
Showdown Episode 96 7-3-24

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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welcome to showdown I'm mark casein and this is the third of july it's a wednesday and it is one day before one of our gigantic holidays everybody will disappear from the studios here tomorrow as almost everywhere I mean that's just the way it goes people on the fourth want to go get some rest and I don't know what they're resting from but hey if they want to rest let them go get a rest and then at the end of the day they can shoot off a bunch of fire crackers which you know be careful because I know when when I was a kid and I was doing that I was blowing them up in my hands and all over the place where it was not very healthy and it doesn't do much good for your hearing either it's not a good thing to do but in any event it's coming tomorrow 4th of July and here we are trying to answer a question today that is really a foolish question and I listened to this all day long and I thought to myself how how can these people keep asking the same question over and over knowing exactly what the answer has to be you know I talked yesterday about Kamala Harris and and I do believe that the Kamala Harris will be the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party and it's not a question of me saying that I want Joe Biden to get out it's a question of what do I think is is possible here and what let me go back to these foolish questions the foolish question is is Joe Biden thinking about getting out of the race and everybody's answer is absolutely not and that's the way they're saying it absolutely not he's not thinking about it well look how foolish that is you know without being in Joe Biden's head that if you were Joe Biden you'd be thinking about it I mean you have to think about it I mean you could try not to think about it you could put your hands over your ears and go la la la la la but in the end you're gonna think about it so that question which they spent one hour finding all different ways to ask that same question and then when they couldn't think of any new ways they just went back and started asking the question the old way and they still got the same answer he is thinking about it and they're not going to admit it and maybe he's not admitting it to his people but his people can't be foolish or stupid they all know that somewhere in his head Joe Biden is thinking about what it might be like to not do this should he do it should he not do it I mean he can ask Jill and he can ask everybody that he runs into he could I don't know how many people can he ask it doesn't really matter he's gonna make the decision first that's the key to this and the second thing is it doesn't matter what anybody else says he is going to decide so we can stop asking that dumb question at least we we won't ask it here what what I will ask you to do here is give me a call if you feel like it if you want to talk about this at all you can get me a 314 471 1968 314 471 1968 and and and we can talk about any of this that that would be fine is Joe Biden thinking about getting out of the race because the answer is yes he is of course he is he may not want to and he may not get out but he's thinking about it and I guarantee you lots of other people are thinking about it too and getting up and saying Joe Biden must quit is also a waste of time because he's gonna decide what he wants and he's gonna do it based on whether he thinks that he's gonna look crazy because if he thinks he's gonna look crazy he's gonna get out and if he thinks he can really do this then he'll stay in now we we know that there's an interview coming and we're all gonna watch it on Sunday Sunday morning George Stephanopoulos will interview Joe Biden and he's gonna be tough he has to be he would look ridiculous if he didn't and he doesn't want to be stupid he doesn't want to be considered a fool so he's gonna do it he's gonna be tough and Joe Biden is probably going to be able to answer the questions I think I expect that he can because again like I said yesterday this is not just what he can do this week because I think he can be okay this week I think you get get back on that stage with with with Donald and take them on I think be pretty bad if he couldn't but I think he can I think the problem is what's it gonna be like in four years when he's 86 years old then what's gonna happen so that's probably the big issue but here's something that maybe we want to think about and I'm gonna throw out a name here and this is a really great name and if there's anybody in in the audience here or really almost anywhere who knows this name I will be absolutely shocked I could ask all my good broadcasting friends I am sure that everybody would look at me and and say what are you talking about so anyway here's the name Paul von Hindenburg you ever hear that guy Joe yeah Joe said no of course not no up not not none of that now this is this is an interesting guy you you'll find him really interesting when I explain the problem Paul von Hindenburg had been the Chancellor of Germany and he had to decide whether he should run again in the reason he had to decide because he was 84 years old gee wonder who that sounds like and I can tell you right now of course he was running against none other than Donald Trump's hero Adolf Hitler and they they were competing in 1933 right about the time that the depression was hitting a bob bottom and of course Germany suffered more than anybody because of what the allies