Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Potlatch 1 Credit Union Warrant From Moscow

The exploration of the court documents continues in this episode as we take a look at the warrant for for Potlatch Nol Financial Credit Union.

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022823+Order+to+Seal+and+Redact+-+Potlatch+No+1+Financial+Credit+Untion+P1FCU.pdf (

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15 Jul 2024
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And Taylor appeared on behalf of Mr. Kohlberger. The court reviewed the records, considered the arguments presented, weighed the interest in privacy and public disclosure, and announced its findings of fact on the record. Therefore, pursuant to i.c.a.r. 32i, 2a, and d, the court finds it necessary to seal in part and redact the record related to the search warrant for the following reasons. 1. The documents contain highly intimate facts or statements, the publication of which would be highly objectionable to a reasonable person. 2. The documents contain facts or statements that might threaten the safety of or endanger the life or safety of individuals. After due consideration and with good cause appearing, it is hereby ordered that the record, herein, shall be disclosed except for the following. 1. The affidavit in support of search warrant is sealed. 2. The search warrant and receipt and inventory be redacted. 3. This order will remain in effect until further order of the court. This was dated on the 27th of February of 2023 and signed by Judge Marshall. The next document we have is the order sealing, search warrant, and related documents. In the matter of the application for a search warrant for potlatch number 1 financial credit union. 3. NPD case number 22-M09903 based upon the motion to seal search warrant and related documents filed herein, the court does hereby confirm and order that the affidavit for search warrant including any exhibits, search warrant, return of search warrant, including the inventory of item seized, and order are confidential. Exempt from disclosure and are sealed pursuant to Idaho Court Administrative Rule 32-G1 for the reason stated in the said motion and until March 14th, 2023, or further order of the court. Whichever occurs first, so ordered this 15th day of December of 2022 and this was signed by Judge Marshall. The next document is the motion to seal search warrant and the related documents. In the matter of the application for a search warrant for potlatch number 1 financial credit union. NPD case number 22-M09903 the state of Idaho by and through the Laitau County prosecuting attorney respectfully moves the court pursuant to Idaho Court Administrative Rule 32-G1 and Idaho Code 74-124 for an order sealing search warrant and related document including the affidavit for search warrant including any exhibits, search warrant, return of search warrant, including the inventory of item seized, and order filed herein because release or disclosure would 1) interfere with enforcement proceedings, 2) constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, 3) disclose the identity of a confidential source and 4) disclose investigative techniques and procedures, and the state seeks this protection for a minimum of 90 days or until such time as the investigation is concluded and/or charges are filed. Therefore, the state respectfully prays that the court seal from public disclosure the affidavit for search warrant, search warrant, return of search warrant, and order herein under the provisions of Idaho Court Administrative Rule 32-G1 and Idaho Code 74-124. Respectfully submitted this 14th day of December 2022 and this was signed by Ashley Jennings. The next document we have is the return of the search warrant. In the matter of the search warrant for potlatch number 1, financial credit union, MPD case number 22-M099-03. I, Lawrence Maury, the officer by whom this warrant was executed, do certify the appended inventory contains a true and detailed account of all property taken by me or other officers pursuant to this warrant, and that this warrant and property have been duly returned before Judge Meghan E. Marshall at 9 o'clock a.m. this 14th day of December 2022. I certify under penalty of perjury pursuant to the law of the state of Idaho that the floor going is true and correct. This was signed by Officer Maury and dated on the 14th of December of 2022. The next document is the affidavit of Lawrence Maury. I, Lawrence Maury, being duly sworn, do hereby state the following information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1. That I am employed by the Moscow Police Department in the official position of forensic detective. 2. affidavit has been a trained and qualified peace officer for 12 years. 3. 1128 22 I obtained a search warrant for P1 FCU. 4. The warrant was served on 1128 2022 and it was served by FedEx. 5. On 12/9/22 I received a USB drive from PI FCU which contained the requested information. 