the company for 11 years now, he said. We could put that in past tense, I think, at this point. So I have friends in HR and I have friends in those divisions. Those friends have told him outright when positions open up, they're not going to consider any white males for this job. It's not just in casting, but in internal operations that Disney has determined that race-based promotion is the best way to operate. He said that his department wanted to hire a person who was half black, half white a few years ago now, but that since he didn't like, and this is his quote, like appear half black, he wasn't given the position. And there was a creative executive who was like, we're not like that's not what's wanted. - You're white, then you've been asking. - Too many likes, first of all, for someone with such a powerful position at Disney, 11 years, and you're saying like every other word, that's a red flag, but the idea that a department didn't want to hire someone who was half black, half white because they didn't look black enough, I guess, is what I'm gathering from that. That almost feels, dare I say, like racism? This person doesn't look black enough for the job. This is not going to be expensive. - ♪ Racism, racism ♪ - You know who's probably loving this story is Ron DeSantis 'cause he just keeps winning against Disney. Ever since Disney decided to go to war with Ron DeSantis? - Can we put Ron DeSantis in disguise and send him out on one of these dates, please? - With the mustache, yeah, I would love that. Today's poll question has brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-pack. - You keep meatballs in your jacket? - Everyone loves the thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace and it's only one third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-pack special at and use promo code GRACE3. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question which you can vote in at is Van Jones says it's game over if Biden fumbles the debate. Do you agree? - No, I don't think it's game. I won't think it's game over until Donald Trump wins this election and hopefully he wins it by enough so that the left can't steal him. He's got to win by such a margin that it's in the bag. - You're gaining some ground. Grace, 33% say no, instead of 27% last hour, 67% say yes. - I'm just that convincing. Here's a question. You think you'd be good with a wire on you? If the Fed sent you in and they're like, hey-- - Or what situation, what is the situation? - Let me think about it. - Think about it in the two o'clock hour. - I'm not going in with the mob. No, I want to join. - You're not wearing a wire. - You're not a rat. - Absolutely not. - Well, I'm going to come up with a situation and you're going to give us your honest assessment over whether or not you think you could handle the pressure. Or do you sweat a lot, Taylor? - No. - 'Cause that's the first dead giveaway. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. We have some sound cuts here between Yannetti and Lucky Lachren. And I do think, Taylor, that we should play a few of these. So the one that I want to focus on first and how we just brought this up to us in the green room, and it is important, is that you would think that since Lucky Lachren knows the McAlberts as Turtle Boy likes to call them, that it actually establishes even more so that he had no reason to lie about his version of events, which do end up making Karen Reed's case stronger. And one of the reasons that I think it's also clear that he had no sort of animus towards the McAlberts was this cut, where he talks about why he didn't report the fact that there was this forward edge in front of the Albert's house to his supervisor. Can I have cut seven, please, Taylor? - What, what are the snow conditions like that point? This is now, I think you should have about 15 minutes to 30. - It's starting to accumulate a lot quicker than what it was previous. - And what policies does the DPW have regarding cars parked in the streets during a blizzard, whether it's falling to be done? - We are to notify the supervisor at that point, he will make a phone call to the police, and depending on if they can have the resident move it, it gets moved, if not, it gets towed. - And with regard to that policy, did you comply with that policy in those early morning hours? - No, I did not. - Why? - Because I was being courteous to the Albert family. - Yeah. And this is what we talked about with Turtle Boy, where Unity did a great job of setting up that this guy did not have an axe to grind with the McAlberts. He's not someone who's trying to concoct a version of events to make them look bad, or to make them look complicit. He's just repeating what he saw and what he knows about that night. Now, the other part that I brought up was the basketball hoop, because this was really a moment where I thought Lally had something that we didn't know about. When he brought up this basketball hoop, I thought surely this is going to tie in in some way, and I know it did kind of, but