The Manic Candice Podcast

The 2024 Presidential Debate

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

- He was my body to keep you alive. - Hello, hello, hello, welcome to the Manic Candice Podcast. It's a girl Candice. Back at it again with a brand new episode of the podcast. And today, this morning, this evening, this afternoon, this good night. Whenever and wherever you're listening, my friends, we're going to discuss yesterday's 2024 presidential election debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. That was a mouthful. My heart is beating. Let me get some water from my stanley. My fucking stanley. I'm over here on my black job. What the fuck is a black job? Last night, Trump was asked a question about immigration. And he responded partially with Hispanics are coming over here and taking black jobs. What the fuck is a black job? So every black person today woke up and went to their black job. I cannot think of a predominantly black industry other than the NFL and the NBA that could be considered black jobs. So what the fuck is he talking about? And what pisses me off is that after yesterday, I feel like this mother fucker is my only option. So let's get right into it. How's everybody doing? Thank you for all the downloads for this month. Please go ahead and share the podcast with your friends, family and your followers. America, you're in danger, girl. What am I saying? I'm in danger. I am American, I live in the United States, I live in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm in trouble. After the topics discussed yesterday and after the recent events that I will share with you that have unfolded in my life, like I'll be affected by who is gonna be president. My life, like the rest of my life is like gonna be affected by who's president of this election. Like it blows my mind that I've reached this point in my adulthood where voting matters. And I just wanna emphasize that although this election, we don't have good choices. We don't have good choices. We don't have good choices. No one's going hard for Biden and compared to Trump's last presidency election, people were going way more hard for him back then than they are now. So despite these being our choices, we still have to vote, those of us who are eligible. And if you're not eligible to vote, you shouldn't be listening to this podcast. Way too young. Anyway, I'm over here at my black job recording a podcast. I refuse to not vote this year. I didn't vote last election and just having to deal with Biden. It's just so like, I don't know. If you guys can hear in the background, it's my team's. I just turn the mute on, 'cause we're not trying to hear that shit. I don't wanna give you PTSD with that (blows raspberry) noise. Anyway, they were on some good drugs. Both of them, both of them were on some good designer drugs. Ecstasy, cocaine, ketamine, I mean, like the pure stuff. I mean, like the pure stuff. And you know Kamala Harris was back there doing cocaine just like mad as fuck. Like, I could chew bricks if I was Kamala Harris after yesterday's debate. And I will show some examples of just how old and how disheveled and how broken Biden started yesterday. I mean, it was bad. It was really, really, really, really bad. How old is he, 81? Jesus Christ. So they were both on some good drugs. Although Biden was a mess, he was more put together than I've seen him in the past. That's how I know the drugs were good. You gotta give it to him because he like would shake hands when no one was there and he would completely space out. But based on the drugs he was given to my belief yesterday, he was good for the first 10 minutes. And then after that, it just went downhill that he needed another boost. And he was tweeting during the debate, which is weird. It was just very back and forth, like hitting below the belt. They argued about golf, Trump said something about his son, Joe Biden's son. And then Joe Biden was like, my son's not a loser. You're a loser. You slept with a porn star while your wife was pregnant. And like, it was just very, very petty. Trump was like, I didn't, I didn't have sex with the porn star. I'm like, you just got in trouble. You just got convicted of hiding hush money for paying off a porn star for sleeping with you during your wife's pregnancy. So Biden was just not, was like, it was like watching someone dying. And with Trump, he was lying. And so I just sat back and watched the spectacle with the rest of Twitter. And I was in a space on Twitter, the space on Twitter is where you can all talk. And I just, I'm honestly like, after yesterday, I'm gonna show you some clips. I'm gonna show you some clips. The caddiness is definitely there. There's just caddiness all around. So let me play for you this first clip. - Oh, is it eight? You're gonna see he is six foot five and only 223 pounds. Or 20, 