The Howie Carr Radio Network

Lucky the Plow Driver Takes the Stand plus Jayapal's Despicable Reaction to Fox Chyron | 6.21.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Lucky the Plow Driver finally takes the stand. Also, progressives are claiming conservatives are fear mongering about illegal immigration.

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for joining us today, TGIF. You're kicking off your weekend right. I'm happy to report that my Friday is already off to a fabulous start. Number one, I saw two St. Bernard dogs in the Dunkin' Donuts drive through this morning, and they both had their heads out the window, and they were so flipping cute. And I took a photo of them, and it was just the perfect way. And on top of that, I found my favorite pair of flip-flops that had gone missing. So I have an embarrassment of riches right now to be excited about. And I hope you do, too. I hope if you're listening to this, something like that happens to you in the near future. That is a good find. You're flip-flops. It's always great. Well, you should have seen these dogs, though. They both had their head out the window at the same time. You know what it looked like? It looked like it was some sort of magical beast, and they were one body, two heads. That's all I could keep thinking. I didn't say that to the owner. I just said, can I take a picture? That's the thing you have to do now. You've got to get permission to take a picture of a dog. Yes, I think it's part of-- Is that etiquette, or is that? To be fair, I'm scarred because one time, this is gonna, now I'm gonna sound like a spoiled brat, but one time I was traveling in France, and I took a photo of a dog that had like a blue tongue. It's the only choice for somebody like me. Yeah, I didn't tank the flying squirrel, but I was in France, and this dog, I can't remember what kind it was, but it's tongue looked blue, and I remember I said to my friend, and this was on cell phones, we all had like razor flip phones. I said, look at this dog, it's tongue is blue, and I just took out my phone, took a picture, and the French woman, which I've had a couple run-ins with people in France where they weren't too fond of me. Believe it or not, believe it or not, the French people-- You don't say France, they weren't too fond of Americans. It's crazy, it's crazy that they didn't find me endearing, they didn't find me charming. As I, at least I thought they would, and the woman looked at me and she said, like, you did not take pictures of my dog. I'm like, yeah, and I said, okay, and ever since then, trauma, not actual trauma, but I was, you know, a little thrown off by that, so now I always say, is it okay if I take a picture of your dog, I don't wanna pet it or anything, just wanna take a picture. And I did. Anyway though, don't try to bring me down today, that's all to say, and-- - There's your dog, that. - Mm-hmm, and the Caron Read trial resumes. We have been watching it here at the Howie Car Radio Network all morning long. Lucky Lockrin, the plow driver, who was on Fairview Road and around there, the night slash morning that the Commonwealth is alleging Caron Read purposely ran over John O'Keefe with her Lexus. Lucky Lockrin was testifying today, and his recollection of the night, and I'm sure a lot of you have already heard about this, Colonel Boyce and a lot of reporting unlucky. His recollection of the night contradicts the prosecution's claims, and so naturally, Lally was trying to catch him in a lie and confuse him. Now to be fair, that is Lally's job. That's nothing new when it comes to a trial. He was going to try to trip up the witness, try to make it seem like he's not a reliable source. And even if Lally doesn't do his job particularly well, it's not a surprise, that's the road he's going down. But a few things I wanted to comment on, and we will play sound of this for people who are catching up with the trial and trying to stay abreast of what's happening by listening to The Grace Curly Show. We will have this sound for you as we go on, because also Dr. Marie Russell is on the stand right now. Her testimony, I'm trying to work this word in Taylor to my everyday use. Her testimony is running contemporaneously to The Grace Curly Show. Does that make sense? A lot of these state troopers use that word contemporaneously. - Yeah. - And if they can use it, I'm sure I can figure it out. - Simultaneously? - Yeah, that's probably, it probably makes more sense. That's the thing about these words, it's like I try, but they don't float naturally. Remember how Trump got into a lot of trouble for having the grammar or the vocabulary of a fourth grader? I think that's underrated. I think sometimes just keeping it simple works. So Dr. Marie Russell, her testimony is running simultaneously to The Grace Curly Show. And we will be keeping tabs on it. I'll be checking in with how we every couple segments to make sure we're not missing anything. But she's one of the defense's expert witnesses. She's on the stand today. Her credentials, keep in mind, her credentials differ just slightly from Trooper Joseph Paul and Nicholas Guarino. She is a retired ER doctor, a former police officer and a forensic