Drinkin‘ Bros Podcast

Episode 1369 - Charlie Kirk

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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Turning Points USA founder and author Charlie Kirk joins the show to talk about potential Trump Vice President picks, his new book “Right Wing Revolution: How to Beat the Woke and Save the West”, and why we need religion — Christianity in particular — in the United States and the West. 

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Charlie Kirk is here. Charlie, how are you? I'm doing great. Yeah, and I was complimenting your Dennis Rodman jersey and your OJ Simpson jersey there. Great to be here, guys. Yeah, we appreciate it. Obviously, RIP to OJ. I know the wounds are still fresh. Not only for OJ's death, but then some other people in his past and that's hard to get through. Allegedly, yeah. He was found not guilty. Anthony, that's right, usually you say innocent, which is not the same thing. But compared to what's going on today's society, Trump convicted OJ free. You know, that's where we're at today's world. Jerry's get stuff wrong. What can I say? Well, OJ wasn't trying to end the military industrial complex. I don't think there was any impetus to put him behind. We don't know that. That's true. We know for sure that he wasn't. We don't know that he wasn't a massage agent or anything like that. So I'll leave it on the table. Perfect time for you to have this book out. Obviously, big election coming up this fall. I've said this on the show over the last few months, and it sounds like hyperbole at this point, but it really does feel like the biggest election in our lifetime. Yeah, it is. And thanks, guys. And you have a great, great show going here, honored to be here. So yeah, the book is really about that, the stakes that are in front of us. A lot of people that previously don't care about politics are starting to wake up and realize that we're living through extraordinary times. We talk about it in the book of exactly who are the woke, what do they believe, what are they doing to the country? And we're living through a moment where the current ruling class, the regime, they seem to have such resentment and bitterness towards the American people. And they are making deliberate and intentional steps to destroy this country, from leaving the border open to hyperinflation, to sending money to this Ukraine, Russian nonsense. So we talk about in the book of what every individual can actually do to fight back against it from the micro and the macro, not just elect better leaders, but from very specific action items. Yeah, we just got a call from our bookseller. They ran out of books at bookstores across the country. So it's doing really well, praise God for that. And yeah, people can check it out right when revolution, how to beat the woke and save the West. Absolutely, through Christ, anything is possible. But let's get to some points in your book. You talk about specifically the Republican Party as well, not being able to get out of their own way. This is something that Dan and I have talked about many times on this show in the past, in regards to funding Ukraine and Israel and everything else. You also made an interesting point in the book of how some of the most red states aren't necessarily the best states to pick Congress men or women to put into these roles, because they're easily swayed on one way or the other. And they don't necessarily have the interest of the people. Can you tell me how we can correct that? Yeah, it's a great question. So first of all, there really is not an opposition party in this country. There is a performative opposition party called the Republican Party. But on the big stuff, Republicans and Democrats agree on all of it, whether it be sending money abroad or keeping the borders open or keeping the size and scope of government the same. The Republican Party, it's more like the Republican Party and the Republican Party. And we call that the uni party, if you will. And the American people deserve an actual opposition party. We deserve a voice and we talk about that in the book. And some of the red states, for example, Oklahoma, where every single county voted for Donald Trump, all 77 counties voted for Trump, you actually don't find that kind of opposition spirit, even the red states. In Oklahoma, for example, you have the universities in Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University have some of the worst offenses of DEI of critical race theory. Why are we putting up with that in some of the reddest parts of the country? So there is an imbalance happening right now. We talk about in the book that one of the reasons why the country is in the state that it's in is because the American people are largely upset with the current American political class. And there is not an organization or a movement that speaks for them in opposition to that. Donald Trump is that temporary placeholder for that, which is why he is succeeding so much. And why he's doing well in the polls and why so many people that otherwise were not political are supporting his candidacy because he is the placeholder of that opposition, that oppositional counter revolutionary movement against the current Leviathan as we articulate it in the book. Sure, yeah. Culture really matters, right? So if you look at the reason for the fall of Rome, and I don't mean the eventual falling of Rome, but I mean the part where it stopped being Rome sometime in the fourth century, there's a lot of reasons to get rid of this, depending on which historian you believe or whose conclusion you really agree with. But there's a couple of things you can't dispute. One was the constant invasion of Germanic hordes, right? Northern Europeans coming into Rome, and instead of doing what has been that has traditionally been the case, which is to accept Roman culture, because you came there to benefit from it, right? They brought their own culture. They started taking over general roles. They started becoming consoles and all sorts of other bullshit. This lack of a requirement for assimilation was a big part of it, right? And one of the other big factors, well, two of the other big factors were the loss of big cities, right? Like Rome was a city state by nature. So it's big cities across its empire, where it really provided the tax revenue and provided the maintenance of the culture, right? Like you're a true Roman, and no matter where you are in the world, that was a big part of it. And then of course, hyperinflation, where they started recalling all the coinage and taking all the silver out and then putting cheaper metals in there. So they created hyperinflation. Now, if you look around United States right now, every single one of these things are happening. Yes. People are coming from their shithole countries, and instead of assimilating into American culture, they're like, hey, you know, we're going to bring our, we're going to bring Somalia to America. I was like, now we're good, bro. We're all stocked up on Somalia here. Yeah, Somalia is sucked in the first place. I don't want that here. And we're creating hyperinflation for no fucking reason. There's no economic reason to be creating the inflation that we're creating. And, and you know, we're having this loss of culture, whether it's through religion, where traditional religion religions now have been replaced by wokeness or whatever else, all the signs are there, right? And it's all in front of our faces. Plato said, I think to your point in this book, one of the key factors that has led to all this has been this idea that I'm just going to vote red. And that's it. Right. And then let let, like, I trust red, red, red's why I grew up with red. I trust red. So I'm going to vote for red. Plato said, if you refuse to take part in your own governance, governance should do to be ruled by fools. And that is exactly where we are in this process right now. And speaking of which, with Trump, there is a rumor this week that he's going to either announce his VP before tomorrow night's debate, potentially the day after. Obviously, he's got a court hearing coming up July 11th for a potential sentencing in New York. Who do you think it's going to be? And when should he announce his VP pick? Well, first of all, that was a super smart analysis on the fall of Rome. And so you're exactly right. And I would add to that sexual degeneracy, which was also a characteristic of the fall of Rome, which we see all across our land. And additionally, I think you mentioned this briefly, just a nonstop nagging to try to expand your own borders to invade foreign lands while your own body politic collapses, which again, is a feature of our current ruling class and regime. So the harmonies between the fall of Rome and the fall of America, it's rather, it's rather incredible. So you're exactly right. The answer your question, I hope it's JD Vance. I think JD Vance is the best for a lot of different reasons. He would be one of the youngest people ever to serve as vice president, which I think is great to have a fresh voice and a younger generation outlook. He's a great father. He's incredibly smart. But most importantly, he could help us a lot in the Rust Belt, Western Pennsylvania and Southern Michigan, him being from Ohio, being very popular elected from Ohio. He does great on TV. He's been a terrific