Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: A Sin City Vape Shop Owner Fights Off Two Would Be Robbers

Working at or owning a convience store is always a dangerous job. With all of the traffic in and out of stores like that and how they are usually targeted by petty robbers, it's always a good idea to be aware of your surroundings. For one Vape shop owner in Las Vegas, it was a good thing he alert after two would be robbers entered his store and attempted to steal from him. One of the robbers jumped over the counter and the owner stabbed him in self defense.

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12 Jul 2024
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An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or a married couple who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting, consulting and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance. Uncover opportunity and move upward at What's up, everyone? And welcome back to the program. Recently, we were talking about the gentleman who worked in the Bodega in New York, who had to defend himself when a maniac came in there looking for a fight. Well, here in Las Vegas, we don't have bodegas, but what we do have are a lot of smoke shops. And you see altercations break out at these places all the time. In fact, there's a smoke shop directly across the street from my house in this shopping center, and someone went over there, I don't know, maybe a year ago or so, and tried to rob this gentleman and ended up getting shot and killed, meaning the robber ended up getting shot and killed. And this gentleman was in charge or anything like that. It was found to be self-defense. Look, if you go into somebody's place of business and you start some shit and you find yourself on the receiving end of a bullet or a knife, I mean, whose fault is it really? What are you doing going into somebody's place of business and causing shit, especially in one of these little small businesses? That's literally, that's all these people have. Their whole life is wrapped up in that business. And if you think you're gonna jump over the counter or you're gonna come in there and steal shit, and these people aren't gonna do anything about it, you have another thing coming. This isn't Walmart, this isn't Kmart, and people like this, mom and pop shop people, they're gonna take that shit seriously and they're gonna defend what's theirs. And in this instance, the person who jumped over the counter and the story we're about to talk about, well, he played a game of F around and then find out and he sure did find out. Today's article is from the New York Post headline, Las Vegas vape store owner defends himself by using a knife to stab a would-be robber. And when you look at the picture here, there's also video, so make sure, like usual, you click on the link. But when you look at the picture here, there's two dudes in this guy's store, both wearing ski masks because, you know, that's okay to do these days. And one of them, super tall dude, pretty big guy, the other one shorter, and the dude behind the counter, regular old looking guy. Just a regular old looking dude. This article was authored by Marjorie Hernandez. A Las Vegas vape store owner repeatedly stabbed a crook who frightened him by jumping over his counter during a botched robbery, according to video and the worker's account of the incident. So the video is pretty graphic, just give you a heads up on that, but oh boy hops over the counter, what's this kid supposed to do? I know that if it was me and you hopped over the counter and I own this store, you're getting that business, you're getting the smoke. Now if I was just an employee and I didn't own the place, you could have whatever you want, I'm not dying for somebody else's shit. But if I have sunk my whole entire life into something and you're trying to take it from me, you better believe you're going to be met with serious force. Video footage showed the brazen broad daylight heist on Wednesday, in which Johnny Wyn, owner of Smoke Storm, Smoke Shop, stabbed the unidentified assailant at least seven times before the robbery yelled "I'm dead" and fell to the ground. Hey look, you know I'm never happy when somebody dies, even an ignoramus like this. But in life, when you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. And you're lucky you just got stabbed, because here in Las Vegas chances are you hop over someone's counter or try and rob them, someone's going to have a gun and there's going to be a gun fight between you and the owner of the store. Literally everybody in Vegas is armed. So I don't even understand why people think it's a good idea to try and rob folks. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officials told the Post that cops responded Wednesday afternoon to a robbery incident at the vape business but would not release further details. "I was scared for my life," Wyn said. As he told the Post on Friday, "When they came in, one of them had a bag in front of them like he had a firearm or something. I didn't have much time to think. I grabbed my knife right next to the register. And you can't blame somebody who is a clerk at one of these stores, be it a vape shop or a 7/11. You're dealing with a lot of transient folk. And while you can't have a gun at a place like 7/11, a vape shop like this, especially if you or your family own it, then all bets are off. You can defend yourself in a different kind of manner because you don't have all of those corporate guidelines hanging over you. I was at 7/11 one time. I might as well just add this story while we're talking about it. And it was when my girlfriend and I had first started dating. Well, I'm not first, but a couple of years. And she is from a place called Boulder City. That's where she grew up. And it's on the outskirts of Las Vegas. It's where, you know, the people who were building Hoover Dam, it's where they lived. So it's like a relatively ritzy suburb. You got to have a couple of bucks to live there, right? Well, me, I grew up in a completely opposite part of town. First, I lived off of Sixth Street in Sahara, literally a rock's throw from Wet n Wild and the Strip. And then I moved down even further to the further east off of Pecos and Desert Inn. So we grew up in two different environments, two different, you know, kinds of life, if you will. Anyway, we were at a 7/11 over by my house where I used to live. And we were, I forget what we were even buying. But an altercation starts to break out when some guy walks into the store, right? This dude walks into the store, obviously lit up on methamphetamine. And he comes in and I'm standing in line. And he walks by and he's talking all kinds of yip, yap to people talking all kinds of shit to people. And he comes up to me and he starts, you know, yipping and hollering at me. And I look at him and I just deadpan, folks, look at him, straight face and say, bro, you do not want this smoke. So he keeps walking around talking shit to people. And finally, the clerk has had enough. And it's an Asian fellow, right? So this dude, his family owns this 7/11. They've owned it for years. Very nice people always give out free waters to the homeless, all this, right? So anyway, this guy thinks it's a good idea to start in on this clerk. And he starts in