Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Ian Maxwell And His Comments About The Prince Andrew Settlement

We hear some more from Ghislaine Maxwell's brother, Ian in this episode. According to him, the only reason that Prince Andrew accepted the terms of the settlement was to "save his mum from more pain." As you can imagine, I have my doubts.

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13 Jul 2024
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Back to the Epstein Chronicles. Today, we have another article from the Daily Mail, and this is more on the Ian Maxwell interview that he gave recently. And in this portion of it, he talks about how Prince Andrew had no choice, but to accept the settlement. Well, yeah, he had no choice to settle because he was cooked. Tomy, that's why he had to settle. These people are trying to still push the idea that the reason Prince Andrew settled was because he's an honorable cat and that it's his mom's jubilee year. So he wanted to make things smooth for stop it, bro. First, it was the picture was fake. What happened to that? All you knuckleheads out there telling us the picture is fake. Well, you've been not right about anything. You, your surrogates, the clowns around you, the whole entire carnival barker situation you have going on is laughable at best. So now it's he had to settle because of the jubilee. Before it was, well, this is a fake picture. There's body doubles and we don't know if this is even a real picture. But now it's because of the jubilee, folks. Remember because Andrew's honorable and he wanted to make sure his mummy had a good time of it. This all according to Glen Maxwell's brother, of course. All right, so let's jump right into this article from author Nick Pisa headline. Glen Maxwell's brother says Prince Andrew had no option but to settle with rape accuser Virginia Roberts as he slams the BBC's depiction of his late father. Yeah, you know, we should have had a program that showed your pop for who he really was, right, a saintly kind of guy, a guy that walked around, helped stray dogs, helped stray kittens, you know, a man of the people, a man of the community. Well, your dad was a fraudster, a criminal, a crook, and he was portrayed exactly as he was. Sex trafficker, Glen Maxwell's brother has said Prince Andrew had no option but to settle with rape accuser Virginia Roberts but would have liked to see him challenge her in court. Oh, I'm sure you would have. That would have been real, real great for all of you having him go to court, huh? That discovery wouldn't have included your sister at all or anything. Sky is such a clown. How can anyone take what this dude says seriously, honestly? Of all of the buffoonery we have seen throughout this case, most of it and the most impressive part of it has come from team Maxwell, holy cow are these people living in a different land than us or what, a whole different universe. Last month, the Duke of York paid out an estimated 12 million pounds and a deal with her after she alleged she was recruited to have sex with him when she was just 17 by Maxwell and her pal pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein. He had consistently denied the claim. Yeah, I mean, look, I know that average folks out there who are accused of stuff like this just to make it all go away. They're going to pay out 17 million pounds. Give me a break. If you were innocent, if you had the receipts to back that up, if you could if you had proof that that picture was fake, especially we wouldn't be we'd have a different conversation right now. Ian Maxwell would be taking a victory lap. He'd be spiking the football, but instead he's trying to spin things. And that's how you can tell that he's on the losing end right now. When the spin cycle is at full, the way it is from team Maxwell and their four surrogates, you know that shit is bad for them. And it's only going to get worse. Wait till these victim impact statements begin. Wait till, you know, you're talking about Virginia yesterday, not being a called as a witness. Wait till she gets up there and tells the jury about your sister, bro. Do you really think that your sister's not going to prison for the rest of her life? If so, if you if you think she's not, I'd really like to have some of that toad venom that you're sucking down. Key to the case was a picture taken in 2001 showing Andrew with his arm around Roberts at the London home of Maxwell 60 as the disgrace socialite human trafficker, who was found guilty last year of grooming girls stood in the background. But in an interview with journalist Jay Beecher, Maxwell's brother Ian said, "I suppose we are never really going to know because it's Prince Andrew and it's all been swept away. However, this is the Jubilee year of his mother. He is a dutiful son. I mean, really. Is anyone buying this?" Honestly, is anyone out there who's listening to this podcast buying this nonsense that these people are talking about? Oh, it's the Jubilee year of his mother, so he's going to do the honorable thing for his mom. The honorable thing would have been a) never hanging out with Epstein in the first place, b) never sexually assaulting a young girl, and c) coming clean when all of this stuff first broke. This really causes her, it's obvious it would any mother, causes her immense pain. He's just