senator. So it's really going to be JD Vance or Doug Bergum. I think JD Vance would be able to reach out to a Gen X millennial Gen Z generation that does not always feel as if their needs, wants, concerns are being properly represented in the current political discourse. So and JD's a dear friend. He's the best. So I hope he's the guy and he's in the final right now. It looks like it's Bergum V JD of who's the selection is going to be. And Trump could select any hour now. We'll see what happens. Yeah, we will. Look, I'm not homies with JD like you are. However, I did graduate from the Ohio State University. Not gonna offer that. But I'll tell you why it matters. I don't think we need Ohio. I think we've got Ohio anyways. Obviously, you know, I'm a big Trump guy, but I don't see the necessity for picking somebody from Ohio and picking off a position that's that important, which he's great at already there. If you're going after Gen Z, why not the Vic? Dan and I have discussed the Vic on the show for the last week or so. I was big on the map to the first debate that happened there. Why not the Vic? And to be clear, I don't think there's a winner or loser between the two. I think they both provide similar characteristics. Bergum is boring as shit. Yeah, like he that guy looks like a he looks like a character out of a scary movie or something. I'm not involved. I won't get involved. How do you do it? Let's be fair. There is some level of of looks that come into politics. It's just the way it is, right? Mike Pence helped me pray the gay way, but that's it. Like I didn't like we didn't have anything in common. I feel the same way about Johnny Quest dad haircut with the fly zooming around his head. It didn't I didn't like that. But the only thing that distinguishes the two, there's two characteristics to me that distinguishes two. One is that the Vic is very popular amongst libertarian voters, who to your point from before are one of those groups of people who feel like they're politically homeless homeless now, because most of them aren't going to vote for the libertarian candidate, because he's a he's a groomer guy, right? He's into all that fucking bullshit. So chase Oliver. Yeah, he's a weird guy. Nobody is going to vote for him. I think the polls I've seen show that 75% of libertarian registered libertarian people will vote for Trump if a vak is his guy, right? So that's one plus in his favor. I don't think Vance loses you anything either. The problem the only problem I see with Vance is that we take him out of that position that he's in right now. And if we don't have to go stop to put him in there, that would be like for the not not for the party because I don't think JD Vance is a party guy. I think he's a liberty liberty guy, which I appreciate, right? But we have very few of them. If Amish wins in Michigan, we've got one more, but we have Rand Paul, we have Amish, we have Thomas Massey and Mike Lee, maybe that's about it, right? For guys who are trying to like who are actively trying to shrink the size of the federal government. And if we're going to try to to change the Republican party, which I think needs to be changed, you need these guys spread out around the nation. And I think Vivek would be able to go out there on the stump and just absolutely eviscerate people on a daily basis. And he's the one guy that has consistently pushed Trump's narrative and what he wants for this next term, more than anybody else. I mean, look, I know he's your buddy, but JD Vance back in 2016 wasn't never Trump or back then. I don't know what has changed this, but I don't know how that's going to play in commercials. Yeah, I know that that's a good point. And from the Ohio thing, and yeah, I'm sorry to hear you went to Ohio State. Best of luck against Michigan is here. Maybe in the National Championship, I'm all in. Go ahead. You're long on Ryan Day. Okay, we'll see. Real short on Chip Kelly. Watch out for that. I'm sure I'm short on Ryan Day too. I agree with you. I've been saying this for three years now. This isn't my football show of a fuck politics. Let's get into it. Well, I will be in Eugene for the the Ducks Bucks game. We will be there. Yeah. Actually, our hard side of the company is debuting in Oregon that that weekend. So let's go. Let's hang out. That's all over the set. We'll be in Oregon. We'll actually be there. So let's do it live from the stadium. We do a live show from the game. Yes. Perfect. I'm sorry. I don't mean to sidetrack, but a goofy fact about me. I'm an Oregon duck season ticket holder. My whole family went to Oregon. So anyway, so we'll do something at Austin, which is going to be the game of the year. I bet game day will be there. That is the game of the year. Yeah. So as far as the JD thing, you're right. We don't need Ohio. My argument I could have articulated better is regionally he speaks to the Rust Belt better than most candidates. Western Pennsylvania has same values as Eastern Ohio, for example. Same with Southern Michigan. I love the Vivek pick. He's just not based on my private conversation with Trump and what we seem publicly necessarily one of the finalists. Here's what I love about Vivek, though, is Vivek is able to bring in a new generation and an intellectual foundation for the MAGA agenda that has been lacking at times. I think JD can as well, but Vivek has been able to red pill more elites than I've been able to see. I think he was transformational and getting Elon Musk to be as outspoken as he has been to get what we saw this recent Silicon Valley fundraiser. So I am super long on Vivek. He's another Ohio and, by the way, really great guy. I think there's a bright future for him. If it's VP, then Graham, I will be thrilled. We work together with him on a lot of stuff. I just, out of the two finalists, I think JD is there. But to your point also, as far as being a Liberty guy, we need to expand those ranks. I would put Josh Hawley in there when it comes to foreign policy stuff. He's been great on Ukraine. Super articulate when it comes to that. But you're right. There's only like five or six fighters in the US Senate and House that really understand we're up against. Vance is one of them. His credit. He has been against sending money to Ukraine. He has been against the FBI's overreach. He's just been terrific across the board. And I will say that if President Trump wants to at least be able to have someone that can go on TV that remains calm, cool, and collected, JD has a great media presence to him. But I don't disagree with anything you guys said. JD also brings to the table that he's an actual hunter from the Rust Belt. And I don't know if you've heard this narrative that's been going out lately, but there's about 10 million registered or I'm sorry, licensed hunters across the United States right now who are not registered to vote. They're not even registered, right? So in Ohio, it's 625,000 people who are who have hunting licenses are above 18 state residents, no felonies. So eligible to vote who are not even registered to vote. And I feel like that could be a big part of their campaign if you bring a guy like JD Vance, especially in a lot of the states. Yep, because a lot of the time interrupting. No, you take a state like Michigan. Yeah, he's right there. And if you get those hunters on board, congratulations. You won the 2020. Michigan's 370,000. 370,000 people who are who are eligible to but not registered to vote who obviously lean right, it's insane. Right. I mean, what the fuck? Yeah, for you last night's, were you watching these primaries closely? And what do you think of AOC's bestie lose in last night? Oh, yeah, Jamal Bowman. He should have pulled a fire alarm. He might have won. So yeah, I was thrilled to see it. I want to be careful though, because I think that the attack vector against him again, I happen to be sympathetic to Israel and pro Israel, but he's like a crazy lunatic Marxist. And so just the fact that they made this a single issue on Israel, I think is a little bit of a distraction. But I'm happy to see anybody from the squad losing to be perfectly honest with you. Yeah, you know, you know, that rally that he held where AOC had a fit of some sort. I don't know exactly what happened. That wasn't even in his own district. You know that, right? No, I didn't. I didn't know that. Yeah, we found that out this morning when we came in to work, our producer was, was able to pull that up. So the real question now is who is, we're in a lame duck period, technically now for the people that lost their their primaries. Who's the dumbest member of Congress right now? Because there was that guy that said that the the Guam was going to tip over. Yep. Right. Is he still there? Yeah, he's still in Georgia. Yeah, they're big time. I think it's Sheila Jackson Lee. Yeah. Have you seen the Cory Bush? I got Bush at one. Oh, Cory Bush is really bad. No, and the problem with Cory Bush is she's so stupid, yet so confident in herself. Yeah. And that is the lethal combination. It is, man. God is that like she's convinced when she when she's doing these interviews that she's the smartest person on the planet. I there's no way that she's fully literate. No, not at all. Not at all. On another show this week, I was listening to you on. You had a great point and I hope it doesn't sound like a boom or moment because I don't think it should