had done with the Versailles Treaty you know not good not good stuff we got ourselves into trouble at the end of World War one we did some dumb things and there were repercussions from that but beyond that it was worse than that because clearly the person who was stepping up that was about to challenge von Hindenburg was none other than the Nate off Hitler and we all look back in time and and I'm talking about historians certainly now look back in time and recall this old man who ran against Hitler and by the way he didn't lose by that much either he really didn't he wasn't annihilated by Hitler no question there were people for Hitler in Germany but it wasn't it wasn't a runaway but then again von Hindenburg was an old man and and everybody agrees that that old man thinking that he was gonna take on Adolf Hitler well it just it wasn't likely and it didn't work so Hindenburg von Hindenburg moved on into as we sometimes call it the trash heap of history and Adolf Hitler of course did his thing but here we are with the neo-Nazis and when I say neo-Nazis realize this this is not just coming from me people all over the world are talking about this about neo-Nazis the neo-Nazis are winning in France and there's a further election coming in France running against Macron of course Macron's not an old man but doesn't matter that the right wing is rising around the world and and you know Donald is is right here with with his neo-Nazi friends and I mentioned yesterday you know Leonard Leo the head of the Federalist Society and clearly he is a an American version of the neo-Nazis he has led a number of these Supreme Court justices to the kinds of decisions that you would expect from neo-Nazis well as an example that the president of the United States is immune from illegal behavior and he can act like a king and he can well do a lot of things he could kill another opponent he could he could kill an opponent in an election and that's you know somebody running against him he could kill the person before the election he could kill them anytime now as an example Joe Biden could kill I said this yesterday could kill Donald Trump legally all you have to do is is say this is an emergency as the president of the United States I say that we need to kill Trump because we can't take the risk and and the result hello Ben the result would be the Supreme Court would say it's legal or maybe they wouldn't but certainly they've they've set it up that way that that's what they've that's what they've decided here that the President of the United States can can break the law with impunity period now I explained yesterday and I'm not gonna go into it all again today but I explained yesterday why the the Mershan case in in Manhattan is is 99% likely to survive that case is going to survive and and the next question is what's Mershan going to do when it comes time to sentence Donald Trump and all the experts today are saying Trump will never go to jail for what he did and there's no doubt that based on a normal situation Donald Trump would not go to jail for this he would he would get some kind of a probationary deal or something like that so you know that that would be normal but this isn't normal and neither is Donald because we know that he's out there screaming against people that he's not really allowed to do but then again they've taken the gag order away and they did that because well they they knew that with the decisions that are being made here you're not going to be able to get away with that and in any event as a result of all of this what's Donald saying Donald says that he has now achieved total immunity and we know that's not true but of course Donald lies doesn't matter he's saying it he's telling everybody has total immunity he's acting like he has total immunity and when we get to September 18th which is the date when Judge Mershan is going to tell the convicted felon what the penalty is for what he's done and and what's gonna happen probably be like everybody says that Mershan will back down probably be the case but I'll tell you this if I were Judge Mershan I wouldn't worry about the Supreme Court I wouldn't worry about being overturned I wouldn't worry about any of it I would say this guy shows no contrition he is breaking the law all the time regularly he breaks the law now he may not break a law in the sense that the Supreme Court says although I don't know I would guess that in 2024 since Trump is not the president of the United States that that he can't break the law I guess but you never know what those people can do their neo-Nazis trust me they could come up with anything but I am going to say this much Mershan is the only person standing right now who with his own decision no votes nothing Mershan is the only person who can say to Donald Trump go to jail might be overturned in appeal you know those appeals don't happen overnight so it would it would create some chaos for Trump and and really Mershan being the only person who can do it if it were if it were me I'd do it and I'm not saying it in some kind of a silly way I'm I'm not being not joking about it or something I would I would stand up and I would take the heat I'd say you know whatever comes I I'm gonna sentence this guy to jail and remembering that the law is on Mershan's side because the judge has the final word and the judge has plenty of reason to do this threatening witnesses threatening jurors doxing people we we hopefully you saw Stormy Daniels last night on Rachel Maddow show and and she's been docked along