pathologist. In other words, she's an actual expert on these things. And she's gonna be talking about the dog bites and we'll be following them. - She's also a fellow at several boards and commissions. - And yes, she studied at MIT, for example. She's got a long list of credentials, which we did play earlier in the week. But on the lucky front, back to lucky for a second. I have a few remarks. And Taylor, you were watching it today, right? This morning. - A little bit, yeah. - The way Lally was questioning him, regarding the hitting the basketball hoop while he was plowing, the timing, and we'll break this down later, but the timing of his events, his memory, his previous interviews and what he said in 2023 versus what he's saying now, it felt like he was always on the cusp of giving us a smoking gun or like a big aha, like especially when he started talking about the basketball hoop. Lucky Lockerant, that night hit a basketball hoop by accident in someone's driveway. And to cover his ass, he called his boss, which is protocol and said, "Hey, just FYI, it's basketball hoop." Probably so if the person calls the next day and complains, you know what you're talking about. - This works for the defense because if you're gonna call on a basketball hoop strike, you'd call on a body strike too if you ever hit one. - Yes, exactly, that's very, I didn't even think of it that way. But so he keeps talking about his basketball hoop and I'm thinking, oh, there must be something here that's gonna tear Lucky apart, that's going to really destroy Lucky and his credibility as a witness. And then it just never comes. Then he just moves on to the next thing. He's like, okay, so more like, oh, so he hit a basketball hoop and he reported it. What's the part of this that is supposed to make him out to be someone who's not telling us the truth? The fact that he called his supervisor on himself to say, "Hey, just so you know, I hit a basketball hoop." I just kept waiting, I kept thinking, "Oh, he's about to drop something." And then he would stop that line of questioning, take it nowhere and then just go onto something totally different. - I think maybe the direction he was going with 'cause at that point he had already established, I believe, or was about to establish that he has trouble with his eyes. He's colorblind, but he also wanted to establish possibly that he has other vision-related problems as well and maybe didn't see the basketball hoop. So he's not as observant as he says he could be. And maybe that's why he didn't quote unquote see anything on the lawn of the Albert house. - But the way I took it, the way I interpreted that whole back and forth and obviously I'm a biased viewer. So keep that in mind, but the way I interpret it is like, oh, this is an honest guy. This is a guy who, you know, he's not afraid to tell you if he makes a mistake, he calls up his boss and, you know, he does this for a living and he follows the rules and he's not, you know, a renegade plow driver just taking on the streets. - I'm not surprised that you were not moved by any questioning direction of the prosecution. That's been the mainstay. That's a standing headline. - It really is and on top of that tailor, at least from what I've seen from the responses online. Lucky was well received by, in the court of public opinion, he was well received. Now, Aiden Carney, Turtle Boy, he tweeted out and we're gonna have him on hopefully at 105. He said he can give us five to 10 minutes, which honestly I will take whatever Turtle Boy can give us today, I will take it. So he said that the jury seems to like Lucky. Now, obviously, that's his interpretation of it. - I saw this guy and I, based on knowing you for as many years as I have, I could have sworn that you were going to rush into this studio and say, "Guys, have you seen Lucky Lawford?" He is so cute, I did say that to somebody, who did I say it to? Was it Matt or Jared? Yeah, no, I did. He is cute. He seems like a sweet guy. He's not a guy that you wanna go after and try to confuse because it just makes you look like a jerk. - Based on our perception of tubby bald guys in this case so far, I would not have liked him, but yeah, I like him. - No, he seems like a gentle soul. And you know what else I would add in here is the YouTube comments, which I don't know if you check out the YouTube comments, Taylor, because sometimes it's easier just to shut them off to not even view them, because it, oftentimes, and I notice this with our show too. Like, if you go on Rumble, I love you guys on Rumble, by the way, hello, how are you? Thank you for tuning in. But you all get off topic real quick. Like, sometimes I'll go on Rumble and people are debating, you know, who is the most? - Guys, what's the best way to make toast? - Yeah, or like, who's the most beautiful supermodel from the 1990s? Let's debate. You know, do you like Lionel Richie? And I'm like, wait a second, why are these people, do these people know that they're on the Grace Curly Show Rumble? But I love it because it can devolve into all sorts of different conversations. The YouTube comments, as far as the Karen retrago, I do keep an eye on them. And I notice that it's pretty... There's