Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Ghislaine Maxwell And The Impact Statements Read By Survivors At Her Sentencing

Several of the survivors of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell will either give their statements in person to the judge or have their statements read to the court before Ghislaine Maxwell is sentenced tomorrow. In this episode, we take a look at some of what might be said and what impact it might have on the sentencing.

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14 Jul 2024
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More so than you'd think. In a little over two seconds, your car can travel slightly more than 117 feet, which is the same length as 20 bicycles. Anything that distracts you while driving is dangerous. That's why driving while texting can be deadly, too. So put it down, it can wait. Don't drive distracted, shifting to safe. A message from the Colorado Department of Transportation. Back to the Epstein Chronicles. So we are on the eve of Galain Maxwell being sentenced, and I have to tell you. I really, really hope this lady gets the whole ass book thrown at her. I think I've been pretty clear over the past three years about where I stand when it comes to Maxwell. And her role within this criminal operation. And I could not disagree more with the people who act like Maxwell is being used as some kind of fall woman here. That is not the case. She is being made to own her piece of this. That's all pretty simple. Now, I know that there's people out there with their political wants and their tribalistic needs. And they have this desire to manipulate what happened to these ladies and these girls into some sort of cudgel to use against their political opponents. Well, that shit doesn't fly here on this podcast. And I'll leave that to all of the Twitter knuckleheads to continue on with the BS. But the reality of the situation, folks, if you're living in reality is Maxwell is simply being punished for her role within this organization. And not just her role, but her leadership role. She wasn't just somebody that was along for the ride, somebody that was, you know, tacking on the benefits and living her life. And no, she was engaging in this abuse according to numerous girls. So are we just supposed to act like that didn't happen? Act like, you know, Maxwell is just being used as the fall woman here because that's what it seems like some people are trying to assert. And that could not be, you know, further from the truth. Glenn Maxwell has to own her piece in this. Just like we talk about El Chapo, his captains, or John Gotti's captains, or insert criminal enterprise here. Everybody has to own their part, folks. And Glenn Maxwell is about to own hers tomorrow. Today's article is from the AP News, and the headline is, "Seven Accusers Will Help Larry Newmeister Out Here, Seven Survivors, Right to Galain Maxwell's Sentencing Judge." Obviously, this article was authored by Larry Newmeister. Seven women who say Galain Maxwell helped Jeffrey Epstein steal the innocence of their youth and poison the promise of their future are asking a judge to consider their pain as she decides what prison sentence she will dispense Tuesday to the incarcerated British woman. Look, I really, really hope that Judge Nathan takes to heart what the survivors have to say here because let's be clear, they're the ones that were most affected by this. Now, those of us watching from the sidelines or those of us in society that are disgusted by it, we have every right to be disgusted, there's no doubt. But nobody deserves justice more than these survivors. Their statements were put in the public case file late Friday by Manhattan prosecutors who have asked U.S. District Judge Allison J. Nathan to sentence Maxwell to 30 to 55 years in prison for monstrous crimes resulting in a December sex trafficking conviction for a socialite bipedal serpent, fellow child abuser, general all-around Scuzzbag, who has been jailed since her July 2020 arrest. And poor Galain, she's been in jail since July 2020. How dare anybody put her in jail, there's no evidence she's such a good person. She has a submersible license and a helicopter's license and nobody cares. Enjoy jail, enjoy prison, you're never leaving either of them. Four women testified at Maxwell's month-long trial where they described sexual attacks on teenage girls from 1994 to 2004 by Epstein and Maxwell at Epstein's mansions and estates in Manhattan, New Mexico, Florida, and the Virgin Islands. And while we're here on the doorstep, I might as well kick the door in real quick, right? How come Zorro Ranch has still never been raided? Does that not wrinkle anybody else out there? I mean, you got this whole ass ranch out here with who knows what kind of secrets it's hiding and not one single member of law enforcement or the FBI or anyone kicked in the door? Investigation, take a look, let's collect some evidence, what sort of videos are here? Nothing, Nada, Zilch, Squangeal? In a statement, any farmer who testified at trial and spoke at Epstein's bail hearing before he killed himself, allegedly, in August of 2019, as he awaited a sex trafficking trial, said Maxwell's lack of remorse, and her repeated lies about survivors forced a long fight for justice that has felt like a black hole, sucking in our precious time, energy, and well-being. And I can tell you for sure that people like Annie Farmer and Maria Farmer and Virginia and the rest of the survivors, they have better things to do than keep dragging this up time and time again and having to relive this trauma. This should have all been shelved a very long time ago, but these ladies have to continuously relive this bullshit. So finally, hopefully, they can really slam a nail in the coffin here, and at the very least, the three major players of Epstein's operation are off the table, Maxwell, Epstein, and Jean-Luc Brunel. While it's not a complete and total victory, it's certainly pushing the line, isn't it? When we first started talking about this, I remember how many people would send me emails and how many people would post on places like Twitter that there'd never be any justice whatsoever here. Well, let me tell you what, Jean-Luc Brunel being dead, that's kind of a victory if you ask me, of course, I wish his survivors would have had the chance to stare at him from across the courtroom and then see him get convicted. Of course, that's what we all want, right? But the fact is, this motherfucker is dead, and he ain't hurting nobody else ever again, and the same goes for Jeffrey Epstein. Now, Maxwell, oh, she's the scapegoat. Well, no, she's the one standing when, you know, there's no chairs left. That's all that is. And she's the one who is the last boss standing, right? So she's the one that's getting the jail sentence. But when people sit around and talk like there has been no justice here whatsoever, or none of the players, at the very least the ones who set it up logistically, have been punished, that's just false. Now, is it the sort of scorched earth victory that's