35 pounds, well, you said six, four, 200. Well, anyway, that's it, you're anyway. Just take a look at what he says he is and take a look at what he is. Look, I'd be happy to have a driving contest in there. Remind me, I got my handicap, which when I was vice-pre-- - He mentions his fucking handicap legs up sticker. - Down to a six, huh? And, but by the way, I told you before, I'm happy to play golf if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it? - That's the biggest lie that-- - He's a six handicap of all. - I was an eight handicap, yeah. - Eight, isn't it? - But I have, you know how many good I am? - I've seen this wig, I know you're a swig. - Okay, let's throw it back like children. - President Trump, we're going to do it. - Let's not act like children. - Let's not act like children. They were arguing about who can carry their golf bag and who can swing better. And if he didn't catch the shade that Joe Biden threw at him in the beginning, he called Trump fat. He was saying that this guy is saying he's only six, four, 200 or something pounds. Look at him. And here's another clip. - In a 10-year period, we'd be able to right wipe out his debt, we'd be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do, childcare, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the COVID, excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with look, if we finally be Medicare. - Thank you, President. - We finally, if look, if look. - If look, if we finally be Medicare. - One more time, one more time. If we finally be Medicare. - Oh, my God. I just, I emphasize that because, oh my God. I emphasize that part because his speech was just so, his speech was just so slow and it was just so, like. - It was just so incoherent and like, you could kind of feel like, okay Joe, okay Joe, like come on, spit it out, Joe. And then there's a clip of his wife, the first lady, Joe Biden. There's a clip of her congratulating her husband, the president, and she's like, Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question, like. - Yeah, that's the bare minimum, like is what he's supposed to do. God, anyways, moving on. I wanna discuss the questions and the topics that were touched last night that matter to me. Because this is a man at Candice podcast and yeah. So immigration, abortion, Israel and Palestine complex, Ukraine and Russia war, I should say Israel and Palestine war are not conflict. And the fentanyl crisis, immigration matters to me because I don't feel my country is safe and I don't feel that my country has an identity. And what happened to respecting a process? There is a process to becoming a full naturalized citizen. You are a citizen. There's a process, it takes 20 years, 15, 20 years, but you're a real American. No one can take that away from you, okay? And of course, those of us who have birth rights. I think people who are born in Israel and automatically get a citizenship to the US, I think that's stupid. But nonetheless, immigration is a topic of mine that I didn't think would matter to me until this past year. I live in Arizona and Arizona is two hours away from Tucson and Tucson is a border city. Nogales is lower than Tucson and it's a border town. And there's a lot of activity, there's a lot of smuggling, there's a lot of trafficking, there's a lot of drugs. The worst case story I've seen of drugs getting over the border is a baby, a dead baby being stuffed with drugs and headed over to the US through the Mexican border. That's besides the point. Immigration has become an issue for me. And the way that they answered it, I was satisfied with what, I was satisfied with what they both said. I liked Biden's, his proposal to approaching the border. I don't like how he's the cause of it being open. But I think he realizes that it's an issue for people in the Democratic party. By the way, I'm an independent. But I think he knows it's an issue for people in his own party and he has to do something about it now because recently a 12 year old girl was just raped by two migrants. That just came here from Venezuela. She was brutally raped and she was murdered. And there's even like gang members from Venezuela killing cops here. Why are we letting them here? And if you're from Venezuela and you go through the jungle to get here, why the fuck are you risking it at all to kill a cop? Because that's where you're from. Shut the fuck up. The second you walk into our fucking borders, you better act like you're a fucking American. If you're gonna do this shit, if you're gonna have the fucking gall to fucking invade our country with your presence, act like assimilate, assimilate, assimilate. And then maybe we might be okay with immigration of how it is. But how it is now, there's no amount of American value, blah, blah, blah, America was built on immigrants, blah, blah, blah. There's no amount of that that will matter to me. Being American, being a real American is what fucking matters to me, okay? And protecting our identity as a country, that's what matters to me. 