Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew And Their Stroll In Central Park

Prince Andrew has made his own bed and he is now being forced to take up residence in it. Today, we go back to 2011 and the fateful day where Prince Andrew decided it was a good idea to take a leisurely stroll with a convicted sex offender. Unfortunately for Andrew, it was captured in photographs. Jeffrey Epstein, however, benefitted from the situation. So, the question must be asked...did Epstein set the whole thing up?

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13 Jul 2024
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What's up everyone and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. In 2011, a picture of Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein taking a walk together in Central Park really initiated a lot of conversation around Prince Andrew and his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. And it kind of got the ball rolling, if you will. Now, we all know that Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew and their relationship. Well, it was Jeffrey Epstein's, you know, crown jewel, right? Prince Andrew was one of the biggest gets Jeffrey Epstein could ever hope to have. And then to get him pictured with him walking in the park after being a convicted sex offender, talk about helping to rehabilitate your image, and then not only that. At this very same time when they were taking this walk in the park, Epstein was putting together this huge dinner for Jeffrey Epstein at, I mean, for Prince Andrew at his house. That included so many famous people. We're talking Katie Couric, George Steppenopoulos. The list goes on for scumbags who accepted this man's hospitality. And then at the same time, we'll come back and tell you, oh, I had no idea what Epstein was up to. Look, I have a hard time believing that. Especially considering we know the kind of weird ass decor this dude had out of his house. You mean to tell me, you walk into some dude's house and there's pictures of little girls and young girls or teens or Bill Clinton in a dress on the wall and you don't think that shit's kind of weird? That says a whole lot about you and the company you keep if nobody finds any of that weird. And furthermore, I just don't believe that none of you people knew what was up. All of these rich, you know, the smartest people in the room, at least that's what they tell us all the time until it's time to be the smartest people in the room. Then they don't have any idea what happened. Oh, we don't know how the economy's spun out of control. We have no idea how Jeffrey Epstein was diddling little kids for 400 decades. Today's article is from the mirror headline exclusive, Jeffrey Epstein wanted park pick which brought down Andrew to repair his reputation. That's what a lot of this was don't ever doubt that Jeffrey Epstein was trying to move the way he was moving after his arrest to try and refurbish that image. He wanted to come back into public life. And he truly thought that he didn't do anything wrong. Remember when he said his crimes were like, you know, stealing a bagel. The reality is his crimes were the sort of thing that gets you and sent to prison for 120, 130 years. He was asked Keith Rainery. This article was authored by Matthew Dresh. Jeffrey Epstein wanted photographers to take the infamous picture of him and Prince Andrew in New York Central Park. It is claimed freelance reporter Annette Witheridge who tracked down Andrew in New York believes Epstein hoped the image would rehabilitate his reputation. Look, if you're trying to rehabilitate your reputation hanging out with a prince is probably a good way to start, right? Especially considering at this point, nobody really knew that Uncle Touchy was, well, Uncle Touchy. Now, there was some talk about his dalliances, right? How he liked, you know, hanging out with women and he was a jet setter, all of that shit. But that's fine with me. Again, look, I don't care what consenting adults do. If a man or a woman wants to be promiscuous in their life, that's not my business. I don't care. You know, you want to run out there and gallivant and have relations with this one, that one, the other one and your cousin Tommy, I don't really give a shit, okay? As long as it's all with consenting adults, when we're talking about Jeffrey Epstein, however, we know that's not the case. We know this dirty rat bastard was abusing girls at such a huge clip that it's almost hard to imagine. She fiercely denies the image was staged as one royal source previously claimed. Miss Witheridge, enter photographer, staked out Epstein's Manhattan mansion for more than 24 hours before they finally saw the pair leaving in February of 2011. Now remember, this got the ball rolling, right? People started to ask questions about who Prince Andrew was, what he was up to, why he was with Jeffrey Epstein, and this really got the ball rolling. The journalist told The Mirror, "My theory is Epstein wanted to be pictured. Why go out in the bitter cold for a quick walk around Central Park?" I think Epstein was relying on the fact a photographer was outside. Yeah, well, I don't doubt that. There's a lot of freelance journalist and paparazzi types that are always staking out places like Jeffrey Epstein's house. Not because they're worried about, you know, nailing them or holding them to account for what he did, but they're looking for that next cool picture. He would have known we were there, we weren't trying to hide. He had been in prison and he wanted to rehabilitate his reputation. Who better to be seen with than the queen's son? He was saying to the world that Prince Andrew is my friend, and for Epstein, a lot of it was the status, right? Oh, this one's my friend, that one's my friend. If these people are hanging around me, how could I possibly be guilty of any of these crimes that they're talking about? And for a long time, he was able to wrap himself in that armor. And it worked out well for him for a long time too, didn't it? Andrew stayed at Epstein's mansion shortly after the pedophile was released from jail for child sex offenses. The iconic picture of the pair walking together in New York Central Park came about as Miss Withridge received a call from the news of the world in December of 2010, so this fool says, Andrew, I mean, I'm going to fly across the pond to go and break up with Jeffrey Epstein. We're going to end our friendship, but I'm such an honorable cat that I got to fly across the pond to do that. I can't do it over the phone or via email or have one of my servants do it. You know what the reality is? He wasn't going over to the break off anything. He was going over here to let Jeffrey know, "Hey, look. I'm not going to be able to talk to you in public anymore. This is our last hurrah." Because you know, we got to keep things on the down low now that you're out in the forefront again. I can't have my name dragged into this. Basically what was going on. But from Epstein's perspective, that's not how this worked, right? Epstein has