Five On The Floor: Miami Heat/NBA

Miami Heat: Second round options with pick 43

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21 Jun 2024
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The Miami Heat rarely have both of their draft choices, but they do in 2024. What are some of the options there? Brady Hawk joins Ethan Skolnick to discuss a few players who may make sense, if the Heat keep the pick.

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Also check out the great sponsors of the five reason sports network, including our friend Lynette. You can find her on our discord actually talking about the heat all day long. Probably listening to this podcast right now. Insurance by life insurance, writers insurance, car insurance. We have trouble getting car insurance. Trust me. She's helped a lot of people that I know. Again, based in Lauderdale, but she services the entire South Florida area. Insurance by That's a aggressive insurance. Again, insurance by to ends to tease reach out to Lynette today, but be prepared to know something about this episode when you do. And now today's episode. Welcome to five on the floor. A daily insider show. Daily insider show in the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan Skolnick, Greg Solvander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason sports network. All right. Welcome back to five on the floor. Here's today's floor plan. I'm Ethan Skolnick. You can follow me. Ethan J. Skolnick and the five reason sports. We got Brady Hawk. You can follow me Brady Hawk 305 and on that Twitter account yesterday Brady. We skipped right past the 15 pick. We went right to the 43rd pick. Brady, are you aware that the Heat usually don't keep their second picks? Well, I never said. I was going to tell you we should go through the history of their second round picks. It's not like a long list we have to go through. But like, I mean, why not? I mean, they find hidden gems undrafted. I guess. Why not? Why not try to jump the gun on, you know, whatever, twenty seventeen other teams. I think I think the theory has been that, well, we can find a guy undrafted. So if we have to move the second round pick to do something else, we can. There are some gems that the Heat have found in the second round, though, in the past. Mario Chalmers, for one. Actually, you could argue that he was more successful with the Miami Heat than Michael Beasley was who was picked in that exact same draft. They also had some fun and rookie orientation, which I've got a story about that, but I'll tell someday. Probably I'm playback, probably not here. We're to that whole thing that everybody knew. But beyond that, Josh Richardson, who's in his second tour of duty with the team. The late Risou Butler, if you go way back, he was a contributor to the Heat. Who am I missing? I mean, it doesn't, I don't, it doesn't feel like we're missing a lot, right? Dexter Pittman had an Inglorious, like, thirty five seconds in Indiana in a playoff game before Spous sent him back to the bench and out to pasture, basically. I can't really think of a lot. A lot of these picks have been, again, traded, a couple sold off, you know, stash guys. The other thing that's funny about these is that sometimes the Heat have taken a player that wasn't really for them and they had no intention of keeping. For instance, like Bull Bull, if you remember that whole controversy, Heat fans freaking out. And so that could happen again, where they take a player, but they had no intention of actually using the player, and then he fans are upset that they don't keep the player. Marcus Thornton, if you go way back, actually became a decent NBA player, a pretty good shooter. He was a guy that the Heat took, but never intended to keep. But, but Donovan is another one. Perhaps maybe they should have kept him, but they didn't. So again, take that into consideration as we're going through some of these guys and also, you know, some of this may depend on who they take it 15. Yeah, that may determine what kind of player they pick here. So let's go through it. The first name that you had here was Harrison Ingram. So tell us about it. Yeah, there's a lot of similar wings in that second round range. If they do keep the pick like that, that'll be kind of the main question. Look, with Kayla Martin, possibly walking with the, you know, we think he would eyes would probably return. But even with him kind of being in the balance a little bit, it's not the worst thing to kind of get a couple extra wings. Wing depth, that's what they utilize most and they move those guys around. But like Harrison Ingram's like the six, seven, like high floor type second round pick. And we keep talking about, you know, with the first round pick, we think they go kind of a little bit more upside just because you kind of have to, you get the best player available. You get the most talented player. But what do they do when they get on drafty guys, they get the guys with the highest floor. And that's kind of what you got to do with the second round pick you got to get the guys that are able to kind of separate and play and he's kind of like that he's a good defensive player. He's kind of like plays bigger than he is offensively like he'll put guys in the post. He has kind of a good left hand. He could kind of play in that lane. And he had like a really high spike from three. And I think that's where the intrigue pops in because he was shooting around like 31 32% from three and it jumped to like 39% this past year. And I think that the reason why he is a second round prospect is because there are question marks of how real that jumper is. And that's kind of the case with a lot of these wings. It's about the question of how good the jumper really is. So I think what mine he's doing, they're scouting, which they've been doing with a lot of these guys that are later in the draft. They're just probably