with many other people connected to the case Donald is putting out their names everywhere to try to get them hurt I mean get listen to that I mean this is not insignificant Donald is trying to get these people hurt so he's putting out this information and of course Stormy Daniels explained that that she owes Trump $600,000 now because she stood up against Trump and Trump got her in front of a judge and the judge said you owe him $600,000 as attorney's fees because of what you're saying about him and and here's the thing on that which I saw this morning and I had thought about this yesterday and I'm very pleased and I think a lot of people will be and that is that that you know Stormy Daniels said I'm gonna have to pay $600,000 but Eugene Carroll's getting 80 to 90 million dollars and Eugene Carroll said today that she will step up and help Stormy Daniels which is a good thing that's very important and the reason that Stormy Daniels is fighting the fight she is is because the court is demanding that she fill out a form that tells where her daughter lives 13 year old daughter and Stormy Daniels says I don't care if you charge me every penny that I ever make the rest of my life and I don't care if you put me in jail for life she said I'm not telling anybody where to find my 13 year old daughter fair enough in the meantime Eugene Carroll jumped in and said I'm gonna be with Stormy Daniels don't worry about it I've got money coming and I'm capable of supporting her she's trying to raise money for lawyers fees and so forth in a GoFundMe page and really you don't even need all those other people to put up any money because Eugene Carroll could take a million out of that 90 that she's got and just turn it over because let's face it this is not right what they're doing to Stormy Daniels it's just it's not right it's not fair it's like Stormy Daniels said though you know life may not be fair but it would be right for the country to stand up behind her and help protect her 13 year old daughter against Donald Trump who is a psychopathic maniac I mean look anybody that would try to harm a 13 year old has got to be very ill and and he's trying to do everything he can to get that information out so that the the crazy people who work with him who are also neo-nazis that that they will come after a 13 year old I mean if you don't believe any of this go watch last night's Rachel mad I'll show go check it out now you can say oh Stormy Daniels is lying well how is it that everybody else is lying and never Donald who is actually the one that is lying now I did a whole show on his lies two days ago so I'm not gonna redo that today but but I am going to say that in the overall scope of things our version of Adolf Hitler is is on the rise there's a poll out today in fact about six or seven of them that all show that Joe Biden lost two points as a result of his debate and you might say well two points what's that well in the first place the polls all show that Biden was already down by maybe three or four so now he's down by say five or six can you come back from that sure he can however he can't come back if he can't do the things that he needs to be able to do and let me give you an example of what could have happened today that would have been so effective in fact it would have been beyond effective with it's all we would be talking about right now if this had happened this afternoon that one-hour press conference with with all of those media people asking the questions at the White House over and over and over is Joe Biden thinking about getting out of the race same dumb question over and over all they had to do this would have been so good if they had had Joe Biden walk in to the briefing room he could have moved was her name Karen Pierre whatever it is they could have could have moved her out of the way said look don't worry about it I got it and then he could have stood there and he could have said look you want to ask this question a hundred different ways for the next two hours I'm right here ask every question you want because I'm here and I'm ready it's all we'd be talking about right now nothing else now if Joe Biden can't do it that's the problem I don't know that that's the case but I know that he could have walked into that room and and had a giant impact and it would have run all over the news all night long it's all everybody would be talking about and it would have negated the debate if Joe Biden were capable of handling it I don't know if he could I'm not there I'm not in his head but if he could do it that would have solved his problem we'd be on to another discussion they'd have forgotten the debate they'd have said you see what Joe Biden did walked into that room and said here I am a one hour two hours five hours I don't care until you can't take it anymore I'm here it's all he had to do and he didn't do it and I'm sure they knew that he could have done that not not necessarily the the questioners they they probably figured that's never gonna happen but Joe Biden's staff undoubtedly knew everybody knew and if you don't think that there's any precedence for it this is not exactly real life but if you ever saw Michael Douglas in the American president this is exactly what he did in the movie and again like I say Joe Biden could have walked in there and taken questions forever and everybody would have said that is one tough man and a story didn't happen so we we've got a wonder still where are we yeah he's gonna go and and and take an hour's worth of questions or however long