Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Denise George And Her Interview With Bloomberg

Denise George sat down with Bloomberg for an interview recently and she had some pretty interesting things to say about the USVI, the investigation into Jeffrey Epstein's associates and what turned out to be a gigantic payday for the USVI.

In this episode, we dive into that interview and see what Denise George has to say about the political pressure she was allegedly put under and why there were no criminal indictments.

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Attorney general going after Jeffrey Epstein's estate says she was fired for her dogged pursuit: 'My bar license, my integrity were more important to me' | Fortune

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14 Jul 2024
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Somehow, we live in a world where people still think that Denise George is some kind of hero when it comes to Jeffrey Epstein. Well, I'm here to tell you that she's not. If she was a hero, people would be in jail. But instead, what do we have? Oh, more civil cases, more people collect in a bag. Meanwhile, justice is put on the back burner once again. And while I completely understand why the survivors would want to settle, why a government would want to settle with Jeffrey Epstein's estate rather than hold them accountable is mind boggling. Unless, of course, it's never been about justice. And it's always been about collecting a little bit of dough, because I've said that from the beginning. If the US Virgin Islands really cared about what happened down here, A, they would have stepped in back in the day, B, they would have put some of this money to the side for unknown victims who might come forward and see, well, people would have went to jail. But literally, none of that happened. And somehow, Denise George is still some kind of hero, maybe in some kind of like alternate universe. But here in the real world, you're not a hero. Okay, not my book, not in my opinion. And there's no amount of revisionist history that's ever going to change it. Today's article is from fortune, but it was originally posted over at Bloomberg. And the headline, attorney general going after Jeffrey Epstein's estate says she was fired for her dogged pursuit. My bar license, my integrity, were more important to me. This article was authored by Ava Benny Morrison. Denise George knew from the beginning that she was going up against powerful players on Wall Street over their supposed links to Jeffrey Epstein. But she soon sensed that she was also up against forces here at home in the US Virgin Islands, where the finance here, you mean pedophile, seem to have preyed on women and girls with impunity. So where was the heroic Virgin Islands and all of their heroic politicians who are entitled to this 205, 290 million dollars, whatever the hell they got? Where were they all at to stop Jeffrey Epstein from molesting, raping and abusing women and girls? Oh, that's right. They were busy doing their whole see no evil here, no evil, speak no evil routine, right? Because everybody knew it was an open secret down in the Virgin Islands, what Jeffrey Epstein was up to. You mean to tell me that employees at the airport knew more than the politicians? And if that's the case, well, every last one of them should have been recalled. Every last one of them should have been put out of a job. People in saying Thomas wanted the Epstein scandal and the uncomfortable questions it was raising to go away and fast. But George says she needed time. She was fired as attorney general after spending more than three years trying to seek justice. No, absolutely not. I'm sorry, I won't buy it and I won't be gaslit into buying it. Seeking justice would mean people in jail, right? This is injustice. This is seeking a monetary payout. You might as well go in front of Judge Judy. Okay? Justice. I got your justice right here. Wafangul to your justice. Correspondence about the case obtained by Bloomberg News underscores the sense of urgency within the local government and the pressure George came under hundreds of pages of court documents offer a window into details about Epstein's web of influence in the US Virgin Islands. Yo, we told you all about that for years. Avobene Morrison. You were too busy chasing your blue a non conspiracy theories though, right? And if you don't know what a blue a non is, well, it's all those people that you see right now out in the streets acting like damn fools talking about Hamas this Hamas that yeah, those are the blue a non's the same people that were out here telling you that everybody else is a racist everybody else is an anti semi well guess who's really the anti semi guess who is really the racist when all is said and done and boy oh boy the irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife who would have thought that the far left would have ended up allied to the cargo short wearing tiki torch carrying knuckleheads that showed up in Charlottesville George was the driving force behind three high profile legal battles involving Epstein the Sven golly you mean the pedophile the Sven golly are you okay Avobene Morrison Sven golly more like stunnod who courted a wide circle of rich and powerful men from Bill Gates the Prince Andrew even after he was branded a sex offender well that's because people in the media didn't want to go hard in the paint and tell the world what Jeffrey Epstein was because they were all on the