Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Julie K. Brown Unloads On The USVI For Their Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein (Part 1)

Finally! Finally someone else is talking about the USVI and their obvious Epstein ties. For years we have been banging this drum on this podcast and finally the legacy media has picked up on it and hopefully now that Julie K. Brown's comprehensive piece has hit the wire, perhaps more people will finally start to understand the true scope of what went down.

In this episode we begin our dive into the article and the discussion about the United States Virgin Islands complicity in Epstein's crimes.

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U.S. Virgin Islands profiting from Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes | Miami Herald

Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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an official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting, consulting and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance. Uncover opportunity and move upward at What's up everyone and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. Julie K. Brown has a monstrous article out today that has to do with the U.S. Virgin Islands and their BS with Jeffrey Epstein. My only question is, what the hell took so long? We've known about this stuff for years. This is stuff that we have been talking about for years. So in this episode, let's continue that conversation. And to do that, we're going to use this massive article that Julie K. Brown just put out in the Miami Herald. And considering the size of the article, we're going to break this down into two parts. So let's just get busy. Headline, U.S. Virgin Islands cozied up to Jeffrey Epstein. Now they're profiting from his sex crimes. And the second that Denise George announced this whole lawsuit, this is exactly what I told you. That they were looking to secure a bag and they have no business being involved in the conversation when it comes to restitution, especially considering what happened on this island under all of their watch. But we should just forget about that. And everybody should just be on board with them getting all this money. Well, Vafangul to that, I'm not on board with it at all. And the government of the U.S. Virgin Islands has about as much right to that money as you were I do. This article was authored by Julie K. Brown. For two decades, the U.S. Virgin Islands, most prominent government and elected officials, as well as their pet charities, educational institutions, and causes, were paid millions of dollars by Jeffrey Epstein in the form of salaries, campaign contributions, and consultant fees. His most trusted employee was the U.S. territories first lady. And again, for those of us who have been following along, we know all of this. But for the people who have just showed up to the party, I hate to break the news to you, but they were all in on it. That includes all of your faves, by the way. The Stacey Plaskets, you know, Miss Bigmouth, who was up there, castigating other Americans during those committees. Well, she was taking money from Epstein. So what you're trying to tell me is that there was nobody else that could have sat on that but somebody who took all that money from Epstein and was obviously eating out of his trough. And it wasn't like it was private. It wasn't like it was some big secret. We all knew what was going on. The legacy media chose to omit that information from you. Now, for whatever reason, maybe it behooves them or they feel like it's not going to hurt them politically. So they're out here talking about it now. But remember, none of this is new. And the legacy media should have clued you into all of this years ago. His most trusted employee was the US territory's first lady. At the same time, USVI authorities paid little mind to the young women and girls. He shuttled through the St. Thomas airport following his 2008 Palm Beach conviction for soliciting a minor for sex. Epstein's abuse of underage girls became so well publicized that his hideaway and oasis built on a bluff overlooking the Caribbean became known as pedophile island. For years, it was suspected that Epstein's palatial compound on his private island was being used as a place for wealthy and powerful people to commit sex crimes. Let that sink in for a minute. Everybody knew what was going on in that island. All the local politicians, all of your favorite elected officials, they all knew. Did any of them stop it? What about Bill Richardson? How about George Mitchell? He step up and stop it at all? No? What about Bill Clinton? No? Huh? Interesting. And you know what's absolutely disgusting? All the people that are out here still fawning over Bill Clinton. Everybody knows about his palin around with Epstein. Everybody knows that he had Epstein over at the White House 17 times. But the legacy media refuses to dive deeper. They refuse to expose Bill Clinton and show the world the true depths of his relationship with Epstein, and the reason they won't do that? Well, they feel like a little give political ground to the other side. God forbid one of our faves is accused. Just ask Nancy Pelosi's daughter. But I guess it's too much to ask for a little bit of accountability from people like Bill Clinton. At the very least, how about a real statement about what went down? Not that bullshit-ass statement you put out in 2019 through your little buddy there, your operations director, who obviously lied to everybody. Oh, how do you know that? Well, his bullshit-ass lies were exposed at the Glane Maxwell