the questions are from from George Stephanopoulos and they're gonna be tough questions but it's not the same it's not the same as walking in and shocking everybody that's what he could have done today that's what he didn't do today so time will tell us all of this of course but it was a missed opportunity for sure and as I pointed out earlier in starting this show think back to the other alternative which is Paul von Hindenburg I mean this is this is something that everybody knows in history that Adolf Hitler walked into Germany and took over from an 84 year old person who everybody thought was a great great man they loved him very respected who's 84 and what were you gonna get out of an 84 year old guy it was just not the same not the same now I understand that the Donald 77 but you know 77 isn't 80 or 78 isn't 80 it isn't 82 it's getting there and Donald's got his own problems no question I agree I've heard them I've seen it that's that's that's a fact but the problems right now are not on Trump the problems are on Joe Biden and Biden in the Democratic Party has got to turn this back against Trump that's simple now they've got everything they've got all the ammunition check this out you want to run that thing Joe this is an ad today brand-new nearly 250 years ago America was founded in defiance of a king under the belief that no one is above the law not even the president until now the same Trump Supreme Court that overturned Roe v Wade ruled that the president can ignore the law even to commit a crime because Donald Trump asked them to he's already led an insurrection and threatened to be a dictator on day one Donald Trump can never hold this office again okay thanks a lot Joe okay so look great ad but it's not gonna work it's just not you got to do something impactful you've got to do something to get everybody's attention unless you want Paul von Hindenburg to put the United States in the same place I'm sorry Joe Biden to put the United States in the same position that Paul von Hindenburg did for Germany in 1933 I mean if you want to do that and you want Joe Biden to go down in history as a a good-hearted decent old man who who couldn't fight back against neo-Nazis well that's where we're headed and and the only solution well they're two number one Joe Biden stands up and shows the country that he can handle everything anything that his age is meaningless and that he's tough as nails that's sort of the the Harry Truman approach in 1948 you know in 1948 Harry Truman who was taking the same positions in many ways as as Joe Biden today he was on his way to being annihilated in the 1948 presidential election and and Dewey was supposed to take the whole thing easily and of course everybody should remember from history the the picture of Harry Truman holding up the newspaper with the headline do we wins so yeah it can be done and Truman was tough the same way he stood up against these people he fought him he hit him hard he did everything that that everybody said you shouldn't do desegregated the military you know you don't get a lot of points in 1948 for saying the black people have have equal rights same as 1954 when it happened with Earl Warren I mean this this is on and on but but Harry Truman did what he had to do and beat Dewey he beat him he was not supposed to but he did the polls said he couldn't do it and he did so yes that would work but you've got to be Truman you gotta be tough you've got to be able to stand up and fight if you can't even walk into the pressing press room today and answer the questions and take your press person off the hook if you can't do that then what can you do well we're we're gonna find out I know next week NATO is in town it's a big deal no question about it and and those NATO leaders they they love Trump the Trump they love Biden they do they hate Trump they despise him they fear him they fear the Trump will turn the world over to Vladimir Putin I had somebody asked me how how really could Trump in that war in one day how could he do that could he do it well the answer is yes he could all he has to do is go to his boss Vladimir Putin say Vladimir what do you want me to do here Vladimir will tell him and in walks Trump does what he's told and in one day the war is over oh sure everybody I hate his guts Trump's but what's the difference if he's elected already see that's the point that's why you know that dictator on day one not good that's a problem you know Trump now says well I only meant I would be a dictator for one day but even saying things like that for what do you mean you'll be a dictator for a day or a day or two days or ten or what are you talking about that's not what we do here except for the Supreme Court is telling you yeah it is what we do that's a problem here we'll get back to NATO in a minute right now let's go to dinner and I'm gonna take you to dinner I'm gonna take everybody to dinner tonight at wenties wenties is at 18,000 Chester Field Airport Road and I I'm telling you we can all go to wenties tonight and continue this conversation although you could also call into me at 314-471-1968 we can do it here and then we can go on to wenties and you know finish this up all night long but you're also gonna want to eat some dinner and I suggest that you think about well all the great things you can get at wenties I'm gonna say the wings because I understand everybody loves the wings and that's good because the wings are great it's just not my favorite food but it's everybody else's so go to wenties get the the wings