his grips into you now. He has his claws into you if you're Prince Andrew and you got to play ball with whatever Epstein wants to do. So if Epstein says, let's go take a walk in Central Park, you better believe this Mr. Magoo looking MF or Prince Andrew is on the leash and he's taken a walk with him. The now defunct paper told her Prince Andrew was in town and asked her to track him down. Miss Witheridge said they didn't know where he was staying, but I immediately thought of Galaine Maxwell as she'd been spotted with, as he'd been spotted with her before. I called Jay Donnelly, her photographer, and we followed Galaine around town, but there was no sign of Andrew. He gave up at 11 p.m. and I thought, where else could he be? Then I thought of Epstein as Galaine and Epstein went hand in hand. I went to Epstein's place in the morning and saw British undercover officers talking into their cufflinks. So imagine being one of these abused traffic girls and walking into Epstein's and seeing the SAS or British Secret Service or whoever the hell these guys are, standing out there talking into their cufflinks like James Bond. Now all of a sudden as one of these girls, you're saying to yourself, Holy shit, this is legit. I better play ball and do whatever they say. They already have undercover agents out here. If I don't listen to what Epstein tells me to do, what's going to happen to me or my family? And don't think I didn't play a part in it. And don't think that Epstein didn't use that and manipulate those situations into being well, those are my people out there. There were an amazing amount of young girls going in and out of Epstein's house. I can't say there were 14, but they looked very young. Ms. Witheridge started staking out Epstein's house on December 4th. It was not until around 1 p.m. the next day that she and Ms. Donnelly finally spotted Andrew leaving the mansion. She jumped into the driver's seat of her photographer's SUV and raced after the pair while Mr. Donnelly sat next to her. So she sees the two of them and as a, you know, actual investigative journalist or reporter, hops into action and follows them so she can get the story. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. 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He took the pictures from there, Ms. Witheridge said. The 62-year-old journalist said she was initially mortified that she had not been able to keep up with Andrew and Epstein in the car. So I'm just thinking about the scene of this old lady here, this older lady here and this photographer acting like they're the FBI trying to pursue Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew as they try and hammer down the story. However, she was thrilled when Mr. Donnelie showed her his pictures of the pair when they reunited around 20 minutes later. She said when I saw them, I thought, my God, these pictures are good. Jay was on a high when he showed me the pictures. I didn't want to touch the camera in case I deleted them. You could already see the headline, Prince Andrew and the pedo. That's the perfect deadline, right? Is it not true? Prince Andrew, well, he is a prince, I guess, and Jeffrey Epstein, well, we all know sick bastard man was a pedophile, so that is a fitting headline. Andrew previously said he went to Epstein's home to end their friendship. He told Newsnight, "I went there with the sole purpose of saying to him that because he'd been convicted, it was inappropriate for us to be seen together." You could have done that on the phone, homie. What your email didn't work? Your hot mail wasn't working at the time. What was it? AOL mailed that back then? You got mail. Well, why don't you just send an email? You got a hop on a plane that costs the taxpayers money, by the way, and go get yourself another adventure in? One last taste, huh? I felt I felt doing it over the telephone was the chicken's way of doing it. I had to go and talk to him. He had an opportunity to go for a walk in the park, and that was the conversation, coincidentally. That was photographed. Oh, yeah. So let's go to the park. We'll have our conversation there. Okay, sure. Ms. Witheridge said the image of Andrew and Epstein in Central Park gave Virginia Roberts the courage to go public with her claims against Andrew. Ms. Roberts alleged Andrew abused her when she was just 17 years old. The queen's son reached a $12 million, a 12 million pound out of court settlement with Ms. Roberts earlier this year. Andrew denied all the claims against him and did not admit any liability with the settlement. Well, that might be the case, but think about what happened with Tiffany Haddish just a couple of days ago and think about how Andrew Brettler was in the forefront of that. Think about army hammer. Think about all of the people that Brettler has represented and how many of them have had to pay this kind of settlement, not very many, right? So that leads me to believe. And of course, this is just my speculation, folks. It leads me to believe that they had the goods on Prince Andrew and all boys ticket was punched. Ms. Witheridge believes Ms. Roberts only reached out the freelance journalist Sharon Churchill after she saw the Central Park image. I think she was frightened, Ms. Witheridge said, and there was a lot of people being scared then, especially at the beginning of all of this. These girls didn't know how it was going to turn out, how this was going to be received. Glenn had gone out and got these girls. I think they trusted her like she was an older sister, and then she betrayed them so badly. I think the picture gave Virginia the courage to stand up. Maxwell is now serving a 20-year prison sentence after being found guilty of child sex trafficking. Epstein killed himself, allegedly, while in jail awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges in 2019. Buckingham Palace has been approached for comment, a spokesman for Prince Andrew declined the comment, shocking. They don't have anything to say, right? It's pretty pathetic. You would think that the palace Prince Andrew and people in charge would give a little bit more of a damn about what happened to these girls, but they do not. They never have, and they never will. But the fact is this, Prince Andrew was certainly hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein at a time when it was very, very inappropriate, as if any time hanging out with him would be appropriate. But at least before his first conviction, you can say, not that I believe you, but you can say, I had no idea what he was doing. Guy wasn't convicted at that time. I didn't know what was up. But anyone who was hanging out with him after the first conviction, or Galan Maxwell for that matter, is a sick, disgusting bastard, and they should explain themselves. All right, folks, that's going to do it for this episode. If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at That's You can also find me on Twitter at B-O-B-B-Y_C-A-P-U-C-C-I. The link that I discussed can be found in the description box. 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