be. I forget whose show you were on, but you were talking about what has changed over America and give or take the last 30 years. With Fourth of July coming up, obviously we have a huge military veteran audience. You discussed how back in the day, everybody and their mother used to come out for Fourth of July. Everybody was super patriotic. That was our big holiday. You'd Christmas, you had Thanksgiving and fun things like that. Now, over the course of let's say the last 30 years, every month has to be something. We're adding new federal holidays for no reason and all that other shit. How do we unwind it and how do we put the toothpaste back in the tube at this point when it feels like it's lost? Yeah, that's a great one. I made this argument the other day. I said we have an entire month based on people's private sexual behavior and we barely have a day to celebrate the country. I mean, I want people to understand that Pride Month versus Independence Day. Look, I think this is part of what Trump's agenda has to be, which is we should make the entire month of July American Pride Month and try to counter what's been happening in June. And also, we should just start rejecting this idea that the rainbow flag needs to be everywhere at all times. I think the entire idea Pride Month is completely unnecessary and wrong from the start. And exactly, what are you proud of? You're proud of your own private sexual decisions. When you really think about it deeply, it's really perverse and not something we should be celebrating. But yeah, it's going to require us to then elevate what is beautiful and good over what is not. And the country is those things or it should be. That's what our veterans have sacrificed and what we should be celebrating. And you see, one of you made the point previously, where as America becomes more secular, we have these counterfeit religions that start to take its place. And one of the counterfeit religions is the religion of Pride or the religion of Earth worship, which is environmentalism or the, and we talk about this in the book, or the religion of DEI or the religion of anti-racism, so on and so forth. And so as America has become more secular, something replaces normative Christianity. And that's not a good thing. And so I think part of what we talk about in great detail in the later part of the book is a spiritual revival and getting people to re-send their lives on the divine, knowing that there is a God and you are not Him. And I think it's immense, it's mission critical towards saving the West. Otherwise, I say this all the time, if you think that we can save the country and allow us to continue to slip down the secular route, you're wrong. And even if you are not religious, listen to this, I'll try and convince you that America was a better country when we were more religious. The fruit of Christianity kept the West stable. In fact, it created the West. And now the hyper secular America is a place where they say men give birth and that children can chop off their breasts in the name of transgender affirming care. Yeah, I actually am not religious, neither of us are particularly religious, but I agree with that 100%. And it has nothing to do with the tenant, in my opinion, it has nothing to do with the tenants of Christianity specifically, although they are on average way better than other religions that we see, especially Islam, which is nonsense. But this is another thing you see in the 4th century through 7th century during the true fall of Rome. And people try to obfuscate this fact sometimes, but Christianity actually played a role in that, right? Because it wasn't just about the tenets of the religion, it was about replacing one culture with another. And all these people in disparate areas were like, well, I don't need to care about Rome anymore. GK Chesterton said that men didn't love Rome because she was great. Rome was great because the men loved her. And what they loved was antiquity. They loved the fact that it was old, that it was ours. This belongs to us. La Cosa notion, this thing of ours, right? This is a common theme throughout all of history. And when you strip that away, people lose pride in stuff. And there has been a direct assault on pride from the American position, right? 16, 19 project, all this stupid nonsense, right? It's been in a constant assault on this stuff. And you see it, it doesn't matter if you believe in Judeo-Christian religion or not, the values you do believe in. If you live in the West and you're a part of Western culture, you definitely believe in those things. So say what you want about it, but there's a noticeable effect when that stuff goes away. Well, and two things, and first of all, for someone who's not religious quoting GK Chesterton, that's pretty impressive. I wish most Christians knew who GK Chesterton was. So everyone should read his book, Orthodoxy, it's incredible. So anyway, just to second that point, so again, I'm a very serious Christian, and I believe in the metaphysics of it, but Christopher Hitchens, who's an atheist, has recently come out, who doesn't believe in the metaphysics of it, but he says the West was better when the Christian fruit was ripe. And he was saying that the West was better when it was a Christian civilization, not a secular one. So you don't have to necessarily accept the metaphysics of Christianity, I hope you do, but you don't have to in order to acknowledge the obvious that this entire experiment we have in self-government and liberty is the outgrowth of the fundamental values of the Judeo-Christian construct. And Christopher Hitchens, the most famous atheist of all time, the most famous militant atheist of all time. That is correct. Still agreed with that premise. I don't think it's really debatable, frankly. Yeah, and look, we know you're busy doing the book tour in a ton of interviews and everything else. I wish I could spend more time guys. I gotta get you out of here. I got one more question for you before you get out here. If we lose in November, can you save the country? Can the country withstand four more years of this? I've said no for the last year, just seeing what I'm seeing on a daily basis. I'm saying no. Do you think that Biden could potentially ruin the country with another four years? Yeah, I hesitate to answer it bluntly, because if we lose, I go back to work and I keep fighting. So I, because if I say yes, it's ruined, then it would be kind of a signal that I'm giving up, which I won't, because I think there's always fight left in the American people. It will be very hard to recover. It will be, it will be very hard, but I believe you have a moral obligation to fight. My entire life is centered on that belief that you fight even if the odds are stacked against you, do what is right, even though you might lose. I think that sort of belief system is the right way to conduct your action, your agency. But four more years of open borders, of multi trillion dollar deficits, of getting closer to World War three with this stupid proxy war between Russia and Ukraine, that we should not be involved in with the FBI rating moms and dads and school board members. It's hard to believe how the republic can survive. It might be called America, but it might no longer be America. And I agree with you, we'll be back at work the next day. After all, republicans have to work. Right ring revolution is the name of the book How to Beat the Woke and Save the West. It is out now. Amazon is the easiest. It'll be at your house in 48 hours. They are Charlie Kirk. It's a pleasure before we get out of here. Thank you. I want to hold you to that Oregon bet. I got a thousand dollars in Eugene, all thousand dollars to your charity or ours. And then the loser has to wear an Ohio State or an Oregon jersey there. I will wear it on air the following Monday when I do my show or I will be tuning into your show to see that beautiful Oregon Ducks jersey. Chip Kelly's going back to Oregon, my man. Chip Kelly is going back to Oregon. That does not usually go well for him when he returns. Just ask how UCLA did two years ago. So we'll see what happens. UCLA is not a real place. It's like Gaza for Christ's sex. Well, let's get out of here. Charlie. Appreciate you being here. Thanks guys. 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That shed travel bag that it comes into is also amazing. I got to get a new one because I just spilled a bunch of shit at it. TSA ripped open my shit the other day man and it appeared they just dumped out every liquid in there and fucked it all up but big fan of it I was actually using as my DOP kits but they got everything you need. Their boxers are great too. You get a free pair of boxers in there. You get the fucking nail clippers. It rocks big fan of manscapes. Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code that is 20% off plus free shipping with the code It's smooth sack summer boys. Get on board or get left behind. Last but not least we got a hard AF Head on over to the store locator type in your city or zip and go to the closest location nearest you. Fourth of July is coming up next week. Grab a 12 pack for the beach, the lake, the river, the pool, wherever the fuck you're going. You want to get wet. You want to get that 8% in you dog. We're live in Texas, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Wilmington, North Carolina, Outer Banks, North Carolina, and Ohio right now. Shit. Every HEB in Texas will be open on July 29th. Right now we're in 145 of them. Also shout out to Ryan Mills. We just added 40 Albert sins in west Texas. Those will also be open at the end of the month as well. Every pigly wiggly in Alabama in Georgia. Every single total wine in Texas, Florida, North Carolina, well Wilmington at least. Tennessee got you Knoxville and Nashville there and we're at a ton of fucking gas stations as well. When you and I were in Columbus, Georgia, I crossed the border over to Alabama and I got some out of fucking Sonoco dog. So we're trying to get everywhere. We appreciate everybody investing with us and becoming owners in the company at Couple reservations left. If you want them, they've allowed us to go over for this first round before we start the second. Shout out to WeFunder for letting us do that. The interest was so strong that they're like, hey, we'll open this up a little bit more and put a nice call in to the SEC. So thanks for all of that. And since you are an owner, just go out to the storm, buy your own product and tag it. Goddamn it. We love you. Go to today, support us and support the show. Also, if you're watching on Twitter live right now, to make sure you don't miss it, Twitter is quite a bit better at this than some of the other platforms. So to make sure you don't miss when we go live on here, hover over the, or I'm sorry, go right under the video where you see the little bell and click the turn on notifications. They're actually pretty good on Twitter. They're getting better. Yeah, we talked about this on yesterday's show. They started opening up a chat function on the right hand right now, same as YouTube, which is fucking rad. I think it's no coincidence that Alex Jones is forced to liquidate and then magically boom, he's here. I would assume his entire organization will move over to Twitter and Twitter, if you're watching, we're for sale to friend love it over there. And we've gained about shit. I don't know, 5,000 followers since Elon bought the goddamn thing, which is a Christmas miracle. It's weird when the algorithm isn't working against you. Let's go over last night's results here. Bobert, my God, what a little champion last night she was. Yeah, she fought her hard out. That's a vote for for tits, I guess it is because it's not for politics. Are you sure? Yeah, are you sure? If you're a real American doesn't every real American start off at a Burger King and then kind of work their way up through life? Isn't she the American? I don't have I don't have a problem with that. That's fine. That's the American dream or whatever. But who was she running against? Who was the person she was running against? And what were their policies and how are they different from hers? You know what? No idea. No idea. Don't no need to get into that. Really want to focus on those boltons and the fact that they're back in Congress for another sash. Bob, how long is that run? Is it four years? No, it's two. Oh, it's only two and then you have to rerun again? Yes, every two years, dude. Bobert won against. There's a couple people in the field. I think Jerry, I guess Jerry Sonneberg and Deborah Flora were the two people who finished second basically. I mean, she was always going to win. This is not her previous district though. She's she's that's what I'm saying. She moved district. Can you tell me entirely new dish? Tell me the top dude's name? Jerry Sonneberg. Spell it. S-O-N-N-E-N-B-E-R-G. I'm just looking them up on open secrets to see who where his money comes from. Find him. I'm just curious who's sending money to him. It's very limited. Do you even go against Bobert, though? Do you really want that smoke from her? Why not? Secretly. We probably won an H.J. in a theater. What what smoke, though? I mean, she's not like she's smart. Every picture she has, Bob, pull up the amount of pictures in which she she open carries everywhere. Dude, there's a lot. I saw a lot last night on Twitter as she was dancing to another victory because of her great policies and everything she believes in out there and I was surprised at how many pictures there were of just her out in public with a holster on. This Sonneberg guy is just rich, I think. He's run for every office in Colorado for 20 years. Never won shit, so far as I can tell. I don't think he's anybody. Maybe not. There she is. Look at that. Okay, that's great. Boom. Back in there. Thank God, dude. Single mom. Single mom. I'm sure she's got an opinion about everything. Keep scrolling, Bob. Type in Beaubert on Twitter. They were endless last night. I was like, oh, shit. All right. There's one. There's a perfect one. Look at this. Look at this, Anthony. What a fun little gal. I'm not women holding guns does nothing for me. It's not that, dude. It's it's the look in her eyes. I'd even notice she was holding a gun. It was the look in her eye. Bob, pull that back up again. She had a serious look in her eyes of, hey, I'm a serious politician. Bolt on Beaubert. This one's a little more casual. That's what the Twitter chats call their Bolt on Beaubert. What's that? What do you call that? It's called a leg. It's called a thigh holster and it's stupid. Unless you're wearing body armor, there's literally no reason to fucking, the only reason that exists is because if you have body armor, you can't wear it on your hip. That's literally the only reason it exists. A drop leg holster is fucking pointless. I think she is wearing body armor. No, you've got to protect damn titty. No, she's not wearing body armor. Come on. And I think she's got a little something up top, little Kevlar up top. They make a brawl with Kevlar in it. They do actually, yeah. They make some lady shot herself in the chest wearing it. There's Kevlar in it and then a little slot to put your weapon into you and she popped herself in the titty with it for a couple of years, like six years ago. Maybe I don't remember when that happened. Yeah. I mean, with those beautiful tee-tons there, she's got to protect them. You don't know that they're beautiful though. And Gary, so Gary Faust talks about this all the time. Gary Faust, by the way, one of the biggest pieces of shit in the history of human beings. Probably the biggest piece of shit. I don't know if he hasn't raped or murdered anybody. That's true. That's true. He's like one step above OJ. Just from a philosophical standpoint, he's one of the worst people I've ever met. But he does say, I think it's him that says, fake tits only look good and close. Because you don't know if her nipples are on the side of a titty or something. That's true. You got to get a good doctor, man. You got to get a really good doctor. Whoever did that Euler's chick, they did a great job. What was the other one, Bob? You have the fun, Flirty one? Oh, yeah, there it is. Pop it up one more time. This is just from the theater. This is a different type of guy. This is actually some news. I think she won Flapper's Best Milkers of the Year. Oh, shit, dude. Congratulations. Can we get some round of applause? Round of applause, Delco. Thank you so much. Flappers. What was the exact name of that award? By the way, I don't want to get it wrong. Milkers of the year. Oh, that's great. Congratulations. That's probably the most prestigious thing that'll ever happen to her. Probably. Probably. But we don't know. Look, she could be president in 10 years. I have no fucking idea. But she changed districts. And what was the final tally there? Did she win by a lot in a new district? It was a blowout. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She cruised. So she carries everywhere is what we're we kind of found out about her. Well, everyone should. Everybody should own, be trained on and carry a weapon everywhere they go. Yeah. Everybody. Yeah. There's no excuse for you not to. If you're not doing it, you should do it. But anyways, women with guns doesn't like, I don't know. There's a lot of, we call it gun bunnies, right? In the industry. And it's, you see certain gun companies, certain peripheral companies that use them in their advertising. It's like a girl on a fucking cut up. Crop top with like the titties half cut out of it. And she's like walking through the woods with a rifle. It's an airsoft gun, by the way. If you've ever seen those photos, it's an airsoft gun first. And two, this motherfucker doesn't know what she's doing. She does. She's never been in a gun fighting her life. We don't know that. We know that for sure. Sure don't know that. Yeah. I'm not ready to say that on this show. I have no idea. How many gun fights she she may or may not have been in. And I'm not willing to risk my valuable reputation. Your reputation has no value. And second, we know she has never been in a gun fight because she would never stop talking about it. If that were the case. And third, we know that she's got a GED. And she only got it three weeks before she ran for office. I think she kills a grizzly over 800 pounds within the next four years. How do you think she made this jacket? Exactly. Right there. Pop it up. Pop the jacket up. That is all for eight. Sure. No, she bought that. I'll bear for. No, she that first of all, that's not bear for for fuck's sake. Sure is. Second, she is not shooting bears. Yes, she is. There's a lot of bears, a lot of black bears in Colorado. You