now in addition to the wings hamburgers cheeseburgers patty melts salads pizza all great food at wenties you cannot go wrong of course if your case and you might think about the baby back ribs and also the onion rings that's what I eat that's my favorite but you eat what you want because this is still least temporarily a free country Paul von Hindenburg hasn't lost yet so anyway go to wenties at 18,000 Chesterfield Airport Road and get yourself a great dinner and and and go there and meet and see great people there bring great people with you add to that great atmosphere at wenties and everybody will love it and and don't forget also you can go to defiance where wenties has a wenties Roadhouse same great food same same thing this is wenties and it's a 2999 South highway 94 so check that out go to wenties and you know look you've got this holiday coming up and that's a great time to just go and enjoy wenties and you can do it so go enjoy just try not to think about Paul von Hindenburg okay next I'm gonna take you to get some jewelry at 4506 Hampton that's Jules on Hampton and there you can get so much that that I can't even begin to describe it I can only tell you that they have cases and cases and cases filled with jewelry all different all interesting all great prices and of course the great owners you've got Al and then his son AJ and and they'll talk to you about everything having to do with jewelry they'll talk to you about buying coins and jewelry selling coins and jewelry to them I mean there's all kinds of opportunity if you go to 4506 Hampton that's Jules on Hampton and remember they will do several things first of all they'll design jewelry for you could be their creative design it could be something you like or when you get to the end of this whole thing you might see that your watch is not working and you'll say to yourself what can I do and just you won't even have to worry just turn it all over to Al and AJ they'll fix your watch that's Jules on Hampton 4506 Hampton you'll be happy if you're looking for jewelry now suits got suits and ties and shirts and shoes and overcoats they got everything at the St. Louis suit company in Clayton so on the corner of Forsyth in central and yes you can get all the great clothes that you can imagine I'm a perfect example I address nicely all the time of course I'm sort of shifting gears here a little bit because I just bought a bunch of blue jeans and not all blue but jeans and that's the the hot thing now you you wear jeans along with your sport coat or your suit coat and then you also wear your chucks and you are cool you can be really cool you can be really fashionable and all of that with the help of the St. Louis suit company in Clayton they've been there for 29 years and don't forget if you're getting married you definitely want to go to the St. Louis suit company because they'll help you with wedding attire that is they're really considered to be at this point they're number one expertise so go to them that's of course Jay and Nick and talk to them about your wedding and they'll help you get that all together but in every way they'll dress you they'll match the colors like they do for me I'm colorblind but they match the colors for me and again those ties are five dollars and if you've heard about the five dollars tie five dollar ties and you haven't gotten down to the St. Louis suit company to check it out that's unbelievable you must never want to tie in your life and besides that let's say you never wear a tie you can buy ties for your friends who may also never wear one but they'll think you're really unbelievable when you buy on the tie that looks like it's 50 and you've paid five St. Louis suit company in Clayton now I was talking about NATO and so really this is such a big deal this weekend or this week with everybody coming into Washington from Europe and and they're gonna talk about the future of NATO on the 75 year anniversary of really a an organization that was formed coming out of World War II obviously Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman were a big part of all of this Truman who was elected in 48 and of course NATO came into being in 1949 George Kennan George Marshall Cordell Hall all of these important people in history they were strong they were smart they fixed Germany and Japan and they put together an alliance that has expanded all the way to today 32 countries originally 12 last two very important Finland and Sweden who have the largest and most powerful armies in Europe they're big and they're important and they're not only NATO and all of this because of Joe Biden because Joe Biden wouldn't sit back and allow Donald Trump to destroy everything created by Roosevelt and Truman and Cordell Hall and all of these great people in our history and all of our presidents has supported this they've supported American leadership for 75 years all the way through Ronald Reagan all the way through everybody only one person in the history of the United States one president in our history has opposed NATO has attempted to tear NATO down Donald Trump Donald who said if you don't give your 2% to NATO 2% of your GDP you don't give that to NATO then guess what NATO won't defend you Vladimir Putin can walk in anybody can walk in they can walk in they can walk in they can get you they can kill you sort of an interesting thread that goes through all of this this idea on the side of Trump that that they can kill people it's okay to kill you can kill the Europeans you can kill your opponents you can