dime to right they were all making money off of them they were all going to his parties Katie Couric Charlie Rose George Steppenopolis all these big shots from the legacy media hanging out with this dude and then you wonder why nobody knows what he was up to on this range range Tuesday in the Caribbean George is telling her story about those landmark cases which reverberated like a thunderclap through the power corridors of business and politics even now four years after Epstein died by suicide allegedly in a Manhattan jail cell it's hard to shake the feeling that a coat of silence a sort of Olmerta hangs over his affairs here not just their buddy everywhere wake up and you know it's so funny all of these big shot legacy media journalists like the author of this piece has nothing to say about Bill Clinton and Bill Clinton's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein when's the legacy media going to stop lying to all of you and give you the real give you the truth unfortunately folks it's never going to happen instead you'll get more about Alex Acosta you'll get more about this that the other thing but people like Bill Clinton who were integral in the rise of Jeffrey Epstein are never going to be brought into the conversation because like Nancy Pelosi's daughter says he's one of their faves George 64 is sitting inside a poolside restaurant at a flamingo pink hotel overlooking the rooftops of St. Thomas it's mid summer in the tropics low season here the place is empty on the silver chain around their neck hangs a gift from her husband a pendant in the shape of the scales of justice maybe you should have got our money sign instead because we know justice wasn't served I mean a few bucks changed hands but is that justice did anybody go to prison did any of these survivors get to go and read their survivor impact statement in a courtroom oh no that didn't happen right so save the whole justice bullshit for somebody else I have reached my limit Epstein's estate was the first to settle with the Virgin Islands a year ago it agreed to pay $105 million plus half the proceeds from the sale of Little St. James aka Little St. Jeff the private island where authorities allege some of Epstein's crimes took place the authorities allege huh what the girls say isn't good enough the fact that galaine Maxwell went to prison for this isn't good enough for the author it's alleged is it then last january wall street billionaire leon black settled for 62 and a half million next came jp morgan chase in september for 75 million none of the parties admitted to wrong doing all of them declined to comment for this story well of course they did they were extorted point blank period you want the truth there it is the u.s virgin islands they extorted jp morgan they extorted everybody involved in this oh sure it's legal extortion but it's extortion nonetheless without those cases the world may have never glimmed some of the secrets Epstein and a circle harvard or the depths of his influence here in the caribbean which is bullshit how long have I told you all that and not just me i'm not going to sit here and give myself a pat on the back there's a lot of people that knew what was going on a lot of people that were hit and the fact that this author is acting like denise george is the one that clued us all in is fucking laughable and i guarantee you that all of this has to do with denise george looking to run for office that's what all of this is these puff pieces all this nonsense nothing more than pumping air into our political aspirations and into the tires that's exactly what this is and while everybody else might be eating it up not me i want nothing to do with it in fact you could take this poisoned ass disgusting dish and shove it justice to me means jail time justice isn't more payout justice isn't the rich people being able to manipulate the system by using ndas by using money to get themselves off the hook and justice certainly isn't a place like the us virgin islands accepting that money in lieu of justice so about Epstein looking for a financial institution that has fewer fees better rates and gives back to the local community as one of colorado's largest credit unions belco offers great rates on products like our free boost interest checking and lower rates on loans including our home equity choice line bank virtually anytime anywhere through online banking and our mobile app becoming a member has never been easier visit or stop by any belco branch membership eligibility required equal housing opportunity all-own subject to approval insured by ncua belco banking for everyone hi maricopa staley who swaps sexually suggestive emails about young women with abscene and visited little saint jeff according to emails filed in court hasn't been accused of wrongdoing by the authorities lawyers for staley claim he had no decision making authority over abscene jp morgan accounts well he might not have any kind of case against them by the authorities but there's allegations against them why does abba benny morrison leave those out have these fucking clowns in the legacy media learn nothing how many times have they showed up late to the party like now talking about oh well we're breaking a story or we had a glimpse into this or that bitch we've seen that years ago what are you talking about you just refuse to cover it and the real reason is because you didn't want your faves caught up you know your faves like bitch ass bill clinton yeah your faves like that tell me