more anti-Karen-read people on the YouTube comments than I would have suspected. That's how I'll say it. Leading up to this, today with Lucky, I didn't see one negative Lucky comment, and I was looking, I didn't see one person, and I know it's anecdotal, it's YouTube, who cares? But that's how I, you know, that's how I absorb a lot of this information is, what are the people saying? How are either the court of public opinion, it doesn't weigh in necessarily to the verdict, but it weighs in for here, it weighs in for what I'm talking about. Now, speaking of that exact thing, I was on Twitter yesterday, and you would be surprised, the anti-depromic Albert crew on Twitter is something else. And yesterday, some guy, I'm not gonna say his handle, 'cause I don't want to give him the airtime, but some guy on Twitter tweeted, "Will Howie and Grace play?" Now, this tweet was probably, I wanna say like four o'clock, "Will Howie and Grace play the psychotic voicemails?" Karen Reed left John O'Keeffe, and I didn't reply, because I don't want any sort of paper trail with this weirdo, but in my mind, I was thinking, yeah, we did play them, we played them on the show, because it destroys the timeline, the Commonwealth's timeline, and how they're setting up this murder. So we did play them, but it's like they don't even listen, but they hate us so much. They're like, "Oh, I can't wait, Grace, "I can't wait 'til Jen McCabe "sues you for all your worth," and I'm sitting here going, "Sues me, hmm? "Mmm, what did I do?" I took a picture of a dog 10 years ago in France. Is that what she's mad about? I don't understand. I don't understand how talking about this case that's become very public, by the way. It's a nationwide story. How that makes us, the bad guys, the McAlbert crew with Michael Proctor, they are the ones, and I don't think any of these people, besides maybe lucky, are pillars in their community. I'm still holding out hope for lucky, but as far as the texts and voicemails and everything else I've seen from this crew, they're a sleazy crew, everybody. But how is reporting on it or talking about it? Now, where are the bad guys? 'Cause we're holding you accountable for things that you wrote and you texted and you emailed? Hmm, I don't think so. 844-542-42. At one point, Lally asked a question, did you hear this part? He looks at Lucky and he says, he starts the line of questioning with, I'm not trying to put words in your mouth. I'm not a lawyer, but I heard that, and I was like, "Start over." Like, you don't even object to that, just start over. Do you hear what you're saying? I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, but if I'm Judge Canoni, I'm like, "That's gonna be an issue." And that was one of the ones they let's stay. That was one of the ones that she didn't even, she had no issue with. And neither did the, neither did Yannetty or Jackson, because they probably figured like, we gotta give this guy something, otherwise we'll be here all day. Well, yesterday they tried to put forward a motion that the prosecution put in some evidence. I don't know if you saw this, that the piece of evidence was that Karen Reed at 130, 145 in the afternoon of January 29th, searched DUI attorney on her phone. Like, your legal right to representation and finding one was going to be evidence, was that supposed to be a big shock to everybody that Karen Reed was seeking legal representation? - Should I not have done that? That's probably what she's saying. Was I not supposed to do that? Yeah, out of all the things, out of all the Google searches that are raising eyebrows, I don't think that one even makes the top 10 for this group. Do you use scented candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, you should stop, because you're not tricking anyone, we're on to you. And your house might smell. You know, there's a good chance and maybe it's just some lingering odors from the kitchen, maybe you have an animal. I noticed with animals, people really get nose blind, because you get nose blind and you also have such affection for your animal that you're like, oh, it's my animal stings, but it's my sting. - This is just how the house smells now. This is our scent, we've adopted our scent. And you like the smell because it's your pet, but other people are not so fond of it. - It's a wall of funk that you're walking into. - But what you can do to destroy that wall of funk that you're walking into is you can use the Eden Pier thunderstorm. They have oxy technology to send out all three molecules into your home that destroy bad odors, rather than just covering them up. Candles, cover up sprays, all that stuff has to be bought over and over again. It's a waste of money and it's not effective. Whereas the thunderstorm works in seconds and has no filters to buy. So start saving money, get yourself a thunderstorm and get yourself a three pack. So you can put one in your bedroom, your family room, your basement, your kitchen, get $200 off the three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code grace3. That's, discount code grace3. We'll be right back. - I thought you said you're dead, not bad. Is that a snot, my dog? - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2/8 Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. (upbeat music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Welcome back, everyone. To The Grace Curly Show, thanks for spending the end of the week with us. We've got a great program planned for you. Tons of sound to get to and one sound cut that caught my eye this morning was Van Jones. He was on with Jim Acosta and he was talking about the debate and what will happen if Biden does not perform well? What will happen if the wheels come off? Which we know they are want to do when it comes to Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. And I want to play this sound cut and then we'll get to the PQ. Can I get Van Jones cut for? - This is the entire election as far as I'm concerned. The entire world will be watching. If you are a carbon-based life form, you're going to be watching. If you've got a functioning brain stem, you're going to be watching. Because if Biden goes out there and messes up, it's game over. If he walks out there and a week later, he's lower in the polls, it's panic in the party. - And that brings us to our poll question, which is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-pack special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. And if you don't love the Thunderstorm, it's probably because you don't have one yet. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace. And it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. So take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-pack special at And don't forget to use promo code GRACE when you go to Tailor, Cormier, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Van Jones says it's game over. If Biden fumbles the debate, do you agree? - No, no. I really, I'm at a point now. It amazes me how... And I hate saying this 'cause I don't mean this as a dig at all of us in the country, but it does the cognitive dissonance of a lot of people in this country and the ability to just kind of whistle past the graveyard does amaze me. And yesterday, Taylor, I told you that there was a headline about how Joe Biden, something recent that Joe Biden did, some mess up, I don't know if it was Normandy or G7. It was like, this moment is the moment that Joe Biden lost the election. People love to do that, they love to hype it up. There's no way he'll come back from this. The ignorance of a lot of people never ceases to amaze me. How long it takes people to catch on to what a train wreck this guy is never ceases to amaze me. Because if that were true, if what Van Jones is saying is true, like, oh, people are gonna see him during this debate and if he messes up, they're gonna wake up and they're gonna vote for Donald Trump or they're not gonna go out and vote for Joe Biden. If that were true, he wouldn't have won in the first place. Like, people's ability to not care about how bad Joe Biden is in order to vote against Trump is an important factor in this. And so while I think it's important, and I think it could solidify Trump's lead in all of these swing states, I don't think it is game over for Joe Biden. It's not over 'til the fat lady sings. Like, it's not over 'til it's over. So, I think they're really trying right now to lower expectations for Joe, so that Van Jones and Jim Acosta and all of these other, you know, talking heads can come out right after the debate and say, he knocked it out of the park, he met the moment. He's truly unbelievable. He's what the country needs. The naysayers said he couldn't do it, but he did. He persisted. So no, I don't think it's gonna be game over for Joe Biden. - 27% say no, 73% say yes, it will be game over. And even if he does blow it during the debates, I mean, are we really ruling out that there won't be some sort of emergency or, you know, lockdown or something, that the Democrats are gonna throw in the towel because Joe Biden messed up in the debates? They don't give up that easy. We'll be right back. We got a lot more to get to. Joy Reed in the news when we come back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thrathria studio. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you for tuning in and let's get to the collars. A lot of people on the lines wanna chat. The number is 844-542-42. Mark, you are first up on this Friday. What's going on? - Hi Grace, congratulations on your lucky day. I wanna talk about the timing of the debate. There's a reason why it's in June and that's because we got two months from the Democratic Convention and they can easily, they will replace him. This is like a trial balloon. They're gonna replace him if he does horrible. - And who do you think, I don't disagree with you, Mark, and I've seen a lot of people float that same theory and that's why the Biden team was so adamant about having these debates so early when it's obvious that they really should not wanna have any debates whatsoever but if they are going to have them, like you said, they're gonna give themselves plenty of time for a plan B to sub in an alternate. So my next question for you, Mark, would be who do they plop in? - That's a great question. I think there's a few people that come to mind. Michelle Obama. - I think