jail your opponents wonder who does that oh Vladimir he jails people just like that media the enemy of the people how did we get here I don't know how we got here but I'll tell you this we got a real problem if we don't stop it right where we are and we can stop it we can do it but we can't do it with our people standing up and being strong this afternoon Joe Biden could have been that man he didn't do it it's not the end he can still do it if he's capable but he better show somebody something pretty soon or it'll be okay but Kamala Harris will be the presidential candidate instead of Joe and that's alright she's excellent he's excellent she was put there in the first place so she could do this if it were necessary and it may be necessary now I want to add one other thing to this before I switch subjects at all here I mean we could talk another day about NATO and at length and we'll probably end up talking next week about it once NATO comes to town and we hear all the things that are said there but there's another poll that's out today you know everybody in the Democratic Party everybody trails Donald Trump right now that's without a campaign I'm perfectly confident that that Kamala Harris could take on Donald Trump and end all of this for good however this poll I'm going to tell you about is a powerful poll and we've all known about it and so I'm just gonna say it again Michelle Obama is the only Democrat who beats Donald Trump and let me say this she doesn't beat him by a point or two or three she beats Trump by 11 points so Trump you know beats all these other people by three four or five points and by the way let me clarify that part to let's say Trump's got forty nine and Joe Biden has forty five so that's 94 percent see still have six percent out there and if that's six percent breaks against Trump then Joe Biden wins now that's just the overall vote because you know what it needs to be it needs to be Pennsylvania Wisconsin and Michigan those are the three states that matter that's where we are whoever wins one of those three states will be president if you win all three you're definitely president and you know Donald thinks that he's got an easy an easy position here that he can just walk in and win Wisconsin Pennsylvania and Michigan it's not gonna be that easy but if you've got Michelle you got a whole different situation because Michelle wins everywhere how does she get so popular I don't even know how to tell you she's a nice lady a smart lady she she did you know very nice things as the first lady of the United States but listen right now she's just the most popular person on the planet I mean that's just the way it is everybody loves Michelle she's beating Trump by 11 points and there is no way that Trump can win against that kind of a situation that kind of a vote he just can't now we know that Michelle has said over and over again she doesn't want to be president she's not going to do it and maybe she won't but again that's the answer we know she can win if she wants it at the moment she doesn't want it so let's talk about what Kamala could do if she were the the presidential nominee and and the reason I go back to her first of all she she'd have access to the money which other people would not she would have obviously the presumption of having you know been in the White House and been studying and learning at the side of Joe Biden who has been a very consequential and successful president and that's not just me saying it remember it's 154 scholars who come together every year and tell who they think the best and worst presidents are and and one thing for sure that some of the others go up and down but but Donald is always at the bottom he's always last I wonder why and Joe Biden came in at 14 so something going on here but you know you'll have to sort all that out for yourself all I can tell you is what the numbers are but here's the deal if Kamala were the pick if she were the nominee she could choose from well probably three people one probably won't do it that's Gavin Newsom we talked about that yesterday he sees himself as a presidential candidate which is rightfully so because he's that good but he won't go against Kamala Harris because they're friends their friends from California for a long time he said he won't I believe him he said he won't so he that's out and he won't won't get the money anyway the money is with Kamala so that's number one the second thing is you got two other possibilities two good ones one is Gretchen Whitmer and that's from Michigan so that makes sense because you need to win Michigan but you know that nobody's gonna go along with the idea of two women on that ticket you are not gonna have a president and a vice president both women nothing wrong with it you could do it it would be terrific but it's just not gonna happen so you could take Gretchen Whitmer out of that story so now you're down to Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania because you need some help because you want to win Pennsylvania because again if Kamala comes in and becomes the the candidate and with the help of Josh Shapiro the governor of Pennsylvania she were then to win Pennsylvania she'd win and the story because again this race is so locked where it is right now it's not going anywhere it's it's in cement it's not moving I'm in a couple of points here and there maybe yeah but but the problem is is that they're there aren't a bunch of of Biden voters who are gonna vote for Trump there also aren't a lot of Trump voters who are gonna vote