trial. Will he ever be held accountable? Or is accountability only necessary for your political enemies? Now, the same USVI government has turned a blind eye to Epstein's crimes, is filing lawsuits and reaping tens of millions of dollars from companies and individuals. It claims enabled the serial sex trafficker. Epstein, a New York financier pedophile whose friends included leaders in the world of finance, government, and science, died in a New York prison cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial on federal charges. His death was ruled to suicide by hanging. In the years since Epstein's death, a litany of federal lawsuits have been filed, targeting individuals, banks, and business executives in Epstein's circle who have been accused of facilitating or being complicit in his sex trafficking operation. At least 200 survivors have said he and his associates sexually abuse them as girls or young women over two decades. And unfortunately, we know that that number is much higher than just 200. We're talking about literally in the thousands. This guy was active for what? Four decades? And according to his own words and the words of his associates, he had three girls coming today. So you do the math. As a result, about $500 million in legal settlements have been paid to Epstein survivors. Most of that from Epstein's estate and from JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank, the two financial institutions where he conducted millions of dollars in financial transactions that should have raised red flags, red flags that were all ignored, and not just by JP Morgan, but by FinCin, by the US Virgin Islands, by everybody involved. Yet no single entity potentially stands to collect more money in the fallout from Epstein's crimes than the government of the US Virgin Islands. Now, how is that acceptable to anybody out there? And this is what I've been talking about since the very beginning of this lawsuit. The fact that the US Virgin Islands would attempt to set themselves up as some kind of victim here is some of the most bananas bullshit I have ever heard in my life. Every dollar of that estate should have been paid out in compensation to the women who were molested. I know a novel idea, right? Thus far, the USVI has collected just shy of $200 million in Epstein-related settlements. Most of it the result of a civil racketeering lawsuit, its former attorney general filed against his estate. Now it's seeking another $190 million in an epic lawsuit filed against JP Morgan. The USVI and JP Morgan both claim the other ignored evidence of and even profited from Epstein's sex trafficking. But while much of the spotlight has been on the financial institutions that continue to do business with them, very little attention has been given to the role that the government of the USVI, a territory of the United States that has far reaching law enforcement powers played in helping one of the most notorious sex traffickers in US history. I mean she says very little attention has been paid to it and she's not wrong. I'm one of the only people that's been howling about this shit from the jump and like usual the rest of the legacy media and all the pretenders are playing catch up. And for those of you who have been following the podcast and who have been listening for years, you know all of this and you already know about this audacious plot by the US Virgin Islands to pilfer all of this money. The USVI governor Albert Bryan Jr. declined to comment on JP Morgan's allegations but a spokeswoman for the territory's Department of Justice said that JP Morgan is the only party to this lawsuit that had intricate knowledge of Jeffrey Epstein's criminal operation. With such BS, sorry, I don't buy it. If I was a survivor, I'd be suing the US Virgin Islands. As sure as I'm going to be rooting for my miserable New York Jets tomorrow, I would be suing the Virgin Islands. The USVI Department of Justice Spokeswoman, Venetia Velasquez, added, "We see the length JP Morgan has gone to in order to dodge accountability and distract the public from the critical fact. It is extremely unfortunate that while JP Morgan continues to display considerable vigilance in attempting to shape its self-serving narrative and rebuild its reputation in the press, it showed no similar concern for protecting the lives of the young women and girls who were preyed upon, well neither did you." You were the one with subpoena power, you could have arrested people, you could have rated its property, what did you do? You took his money, that's what you did, so try and gaslight somebody else. Said JP Morgan in a statement, "Rather than account for its own failure to investigate and monitor this criminal, under its jurisdiction, and to protect its citizens and sovereign interests, USVI blames the third party bank that did not have USVI's authority to enforce any law. Look, as much as I hate, JP Morgan and the financial sector, they're not wrong. As scummy as they are, I expect it from them, I expect better from the USVI and their politicians. And it's my belief that if you're a public servant, you need to be held to the highest levels of integrity. And from my vantage point over here in the Peanut Gallery, it doesn't seem like there's very much integrity in taking money from a convicted sex offender or trying to change your sex offender laws to better suit that sex offender because he's giving you a bunch of dough, and no matter how you chop it, that's what was happening down in the USVI. They were all getting a bag, and because they were getting that bag, they were willing to get into bed with Jeffrey Epstein, and we see the