there'd be pressure on her to take it. We all know that Kamala's a disaster. I think Hillary would try to, like she always does, a weasel her way into position to try to get it. I honestly think it would be between those two. I think it would be between Hillary and Michelle Obama knowing that Kamala has absolutely zero chance. - So here are the names I hear floated a lot. Michelle Obama's one of them. She's floated every single election season. People are conservatives are rightfully terrified that she's just gonna decide one day she wants to be present because we know that she probably would win. There's a lot of young people who idolize her. There's a lot of liberal women who think she walks on water. And so she's definitely a threat in that sense. What I'd say about Michelle Obama is, and I've always maintained this, I think she won does not like politics. I've read excerpts from her books and her interviews. She does not like politics. Two, I think she very much enjoys her life. She enjoys the fruits of her labor. If you wanna call Netflix series and going to fancy parties labor. She enjoys the finer thing. She likes wearing boots that cost thousands of dollars and fancy outfits and hanging with Adele and hanging with all these people. I think she genuinely loves the glamorous, ritzy one percent life that she lives. She likes going to Hawaii. She likes staying out of the public eye when she wants to and then shelling up at other times. So that's the main reason I'm not that worried about Michelle Obama is I think that her appreciation for her fabulous life trumps any sort of pressure the Democrats could put on her to run. Hillary Clinton on the other hand Mark, I'm glad you brought her up because she was at the Tonys recently. She is the, I don't know, the creator or one of the co-producers of the musical suffs that has not been doing that well as far as the box office goes. But the critics of course are drooling all over it. She was at the Tonys and she was making mention about how she knows a lot about trying to make change and everyone laughed. She always has to bring up the fact that she lost to Donald Trump as if any of us have had the chance to forget it when she's on TV around the clock talking about it. And then I think the other name you hear occasionally is Gavin Newsom. Gavin Newsom always seems to be in, I'm running for president mode. But here's the main issue. Mark kept saying, "Kamala Harris is a disaster." He's not wrong. The polling shows that you just watch any clip of her. Even if she's in a softball interview where no one is trying to trip her up, she manages to unburden the burden of what has been with what will be and what will be done, will be done. She's a disaster. There's no other way to put it. But the issue for Democrats is they chose her because she's a black woman. And the optics, and this is what Darvio Maro said. We started the week off with Darvio Maro on Monday. The, or I'm sorry, on Wednesday he was on, I think, but he said, the issue with that is that you've already ticked off black men. The Democrats have already ticked off black men. There's a lot of polls, and I know you ticked polls with the grain of salt, I certainly do, but there's a lot of polls that even have people at CNN speechless showing that black men are seriously considering not showing up for Joe Biden and to make matters worse, showing up for Donald Trump. And as Darvio pointed out to us, Trump only needs to get, you know, in the single digits percent wise to really change the game if he were able to convince black voters that he is their best option. So if black men are already leaving the Democrat party in droves and Trump's making inroads with black men, the last thing that the Democrats wanna do is tick off black women. And I think making a big stink about how you're gonna choose a black woman as your VP, which Joe Biden did, he painted himself into this in his own corner, I think making that big stink about it. And then the Democrats trying to make an attempt where they skip over her, like it's hopscotch, like, okay, we're just gonna jump over her onto the next person. I do think you risk really alienating black women. And I thought the same thing at one point where you're talking about KJP and how there had been a story out that Anita Dunn and other higher-ups at the White House were trying to edge her out and not even subtly, like they were suggesting that she hit the road, Jack. I think they had secured her some job, probably like a no-show, you know, sweet job at Emily's list, the pro-abortion agency, or whatever it is, I don't know, company, nonprofit. And she didn't want it, she wanted to be press secretary. And so all these people in the Biden White House were trying so hard to get KJP out because she is so bad at her job. Her job is to be the spokesperson for Joe Biden. She can't really put a sentence together. That right there is a problem. If your job is to speak for a living and you're not that great at it, you have an issue. So they were trying to edge her out. And somebody on social media had such a great summation of what this issue is with KJP. And I think you can apply it to Kamala Harris. This guy said, "If you make