it was a stretch. So listen to this, this is Lally with Lucky Locker, and talking about how that same night, the Caron Reed allegedly ran over John O'Keefe while he was on his route, while he was plowing driveways, plowing streets, he hit a basketball hoop. This is cut 11. - And at some point, when you were plowing on a tippy car at that night, you actually hit a basketball hoop, is that right? - Yes. - And did you call that in? - Yes. - And as a result of that, what happened with the basketball hoop after that? - Nothing. - The point was to make sure I was covered, basically. It's why I notified my supervisor that I hit the basketball hoop. - Yeah, and then they started talking about why he hit it, and as you pointed out, Taylor, it was all in an attempt to question, you know, his ability to see things, this is cut 12. - And about what time was that that you had the basketball hoop? - I don't recall. - See, closer to when you started, closer to when you ended. - I don't recall what time. - You don't recall anything specific about that time, correct? - No, just said I know I hit the basketball net. - And obviously, and I'm not trying to put words in your mouth or anything, sir, but you didn't intentionally hit the basketball hoop, correct? - Correct. - But you hit it because you didn't see it, correct? - No, I was attempting to avoid the net by going around it and the machine had a different size body than what it originally had. And I underestimated when I was going around that I need to be wider. - So you misjudged the distance, is that fair to say? - Yes. - And that was really it with the basketball hoop. I just, I thought there was more there. All right, so I wanted to, before we get back to this comment by Joy Reid and Jaya Paul and talking about fear mongering, which a lot of people on the text line are pointing out, is really a tactic that the left loves to use and uses it constantly, but now they're accusing conservatives and conservative outlets of fear mongering about the very real threat of illegal aliens pouring over our border. But first, we had asked Taylor, does he think he would be good in a situation where he has to be wired? Where he's wearing a wire and he's got to infiltrate into a group. Now you said that you don't want it to involve the mob. - Yeah, no. - What about like the Russian mob? - No, absolutely not. - Okay, well, just go with it for a second. - I'll go up against the execs, but-- - There's a jazz club. - There's a jazz club, Taylor. And it's actually a drug front. It's a jazz club and the owners are major members of the cartel. And they're shipping drugs in and out. And they're just using this to longer their drug money. And the feds approach you and they say, we need someone. - You're in there all the time. They know you, they trust you. - They say, we need someone to get in there, start seeing jazzy tunes and become the lounge singer and then slowly infiltrate the group and start recording things with a wire. - No. - No. - No, I'm not doing it. - Oh, man. - No, I'm sorry. - I think you'd be pretty good at it. This is something where I'm-- - First of all, one, I'm giving a somewhat steady employment if I'm going to be singing there every week. So I don't ask questions when I go to places. I'm a trusted, contracted employee. - I think I'd be a good rat. I think I would be a good rat because a middle child and I was always tattle-tailing on my siblings. Like I was a major narc. I told you how my brother wanted to get Jean shorts one time because John Cena had Jean shorts, who by the way, he follows me on Twitter, not to brag. And my older brother said, "Hey, I'm going to go to the mall and get Jean shorts. Do you want to come?" And I called my mom and said, "James, he's going to get Jean shorts. He's going to spend his money on Jean shorts and they're really ugly." And she said, "Oh, put him on the phone." I tattle-tailed. - What a loser. - Oh, major narc. So imagine how good I would be if I was dealing with the feds. They could send me in. I'd be like, "You got it, guys. We're going to ruin some days. We're going to ruin people's day. We're going to tattle-tale." - You're that confident. I can see you like putting out a front and putting your acting skills to use. - That's what would really, I'd really appreciate. You know what's one that I would like is, this is a good example. So Bob Menendez and his wife, they were at a steakhouse. I think it was, was it Morton's maybe? And I don't have the story in front of me 'cause this was a while ago that this came out. And this is all part of the bribery charges. He was at a steakhouse with some foreign business partners or the people that he was involved with taking bribes from. And there were two undercover agents that had to sit and pretend to be a couple just enjoying a night out at a restaurant. And they got to eat all the food. The female agent said, "Oh, the food was delicious." I'm like, "Now, that's a gig I could get on board with." He's dropping at a restaurant and eating. - Oh, that's easy. - I'm