can't shoot black bears there. I don't believe. You can. You just can't tell anybody about it. Yeah. If you want to get put in jail for 10 years, that's a good good idea. When you're a congresswoman, you can do that, man. You were protecting your family. I believe that is the origin of South Park. It's coming right for us, Joe. Yeah. Is there is somebody shot a bear and he had to basically prove that the bear was attacking him. So they're like, you can kill whatever you want, as long as you say it's coming right for us. Yeah. Actually, speaking of that, I think the Santa's just passed a bill about that in Florida. Well, I don't know how many bears are in Florida, but I believe he just passed a bill or signed a bill in a law that was passed by the legislature there that allows you to kill a bear if it gets like so in LA, California, they have rules on this. Bears, not in the city so much, but in the hills. Bears would come down there all the time, right? Because people leave their garbage out or whatever the fuck. Anytime there's a drought and the food sources ran out, like if there's a drought in California, the mountainous areas, all the smaller animals will go south, right? Or if there's a drought, the riverbeds get lower. So there's not salmon running around and shit like that. So bears will come down to the city to try to eat food. This happens. If a bear come until it physically attacks you, like literally attacks you and does damage, you can't do a goddamn thing about it. As a matter of fact, they can't even come out and euthanize it or capture it until it physically assaults a person for the most part. Because California is fucked up, right? It is, but let's say you're out in the forest. Couldn't you just say the bear took a swing at me first and then I had to punch the bear? Well, flexing Texan in the Twitter chat says bears make up 13% of the population and do 60% of the crime. So go ahead and jot that down. Oh, I don't know who that is, but that's the line of the day so far. It's the line of the day. But I popped in and was watching all of it last night as we were talking about with Charlie earlier. Look, this dude in New York, yes, he lost. Yes, it was a blowout. I am not a fucking fan of letting other countries come in and donate money to political. No, candidates at all, man. You've got to ban that altogether just because this stupid fucking war popped up. And by the way, I don't think it's stupid for Israel. They got fucking invaded and it was a terrorist attack. They're going to do whatever the fuck they want to do on that. So Godspeed, I just don't think we should be involved in it because it has nothing to do with us. But also, you shouldn't be able to give money to political United States candidates who don't necessarily agree with your policies in a totally different country. It has nothing to do with ours whatsoever. So with that guy losing, yes, I'm happy he's out of there. He's a fucking dipshit. And part of the squad and all that other shits, but no, I'm not happy that was it $12 million came from eight back? $14 million. Although it should be noted, he was losing badly before they donated a dime. Was that his excuse then last night? Partially his excuse and partially Israel funneling money into the United States. They only spent $14 million. Oh, yeah, show me the receipts. Where did it go? Because Bernie Sanders spends a bunch of money in his elections too. It all goes to his daughter, his media company. Sure. There is siphoning money off of there. That's why Bernie Sanders is the biggest piece of shit in politics. I was like, oh, he's not a bad guy. Like his, yeah, he's a communist or whatever. But at least he doesn't fucking big corporation, he takes money from regular people and then gives it to his daughter. Yeah, also worth noting with Bowman too. So yeah, obviously he didn't get a dime from Israel. But most of his donations did come from outside of his district. Yeah, I mean, this dude wasn't even holding his own meetings in his district for Christ's sake. I mean, what the fuck? That's nuts dude. So that rally and pop it up. You can pop it up on screen, Bob, where she was dancing around on stage to Cardi B. We're on YouTube today. So just don't play the audio of it. You could play her entrance that felt like an insane clown posse type event for her. Yeah, just running around on stage up there to Cardi B. She looked like the opening act for Cardi B. I gotta, I gotta say, I can't take her seriously ever talking about being a minority again, because this is the whitest shit I've ever seen. Oh, I mean, like, and then she lets her hair down. I mean, she goes through all the motions here to do it. So Bob, you were the one who pointed this out before we went on air this morning. This was in a totally different district with Bernie Sanders. Allegedly, this was not even in Bowman's district. Okay, it would make sense just based on the trees and what not there in the nice park. Yeah, no, he actually has quite a bit of his district is in after looking up, it's West Chester County or something like that. Is it a weird cutout up there? Yeah, in New York state. So it's like he has, so he's acting like, oh, where the Bronx were from the South Bronx, even though the South Bronx is not even in his district. But his district is like White Plains, New York. Yeah, Jews. Yeah, no, it's Jews and police officers. Like what the fuck? Not great. Yeah, not great. Like the minority police officers live there. The rest of the people there are fucking Jews. Okay. Which is retarded. So you get retarded. Puerto Ricans from New York, right? There's two versions. One who have family who are actually from Puerto Rico. Yep. Right. And they can get Jennifer Lopez, for example, one of the original fucking dead supply girl. That's how she got started. Jenny from the block. And then there's this. There's this. Now let's put some respect on her. She was dancing pretty bad. You're not even looking at the dancing. You're just looking at the tight t-shirt and her titties. I'll show you the dancing. I'm about to show the dance. Let's show the dance. I've seen the dance. Let's not go. She's this is just stripper bullshit. She's not dancing. Kind of in love. Good God. Why are you so anti woman right now? I'm anti. You've been on this anti. You have, dude. You hate women. It's crazy. Why do you hate women, Dan? You do hate women. I there's only a couple. Look at that. Did you see that play that part? Don't switch off now. Don't switch off now that she's doing this stupid bullshit. Oh, yeah. There we go. She's such a great dancer. Got the move. She's a double hand jobbing. It's not even a dance move. Fuck off. You guys are in nice little shuffle with shitty dancers and rat face trailer park skanks. That's not my fucking problem. That's your problem. No, it's not, dude. Taylor Swift, you're like, you're on the wrong side of history. No, everybody hates Taylor Swift because she's a terrible person. Do you even understand what kind of God I would be if I had a three way with AOC and Taylor Swift? Oh, boy. Bob, I'd worship to you. People would come to smell my penis. They'd pay $5. I would. I sure would. I'd go to a fucking rusty old barn in Lubbock, Texas to sniff that penis. You're right, Bob. I pray to the, the, the church of Bob after that. Um, but I did like the front part of that video, terrible dancer at the end. Is she full Puerto Rican? Is she part white? Is that a Rican? That would suggest part white, this dancing video. She, she's part, she's culturally white. Okay. Right. And the same way that Larry Elder is culturally white. You know what I mean? That's why they, they call him the black face of white supremacy you would have ran for governor out there. But Larry Elder is culturally white. That's, you're, you're, you're, you're, it's almost like they fucked up. So I don't remember who originally said it. But someone said, someone popular, I remember who it was, but they said that race is more of a spectrum than gender is. Gender is not a spectrum. You're either a man or a woman. That's fucking retarded. And anything else you're just pretending. But race, race is cultural for the most part, right? Like your ethnicity might be one thing or another, but your race is mostly nurture and not nature. You know what I mean? Steve Erkel, for example, not that that's a real guy or not, but you, everybody knows a black nerd. She'll leave away. Yeah. Yeah. Her, her, both her parents are Puerto Rican. Oh, they are. So she's full, she's full hundo on that one. Man, you, you would think that she could dance that? Maybe it's because she's culturally white. That's true. Look at, look at her. Bring up a picture of her fucking boyfriend. Yeah, with the, the ginger. Because Jenny, Jenny from the Black has had an array of different types of men in her life. Five rings, I believe, more than LeBron. Six. More than LeBron. Yeah. But never one that looked like this. No, it's true. This is a white woman. I mean, god damn. That is the white, only a white woman would fucking fuck that ginger cunt right there. She says white is Babe Earth is black. Yeah. That's true. Babe of this black. Babe Earth is a black man. Yes, he is a black man. But this guy, it looks like he was bagging groceries at Whole Foods. And she was like, you know what? You're kind of cute. Either that he was standing outside of one