exceptionally embarrassed. He doesn't want to do anything to upset the year, and I think that he had to fold his tent, really, and do the best he could by the crown. Oh my god. You see how they're trying to change the narrative? The journalist here, plus Maxwell, they've all been talking about this picture like it was this huge fake picture and it was going to seal the deal that Virginia's this big liar. Meanwhile, they had no receipts to back that up, nothing, just their assertions, and the ramblings of a once, I guess, it girl who has certainly seen better days. That's your main surrogate. That's who you have out here at the forefront and yippin' and hollering and yappin' about how pictures are fake. I mean, she's an esteemed expert, I know, and so is he and Maxwell, esteemed photographic experts. They know all about it. Just listen to them. What a bunch of morons. How many times are these people going to be shown to be stupid, basically, okay? Let's just call it what it is. Stupid. Because they really believe that all the gaslighting, all the propaganda in the world could help them, but it won't. We've all seen what's going on here. We've seen what Prince Andrew's up to, and we know that that picture is what really sealed his fate. Try and gaslight people and tell them it's because he's an honorable son, and he wants to do right by mom. Do I think that he had gone the other way and given evidence? I don't know. I think it would have been very difficult evidence for him to give. We know that he's. We have that example of the performance with Emily Maitland in 2019, so he's not good in that one situation. And then a court where he is fighting for his life, I think it would have been very difficult. So if he was being honest and truthful, it wouldn't have been difficult. What are you even trying to say in Maxwell? Whenever this guy talks, I cringe. He's definitely cringe-worthy, and he reminds me of like one of the knock-off bad guys that you see in a Bond flick or something. However, I also think that it would have been just as difficult for Roberts as it would have been for him. He said produced the original of the infamous photograph in London where allegedly the events that she says happened, and she couldn't produce it. She's never been able to produce that particular photo. That's a straight-up lie. And you notice how this journalist doesn't call him out on it, right? Must be nice to carry water for people. Fucking journalists. What are you even talking about, okay? The photograph was seen by the FBI, was seen by the Kiwi photographer. The only people who haven't provided any evidence of the photo being fake are you. So what are you even talking about, okay? And furthermore, I suspect, I cannot prove this, but I suspect that that picture was available, and that was the impetus of why the clown Prince of England decided to settle. Do you think that Virginia Roberts was just like, "Ah, you know what? We'll play all of our cards out on the table. We'll tell them everything we have, we don't have." My guess is, they pulled the okey-doke on these guys, and they had that picture the whole time. That's my guess. At one level, I suppose, it suited both parties that ultimately it went the way it went, but I think that he may well have wished to take his chance, and he may well have gone home, gone home on it, but he had to fold his tent, and that was that. You know, sometimes I don't understand the way these upper-crust English folk talk. At one level, I suppose, it suited both parties. Let's shut up. God, these people make me agitated, and these are the people that are making the decisions for our lives. All of these Bond-as villains, people like Ian Maxwell, people like his pop. I'm sure gonna sleep great tonight, knowing that. Ian added, "I think he is a very high-profile target, but we are just not going to know. I think it's interesting that he ended up paying what seemed a very large amount of money to her nonprofit organization, and that's unusual. Maybe she didn't want too much money coming to her personally, and maybe it makes her attackable." She got a fat pay day, homie. A couple million is going to the charity. Are you not even paying attention to what's going on here? My guess is, these fucking people have no idea what they're talking about. All of them. All you have to do is listen to them talk. And these journalists, boy, oh boy, what an absolute shit show journalism has become, who supports these people? Honestly, like, are people really out here paying money to get access to this nonsense? Because, man, it is straight. Garbage. You're better off reading the enquirer. In his interview, Ian also attacked TV producers for constantly panning his father, media tycoon Robert Maxwell, as a bad man, and therefore, his daughter must be bad, as he took aim at the recent BBC three-part series, House of Maxwell. Oh yeah, your dad was a great guy, bro. Nobody should ever attack him. And your sister, it's not the sins of the father, it just happens to be that she's following an old daddy boy's footsteps. Your scumbag dad, your scumbag sister. Pretty sure you guys were in the cross areas at 1.2, right? What happened to all that money, Ian Maxwell? The documentary highlighted the disgraced newspaper tycoon's links to the KGB and MI6, and when he died after falling from his yacht, the Lady