your hiring decision off of identity politics, it's hard to then fire someone and it not seem like it's identity politics." In other words, if you hire someone and you say, "We're hiring her. She's the first black lesbian press secretary." I don't even know all of the boxes that they brag about her checking. But if you make that your big agenda or your big rollout is that she's all of these things and this is why we're hiring her and then push comes to shove and you want to get rid of her, you want to fire her, you want her to move on, you can't then say, "Well, we don't really want you here anymore." But it's not because of all the things we listed when we hired you. We hired you for all those reasons but we're not firing you for all those reasons. We're firing you because you're bad at your job. But you can't do that. If you don't hire based off merit, it's very hard to fire based off merit. And I think they have found themselves in the same position with Kamala Harris. You hired her because of identity politics because you thought in the identity game of poker, she held a lot of cards. And now that she is obviously an albatross around Joe Biden's neck, they're trying to pretend that that's not gonna be an issue for them. It is going to be an issue. It's going to be a big one. Thank you for the call, Mark. I appreciate it. I don't disagree though, with your point about the debates being so early. I am on board with that 100%. I think they wanna give themselves a little bit of buffer room is probably how they put it. 844-542-42. And the other big story today, yesterday we talked a lot about this horrific, horrific story about a 13 year old girl being raped by an Ecuadorian, illegal alien in Queens. And that's on the heels of the story about the mother from Maryland, mother of five who was killed. And now today from Breitbart, two men initially from Venezuela are accused of strangling and raping 12 year old Jocelyn Newganre and leaving her for dead in Houston, Texas. In a Houston, Texas, Creek, Hohen, Jose, Rangel, Martinez, and Franklin, Jose, Pina, Ramos, were arrested and charged with capital murder on Thursday by the Houston police department in connection to the strangulation death of Jocelyn Newganre. On the night of June 16th, Jocelyn snuck out of her apartment building after her mother went to sleep. Jocelyn's boyfriend is the last person to have spoken to the girl. Shortly after midnight, Jocelyn can be seen on surveillance camera at a 7-11 convenience store, alongside Martinez and Ramos. Now, because Fox News and other outlets, other conservatives are covering these stories, these atrocities. It has enraged members of the far left progressive party, otherwise known as just Democrats nowadays. And I wanted to play this cut for you because I haven't written a column in so long, but this cut inspired me to write one and hopefully it'll be posted before the end of the show. This was Joy Reid and this was Tuesday, okay? She's interviewing Representative Pramilla Jayapal and they were talking about the big event that Joe Biden did, where he's granting amnesty to like 500,000 people and he's at the podium and he's talking about it. And Joy Reid has on Pramilla Jayapal to essentially whine about how conservatives fear monger about illegal immigration. I want you to listen to this cut, cut one. - Let me show you this is one of the reasons that people have these sort of thinking, this sort of thinking. Here's the three cable networks reporting of this. Our banner said soon Biden announces legal protections for undocumented spouses. A citizen CNN's banner said Biden announces new protections for some undocumented spouses. Here was Fox's banner. My grin arrested for raping 13 year old New Year's. - Yes. - And so I think that's part of the problem, right? - Exactly. - Is that you have a lot of fear mark, right? - Exactly. - Pramilla Jayapal found that last Chiron from Fox. Funny? She thought that was humorous, that a 13 year old was raped in broad daylight at Machete Point in Queens. Progressive sure have an interesting sense of humor, don't they? And Joy Reid, obviously, she wants to piggyback off of this idea that, oh, it's all fear mongering. It's all fear mongering. And I just wanna point out to people that whenever progressives accuse conservatives of fear mongering, it just means, to put it very simply, it just means that a handful of outlets, the minority, it's not like this is happening all over. A handful of outlets are actually reporting real news. And that is enough for Joy Reid and Jayapal to diminish these stories, to laugh at them, to mock them, to ridicule them, and call it fear mongering. Now, and I wanna give the definition, because fear mongering is intentionally misused by the media. Fear mongering, this is the Cambridge Dictionary definition, the action of intentionally trying to make people afraid of something, when this is not necessary or reasonable. Now, I would argue that when you have the murder of Lake and Riley, the murder of Rachel Morin, the rape of a 13-year-old girl, that it is very necessary and extremely reasonable for conservative outlets to cover these senseless and savage crimes and to make people aware of