a little bit more though about alexa costa mr fall guy extraordinaire in a nutshell george's story behind the scenes is this she felt pressure from the territory's governor to quickly settle the abscene cases and move on to george the message was clear berry the abscene scandal once and for all it was very professional but we did have very different values and that created a lot of tension between us throughout the course of the abscene investigation and other matters as well she said after george was dismissed last december governor albert brian jr was clear he was eager to put the entire scandal behind the us virgin islands yeah i bet he was considering the us virgin islands and their politicians including brian were up to their eyeballs and abscene's bullshit it's not a shock that they'd want it all put behind them or told in a different manner if we never mentioned jeffrey abscene again that would be good for me brian told the st. thomas source at the time his office said george's dismissal was unrelated to her pursuit of jp morgan but brian later said he couldn't have an attorney general launching lawsuits he didn't know about his office didn't respond to requests for comment this much is sure overall the years abscene trafficked and sexually abused dozens of underage girls and young women he projected money and influence through the us virgin islands as if the territory were his private fiefdom there's no doubt that's how he rolled but if that's the case then how come none of these politicians who were around at that time are being held accountable how come nobody is in jail how come nobody went to jail he cultivated politicians donated heavily to campaigns and forged close ties with a powerful and well-connected local law firm sisiel de jong wife of one of brian's predecessors as governor john de jong even work for abscene she served as his office manager and unofficial political emissary mr jong declined to comment for this story now how long have we talked about the de jongs and albert brian and everything that's going on down in the us virgin islands all of a sudden this is breaking news some people are so far behind they don't even realize that they're being lapped during her deposition as part of the jp morgan litigation mr jong was asked about seeking enrollment in english classes for women at abscene's request she said she never saw anyone under distress and would never do anything to harm anyone or aid in abet anyone harming someone well unfortunately that's not the truth considering what abscene was up to and i got to tell you i believe every one of the survivors way more than i believe any of these garbage ass bitch ass politicians abscene lobbied to relax rules that were imposed on them as a sex offender with mixed success he also received three hundred million dollars in tax breaks from the territories economic development commission some of them while now governor brian was edc chairman neither brian nor any other official has been accused of any wrongdoing yeah okay that's because you're all cowards that's why the evidence is right there but yeah tell me a little bit more about all the justice that denise george got us web of influence abscene spun his web of influence over the islands in order to protect himself and hide his dark secrets george says despite the lurid record and all the stories surrounding abscene george says she wasn't aware of the scale of his crimes when she was named attorney general in 2019 less than two months before abscene was arrested at new jersey's teeter barrow airport after flying from paris oh yeah she had no idea right just like stacey plaskett and it's funny miss january six committee herself is never brought up when we're talking about abscene but that's all going to change if she wants to run around and call people terrorists and sit in judgment of people then she should have no problem if we're doing a deep dive into her background into her activity and what she was up to because considering how much money she took from jeffrey abscene i would think that a robust investigation into that money and into her relationship with abscene is more than warranted it didn't take long for her to find out she was only a few weeks into the job when news reporters began calling they wanted to know if authorities in the u.s virgin islands were investigating what abscene had been up to for all those years on little saint jeff they weren't around the same time governor brian who was sworn in in 2019 told george that abscene had made a request he wanted a new waiver to loosen certain restrictions placed on them as a convicted sex offender according to the court filings abscene for instance had to give the virgin islands 21 days notice when he planned to travel in my head i'm thinking relax george recalls if anything wouldn't you say tighten them a previous attorney general had granted such a waiver but later it had been revoked abscene wanted a new one george testified during a deposition earlier this year governor brian told her that abscene's lawyers would be in touch they happened to work for kelter halls fergus and crowblin according to the former prosecutor the same local firm that supported his gubernatorial campaign well this is all a big shock right said nobody ever the whole entire political class down in the u.s virgin islands should be investigated i hate to say it but it's the truth you want to talk about corruption there's a whole lot of it going on down here erica keller halls who requested