asking for signatures for whatever gay-ass cause he was promoting. Yeah. Would you like some sesame sticks and also, can you take all your groceries out and dump them on the ground and just put them in your car and leave the paper here? That's who she's married to. I heard behind the scenes, this dude's like a fucking tech dude who ran her campaign and all that other shit. The reason why we bring her up today, she did win her primary last night. So she's never going to lose that primary. I don't think so either. But running against a Republican, who knows? No, she's not going to lose. And also as much as all of the squad sucks, there's been a lot of noise made about how she's pissing off progressives because she's kind of become mainstreamed, whereas Corey Bush and Bowman, who's now out and like Ilhan Omar are still like complete fucking nut jobs. Yeah. I want to ask you with this debate coming up tomorrow night. Now we're going to be doing a live watch along on Patreon. So subscribe to drink a bro's podcast on Patreon. I'm looking at some of the Hollywood numbers. As a reminder, fake news is at six, six central and then eight. Well, just follow along for after fake news. Yeah, that'll be on YouTube tomorrow, fake news on drink a bro's podcast on YouTube. And then we'll switch on over to Patreon. That way it'll allow us to show you picture and picture of the actual debate. CNN is not letting any YouTube channels do it, which is nonsense to me because they need fucking help. But looking through the Hollywood numbers here, they're expecting this to potentially be the most watched debate in American history. There is no audience, by the way, definitely want to remind you of that. However, like we talked about yesterday, allegedly Trump's VP will be in attendance there. With Charlie, he seemed pretty fucking certain that it was down to two people. Yeah. I have not heard that. I mean, a lot of people are certain that Hillary is going to be a candidate and 24 as well. I keep seeing it everywhere. And it's got a book. She's got a book coming out. If you remember, Milo tried to tell us this shit in 2020. Hillary is not running for president. I agree. And I think it's too late at this point. We're what, four months away. Even if it was last October, she still isn't running for president. She has a zero percent chance of ever winning. Yeah. So no audience, obviously muted mics, all that other stuff. If they are in attendance, is this something that he slides in then at the end? Where he says, hey, this is my VP and here's who it is. I mean, if it's Vivek, he may as well, if it's Bergum, God, I don't tell anybody that until it's too late, probably. How damaged JD Vance that would work too, I guess. How damaging would fucking Bergum be? I don't think he wins. I don't know. I don't know that he does either. It'd be a fucking total snooze fest. Pull this guy up and show him one more time. What does anybody, I was really shocked to hear. The only thing anybody knows about Bergum is that he was the quietest guy on the Republican fucking debate stage. Terrible. Like, honestly, that's all anybody knows about. I'm the only person in America who watched all of those debates in their entirety last year, and he was fucking awful, dude. And I don't, I just don't understand why he would be even on this short less. Like, you don't need South Dakota for Christ six. You don't need any of the Dakotas. For anything. I don't think we should even have any Dakotas. Who would you like even people even? Okay, would you trade him for somebody? Two states, I would rename it. I'd like to have Cuba. I'd rename the two states something better. I don't want any people or states named Dakota. Okay. And just let the Buffalo's room there? No, I mean, we can still do stuff in the state. I just don't want it to be named that name it something else. If they picked him though, man, would this be disappointing? I can't think of a well, I can't fucking Mike Pence was a let down too. Because I was the head of that Trump curve. I loved him and then he picked his VP and I was like, who the fuck is that and why would I want this guy? I don't know. I mean, I think what would be best for the country is to tee up the next guy, right? Yeah. That used to be the standard. Like, the reason you chose a VP is because you think he can not only step in as president if you go down, but also be the heir apparent to the presidency. And I don't want a guy who's going to be 71 when it's time to run for president next time, which is Doug Burgum. Fuck that shit. Now, what JD Vance. People are tired of this stuff. He's 39. Yeah, the vague is 42, I think. Exactly. Well, with JD Vance, it makes sense. I could see him potentially running for president. Yeah. Or even if he named a scientist, I don't I wouldn't be that shocked if he named a scientist to be honest. I know a lot of people would, but I would not be. I have not seen his fucking name anywhere. In the meantime, on Twitter last night, and this was super late that I was up, the vague was trending everywhere. And people said that they spot him at an airport in Cleveland, Ohio. Others were saying like me. Oh, well, JD Vance is in Ohio, but he wasn't there in Cleveland that day. So maybe it's him. He also said he is going to the debate tomorrow. I'm not sure. The other weird thing about what Charlie Kirk was saying earlier is it could happen any hour. If that's your homie, if you're friends with JD Vance in real life, there's got to be a text message right of like, Hey, what are we doing here? You and I have made text messages to our friends, not this high up, because we're not other than Tulsi. We don't know any any of these other candidates personally. Yeah. VP wise. So do you remember Trump's shortlist for VP in 2016? Because my pants might have been the best choice. Go ahead and name it off. I don't remember actually. So Mike Pence, obviously, who got it. Yeah, Bush definitely wasn't on there. No. Uh, Newt Gingrich. Oh, and Chris Christie. Oh, God. To be fair, though, besides JD Vance, Vivek and Tulsi, they also had none of these other people get me off, Bob. I can't get off to these people. They also were kind of looking at Jeff's sessions in Alabama. God, gross career politician. Yep. Tom Cotton in Arkansas. He's young, but still a career politician. Yeah. And then the rest are like Tom Cotton was also a fucking Jack officer in the military. The thing that does the I'm sorry, the only thing that makes Bergam a potential choice. I'm trying to think like Trump thinks is that he didn't get involved in politics until 2016. Okay. So he's not a career politician. But neither is Vance. He was a businessman before. Yeah. But I mean, Vance Vance and Vivek obviously are not career politicians. They're 40 years old. But this is, I think this is Vance's first political posting. Uh, yeah, I think so. Yeah. Because he wrote, uh, Red Hill, Billie Elegy. He did. Yeah. And I believe he was, he was a veteran too, right? Um, yeah, he was in the Marine Corps. Yeah. Yeah. I think he was like an aircraft mechanic or some bullshit. I remember. Yeah. But late last night, so I'm, you know, I'm on Twitter now. He was a public affairs guy. Sorry. Follow, uh, drinking bro's podcast on Twitter here because we're, we're live. Uh, a good majority of the days over there. Um, right around 21 hours ago is when this story was kind of starting to break that, uh, he had selected his VP and reports were circulating that it's Vivek. Very surprised here. Charlie say that no, uh, that that's not even in the final two and that it was down to two because I was unaware of that and I haven't heard. Um, Ben Carson is on there. No thanks, man. That's not going to do it for me either. Yeah. Um, nice guy. Don't know that, uh, he's a, he's a, he's a well at any of these fucking events. Yeah, he's a really smart guy too, but that doesn't always try it. Like, so Thomas Massey is a smart guy, the smartest guy in politics, probably, like just general intellect speaking, not necessarily as a political scientist, but he's got a fucking engineering degree from MIT for Christ's sake. Um, that's part of it, right? Understanding politics is the second part of it. And the third part of it is presentation, right? So yesterday, uh, after the Bowman vote came in, uh, Massey posted a video of Bowman yelling at him in the halls of Congress and Massey kind of embarrassing him and saying, Hey, I'm gonna miss these little chats or whatever the fuck. Yeah. Did he post it on a sweater? What does he say? Yeah. Uh, play it. Oh, yeah. The caption was, I'm going to miss our informal chit chats in the hallways. This is Bowman holding court in the Capitol building with the press. Children at all powers, pressure them forced them to respond to the question. What the hell will you do anything to say to America's children and let them explain that all the way up until election day on 2024. Let them explain it all the way up until election day on 2024. They have freaking callers. They're colors. They're not here. I'm talking about dumb guys. You know, there's never been a school that allows teachers to carry. Terry comes. We're talking. We're talking about them. We're talking about them. We're talking about them. We're talking about them. We're talking about them. We're talking about them. We're talking about them. I'm talking about them. I'm talking about them. You know, there's never been a school that allows states that have openly carried laws that weren't dead. States that have openly carried laws. The most mass shootings happened in California. Yeah. What's that? Children are dying. None of their own children because they're supposed to have Harvard teachers have learned work in a school. Have you ever worked in a school? Have you ever worked in a school? Have you ever worked in a school? Okay, you can cut it. So, um, the reason I wanted to show that one because it illustrates a fact Thomas Massey will get in there and talk some shit and he's pretty handy with a satire, right? Presentation matters. The other reason is because the surgeon general has declared gun violence a public health crisis, right? Are they allowed to? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, not that it doesn't mean anything, but he declared that gun violence is a public health crisis and they're going to try to slip some bullshit in because of this. But the data that he uses, Bob, go to his page, please. Well, there it is right there. Just blow that up as big as you can. Blow that up. Well, no, that's not it. No, no, no. Go to his Twitter page. It's just surgeon underscore general. And I'll tell you when to stop scrolling. Keep scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, keep scrolling, scrolling, under Thomas Massey. There you go. There you go. So scroll, scroll, scroll, keep on going. All right, sweet right there. Okay, so click on that little thing right there. This is the thing. This is the chart that they post to tell you you see the light blue line is motor vehicle accidents. And it's been going down precipitously since 2002, whereas gun violence has pretty much been even and had some jump over the past. Well, let's say since 2020, which by the way, you should watch Tucker's last episode because they go into great detail on that how the black people killing black people in their cities jumped by like 2000% after George Floyd up until present. Really? Yeah, that's the that is the community that it affected the defund the police shit affected the most. We knew that though. It's really retarded. Now for this one, firearms are the leading cause of death for children and adolescents. Okay, cool. Look at the fucking age range right there, Bob, can you see that? One to 19 years old. So not zero to one. So you got to take them out and then we have to add 18 and 19. Okay, well, it's our adults. Yeah, there you go. Yeah. Yeah. So this is a lie, right? This is a complete lie. It's absolute fucking nonsense. I mean, the primary cause of death for kids for for small children is like disease of some sort. The primary cause for like young young teenagers to teenage like the whole teenage group actually is car wrecks by far. It's not even close. Once they're like driving age kids, basically. No, I mean, like, I think even like 12 and 13, because of being in cars with their parents or some shit, I don't know, but everything else. It was a bus tragedy here in Texas a few weeks back. Yeah, well, that kid was five. Was it? Yeah, he was really young. He was driving? No, no, the dude who was driving the cement truck that hit him was on cocaine and it stayed up all night. Jesus Christ. The leading cause of death is unintentional injury for babies even, I think. Um, zero to one. Let's see. Hang on. I got it here. Zero to one developmental and genetic conditions, premature birth, and then unintentional injuries for everybody else. It's unintentional injuries until 14. And then it's car wrecks. Okay. And it's not even close. Like guns are barely a factor. My two year old hit me in the back of the leg with a hanger yesterday that I thought I was shooting. Yeah. What the data says? Yeah. So the data I thought about it once I read the data, I was like, man, do I kill my own child? The general says you got to go bitch, boom. I mean, at least shoot him in the forehead with a nerve gut or something. I teach him a lesson. It's a her. So I let her go. Yeah. Well, she's not. I'm not doing it the next time. She's still a baby. Um, but Bob, pull up the video that I sent you via Twitter here in the direct links. This guy was the other guy that went viral a couple days ago for posting this alleged flight. And Trump touchdown was only there for a few minutes. Had the Secret Service drive himself. Talked to Vivek in person. And he's saying that Trump's VP is going to be Vivek that Trump discreetly left Cleveland. And unbeknownst to anyone, someone took this video was playing leaving Cleveland Hopkins Airport. I mean, who knows if that's true or not? He could have been visiting with, uh, with old ball coach or some shit. What's his name? Urban Meyer. Maybe he was going to see urban. He wanted to get some chicken wings down at urban Myers Pine House. Everybody wants to go down to urban Myers Pine House. Have some hard AF Salters this fall. Charlie, you son of a bitch. He's gonna owe me a grand on that fucking game. I can't wait till the goddamn spread comes out. Looking real forward to that. But look, Fourth of July is next week. This decision's got to happen here within the next 16 days. Do you think we get it before tomorrow night? Um, I mean, Trump's a showman, right? He wants to, he wants to make his entrance in any way possible. I don't think he's going to steal thunder from his own debate by doing it. I think I think if the debate goes well and he's feeling well at the end of it, he'll announce. But thinking about this last night, and again, I was up deep in a fucking rabbit hole this shit last night, wouldn't it be a shock and surprise if he fit it into one of the answers of the debate question? Because to me, that would throw off Biden of, of, oh shit, that's who your VP is. Yeah, because what would you be able to say? I wouldn't hate that. Um, it would be interesting. And with this many eyeballs potentially watching, because nobody loves a big event better than when you have a heel in it. Trump's just coming off the conviction and everything else. Obviously that has a lot to do with it. But if, if the ratings turn out to be the record that Hollywood is at least predicting tomorrow nights, uh, that'll quell the thing of, well, people are, are tired of this election and this, this rematch here. Um, I'm looking forward to it. Yeah, I'm genuinely looking forward to tomorrow. It'll be pretty interesting to see what happens. Um, yeah, uh, as we move forward here, uh, Assange is back, obviously in, uh, in Australia, free man and all that other shit. Um, you were telling me something before the show. Uh, what have you learned since about Assange? Yeah, one of the conditions of his, uh, so he pled guilty to a felony, by the way, he wasn't released by the Biden administration. He pled guilty to a felony. He got credit for time served, so he doesn't have to serve in the additional time. Um, and then one of the conditions was that he had to delete anything from, delete and destroy anything from WikiLeaks that he, uh, about the US government, basically, which I don't understand because everybody's already competent. Yeah, it's already out there. It exists in so many other places. Now I don't understand that. So I mean, some people are trying to say that it's a, it's the whole thing of, of dealing with him now is a conspiracy because if Trump had just pardoned him, he could go on doing what he was doing. Um, I don't know that that's true or not. I don't see any evidence for that necessarily, to be honest. Okay. Cause there's, it's people have the information already unless they, unless they knew he had something else, gosh, that might be something, but there's no evidence to suggest that either. We'll, I guess we'll see. We will. Cause to be honest, that dude, I don't think he's going to stay quiet, no matter what. I think he'll die. He's, he's a martyr in his own mind, right? I think he, I think he would literally die for it. So we'll see how it goes. Is he brilliant enough to get back in and steal some other shit? Um, it's, he never did that. People gave him stuff. He's not, I mean, he is, he is technically a hacker, but that's not how that went down. Like he got fed information from Bradley Manning and others, Snowden. Okay. Right. Interesting. Yeah. And then Joe Biden, said, I don't know if you saw this as a, as a veteran, I'm sure you were concerned about this pardoned veterans convicted under military's ban on gay sex. So wait, say that again, Biden, Joe Biden pardoned veterans convicted under military's ban on gay sex. Is there a ban on gay sex? There was. Yeah, there was. And then there was don't ask, don't tell, which was a policy like, Hey, we're not going to ask, but if we catch who you're going to go. I mean, it, it was the same policy that Roman emperors had about Christianity in the second and the third century, basically, for the most part. It's like, as long as you don't make a big fuss about it. Okay. Um, next, maybe they could, uh, and then I think this is actually going to happen soon. I think there's a federal lawsuit about this. I'm not, I'm not tracking on it myself, but I think anybody that was discharged from the military for not taking the COVID Vax is going to get, they've already offered to let him back in. Uh huh. But fuck that, right? So, but I think people are going to be do some compensation for that. Okay. So keep an eye out for