doing that either way, but I'm getting paid. But if you're trying to infiltrate the cartel by getting all buddy, buddy with them back. - If you can't do it, just say you can't do it. Don't make excuses, okay? I'm gonna be at the restaurant, eating the steak. You're gonna be infiltrating the Mexican drug cartels. - I'm not doing it. - Fine, whatever, it's your loss. - I'm on a take, I'm not gonna lose that. - Very true. All right, now let's get back to this joy-read cut for a moment here, Taylor, because I have more to say about this. This was joy-read and Pramila Jayapal. It's a tweet that is gone or a clip that has gone completely viral for reasons that do make sense to me. It's really appalling hearing someone laugh about the chyron that joy-read reads off here. So let's play it. - Let me show you the, this is one of the reasons that people have these sort of thinking, this sort of thinking. Here's the three cable networks reporting of this. Our banner said, soon Biden announces legal protections for undocumented spouses. A citizen CNN's banner said, Biden announces new protections for some undocumented spouses. Here was Fox's banner. My grin arrested for raping 13 year old news. - Yes. - And so I think that's part of the problem, right? - Exactly. - Is that you have a lot of fear monitor. - Exactly. - Jayapal thought that was funny. And what I think is the underlying point of this, beyond the fact that she's horrendous. And I'm not gonna try to understand why she is such a terrible person. That's above my pay grade for sure. But I think the fear-mongering accusation from the left really does crack me up. Like they can't, they have no self-awareness. And so they think that fear-mongering is only acceptable as long as it's about making things up. Like if you want to fear-monger about things that didn't actually happen or won't actually happen, then it's totally fine. If they want to engineer, you know, anti-Trump fantasies, then they can do that. I mean, Greg Gutfeld listened them off the other day. The koi pond hoax. The migrant kids and cages hoax. They don't say gay bill hoax. The Russian collusion hoax. The P-Tape. The P-Tape, I mean, all of this stuff was made up. And that's okay to fear-monger about that. That's okay to say like, we've been taken over by Russians. Vladimir Putin is controlling the president of the United States. If you want to fear-monger about that, then you can go for it. But if you want to talk about American citizens being raped or being murdered or being, you know, attacked, then that is considered out of bounds. That is considered unnecessary. That is considered irrational to get people upset about that. And if that doesn't work, here's the part that kills me. When engineering anti-Trump fantasies doesn't work, you know what these self-involved morons do? They start sounding the alarm. They're like, okay, where else can we get people to panic? They start sounding the alarm about how Trump is going to come after them if he is reelected. We had Chrissy Teigen saying, you know, if he's elected, he's going to come after me. She said that on a podcast this week. Later in the week, we had Joy Behar squawking to Rachel Maddow that she's so terrified that Trump will use the IRS or other means to cancel the view. And you know what, for once in Joy Read's life, I really hope she's right on that. I hope that she's right on the money. And then Rachel Maddow jumps in to say, yes, I'm worried about me, but only as much as I'm worried about all of us. Rachel Maddow, a true heroine, selfless. Selfless woman who for one night a week on the air she gets $30 million from MSNBC. But when these narcissistic propaganda mouthpieces for the president condescendingly dismiss the brutal rapes and murders of US citizens as conservative fear mongering, that's, that's just, that's (laughing) how, you know, look at this guy run from Fox talking about a 13-year-old girl being raped. (laughing) But when they're drumming up, Trump derangement syndrome porn for their viewers, for their dwindling viewers, for their lemmings, then that is no laughing matter. When they're on their fainting couches, like Trump's gonna come after us. Oh my gosh, the sky is falling. If Trump gets elected again, that is no laughing matter. Don't take these people seriously and if you have someone in your life who's in the middle, who's not completely Trump deranged, like you haven't lost them, they're not in the joy Bayjar realm of things. Try to have a come to Jesus. I actually encourage that now. I think that the stakes are too high. Have a moment where you can say, do you like what's happening here? It doesn't have to be this way. And really ask people because this is, this is what I think a lot of it comes down to about Trump. If someone tells, "Yeah, just not like crazy about Trump." And then you say, "Why?" And they start explaining it. Take note of what most of what they're saying is something he's tweeted or how he behaves or something they don't like about him. And then say, "But what is it about