for Biden or Kamala or anybody except they love Michelle now that that they do so looks like if it's Kamala the answer would be Josh Shapiro win Pennsylvania your president of the United States and Donald can go straight to the the the ash heap of history where I keep saying that he's going I've been saying he's going there since 2016 and believe me I am confident these going there people say to me how do you know well I don't know but I have a pretty good sense and the sense is that Donald's extremely unpopular women boy do they hate this guy and if you have a woman presidential candidate on the Democratic Party side it'll be every reason for women to come out in gigantic numbers to vote against Trump and and what do these women want well first of all they want to be left alone that I guarantee you do they all want abortion I don't think so I don't think so at all a lot of people say oh this is all about abortion I wish the Democrats wouldn't say that word ever again talk about what women want first of all they want birth control pills they want all the various methods of birth control that they use they don't want some guy telling them what to do they definitely don't what else do they want this is probably the number one thing that they want they want to know that if they're pregnant trying to have a child that if something goes wrong that they can walk into an emergency room and immediately get every bit of help that they need and and just to be clear on this I've talked about a performance say it again if you're a woman and your water breaks when you're pregnant and it's too soon to have that kid you'd better get into that hospital fast because you've breached that sterile environment for that that child and it affects not only the child that affects the woman's body you're looking at the potential for sepsis and death quickly this is not a couple of women in a few states this is thousands of women who routinely unfortunately because pregnancy is not perfect they go through these problems the water breaks they need a doctor and they need a doctor fast and they need a doctor that's prepared to act and I can tell you right now that you tell that story over and over and over to women who understand it so well and even Kamala she may not be Michelle but even Kamala will just march straight into that White House office because women are not going to put up with this mess that's probably the number one thing that women are concerned about and the number one thing that the Democratic Party has to do is take that story to these women and by the way you've got states that have this actually on the ballot this year including Missouri so this is not going to be a simple thing for Donald Trump to walk away from he's going to have to face this and a good strong candidate can make him face it and a great woman candidate could absolutely force him to face this and then it's the end of him then we can come in and talk on on the air wherever we are and and it'll be the end of that name we don't say it again it's all gone bye-bye all you need to do is tell this story properly to women and and motivate to come in and vote for whichever candidate now could a man do this yes could Joe Biden do it absolutely he could no question in my mind but he better start now he better start yesterday this is not the time to play games this is the time to bring it big to show people Felicia as you said absolutely yes show people that this is no joke women will respond women don't want this mess they want a life they want a life for their kids they want children this is not about abortion stop saying that this is about keeping women alive and let's remember too which I always say it's about keeping black women alive because we know that they die three times the number of white women across the United States and in in Missouri it's four times that bad so here we are we we can do this but we need to be tough and can Joe Biden be tough maybe I hope he can and if he can he can run for this office but he better show somebody pretty quickly that he can do it and it's it's not going to be enough with George Stephanopoulos this weekend that's good to start not enough what he should have done is he should have walked into that White House briefing room today and said I'm taking over this briefing and I'm here as long as you all can stand up you want to ask me the same dumb question over and over again I'll give you the same answer but I will stick with you all the way through this he didn't do it could have but he didn't can he do it still sure let's see what he's capable of the first things going to be George Stephanopoulos on Sunday and then after that he's gonna have to pick it not up to me it's gonna be up to him and and if he can't do it then he's going to have to turn this over to Kamala Harris and let her do it and I'm sure she can I have no doubt about it Michelle yeah Michelle could win she's 11 points ahead of Donald Trump in the polls which is crazy she's not running for anything but she's 11 points ahead and everybody else two three four points behind so it's not that big of a deal here for Donald he's not in that great shape he can be taken down but you got to stand up and be tough okay keep it in mind dinner at wenties jewelry at 4506 Hampton that's Jules on Hampton and finally you can get the greatest men's clothing at the St. Louis suit company in Clayton they've been there for 29 years I'm out of here be back after the fourth see you on the fifth I'm Mark case and this is showdown good night