that bullshit. Uh, in regards to this gay sex thing, Biden's clemency will extend to thousands of former military service members who were convicted of the former uniform code of military justice article 125, while it was in effect from the 1950s to 2013. So you couldn't fuck a dude in the military up until 2013? Not legally. Yeah. Really? Yeah. But I mean, we did it. Yeah. I was going to say, how did you get away? We fucking did it anyways. Nobody's going to tell me what to do. It's weird that this, I was like, why have all the things in the world that are going on right now? That's the one that you were like, man, I want to go back and correct that real quick. I mean, problem with it. It is that at the top of your list. Is that there? Is that the top? They're trying anything they can at this point. I mean, it's like, you go one or two directions. If you're in a position of power like that, you start giving shit away, right? You gave away student loan forgiveness, although the Supreme Court knocked that down. That's not going to happen now. Um, you, you're trying to give away. I mean, the Democrats have done this forever, welfare, whatever, whatever else to keep people on the tit, right? Um, this is just another example of that. The same thing with letting a sign to go. And it, and it kind of betrays their position. Like I said yesterday, they can't just let him go. They have to charge him with something because Hillary Clinton and her ilk, the part, the, the powerful part of the Democratic party would never let that happen. They would lose their shit and fucking annihilate Biden in his administration if they did that. So they had to do something and he's just like, Oh, Ross Olvick's getting out. So he's looking to sign. I, I did it first or whatever, you know, then there's the other direction, which is you just start going fucking full retard, like Corey Bush is accusing P or like Jamal Bowman dead. Welcome Jews. Come on after me. Like, all right, man, I mean, you're, you're dumb, though. Like you held the rally the day before the election in a different district. So you lose. That's, I don't need to do that math for now. It's pretty easy. It's pretty easy. Fuck's sake. That's wild. And Axios is reporting that J.D. Vance said that he would be disappointed if he wasn't picked as Trump's VP. That's the first person I've ever heard said they, they would be disappointed if they weren't picked. Fuck, maybe it is him. Who knows. Pressure's on, Don. It sure is, dude. I can't wait. You don't want to disappoint that beard. No, I'm not a fan of that beard. Like, I like your beard. I like a beard like that. Pull up J.D. Vance's beard. I think he's got a nice beard. What are you talking about? It's, it's kind of ill-shaped. It's too cut out at the bottom there. Is that a new pick? Okay. Because the older picks, it was a little too thin there underneath and it always looks confused or angry about something. That's the Mark Wahlberg face. Angry and confused. What? Say, say hi to your mother for me. Huh? What? Always out of breath. Say hi to your mother for me. What? Yeah. That's the photo they used of him being disappointed if he's not going to become Trump's VP. Damn it. Damn it. Now's the point of the show we get to the drinking bro of the week. We got some listeners back there. Are they allowed to come up? Come on up, sir. Come on down, actually. Yeah. Cue that music. Let's go. And if you can't be live in our studio to come up on air and give out your drinking bro the week, go to drinking Grab some merch. Grab a bro box if you can. Talking about going to Hooters next month because they might be shutting down, so we might do a huge blowout at Hooters. We'll see. TBD on that one, but if you don't want to buy any merch or anything else, there's a submission form for drinking bro the week. It'll get emailed to me live on air. However, we would love to see your lovely little faces here. Look at you, sir. Bringing about an inch from your mouth there. Someone say an inch is too much. Sure is. Look at you, friends. Look at you. Tell everybody your name. Roman. Roman. Fuck. We were talking about the Romans all shut. Goends an answer. No. Actually, it really is because I'm definitely an empire. Yeah, you look like it. You look like it. And you also look like you could have been potentially gay at one point. That's still kind of questionable. My wife just thinks about that every day. I bet. She's not sure whether or not I am. Pagging. Never tried it. No, you've thought about a little too long. I genuinely thought about it. And it bowled down to if I did, she would probably lose too much respect for me. Yeah. And I can't have that. That's true. Because then I have to go back to domestic violence. And then that's just a whole nother conversation. But you are saying that you wanted it. Just because of the try, like, let's give it a go. Or I'm pretty sure we just said something about Don't Ask Don't Tell. Okay. We did. And you're you're a gay man who's hiding. And that's fine. Speaking of beards, JD bands. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Who's like you're drinking brother week to? My buddy Mikey back there, actually. So I was just deployed in Egypt. Oh, how was that? Did you go to that pizza hub by the pyramids? No, but I did go to the pyramids after Gaza decided they were going to start playing nice, you know, turn the turn part of the country into a parking line. All of a sudden they want to know, hey, how is it over there? I said on air, like zero interest. I don't really give a shit what happens. I didn't even really want to see the pyramids. And then Bob brought up the fucking pizza hut. And I was like, well, I'm all in now. I'd like to go to that pizza hut after seeing the pyramids. So I went to a really shitty hotel next to the pizza hut. And that's where we ate. And I would much rather have had the pizza hut. Man, I'm disappointed. But I did have Egyptian pizza hut in the Sinai Peninsula. Any good? It's not too bad. How's that? How's their breadsticks there? Like they check out? I actually went with a pizussy. Sorry. A pizussy. What the fuck is that? It's a calzone, but it's pretty bready. Yeah. God, we're not doing that today. We're not doing that. Even your friends are like, shut the fuck up back there. I mean, I can't believe that came out here. He wasn't there. He doesn't know. He does know. He does know. You're wearing a hat that says poppy. There's a good chance you guys have boned once or twice on this trip. We've shared a sleeping bag. You sure have. Sure have. We'll broke back sub sub zero temperatures. Somebody's got to keep somebody warm. One spit in the hand. One spit in the palm. And then Jake Gyllenhaal turns over. Yeesh. Well, thanks for coming down. And how long are you in Austin for? I think we go home tomorrow. Okay. Yeah. We'll grab some hard AF seltzer and and have some laughs here with us afterwards. All right. Absolutely. I'm actually an owner of the company. Sure are I told you before we went on air today, I was like, hey, dude, if you own it, you know, you got the paperwork and all the other stuff emailed to you and you paid, grab a 12 pack somewhere, screenshot it, and then tag it so that way you're promoting it, you know, because you're an owner to owner as a fellow owner. Yes, owner to owner, tag it, promote it and put it put it everywhere you can. Absolutely. Buy it. Getting ready for the new flavors to come out to. Super excited about that. I had a phone call this morning. So University of Illinois, if you're in Illinois, the state of Illinois, they'll actually have their own unique flavor for the state that won't be sold anywhere else. We potentially might ship it to you. We'll see. We're working those details out now. And then Michigan will also have its own unique flavor for University of Michigan. And that'll be fun, so but you got to go there to do it. Danth and I will be there opening night in Illinois for that new orange flavor. And we're excited. And then we'll head to Michigan the week after. Anybody else back there want to come on up today? Homeboy's like, no, I can't. I got a fucking job, dude. He thought at the top of the show, he was like, man, you got Charlie Kirk on. That'd be a good one to come on. And then the rest of it went off the rails today. He's like, not a prayer. As soon as I said, we shared a sleeping bag. He was done. She said you were thinking about getting packed. He was done. Because now he can't follow that. It's not pegging if he doesn't buy it. That's true. At that point, it's just sodomy. Yeah, it really is. It really is. And that's an important life lesson to take home with you tonight, kids. We appreciate you tuning in. Go to iTunes, rate the show five star and leave a quick review. Also head on over to Spotify. It's just a five star. And you can walk away in a quick reminder. Fake news will be at six o'clock central live on YouTube. And then we'll be watching the debate tomorrow night live on our drinking bros podcast. Patreon CNN is not allowing picture in picture on YouTube tomorrow. So we're doing that live on Patreon tomorrow night going back to back. And chances are we'll be pretty fucking trashed by the end of it. Appreciate being here, kids. For Anthony Anthony Holloway, I'm Ross Patterson. This is the drinking bros podcast. Good night. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]