Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Prince Andrew As A Person of Interest

For years now we have heard that Prince Andrew is just a witness in the Epstein case. Well, now...the language has changed a bit and according to a source...he is a person of interest.

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13 Jul 2024
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So, as we have suspected the whole time here on the Jeffrey Epstein show, as I've said, since the very beginning basically, Prince Andrew is a person of interest in the eyes of U.S. authorities. Now they'll say, "Oh, he's just a witness." That's the excuse they'll use, right? You're just a witness until you're not just a witness. And when the FBI gets their hooks into you, they get you into that interrogation room and they have the information that they already have on you. "Yeah, you're no longer just a witness, my friend." At the very least, you're looking at serious, serious jeopardy of perjury at the very least. Never mind all that comes after that. And remember, the FBI, obviously, and the prosecutors believe Virginia enough that they slapped Maxwell with perjury charges already. So you see the scope of the danger that Andrew finds himself in here, folks, and there's a reason why he does not want to speak to the authorities. The biggest problem for him, besides him being an absolute scumbag, obviously, is that he can't keep his fatty ab shut. He had to do the interview with Emily Maitless, right? How'd that come off? And now he has everybody freaking the palace, people around him, that if he was that bad in that interview with Emily Maitless, how bad would he do with the investigators who are digging deep into this case? So that's why he's not spoken to authorities. That's why he hasn't sat down to give them an interview like they want. He wants to answer questions, written questions, right? Oh, well, did you do this? And then they answer it in a written format. You know, the same way Trump did. That's what he wanted to do, too. Nobody wants to sit down in front of these interrogators. Now, as you could probably imagine, I'm not the biggest fan of the FBI, but that doesn't mean that the actual operators on the ground, the men and women on the front lines don't know what they're doing, they do. And a lot of them, I'd say a vast majority of them on the front line are good at what they do, right? And they're good people. That's just why, you know, go to work every day and they think they're doing the right thing. It's the bosses I have a problem with. The leadership structure of the FBI. But when it comes to a situation like this, there was no doubt in my mind that Prince Andrew has always been a person of interest. And not for nothing, but once again, we're way ahead of the curve here, folks, on the Jeffrey Epstein show. If you've been listening to this podcast, you already knew this. Now, it's nice when we get the confirmation, right? When we get a rubber stamp put on the things that we've put together for ourselves, that's always nice validation that you're on the right track. But I knew that this was more than, oh, he's a witness. There's no doubt that there's more to it. There's no doubt that there's more going on behind the scenes. And there's no doubt that his people know he is in severe jeopardy here, folks. And I don't just mean of the civil variety, right? We've talked about this. Now, the civil lawsuit that Virginia hit him with, that's all civil, a civil matter. But it's the fallout from that. What comes after that? What comes at the same time as that? You know, that's what he has to worry about. And we've seen in this case, especially that these civil cases a lot of times turn in to criminal cases. So he's certainly not out of the woods. And this information coming out now, today, via Reuters, by the way, not, you know, the sun or the, none of that. Right from everybody who is a legacy media junkies favorite place, Reuters. All right? So it's nice for them to finally catch up. It's nice for the legacy media to finally catch up with us. But that's good, right? The quicker they catch up, the better. The more people who know about the story, the better. And the fact is Prince Andrew has always been a person of interest in this story. And his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, not with standing, we're talking about just simply from the allegations made against him. Those are serious allegations made. And again, we're not talking about gray area allegations, right? A 19 year old with a 16 year old. Nope. Not talking about that. Sorry. Oh, well, he said she said not not talking about that either. Sorry, please keep it moving. We're talking about a decades long case with decades, decades of time to go through this evidence and pour through it, put things together, reconstruct things and then have all of this court document stuff come out and basically just solidify all of the hard work from people who have dug deep into this case. And that's what you're getting here, right? Anybody who's following the case who knows what they're doing anyway, who knows what they're reading and consuming, they knew that this was a lot more than just a witness. And I've had this discussion with people before. Now, again, that doesn't mean that the federal government's going to have the spine to go all the way here, folks. That's not what I'm saying. But the fact is, he was always a bigger target in this investigation. He was always one of the trophy fish I always talk about. Any prosecutor worth their weight in salt is going to be able to build a career on the back of a case like this. And don't think for a minute, these people who are working this case from the prosecutor's office don't have aspirations to move up in the world in their field. Talk about a feather in your cap. Imagine being the one to take down the remnants of Epstein's empire, including Prince Andrew, if you could get that trophy? You go down as a legend in New York down in the SDNY. You go down with the people who took down the mafia, right? That's the kind of shit that this is here. That's the kind of feather in the cap. This is the thing that builds careers, right? You want to be mayor. You want to be governor. Whatever it is, this is how you do it for the prosecutors. That's why I just don't understand why it's not Rico yet. Well, I mean, obviously I understand the all of the underlying factors, let us say, that are keeping it from a Rico case. But I'm talking about from a prosecutor's point of view. You look at the R. Kelly case, Rico, Rainery, Rico. And I'm guessing