what he did as president that you didn't like?" What actions did he take as president? What situation was this country and this world and when he was president that you were unhappy with? Because, and again, I go to Greg Gutfeld, who I really do respect, he made this point early on in Trump's presidency because he wasn't a big Trump guy in the beginning, which I know conservatives aren't allowed to change their minds so he no longer can have an opinion on things. But one thing he said early on is that he really didn't like Trump until he stopped focusing on what Trump put on social media and what Trump said and really focused on what he does when he's president. And then he became a fan when he started focusing on the actions that Trump was taking. Whether it be to cut taxes, whether it be to secure the border. Go, let's go to George, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show, what's going on, George? - Hi, Grace, I love your show. - Thank you. - And the point I'd like to make is that the past week we've had a number of murders and rapes in the United States by illegal immigrants and perhaps this kind of behavior is being normalized on their trip up North. The cartels seem to be abusing women and children on their way up. - Yeah, and you know what, George? You're kind of on the same wavelength as the last caller who said that we need to have a woman's lives matter movement because all of these women, whether it be Rachel Moran, whether it be Lake and Riley, all of these women are, their lives are being treated as dispensable and the media doesn't want to focus on them. And to that point, there's a recent survey in the New York Times, it's collected 30 polls over the last six months and it shows the Biden support among women is at the lowest point of any Democrat since 2004. And so I do think that seeing these things, hearing about these horrible rapes, I do think it has an effect on women. I do think it changes people's perspectives on this upcoming election and that's why it's so important for the media to cover it. And it's not gonna be NBC, it's not gonna be CNN, it's not gonna be MSNBC, but it's gotta be Fox, it's gotta be Newsmax, it's gotta be the Grace Curly show. It's a handful of places that are covering it, but it's so crucial that people know that this is what's going on. We'll be right back, we'll take your calls. Thank you for the call, George, I appreciate it. And what George said also goes into the depersonalization that Rachel Moran's mother brought up when she was on Fox this past week. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air, you don't have to wait for your favorite pod, or a radio show, you just pull up a podcast. 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It's 800-521-0111, or you can go to Again, call Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111, or go to We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter at g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC] Represented of Jayapal is in the news for a couple of reasons today, not only for laughing at the chiron of a 13-year-old girl being raped by an illegal alien, but also because there's a letter that was spearheaded by Jayapal and was signed by 69 congressional Democrats in both the House and the Senate. And according to the post-millennial, it is demanding that Biden open pathways to Palestinian refugees for resettlement in the US. And I was looking at the progress, if any, that Egypt had made in accepting refugees, because Egypt is big on condemning Israel for the war in Gaza. They really don't like the way Israel's handling things. But at the same time, they're not as eager to accept Palestinian refugees as they are eager to condemn Bibi Netanyahu and Israel. And so I was reading this story about it. It's from the conversation, but it was posted on Yahoo News. And it says, "CC has roundly condemned Israel's military assault on Gaza and is fully aware of the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding just across the border. But two key issues are deterring him from making any hasty, altruistic decisions in support of desperate Gazans fleeing hostilities." First, before I get into those two, I want to say, nothing ever stops us from making hasty, altruistic decisions. Joe Biden loves. Those are his favorite kind of decisions. Is it hasty? Is it meant to pander to people and let people think I'm compassionate? Go for it. I don't need any more information than that. Now it says, "For a start, Egypt is in no position to absorb large numbers of Palestinian refugees." Hmm, isn't that convenient for them? Are we in a position to? Wow, we're always in a position to absorb large numbers of refugees. It also says accepting an influx of Palestinians, many of whom would be supportive of Hamas, could be hazardous for CC. Again, is it fair to say that these same concerns apply to us here in the United States? We'll be right back with Jessica Vaughn from the Center for Immigration Studies. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)