finding out that there is equal ability with the wings fan, the height, the defensive ability like it really probably comes down to them finding which shot is the realest. So I'll be the question mark, but I do think he's kind of one of those intriguing players. But like I said, there's a lot of these type of wings and I'm glad you mentioned that it really does depend on who they pick on Wednesday. Because if they do take a big with that 15 pick, then I think you do go with like the high floor guy you can plug into a rotation. Now me personally and the guy we're going to get into next after this. I think the play is to get the boats talented player at 15, which is probably going to be a winger a guard. You get that player at 15 and you swing back later in the second round for a big. I think that's kind of what you do. I know everybody wants the most talented big. They need a big. I understand that. But I do think the drop off isn't as crazy from big from the first round of the second round as you think. I think that's kind of what you do. So just we'll see. But there are definitely more wings to get from in the second round. But I do think it ultimately, I think they go big in the second round. I'm glad that you mentioned the Wednesday thinks like she said that at the beginning and I'll actually be up in the draft in New York. And so that's it's become a two day process for me also. I know that the heat don't love this or at least Riley doesn't because he kind of made a joke about it during his his press conference when he met with us a little over a month ago. Is that they've split the draft. So it's the first round is Wednesday the second round is Thursday. They're milking this thing kind of like the NFL does where it used to all be one day. Now it's three days. I don't know if they could figure out a way to make this three days. Hopefully not. And the address, by the way, used to be like 12 rounds. It's funny. My daughter, my daughter's PE teacher. She's been telling me he played in the NBA. He played in the NBA. He played in the NBA. So I looked him up. He's 68 years old. So I mean, it was a long time ago. And he was drafted in the 10th round. He never actually played a game, but he was drafted. Did you cover him? I did not know she asked me the same thing. Thank you. Appreciate it. She also asked me. I've met Abraham Lincoln. But basically like back then, like they drafted everybody like these days, those would be heat undrafted fines. So again, thank God it's not 12 rounds. It's two rounds, but it is spread over two days now. And I do wonder, and I'm sure this question will be asked about him Simon when he meets with the media. If he meets with the media before the draft. How that affects things because you do have a night to think about it now. In the past, it's kind of like, okay, we're scrambling a little bit. And, you know, and it's late at all of that stuff. I mean, everybody should make the jokes about Pat's bedtime, but he'll make of himself. So it's kind of, it's going to be different, I think. I do think, as we've seen with the NFL, one of the things that happened in the NFL once they started splitting it is like everybody talks about how those first couple picks of, I guess, for them, it would be what the second round, right? And then again in the fourth round, because that's when they come back to the second and third, that those first couple picks are like sought after. Like teams try to trade for them because then they look at their boards and like, oh my God, this guy is still there. Let's go up and get him. Do you think that's going to affect things before we get to the next player? I think it affects, to that point, I think there's more trade possibility. Like, I do think if you're Miami and teams are scrambling or this and that or you do see a player higher, there's going to be way more trades in that second round. Now, with the, it's weird because you talk about maybe Miami not liking the two day structure and the reason I feel like they wouldn't is because they're so well prepared with this draft stuff that they're the ones that find the hidden gems through the chaos. Like when it gets chaotic and people are in it's just swinging through the, like, when you get a night to prepare, like a whole extra 24 hours to prepare, teams might figure out like the hidden gems more likely than Miami just being well prepared. So I think that's kind of the disadvantage for them. But I do think there's more trades. And to your point, maybe that's what maybe Miami does end up trading that 43rd pick for that reason. Maybe there's teams that are trying to jump in into that range because guys are dropping, which is going to be a theme of this draft guys are going to drop even in the second round because it's kind of all over the place. So that's kind of the biggest thing. I do think there's more trades. Yeah, that's, that's interesting that you say that I do think when preparation is at a premium. They do the best. The bubble is the best example of that. Everybody's like, Oh, they are unfair advantage because they're really well run organization. Well, yeah. I actually heard that like that like that was like considering like a slight against them. I'm like, no, because they're serious and culture and all that it's unfair advantage. No, that's the whole point of this thing like if you're a good organization, you make good decisions. If your players follow what you're supposed to do, then you have a better chance to win. Like, that's, that's how this works. I, again, I never understood some of those narratives. All right, when we come back, we're going to talk about a couple other prospects that Brady likes, including what we were talking about the bigs. So we'll start with one of those. We do want to mention a couple of great sponsors. The five reason sports network. We're friends over at better edge use the code five RSN. This is legal sports betting the difference between this and the legal book in the state of Florida is there are markets here, which means you can find the line that you want. You're also not paying vague. So it's a better experience. We also run our contest there. Go to better Use the code five RSN. It's the number five. RSN also check out price picks. It is legal again in the state of Florida. It's staying legal. Use the code five FIVE. Get that initial deposit matched up to $100. We know that the NBA is over. NHL may be over tonight. Hopefully. Thank you. Hopefully, please, as we're recording this. 