with a racial nonsense talking trash to this clerk. He calls him Jackie Chan. And this clerk goes absolutely ballistic, folks. They go outside. And the clerk goes to his car, gets his gun, right? After all of this ruckus is going on. And the bum guy, the drug addict, dude, he takes off and hits the bricks doing about 500 miles per hour running away from this dude. And as this is all going on, it's just so commonplace for me to see this kind of shit growing up where I grew up, I was about to drive off, right? And my girlfriend's like, wait, what are you doing? I want to see what happens. Because you know, it's two different ways of life. For her, this was something you only see on TV. For me, this was an average trip to 7/11 while I was growing up. But this kind of shit's prevalent here in Las Vegas, a lot of altercations at these kinds of places, smoke shops, 7/11s. And I'm sure it's like that in other cities as well. In New York, obviously, Bodegas, it jumps off at Bodegas in New York. But these smoke shops, they're really at threat of being robbed. You know, they're for the most part, one person's working usually. And it's a dangerous gig. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Win 22 said it was around 3.25 p.m. on Wednesday when two men wearing black ski masks entered a shop, while another stood by the door. Video footage showed Win asking the two suspects why they were wearing the ski masks. When Win asked them to leave, one of the suspects grabbed the tip jar. Now, people are going to get away with wearing this kind of stuff because of the masks, because of COVID. I've said it a million times. If I owned this store and you're coming in and you're trying to use a credit card or bro, I'm not down with you wearing no ski mask. If I owned one of these little convenience stores, you could wear a surgical mask. You better not come in in a ski mask. And in the old days in these casinos before COVID, you couldn't even wear a hood over your face, bro. Now you got me out here wearing a mask and shit. Not anymore, really, but people are going to take advantage of it. And now when I see people wearing these masks looking like they're degenerates, I automatically think they're up to no good. It's the perfect cover for a criminal, right? Oh, I'm wearing this mask. Why are you wearing that mask? Well, I don't want to get COVID. I don't want to get the monkey pox. So gives them the perfect reason to keep their face covered up. Then they go into these little stores and do this sort of shit. When wind asked them to leave, one of the suspects grabbed the tip jar. I asked them first nicely to leave, but the guy took my tip jar, which was fine. When they came back and tried to take some more, that's when it escalated. So this dude, Mr. Wind, let them get away with it the first time they took the tip jar and he didn't do anything about it. They came back. So whose fault is that? Sounds to me like they were asking for it, and they got it. One less person on the street that's going to rob my mom or my girlfriend. Surveillance footage showed one of the suspects jumped over the counter and tried to grab some products off the shelf. Fearing for his life, Wind said he grabbed his knife with a three inch blade and stabbed the assailant seven times. Please stop. Please stop. I'm dead. I'm dead. The would be robber said as he collapsed to the ground. And look, I want to have empathy for you. You made a bad decision here. And you're paying the ultimate consequence. But at the same time, regular average everyday citizens who are putting it on the line to go to work every day, pay their taxes, feed their family. My empathy is with them. You were the one who chose to come in here and ruin your own life. This dude was just delivering to you what you wanted and you showing up at this place, looking for problems, stealing the tip jar and then coming back thinking you had a easy target. Well, you learned differently, didn't you? And now, one of these dudes might end up dead. And the other ones, well, your whole life is ruined now. Over what a tip jar and some blunt wraps dumb fucks. I remember him saying, please don't let me die. Wind said he said he was sorry. By that point, he took off his mask himself. I was trying to get on the phone with the police when he was trying to talk to me. I just wanted, I just ran and wanted to make sure the police and ambulance would get here on time. Wind said police told him the robber was 17 years old. His condition was not clear. Hey, look, this is a kid, right? I know he made a stupid mistake breaking into this place. And I'm sure he's learned his lesson. So I hope he doesn't die, right? I really hope he doesn't die 17 years old. I'm not in the business of wishing death on people usually. But this kid definitely learned the lesson. And my question, like usual is, where are his parents? You got a 17 year old kid out here who thinks it's a good idea to rob a smoke shop. Where are your parents at, homie? The brazen attempt at robbery at wins Las Vegas shop happened a day after another business owner in California made national news. After he shot a robber who entered his liquor store, armed with an AR 15's tile rifle. Yeah, that that would be some cause for concern, huh? So enrolls into the store with an AR 15 video footage also caught Craig Coe, owner of the Norco market and liquor in Norco, California, firing at the arm robber who ran out of the store screaming and escaping in a vehicle with other suspects. Wind, who turns 23 on Saturday, said he is thankful that he survived the ordeal. He said the incident left him shook and he plans to look into arming himself with other weapons for protection. Look here in Nevada, it's a good choice. We're very transient here, man. And right off the I 15, a lot of people are on the move on the, you know, on the dip. And you run into some real crazy characters in this city. So if I own one of these places, you better believe I'd have a big ass gun and I'd have a sign that said so. Small business owners like us, this is our livelihood. When when told the post, not only are they threatening our lives, but our livelihood. So we have to stay vigilant. It's really that's really what it comes down to. You can't rely on the cops. The cops will come after the fact, right? But who's going to defend you in the meantime? And it's unfortunate that we live in a society where that's the case. But when M efforts are being killed over some cold fries and people are trying to jump over the barrier, the counter to steal some shit at the smoke shop, what are people supposed to do? So just again, it goes back to our society and how we really don't have a premium on life anymore. And for me, it's just at a point where it's pretty disgusting to see every single day, the same shit play out over and over and over in the news. And again, I have to ask myself, where in the hell are these people's parents? If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at Bobby Kapucci at That's B-O-B-B-Y-C-A-P-U-C-C-I at You can also find me on Twitter at B-O-B-B-Y underscore C-A-P-U-C-C-I. A link that I discussed can be found in the description box. All right, everybody, I'll be back later on with a little bit more. Hope that all of you are having a good one. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.