results, okay? We see them, we see the lives that were ruined, but somehow the US Virgin Islands is getting $200 million in the words of the venerable Junior Soprano, go and shit in your hat. In recent months, discovery from the federal civil lawsuit provides the strongest evidence to date of Epstein's influence in the USVI and his cozy relationship with three of the territory's governors. It's former First Lady, Attorney Generals, Senators, leaders of its Economic Development Commission, the Virgin Islands Police, Federal Marshals, the Port Authority, and the territory's representative to Congress. Yeah, we're talking about you, Stacey Plaskett. Epstein gave free turkeys to 78 federal customs agents at the St. Thomas Airport for Thanksgiving. Yeah, so did El Chapo, so did Nino Brown in the movie New Jack City, so did Tony Soprano. You see where I'm going with all of this? It's called trying to win the hearts and minds when you're out here committing crime, and that's exactly what Epstein was doing on this island. At least since 2005, the FBI suspected that Epstein was trafficking girls and women, two and from several of his residences, including his waterfront home in Palm Beach and his sprawling USVI estate. The island surrounded by treacherous sea urchins accessible only by helicopter or boat provided a perfect cover for the sexual abuse that victims have long alleged happened there. And you know, it's so crazy. They talk about, oh, the evidence is now becoming available. The evidence has always been there. People have refused to look at it. People have refused to really process this information, this evidence, because the saree-ass legacy media has covered for these people from the very beginning. And honestly, I was blown away to see this article from Julie K. Brown. I mean, I guess better late than never, right? In 2020, Denise George, the USVI's then Attorney General, finally acknowledged what had been rumored for two decades. What Epstein's island was a nexus for his sex trafficking operation. George filed a racketeering lawsuit against Epstein's estate alleging that he would transport girls there as young as 11 and 12, keeping a computerized database to track the girls whereabouts. Several survivors have also said Epstein's assistance would seize their passports. We've heard that from many, many different girls. We've also heard about girls who have said that they were so distraught that they were thinking about swimming from the island back to the United States. Imagine what you must be going through, trauma-wise, to even have that pop-up as a thought in your head, but it's all good because, you know, we handed out some turkeys and shit. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting, consulting, and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance. Uncover opportunity and move upward at The USVI government, in addition to the Department of the Homeland Security's U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, was responsible for monitoring Epstein's movements in the territory after his release from the Palm Beach County Jail in 2009. As part of a plea deal, Epstein served just 18 months in the county jail for a procuring a minor for prostitution and felony solicitation, and was required to register as a convicted sex offender. And do you need more evidence that Epstein was being protected by the government? Because I'll give you some right here. After he was convicted as a sex offender, the New York prosecutor's office, the Manhattan prosecutor's office, audaciously argued in court that Jeffrey Epstein should have only been a level one offender. Can you imagine the government of New York, the prosecutor's office of New York making that argument? I mean, it shouldn't shock us really considering Si Vance, who used to run that office, was an absolute tool, Preet Baraha, absolute tool, and all of them had a chance to take down Epstein, and none of them did it, but to have the audacity to get up there and say that Jeffrey Epstein is not a level three offender is just beyond absurd. Epstein changes primary residents to Little St. James, his 72-acre private resort, that included a helipad, private dock, gas station, high-capacity water filtration, two swimming pools, bore gas villas, three private beaches, a gym, and other buildings. This placed him under the territories, law enforcement jurisdiction, and supervision. It's unclear how often he was required to register in person over the years, but U.S. FBI officials, who gave statements for the JP Morgan lawsuit, could find records of only five visits by the U.S. Marshals and the territory's officials between 2010 and 2019, even though they also acknowledged that they should have been subjected to weekly checks by the Virgin Islands police and the federal marshals. Well, why would the police come? They got themselves some turkeys. How about the computers that he bought for the police, and the U.S. Virgin Islands? Who's suing all of these people who's trying to get all this money? Well, they were the ones that were enabling Jeffrey Epstein, they were the ones that were looking the other way, and they were the ones that were profiting. And up until now, I feel like I've been the only one beating that drum. So it's nice to see Julie K. Brown come out swinging here. This is a very important part of what happened in the nexus of this story, and if we want to hold people accountable, we should start looking down in the U.S. Virgin Islands. But somehow it's been flipped around, and now the U.S. Virgin Islands has been elevated to victimhood status. It is all straight up absurd. U.S. V.I. officials also admit