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And this is kind of the first example of like why I don't think they're just going to jump into taking a big at 15, just because they need a big. I think they try to bank on the fact that there are similar Biggs around 43. Like he's 6'10, athletic has similar offensive abilities. A lot of these Biggs that we're talking about in this draft are limited. Like they're not like crazy offensive talents that are shooting the ball at a crazy level. Like a lot of these guys are role, you know, screen dive Biggs that can defend. And that's what Miami looks for in a backup big. They do. They put every one of their backup Biggs in a box. Every single player you've looked at in past years, whether it's precious, whether it's older guys like Deadmin or Zeller or Love, they play a similar role. They screen, they dive, they blitz, they play drop. Like it's very similar. So when you get a guy like this that has good post game, has good touch defensively, I think is the reason there's really intrigued with him is because he's versatile defensively. Like he's not one of these Biggs that you have to put in one coverage. Like he can actually size down and guard smaller guys. He plays to the level, he plays drop. Like he can really move around. I think he could just fit Miami's structure. And I look at the way he's played offensively. He plays in a similar system where he's running a lot of handoffs. He's playing off those handoffs. Like I think Miami looks at just the way he's played and the way he knows that system in UCLA. And they're like, okay, we could use that. As long as Jaime doesn't tweet on draft night, I'm feeling UCLA because we know that goes sometimes. You just got to keep your tweets to yourself. But there is that tie, I guess, as well. Like it is sophomore Jaime Hawke is going to have hole in the organization to sway a secular pick. I don't know, but I do like him. I think that's the, I'll just say, like if he's available at 43, I don't think you go anywhere else. I think he's 100% the pick you take and you try to develop a guy like that. You need as much. I just keep going back to Dallas, Ethan. Like you need a similar structure then. Like just try to find big depth to some degree to put around this team. So a secular pick on draft did whatever you want to do it. I think this is kind of the guy you kind of look at in that range. Yeah, we've talked about Dallas and how they rebuilt around their two stars and fell short, but obviously got to a place that they would like to get again in the finals. All right. One more here, Kashad Johnson. By the way, how many of these guys worked out for Miami? Not that that always matters, but how many of them? I think right now it's two. It's Bona and then Kashad Johnson. I'm not sure if Harrison Ingram has. Okay, by the way, if people want that list, subscribe to Off the Floor because Greg has been posting that list pretty much daily. Anyway, go ahead. And that one's much more updated than the ones that are on the internet because there's a lot missing from those ones even so. But Kashad Johnson is just like a people were wondering about like if Jaime Hawkes had an upside because he went to college all four years. Have it a guy that went all five years because this is like another one of these. Everybody wants high upside. I get it. But like when you're getting second round picks, there's only so much upside you're getting. If anybody knows that it's heat fans though, because with the undrafted stories that you've seen, you see that they kind of max out at a certain level like certain guys just have a certain peak. So you want to just get all the juice of the floor you can out of these guys. And Kashad Johnson, good example, six, seven. Pretty similar to Harrison Ingram because he did have like the same exact three point jump where like I was saying before, like a lot of these guys are trying to figure out which which of the jumpers are the realest. He went from 26 to 39 percent shooting in kind of this past year, which just shows like how real is this stuff like is this just like a spike of a year. Or can they work things in but it's he plays a similar role. The reason I liked him is because we talked about Caleb leaving. He plays a similar baseline role where he kind of just plays out of those dunker spots he plays big he kind of he works that cutting. He does not demand the ball like in that system he played in. He was not like a needed the ball in his hands like he was finding ways to be effective and I think Miami looks at that and feels like they could utilize that possibly. And he's really, he's strong defensively like he's really strong in the open floor like he turns defense to offense. Maybe intriguing thing with him is it's not like this is like a strong super him. But when you look at his film it's like I think there's mid range upside like he plays like he has like a like a Morris twins mid range game almost like you kind of see the way he can kind of get to that those spots. And I think there is an ability or Miami needs a little bit of that they need a guy that they could put in mid post at times like they do with Jaime. And just kind of can get to that turnaround jumper that can work certain spots that could be you know effective like I said on the on those on those