needed here? Hell no, there needs to be Rico. And we know that that's not going to happen because it would involve all of their buddies. And we can't have that, right? All of the peripheral players on the stage being named, we just can't have that in the media, can we? So there was no Rico. But at the same time, I'm not going to sit here and act like we haven't seen anybody be brought to justice. Epstein, Maxwell, Brunel, Prince Andrew ain't doing shit ever again. Glendubin screwed. Now, again, look, don't get it twisted. Those are not complete victories, but certainly steps in the right direction compared to where we were three years ago. Defense lawyer Bobby Sternum included the victim statements in a submission to the judge Friday after the defense asked for a sentence of no more than five years. But she heavily redacted portions and asking the judge to disregard some entirely because they were not directly a part of the case that resulted in Maxwell's conviction. So if you weren't part of the case, it doesn't matter if you were abused according to Bobby Sternum, you shouldn't have any say so because you weren't part of this case. Absolutely ludicrous. What it does is it establishes a pattern of Maxwell's behavior so the judge can see that it's actually more than just what was put in front of her. And we all know that there were many, many more girls. Prosecutors, though, said no redactions were acquired or necessary because any privacy interest belonged to survivors and none asked for their statements to be sealed. They added that no due process interest is protected by withholding victim impact statements from the public. Three victims may speak at sentencing. So not only do they have the letters that are going to be presented, but there's also supposed to be some of the survivors there to speak at the actual hearing. And I don't know how Maxwell's team thinks they're going to get off with five years here. It's just crazy to me. Absolutely crazy talk. Included were nine graphic pictures of Sarah Ransom taken in a hospital bed. After two suicide attempts, she blames on the trauma of over a half year spent as a sex toy for Epstein and Maxwell. And others that left her so distressed that she once considered jumping from a cliff into shark infested waters off Epstein sprawling Virgin Islands estate. Now imagine how mentally rocked you have to be to think about jumping into the water with the sharks. I mean, what a terrifying proposal. Either stay there with the land-based sharks or hop into the water and take your chances with the actual sharks. Ransom who wrote a book Silence No More and traveled from her England home to observe Maxwell's trial said she would stop from taking the plunge by Maxwell and company moments before jumping. But that at the time, that extremely risky escape seemed more appealing than being raped one more time. Now, I can't even imagine what that feels like. I've never been in a position where somebody has lorded or held their power over me or forced me to do something against my will via threat or, you know, talking about hurting my family or anything like that. I've never even come close to being in a position like that. And this was the MO for Epstein and Maxwell. This is the kind of shit that they did. They would intimidate these girls, threaten them, tell them that they hurt their families, all kinds of wild shit. This is the story of the one. 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One woman, Kate, a former British model who testified at trial, spoke of the silent screams inside the minds of girls who were not yet adults, when Maxwell and Epstein flashed wealth and ties to famous and powerful people before subjecting them to sex abuse and then fear so they would never disobey their requests, their requests. I mean, wow. I know we've talked about this for years now, but every time we read it or hear it from the mouths of the survivors, it just slams home the fact of how devious and draconian this whole entire operation was and how it was operating out in the open in the middle of New York is such a black eye to the SDNY that there's not even enough words to talk about it. This is supposed to be the premier investigators, right? We're going to get everybody. Oh, yeah. Meanwhile, Jeffrey Epstein, Glenn Maxwell and the rest of these sick bastards were engaging in their behavior, not too far away from where you dudes are based. Calling Maxwell dangerous and devious, Maria Farmer said her intersection with the pair and sexual assault by Epstein during a trip to Ohio cost her a promising career as an artist and leaves her still feeling unsafe outside, firm in the belief that Maxwell will harm her if she ever has her way. She is the sister of Annie Farmer, and I could tell you for sure that the whole entire situation that Maria went through left her shook, man. Nobody should have to live like that. I've had candid conversations with Maria about, you know, just the whole aftermath of this, and I can't tell you how disgusting the operation was and the intimidation and the way that Epstein and Maxwell were just so cavalier about what they were doing and how brazen it was. Another, Virginia Roberts, said Maxwell opened the door to hell as she joked that she was like a new mother to dozens of girls and young women she fed to her financier, pedophile, boyfriend, and later boss. "Golane, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, you betrayed us and you let us all through it." She added, "You could have put an end to the rapes, the molestations, the sickening manipulations that you arranged, witnessed, and even took part in. You could have called the authorities and reported that you were part of something awful. Golane, you deserve to spend the rest of your life in a jail cell. You deserve to be trapped in a cage forever, just like you trapped your victims." Wow, wow, wow. I mean, pretty powerful stuff. And if you're the judge and you're hearing these accounts from these girls and what they have to say, I don't know how you can't be moved, how you're not swayed. And then you look over and you see the vapid, disgusting person that Golane Maxwell is. And well, to me anyway, it certainly seems like Virginia's onto something here. And that is Golane Maxwell locked in a cage for the rest of her life. If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at That's You can also find me on Twitter @B-O-B-B-Y_C-A-P-U-C-C-I. The link that we discussed can be found in the description box. With hello, without a- Looking for a financial institution that has fewer fees, better rates, and gives back to the local community? As one of Colorado's largest credit unions, Belco offers great rates on products like our free boost interest checking and lower rates on loans, including our home equity choice line. Bank virtually any time, anywhere, through online banking and our mobile app. Becoming a member has never been easier. Visit or stop by any Belco branch. Membership eligibility required, equal housing opportunity, all loan subject to approval, insured by NCUA. Thank you for watching.