the waiver on abscene's behalf had hosted a one thousand dollar ahead fundraiser for brian along with partner greg fergusson in 2018 fergusson later was appointed to brian's transition committee for economic regulation according to a local press report governor brian texted george in may of 2019 she testified in a deposition telling her to make a decision she denied abscene's request george later testified that she thought abscene was flexing his political influence over or with the governor rather than going through the usual channels given abscene's apparent influence in the virgin islands who would want to rock the boat george says she was willing to try oh yeah such a hero what a hero no arrests nobody really hell responsible people just paid their way out of it so what they're not going to do it again yeah okay sure way to go denise george the justice league should be calling at any moment around saying thomas she has a reputation as a straight shooter the former public a corruption attorney stop short of pointing to official wrongdoing but on the sticky august day in her gold button blazer she makes clear that she for one wouldn't tolerate it oh no not at all i'm not going to tolerate it you should vote for me for governor in the next cycle if i have to lose my job to avoid being part of the conspiracy to cover something up i would do it george says my bar license my integrity were more important to me i wasn't going to compromise that the problem is you did you were in a position to send people to prison and nobody went to prison so how was that a victory when abscene was found dead a few months later in his cramp and hat and gel cell george saw an opening abscene had quietly set up a trust in the virgin islands as a repository of his personal fortune which was valued at five hundred and seventy seven million dollars at the time of his death george decided to go after the estate and those who might have held abscene he is dead she thought to herself but his accomplices must be alive sounds good so far right sounds like she's going to do the right thing until you find out it was all driven by money the law firm representing the estate keller hauls Ferguson and kroblan the same one abscene had used for years here and the same one with connections to governor brian in core filings the firm quickly blasted the virgin islands for sitting on its hands while abscene was alive bingo that's what it all comes back to and anybody who doesn't realize that that doesn't see that well i don't know what to tell you you can bring the camel to the oasis right you can't make that mf or drink keller hauls did not respond to requests for a comment the governor gave his blessing when george indicated she wanted to launch a civil enforcement action against the estate but the tone shifted when the litigation dragged on into a second year privately brian expressed frustration he wanted to know why it was taking so long to settle with abscene's estate george claimed the civil racketeering case was complex and warranted a resolution that at least in part met abscene's list of wrongdoings in the usvi in the end the estate returned 80 million dollars in tax incentives agreed to pay half a million to remediate environmental damage to one of abscene's islands committed half the proceeds from the future sale of little saying james and established the victims compensation fund that fund had nothing to do with the knees george holy shit really so now she's the one who set up the fund too huh boy what's next she's going to sprout wings and fly up into the sky over to the middle east and stop the war in gaza officially george not the governor was in charge of making the legal calls but brian was still her boss and held the purse strings it was a delicate balance george said trying to untangle a half billion dollar estate is a formidable task under the best of circumstances it was even harder given the code of silence still surrounding the dead financier you mean pedophile many of abscene's employees had signed non-disclosure agreements some alerted the estates lawyers the moment investigators reached out on little saying jeff groundskeepers avoided eye contact when authorities approached george herself traveled to little saying jeff she still can't shake the eerie absurdity of seeing a dentist chair inside the luxury island villa yeah but not enough to send anyone a prison right not enough to even indict anybody not enough to even charge anybody great job denise george in the end the abscene estate settled the other battles would soon follow george didn't get much time to celebrate four weeks after that deal was struck and four days after george filed suit against jp morgan the official news arrived from the office of the governor it was new year's eve george was cooking kalaloo caribbean greens over at her father's house a security officer arrived at the door and handed her a letter denise george the 16th attorney general of the u.s virgin islands had been dismissed wow talk about a whitewashing ass piece talk about a piece that doesn't bring up any of the other details that we were discussing doesn't bring up the fact that nobody went to jail and instead talks about how denise george is some kind of hero well i guess if you want to have that opinion you are certainly entitled to do so but please don't try to bring that bulljunk this way because you know what you can miss me with that all of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box hi maricopa county i'm