little slips and baseline cuts if you I know Jaime is going to be a big part of that with this team. But Caleb was a big part of that like Caleb held up a lot of those corner reps like you need a guy that's going to be able to occupy that space so I just think he's kind of another interesting one. And then there's some other guys because I know that these are the three I hit on but like Jalen bridges or Dylan Jones or two guys similar in this range like they're just wings that you got a defensive ability. Just kind of wondering if they could play that 3 and D role there's another guy that I keep bringing up is Ryan done. I don't think he gets the 43. Kind of one of the best of better defenders in this draft. And people I know have been talking about maybe the Knicks picking him up late in the first round especially with all the OG and Novi stuff. But if he somehow begins to slip a little bit and he's all of all of a sudden Thursday he's still on the board. Would Miami jump up I don't know if they jump up but I would just keep an eye on that name. So it'll be interesting. Ethan I'll throw a name at you real quickly because I feel like we have to just say this. And I get your percentage. Just give me a percentage on the odds of Miami. I knew those. Actually I think we're going to do a playback on Bronnie. Just to take a look at his game I was watching some highlights here the day. Honestly I do think that if you took just strip the name away. I do think he's the kind of player who might end up in the Heat's developmental program. He kind of fits that mold. I don't want to say like hey with highsmith but like a wing type like a cane highsmith like these these guys you know Rodney Magruder. You know these guys who kind of you know they grind I mean I'll say this for him for for a. I don't think his upside is very high okay but if if you watch him he doesn't play like a spoiled kid player you know I'm saying he doesn't play like LeBron's kid he plays he plays hard he's kind of a glue guy. He's just been made into something else because of obviously whose father is I think they would look at him and under those circumstances I think under these circumstances I don't think there's any chance and has nothing to do with clutch. It's just is it worth the circus. And I just don't think it is and I think it's actually interesting here because I think this is working for and against Bronnie. It's definitely working for him that some teams are considering make me consider drafting him way above his skill level or a talent level or upside. But I think there are some teams that are just going to say no I mean because it's just not it's not worth you know bringing that kind of media attention for a guy who essentially you know like I said is Jamal Kane. You know I'm saying like am I wrong about that like do you see more there and that's not insult to Jamal Kane I mean credit to him for getting a two way and showing some things with a heat I don't know necessarily he's going to be back but I'm just saying like this is this is a lot of noise about someone who is is not star level potential or close. The media stuff is the reason I couldn't see the taking him like like getting that type of attention where every move they do is surrounded by that like I just they're the opposite of that type of attention. But I do think it is funny because if you if you said before like if you strip the name. If you strip the name he's probably going undrafted and he probably does end up on Miami's. Exactly. He'd be in Sioux Falls. He'd be in Sioux Falls absolutely like he is you watch him play like okay he's kind of a heat player. And look I don't know that that's an accident if you think about what Bronnie's age was when LeBron was with Miami. You know you're talking about you know this was essentially his childhood to large degree. Those four years formative years I mean he was watching his father play for that organization it doesn't. It's not stunning to me that he looks like that as a player and again I give him credit for leaning into his strengths. Which I think he does know how to do but it's just you know this is not. You know he's not an elite guy and like you said they don't need they've had enough of a circus show with his father like you don't need to do it for a player who's got one tenth a talent like I just I mean one tenth one hundredth one whatever. Just doesn't make any sense so no I don't think so. I actually think it's going to be some team that's just desperate for attention honestly like that's it's going to be like a Detroit or something. You know what I mean like it's it's going to be one of those teams and it's going to be a team probably LeBron would never have considered and I think the Bronzmann back to Lakers anyway the whole redic thing and Portland. So Portland right yeah Corona no bring him in see what goes on Corona won't still be there in about three months but anyway thanks to Brady. Check out the rest of his work at Brady Hawk 305 we'll have more coverage of the 15th pick. As we go forward also will be doing our draft retrospectives make sure you catch out to catch the one on a certain guy that the heat did pretty well with on the draft named Wayne Wade 2003 we're going to be doing the Michael Beasley draft could have been the Kevin love draft we're going to talk about that cat 2008 we're probably going to do 2015 here. Justice Winslow we'll be doing others on playback the hero draft the hock is draft maybe the bam draft and unfortunately the precious draft we'll be getting into some of these as we go forward have a good day everybody. Thank you for listening to the fire on the floor on the fibers and sports network after all someone needs to listen to my dad. Is your vehicle stopping like it should does it squeal or grind when you break don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly auto parts. O'Reilly auto parts. [BLANK_AUDIO]