6. An inventory was prepared for all the items received and 7. The information received was placed into evidence at the Moscow Police Department. This was signed by Lawrence Maury and it was dated on 14th of December of 2022. The next document is the receipt and inventory of the warrant. In the matter of the application for a search warrant for P1 FCU. On the 28th day of November 2022 at approximately 12 am, the following peace officer Detective Lawrence Maury served the search warrant. Heretofore issued upon the place and/or person described therein as directed in said search warrant. Entrance was obtained by FedEx. The persons found in said place were redacted, the property found and taken, and the location within or upon said place and/or person are as follows. Financial records for Ethan Chapin. Financial records for Matty Mogan. Financial records for Zana Cernodal. Financial records for Kalegan Solvis. Then financial records for three unredacted people. My guess? Bethany Funk? Dylan Mortensen and Brian Coburger. But just a guess. The next page completely redacted except for the date, which is December 14th and the signature of Officer Maury. The next document we have is the order. In the matter of the application for a search warrant for potlatch number one financial credit union, MPD case number 22-M09903. In the above titled matter, this court, having heretofore issued a search warrant and the said search warrant, having been served according to law, and the return of warrant, having been duly made as directed in said search warrant to this court, and the written inventory of the property found and seized, having been duly made and taken before the undersigned magistrate or judge and filed herein. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered that the said peace officer shall deliver or cause to be delivered the property described in said inventory to the Moscow Police Department, or such other law enforcement agency as may be appropriate for the purpose of preserving said property for use as evidence or until further order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Once any related criminal case has been concluded, including the expiration of time for appeal, or at such other appropriate time, the property can be released or disposed of upon authorization of the jurisdictional prosecuting attorney. It is further ordered that said property or any part thereof may be delivered to any person or laboratory or laboratories for the purpose of conducting or obtaining any tests, analysis, or identification of said property which is deemed necessary by the custodial law enforcement agency or jurisdictional prosecuting attorney without further order of this court. This was dated on the 15th of December, and it was signed by Judge Marshall. The next document we have is the search warrant. In the matter of the application for a search warrant for potlatch number one financial credit union, MPD case number 22-M09903. To any peace officer authorized to enforce or assist in enforcing any law of the state of Idaho. Lawrence Maury, having given me proof upon oath this day, showing probable cause, establishing grounds for issuing a search warrant, and probable cause, to believe that the property referred to and sought in or upon said premises, there is probable cause to believe that the property referred to and sought in or upon said premises consists of information related to the crime or crimes of homicide, to include all records and documents, the terms records and documents mean any and all tangible forms of expression in your possession, custody or control in any language or format, and include but not limited to writings, papers and tape recordings, electronic video and audio recordings, e.g. video surveillance, micro form, electromagnetic recordings, optical recordings, electronic files or records, photographs, drafts, finish versions, originals, and copies, however created, produced or stored, video surveillance images pertaining to account transactions, to include account opening, deposit, withdrawals, et cetera, are included with this request. Supporting information can be provided to help identify surveillance video images for some of the transactions. From September 1, 2022 to present, in the name or control of, Ethan Chapin, Madison May Mogan, Zana Alexia Cernodel, Kaylee J. Gonsalves, and then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, redactions here, to include the following. All open and closed accounts, all records pertaining to the individual or individuals or business entities identified in this letter, whether held jointly or severally or as a trustee or fiduciary, as well as custodian, executor or guardian, as well as any other entity in which these individuals or entities may have a financial interest, includes all accounts in which these individuals had signatory authority and/or the right of withdrawal. These records should include signature cards, statement data, monthly account statements, identification of and name assigned on all debit cards on account, deposits and supporting documentation, including but not limited to, evidence of cash, canceled deposited checks front and back, transfers from other accounts, including full account number and name and other credit information. Checks and other withdrawals, including but not limited to, canceled checks front and back, withdrawals and offsets, evidence of cash withdrawals, transfers from other accounts, including account number and name, other debit information, wire transfers in and out, including wire transfer instructions, evidence of a request or if possible, evidence of cash transactions and identifying information of individuals conducting cash transactions, identification of sender or recipient bank, full account number and account name on ACH transfers, online transfers, teller transfers or other transfers, electronic internet records. For those customers who engage in online banking with your financial institution, the following information pertaining to that online banking account, usernames or other identifying information for the account, email addresses associated with the account to include any and all of the above information for any secondary or additional email addresses and/or usernames identified by you as belonging to the targeted account in this letter, historical access logs for authentication, to the account including internet protocol addresses for this account and date, time and duration of each session. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand and we're working to do it responsibly. Our next gen tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90% compared to our older designs. We're starting to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable and ever cleaner. 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Credit card records, e.g. master card and visa, including customer application, signature card, credit or background investigations conducted, correspondence, monthly billing statements, individual charge invoices, repayment records, disclosing the date, amounts and methods of repayment, checks used to make repayments front and back, purchase of bank checks, purchase of bank checks, cashiers, teller, traveler's checks, records or money order records, including the check register, file copies of the check or money orders, records revealing the date and source of payment, for said checks or money orders, correspondence. All records of correspondence, communication between the customer and the financial institution, relating to the above services or for any other purpose, including customer service inquiries or requests for assistance. Safe Deposit Boxes. Any and all information pertaining to safe deposit boxes held by customer, including safe deposit application, authorized signers, and access logs. User Records. All applications, forms and other written documents, completed by the customer, records of certified checks, wire transfers or collections, letter credit, bonds and securities purchased through your financial institution, savings bond transactions and investment accounts. Such records that disclose the date and amount of the transaction, method, cash or check and source of payment, instruments and statement of transactions. All correspondence with the above individuals, entities and/or with third parties regarding the above individual entities. All memoranda, notes, files or records relating to meetings or conversations concerning the above individuals or entities, located at the following premises, potlatch number one financial credit union. You are therefore commanded to search the above described premises for the property described above to seize it if found and bring it promptly before the court above named. This warrant shall be executed within seven days of issuance and is authorized for daytime service only. Pursuant Idaho Criminal Rule 41, daytime means hours between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. local time with the following directions. This search warrant is issued for a law enforcement purpose. P1FCU is ordered not to disclose the existence or contents of this search warrant or the information furnished in response to the search warrant for a period of one year or until further order of the court. P1FCU shall disclose the described property and information within 14 days of issuance. Given under my hand and dated, this 27th day of November 2022 and this was signed by Judge Marshall. I have a couple of extra documents here because there was an extension, so let's get to those. Order for extension to return search warrant. In the matter of application for a search warrant for P1FCU, MPD case number 22-M09903. The above matter, having come before the court based upon the motion of the state and good cause appearing, it is hereby ordered that the time for which the above reference search warrant shall be returned is extended to March 8th, 2023. So order this 9th day of December 2022 and this was signed by Judge Marshall. The next document we have is the motion for extension to the return of the search warrant. In the matter of the application for a search warrant for P1FCU, MPD case number 22-M09903. The state of Idaho, by and through Ashley S. Jennings, Laita County senior deputy prosecuting attorney, moves this court for an order extending the time for return the above reference search warrant which was issued on November 27th, 2022. The search warrant was directed by the court to be served within 14 days of issuance during business hours. The warrant was served by Detective Lawrence Maury on November 28th, 2022 by FedEx. However, as of this day, the information has not been received. Although the warrant was executed within the 14 day time frame, directed by I.C., 19-4412, the state is not able to comply with the time frame within which to return the warrant and provide a written inventory. Accordingly, the state requests an extension of time for the return of the search warrant, respectfully submitted this 8th day of December of 2022, and this was signed by Ashley Jennings. Alright folks, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with the episode can be found in the description box. Well, it sounds like the tenants hit your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. You just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties on Tuesdays until 4am. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Having a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. 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