those prosecutors in those cases have some designs on some future public offices, perhaps maybe a judge or whatever it may be. And they'll be able to point back to this and say, "Hey, look how hard I was on these human traffickers. Look how hard I was on R. Kelly." And I would expect more of that from these prosecutors in the SDNY, especially considering the SDNY is considered the cream of the crop, the best unit in the country involved with the most important division in the country. Oh, they got Wall Street, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The top, not so much walk though, huh? So all of these people, Prince Andrew, Sarah Kellen Vickers, the rest of the core four, Indike and Khan, whenever you hear, "Oh, these are just their witnesses, Nat. They're all people of interest, folks." And some of them might even be indicted already behind the scenes. Who the hell knows what's going on with the grand juries? I said this before the superseded indictment came down and I'll say it until the day the trial begins. There's always a chance that this indictment is superseded. There's always a chance that the federal government decides to go a step further. And usually, stuff like this, the information we're going to talk about tonight, Prince Andrew being a person of interest and not just a witness, that's the kind of stuff that's usually a shot across the bow before something bigger is coming. Now, obviously, like I always tell you, folks, I do not have inside information here. I'm not even a journalist. I'm just a guy that looks at the situation, puts all these pieces together and dives in. But usually, when we see something like this in this case, especially, there's always something that follows it. So, I'm waiting to see what the other shoe is when it drops. But until then, let's jump into this article from Reuters and the author is Mark Hasenball. Headline is Prince Andrew, a person of interest in Epstein-Probe, according to a source. Yeah, I guess we all have the same sources now, huh? Because all you have to do is take a look at the evidence where it was and then compare statements made by the authorities and look at other cases with those same kind of statements made or not made and put the pieces together for yourself. And for me, there was no other destination to arrive at. Prince Andrew was not just a witness. If he was just a witness, they would have talked to him over the phone. They would have let him turn in some, a questionnaire or whatever sort of nonsense him and his team were looking to turn in. Instead, they want to sit him down in person and dig at him. That's what they're looking to do. U.S. prosecutors probing the activities of British socialite Galan Maxwell, uh, socialite, co-conspirator, general all around Skazbag, fellow child abuser, and bipedal servant, Galan Maxwell, and others, linked to U.S. financier and pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, consider Prince Andrew a person of interest in the investigation, a source familiar with the U.S. inquiry said. Well, uh, yeah, that's exactly it. That's what he is. That's what he was. That's what he's going to be, right? Until he speaks to the authorities and sits down with them, then this is going to linger over his head forever. There's no wiggling off of the hook this time. As we've discussed recently, there's no good way out for the prince at this point. He needs to meet this head on and answer these allegations. Investigators want to interview Andrew Queen Elizabeth's second son about his friendship with Epstein as part of their inquiry in the possible co-conspirators the source said. As a person of interest, he is viewed at least as a potential witness. Yeah, no. Okay. Why would this come out now? Why would this source bring this out now? Why would they talk about this now? All of a sudden, he's a person of interest. When before it was just, oh, he's just a witness, we just want to talk to him. But now he's a person of interest, huh? Okay. It's because he's always been a person of interest. And the federal, uh, the federal government was playing it a little close to the vest, right? They didn't want to come out and say that. They didn't want us to spook him and to, you know, run him underground the way he is now. But I'm guessing, and again, this is a guess. I don't have a source at the SDNY. That's for sure that this is on a part, a play on the part of the prosecutors to try and shake his tree a bit more. You know, this is pretty explosive stuff. When you talk about a person of interest as opposed to just a witness, how many times do you hear about a crime and then they'll say so and so is a person of interest in this crime? Not, oh, this person, this person has witnessed this crime, right? So words matter. And believe me when I tell you, his legal team is not loving hearing this news right now. They don't want him to be a person of interest. I guarantee it. But, unfortunately for him, unfortunately for the royal family, and unfortunately for his legal team, that's exactly what he is. Prosecutors in 2020 said Andrew had sought to falsely portray himself to the public as eager and willing to cooperate, but had given no interview to federal authorities and had repeatedly declined requests to talk with investigators. And even when they came out and said that, it was way out of character. The federal government usually never talks about ongoing cases. We know that's one of their favorite shticks, right? Ah, yeah, we can't tell you about their taglioni because we got an ongoing investigation over here. That's how they might as well talk to you because they're bigger crooks than the mafia most of the time anyway, so, you know. But now, all of a sudden, they got themselves a bit of a pickle over here with Andrew not to get him in to talk to him, so they're like, you know what, let's go public. Let's put this dude on blast in public, and it's a very, uh, a very abnormal move for the federal government to make, and it shows you how interested they are in speaking with Andrew. While Andrew remains a person of interest to prosecutors in the office of the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, they do not expect to be able to interview him in the foreseeable future, if ever, according to the source. Well, yeah, look, it's hard to compel this guy to speak to them unless he is found, uh, in some sort of criminal, criminal bind, right? And that's why it would be nice if the Met would get off their ass, if Scotland Yard would get busy and really do an investigation here, that would be pretty nice. I mean, you know, a little bit of help, maybe. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand, and we're working to do it responsibly. Our next-gen, tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90% compared to our older designs, working to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable, and ever cleaner. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy in progress. Visit An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. But be that as it may, the long arm of Uncle Sam has a lot of reach. And Prince Andrew is really, really up against it here, folks, and there's no doubt. Now, again, he might have an ally in his mom, too, right? We've talked about this, but he doesn't have an ally in his brother. God forbid, what if something happens to his mom in the future coming up? What then? Now he has to rely on the charity and the lovingness of his brother? Yeah, that's going to work out well. I wouldn't be surprised if his brother let them come in and speak with him or whatever. Again, I'm not a royal historian, I don't know how all of that stuff works. But if he's the king, can he compel his subject to speak to the authorities? Isn't that part of being the king? He doesn't seem to want to talk to us, said the source. Representatives of the prince declined to comment. Yeah, that's pretty much par for the course. He doesn't want to talk to them, and he declines to comment. Not what I want him to do, but it's probably in his best interest to clam up at this point. Probably in his best interest not to talk about anything at this point. Because he's already in severe jeopardy. And the more he talks, the more he puts out there, the more trouble he's going to find himself in. Because it's rather obvious to me, and I'm guessing pretty much the majority of you out there, that he's not dealing from a place of truth anyway. So when you're dealing from a place of deceit, it's always a harder story to pitch. Earlier this month, Virginia Roberts, who has said she was abused by Epstein, filed a civil complaint against Andrew in Manhattan federal court. Roberts alleges Andrew forced her to have unwanted sexual intercourse at Maxwell's London home. Andrew has denied the allegation. Now, we know that that London home has just been sold, right? We know that it was sold for 1.75 million pounds, which is a boatload of dough. And we also know that Glenn Maxwell's lawyers are doing the happy dance now, because they're going to be getting some paychecks still. Epstein died by suicide in 2019, while awaiting trial on charges of trafficking minors, allegedly. Glenn Maxwell has pleaded not guilty to charges that she procured teenage girls for Epstein to sexually abuse between 1994 and 2004. She is expected to go on trial in November. Prosecutors last year sent the British government a formal request, known as a mutual legal assistance treaty, submission, asking for access to the prince so they could talk to him. And you would think that that would be a real telling move on the part of the authorities. And when that happened, I talked about it then. There was no way he was just a witness. They're not going to go through those extraordinary steps if he's just a witness. If you're just a witness, they're willing to offer some guarantees, perhaps, even for you to sit down and talk to them. Guarantees of non-prosecution, perhaps, you know. It's well within the federal government's purview to do whatever the fuck they want. They could offer whatever they want. Sammy the Bullgrovano's out there making YouTube videos and getting hundreds of thousands of hits after murder in 19 people. So yeah, the federal government will do whatever they want. The MLAT is a procedure used in criminal investigations to gather material from foreign countries which cannot readily be obtained on a cooperative basis. Robert's lawyer had no immediate comment. So again, we're going to see what's up here. And we always talk about it where there's smoke, there's usually fire. And this is no different, in my opinion. I think that what we're going to see here is a lot more on this front. The authorities never looked at him as a witness, okay? And I've been adamant about that. It's always been a person of interest. Looking at him as a witness just didn't line up with what the reality was of the situation on the ground. When you look at all of the information that we had available to us, none of it looked at the reality of the ground didn't resemble anything that we were seeing. So there's no doubt in my mind that the federal government think of him more as a witness. And calling him a person of interest here and the source leaking it out, notice the source. Obviously that source is from the prosecutor's office. Obviously the prosecutors are looking to shake some more trees, kick on some more doors. Looks like they're trying to ruffle some feathers here, in my opinion. Certainly looks like they're trying to motivate, shall we say, Andrew and his team into some sort of action. Because as of now, they've taken to ground, right? They're hiding out now like Phil Leotardo was at the end of the Sopranos before he got clipped. They're in the wind, as we would say. So I guess we'll see if Prince Andrew has anything to say to defend himself moving forward or if his team has any sort of statement to make. But this new development is damning. And this is explosive language, folks. Calling somebody a person of interest is a lot different than calling them a witness. So as we move forward, it's going to really, really be interesting to see how Andrew responds to these allegations. And now to the obvious full court press that's being put on him by prosecutors. One thing's for sure. I'm guessing that condition that he was suffering from, you know, the non-sweat condition. Pretty sure that's probably right at itself by now. And I'm guessing he's going to have to invest in some deodorant. If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at That's You can also find me on Twitter at b-o-b-b-y_c-a-p-u-c-i. All of the links that go with this episode can be found in the description box. Alright everybody, I'll be back later on, and we'll pick up where we left off. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. At Planet Fitness, you can get everything you need for just $1 down. Try that Planet Fitness and dang, they got lots of equipment. Not me getting a Planet Fitness membership just for the 24-hour perk. Hey, y'all better get on these free fitness training sessions from Planet Fitness. Did y'all know that the P.F. app has workouts you can do at home? 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