them, especially when we're about to vote in a few months. I think that while the other networks are busy trying to convince America that Joe Biden is splitting the atom behind the scenes, that maybe the more conservative right-leaning networks could report on American citizens being raped or murdered or left to die in creeks. It's one thing to ignore the open border crime wave. It is a total another thing to shame the networks that report the news that is happening. And additionally, as I pointed out about the election, the American people need to know what having an empathizer in chief with a compassionate border policy, what the consequences of that are. Maybe they look at those consequences and they say, I'm okay with it. I'm okay with people being raped and murdered by illegal aliens or ISIS-linked terrorists flooding through our poorest border or recreational centers being converted into migrant shelters with our tax money. I'm fine with that as long as there's no mean tweets in the White House. I'm fine with that as long as Orange Man doesn't get the chance to cut taxes again. But maybe the issue that Joy Reid and Primmila Jayapal have is that when those outlets report the news that the American people won't be okay with that, that they won't be on board for this, that they'll open their eyes and they'll change their minds in the next election. We're gonna talk more about this and we're gonna take your calls 844-542. We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Biden's first day in office was to remove every executive order that Trump had put in place to secure our border. And he stopped the building on the wall. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, the Biden administration has the blood of Rachel Morin on their hands. - Yeah, that was Aaron Morin, laymen, Rachel's half sister commenting on this. And as we mentioned yesterday, and it's really, there's a news story every day, unfortunately, the leaving alone that the media is giving these, they like to call them anecdotal stories, is disturbing to me. And to have Primmila Jayapal and Joy Reid laughing at the Chiron about a 13 year old girl who was raped in Queens in broad daylight, held at Machete Point. And now we're finding out in Caroline Levin, Caroline Levin mentioned this yesterday when she was on the show that he filmed it, that he filmed it on his cell phone. And I'm just so curious what part of that is funny to Primmila, what part of that elicits a laugh from you? And I know she'll have a million excuses. The possibilities are endless. She'll say it was a cheap fake. Maybe the interview was manipulated. Maybe Joy Reid's time traveling homophobic hacker told her to say it, who knows? But when these politicians tell you who they are, when they laugh at American citizens, deaths or rapes or sufferings, and they mock it and they derive these people, you have to listen to them. They're not trying to hide this anymore. They think this is funny. And it actually made me think of a flashback here of what Joe Biden laughed at. Remember this? This is cut two please. - She was very specific recently saying that a mom, a poor mother who lost two kids to fentanyl, that I killed her sons. Well, the interesting thing is that fentanyl they took came during the last administration. - (laughs) The chuckles, man. Fentanyl deaths and rapes. Really gets these dems giggling. Russell, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Russell. - Hey, Grace, thanks to talk to you. - I'm at the call in the news the last few days. I think we should start a new movement. W.L.M. Women's Lives Matter. And the point being, there's five states that now have men who are champions in women's sports, two of them are in New England. And all these women are getting killed and raped, including a 12-year-old in Houston, Texas, the 13-year-old in Central Park, the two women in Maryland in the last year, and, of course, the mother of five, Rachel Moran. And my orchestra didn't even know her name. So, apparently, these women don't matter because everybody remembers George Floyd and Michael Brown and Brianna Taylor, but nobody mentions Rachel Moran or any of these other young ladies that have been raped who lost their lives. - It's such a great point, Russell. And, you know, the list does go on forever. And even if you mention, you just mentioned Rachel Moran, Lake and Riley, there are so many names. And what really bothers me about this, and I'm gonna get into this later on in the show 'cause I'm not gonna have time at this point, but the idea that talking about this or drawing attention to this, or just acknowledging this period, is somehow fear-mongering. Is hilarious coming from Joy Reid and Pramila Jayapal and Rachel Maddow, and all these people on the left, who all they do all day long is fear-monger about, oh, you're not gonna let this child have transgender surgery, people will die. When people actually die, when people are murdered and left in creeks, that's fear-mongering. But when they wanna come up with hysterical hoaxes and become apoplectic about all these things that are gonna happen if Trump gets elected, then that's just speaking truth to power, right? Turn up while we come back.