'Cause if we don't have an identity, we're not gonna want to fight for our country. And we have World War III around the corner, which I'm gonna talk about in a little bit. So, as I told you in the last episode, I was in Vegas, and I was in Vegas last week. And I thought I was pregnant the whole time. And I was late on my period. I was genuinely late. And I fucking was holding a baby, my cousin's baby, and I just didn't feel anything. I was crying 'cause I knew deep down that I don't wanna be a mother. And I was just praying, and I was just like, I think I'm pregnant. Like I really, I accepted it in that moment on Sunday, this past Sunday, I was like, I'm pregnant. And I accepted that I was gonna get an abortion. It was a decision that I made in that moment that I was gonna get an abortion. So, I started looking at laws, and it's 15 weeks and six days that you can get an abortion in Arizona currently. And I, not every woman is gonna feel this way when she chooses to get an abortion. But I felt immediate remorse, and I felt immediate, I felt like I was irresponsible. Because I don't wanna abort a baby. I don't wanna have to make that choice, but I respect the choice of every woman, and I respect the attitude towards the choice of every woman. And I was very disappointed in the way Biden responded to the question about abortion. It was asked like, what are you gonna do about Roe v. Wade? I'm like, what just danced on Roe v. Wade overturned? And Biden, to me, he didn't come hard enough for women. He didn't yell loud enough. He didn't, he wasn't enraged enough that our rights were taken away, and turned over to the fucking states. (dramatic music) And then Trump, he's trying to say face like he didn't cause all of it by appointing certain judges, by just allowing it to happen in the first place. I mean, he deflected the entire debate, and he lied. (dramatic music) Israel and Palestine. Like, I believe that Israel has a lot of pride. It's evident. The people sometimes are very mean and hot tea. They think that they're better than you. Sometimes. And that attitude makes me advocate for Palestine. It's that attitude alone. And the fact that Palestine is getting slaughtered. But that attitude alone of Israel is just disgusting. And I don't wanna give money to people like that. I don't wanna give money to people like that. I don't want our support going to a nation like that. And why are we so interested in Israel? What's in it for us? Like, no, seriously, like with Ukraine, like we can inherit the money from all their wheat that they grow in Europe. But I don't see the incentive for backing Israel and everything. I mean, for the past, like, what, 50, 100 years? The Ukraine and Russian war, the Putin's making moves, if you haven't figured it out. If you haven't heard the news, and then Kim Jong-un from North Korea, they met up and they formed an alliance. So all of, you know, I'll give it to Trump. He did talk to Putin. He did talk to Kim Jong-un. And things were mild. Things were lukewarm during his presidency at least. And that's where they should be. I mean, that's where what's what we should strive for. Why do we always have to keep making enemies wherever we step our foot? But that war has drained us, caused inflation to soar up. And now our groceries are four times the amount it was since the war started three years ago. And it's been three fucking years since Russia invaded Ukraine. And we sent sanctions and blah, blah, blah, blah. What did the sanctions do to Russia? Nothing. The Russia is stronger than ever. The fentanyl crisis. The question was framed, you know, Mr. President, Mr. former US president, 400,000 Americans died last year due to overdoses. And this is heavily and partly due to this fentanyl opioid crisis. Like, what do you plan to do about it? And I heard two out of touch presidents about, they were out of touch about what's going on. They're out of touch about how, like, the deaths that, and they're out of touch about addiction and what addiction is. And like Joe Biden should be at the forefront of this fight because his son isn't fucking addict. This is a crack addict doing coke in a White House and on TV, like it's embarrassing. But, you know, I was very disappointed in the way Trump responded to this question. You have two minutes, I believe, to answer a question. And he spent 67, no, he spent 53 seconds answering a question that was asked prior to the opioid crisis question. And I'm just like, you have more people dying per year in the United States than people who died in COVID off of drug overdoses. We have homelessness rising exponentially by the day in different areas across the country. And it's like neither of them