they took no steps to ensure that Epstein wasn't continuing to harm minors at a time when authorities in New York were he owned what was reputed to be Manhattan's largest private residence had classified him as a tier three sex offender, one that is at high risk of continuing to prey on young women and girls. That's because the court forced them to do it. It wasn't because Saivance or Priepa Raha or any of the other clowns in the office wanted to do it. Their hand was forced. JP Morgan has filed hundreds of court exhibits, emails, and depositions in an effort to prove that there was a decade-long quid pro quo between Epstein and the U.S. V.I. government. Epstein was rewarded, according to JP Morgan, for his largesse with 300 million in tax breaks, that U.S. V.I. authorities extended year after year. Even though audit showed, he often fell short on the program's regulatory requirements. That's because people were profiting personally. Do you really think that anybody out here who we talk about is going to put people over profits? They are not. It's all about getting that bag, it's all about consolidating power, and if that means girls are getting traffic and these smarmy fuck bags are going to look the other way, well that's what's going to happen. JP Morgan's lawyers described as office manager, former U.S. V.I. first lady Cecile Dajang as Epstein's primary conduit, assisting him in obtaining special benefits, including visas, to bring young girls from other countries to the island. And folks, they weren't bringing them there? To check out the island and have a nice swim, okay? We all know what they were being brought there for, and we all know that Cecile Dajang and the rest of them knew what was up. Since at least 2000, including during the time her husband, John Dajang, was governor, Cecile Dajang worked for Epstein, earning a $200,000 annual salary plus other perks, including private school and college tuition for the couple's children. Must be nice, huh? And do you think, with everything we know about Jeffrey Epstein, he was doing that out of the kindness of his heart? Or was he expecting a little something something on the flip side? We all know the answer to that. John Dajang declined to comment for this story, the Miami Herald was unsuccessful in reaching his wife. They have not spoken publicly about the allegations contained in the lawsuit or about their relationship with Epstein. Well, why would they? They're never going to be held accountable. They're never going to be held responsible for being bribed basically by Epstein to turn the other cheek and let these girls get molested on this island. But in a Maycourt deposition, Cecile Dajang testified she had no reason to suspect that Epstein was doing anything other than being helpful to young women. Well, besides his previous sex offender prosecution, that might, you know, clue you in Cecile Dajang that he's an absolute piece of shit that he's out here hurting women. But nah, he's a mentor. He's just out here mentoring young women. They truly think that you're all stupid. That's what it comes down to. They think that everybody out there's dumb as fuck and they're all going to buy the bullshit that they're serving. Well, breaking news, I'm guessing that nobody listening to this podcast is buying your bullshit. This is a person who had one offense, had to register as a sex offender, didn't see him with anybody under age or anything. And I'm thinking he is just trying to be helpful to people. She said during the deposition, talk about straight up brazen lying under oath. Because that's what she's doing right here. She's lying under oath. Now, are you going to ever be able to nail her for contempt? Probably not. But there's no doubt. She knew exactly what Epstein was. She knew what he was up to. And she was helping to try to manipulate the sex offender laws in his favor. So her old BS nonsensical, bull junk deposition should be thrown out. She also said she confronted Epstein about the 2008 sentence for soliciting a minor for prostitution in Florida. I basically asked him what was going on. What the hell was going on? And he said, I, it was an error in judgment. And I said, so that's it. You approached somebody who you thought was older and he said, yes. And you just accepted that you were just like, all right, well, I asked him. I did my due diligence. So it's all good. Let's hook him up with all kinds of contracts. He should get all kinds of tax breaks now because, you know, he made a mistake. She recalled that he assured her it would never happen again. I learned my lesson, she said he told her the first lady's role, however, went far deeper than being an office manager, according to the lawsuit. She told them who to hire and who to fire. She helped them navigate the island's political landscape. She told Epstein where to spend his money. And according to the lawsuit, she helped him get visas to freely transport women to the island. All right, folks, we're going to wrap up episode one right there. And we're going to pick up in the next episode with the second part. If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at That's B-O-B-B-Y-C-A-P-U-C-C-I at All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. An official message from Medicare, a new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too, with Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to, paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. What if you could have a career, where the opportunities are as vast as our nation, where it's not about mission statements, but a shared mission? 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