Galain off the Canary Islands in 1991. Following his mysterious death, his empire began to collapse, as it emerged more than 460 million pounds, had vanished from the Mirror Pension Fund, which he had taken to prop up his failing businesses. Ian said, "The executive director of that House of Maxwell is a man called Colin Barr, and he has formed as far as my father is concerned. He put out a film, a drama starring David Suchit, I think 12-13 years ago, so it's not the first time he has visited this subject. Personally, I thought the earlier effort in 2007 wasn't some parts laughable, so badly wrong, it was factually end the way they set out to depict things. Again, the way he talks bothers me. I hate reading the way this guy talks. And as far as it didn't depict things correctly, according to who you look, your dad was a scammer, your sister's a human trafficker, you're probably up to something as well. Can't prove that, but I wouldn't be shocked." It looks to me like there has been more effort gone into it, but as far as my father is concerned, there has been a thread in the whole business, this whole case where they wanted to come up with a rather simplistic view, that because my father was considered a bad man, that the rotten apple never falls far from the tree. No, that's another way for him to try and make it so Maxwell doesn't accept personal responsibility, just like the story about how Robert Maxwell beat Galaine Maxwell. Breaking news, a lot of people have been beaten, and they didn't grow up to molest kids. So, next? "We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand, and we're working to do it responsibly. Our next-gen tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90 percent compared to our older designs, working to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable, and ever cleaner. 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Ian also dismissed constant suggestions that Galaine was his father's favorite and said they infer that because he called the boat the Lady Galaine then she must have been his favorite. I was there, the boat was christened, it was in a shipyard in Holland somewhere, Amsterdam and it was delightful. My father said to my sister, before you get any ideas, I wanted to call this boat the Lady Elizabeth for your mother but that name was already taken and you can't have two boats with the same name. So that's the truth about that particular nonsense. Oh well that settles it because Ian Maxwell told us, bro get stuffed, go have yourself a helping of fish and chips and shut up. This is just to set up shorthand to say he was bad, she was bad and somehow the brothers got off in the middle of it otherwise we would have all been bad. It's lazy, it's inaccurate and as far as the other so-called revelations of the house of Maxwell, my father allegedly met Epstein before he died and that's how the connection with Galaine is established and there's some idea that somehow the pension fund was siphoned off and Epstein laundered them. It's just ludicrous, absolutely ludicrous. So where did the money go? Why don't you tell us where the money was laundered then, okay? Tell us where all the money went, you know you obviously have the inside info, where did it all go Ian Maxwell? All that money your father stole from his employees. It makes for very good television, I'm sure and no doubt the BBC will sell it very successful but you will notice that not one member of my family took part in this film and in fact there were very, there were every few people I regard as having some input who could have said something interesting. I don't think the BBC has covered themselves in glory, not like glory that the Maxwell family has covered themselves in of course. I mean you guys have taken over the whole entire area when it comes to glory. The glory is dad, the glory is sister, you know people dying around you killing themselves, what a fantastic family. Certainly the kind of family that you want to marry into, eh? Folks, what a joke, okay? This whole interview has been for this guy. Everything he says is laughable. The whole entire narrative that they're trying to pitch is ridiculous and the fact now that they're coming out and they're saying that oh it's because Prince Andrew's an honorable dude. He doesn't want to ruin his mom's jubilee, that's why he settled, tells you everything you need to know about these people. Every last thing you need to know about these people. They've been pitching you bullshit from Jump Street and they'll continue to try and do it. But unfortunately for them, eh there's people like me around that might have a thing or two to say about their bullshit narratives. Alright folks that's going to do it. If you'd like to contact me you can do that at That's B-O-B-B-Y-C-A-P-U-C-C-I at You can also find me on Twitter at B-O-B-B-Y_C-A-P-U-C-C-I. The link that we discussed can be found in the description box. Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered Chumba It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa, take it easy Judy. The Chumba life is for everybody so go to Chumba and play over a hundred casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. Looking for a financial institution that has fewer fees, better rates and gives back to the local community? 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