seemed to have a plan. It didn't even seem to be a thought to them. And that's what fucking scares me because like, our nation is gonna kill itself with this stuff. We're all on drugs, we're all on drugs. I don't care if it's a fucking prescription or if it's off the street, we are all on something. So I wanna talk a bit about the potential of World War III. I'm gonna play you a clip. (mouse clicking) - His military policies are insane. They're insane. These are wars that will never end with him. He will drive us into World War III. And we're closer to World War III than anybody can imagine. We are very, very close to World War III. And he's driving us there. And Kim Jong-un and President Xi of China, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, all of these are potent. They don't respect him. They don't fear him. They have nothing going with this gentleman. And he's gonna drive us into World War III. - And based off the history of Biden's presidency, I believe that. I believe we're already in World War III. I just believe right now in the beginning stages of it, it's more of a cold war. We're sending spy balloons. I believe it started with that spy balloon. We're sending spy balloons, we're sending, or they're sending spy balloons. They're sending ships and submarines on the coast of Hawaii and Alaska just to hang out. Like tensions are hot. Like at first it was a joke. And then Russia invaded Ukraine and then we responded the way we did, which was overwhelming support for Ukraine, which was stupid. How many people are dead? How many people are fucking dead over this useless fucking war? Makes me fucking sick, dude. And like yesterday on Twitter, all I saw was worry. At least Americans are united in their worry for the country. We're all worried for our country. All I wanna know is when we get the notification that we're getting bombed or something, I'm not going to work, I'm sorry. If the East Coast is getting bombed, I'm not getting fucking, I'm not going to fucking work on the West Coast. Like that is just, that is just insane. We all gotta fucking run for cover, fly out the country. Have you guys thought about where you're gonna go? If, you know, shit goes down? Do you have family outside of the country? Do you have a plan? I think we all should get a plan. (speaks in foreign language) So I'm gonna France. Just fucking kill us all already, like Jesus. I think about what we would do if we were on the losing side of World War III, and it's not good. Here's what I've thought of. Here's my thought analysis. We are so prideful as a country. We wouldn't let anybody win. If World War III was truly the war, the war to end all wars, which is what Albert Einstein kind of predicted, then America would not only bomb Russia and China at the same time, they would do it knowing that Russia and China would bomb us back immediately after. That is crazy. So it would be like an honorary suicide mission, almost. That's sick. So how much more money are we gonna burn for Israel's pride? You guys, how much more money are we gonna burn for the useless war in Ukraine? I pay $200 a week, $800 a month in federal taxes, and there's a possibility I won't get that back next tax season, and there's a further possibility I might have to fork out more money to the damn government so they can continue on with the fuck shit. Why don't single people get a break in this country? Like, if you have kids, that's like five grand ahead. If you're marrying tax break. Like what? Fuck the selection, fuck these candidates, and go vote. ♪ Because the music do ♪ You know how America, like I said in the beginning, ♪ You're in danger, girl ♪ ♪ You're in danger, girl, I'm in danger ♪ ♪ I'm in so much danger, my womb is in danger ♪ ♪ My identity as an American is in danger ♪ ♪ My black job is in danger from these Hispanics ♪ Just kidding. We're in danger from fentanyl, and that's the truth. You know, a word on fentanyl, you guys, it's getting really, really bad, and if you're struggling, you know, I'ma pray for you, you know, like, Lord Jesus, please be with you in this time of addiction and making these you out of it, in Jesus' name, amen. It's Friday, June 25th, 10 or 3 a.m., I'm coming at you early in the morning, well, afternoon, next day, for some of you, it's already June 29th, holla. I gotta get out of the house. But I have so many books to read. Oh my gosh, are they tight, you guys? Me and Daniel are back together. This one, I'll have to bet this. Whoa, I'll bet this, whoa, I'll bet this. Sesso, sesso, unesthetize this bitch. (upbeat music) Okay, this has been Candice with a man and a Candice podcast. Thank you so much for listening to me, and my opinions, and my ramblings, and my points. Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, good night, whenever, wherever you're listening, my friends, and I bid you adieu, bye-bye.