Beyond The Horizon

Five Years After Jeffrey Epstein's Death And Survivors Are Still Seeking Justice (7/11/24)

Five years after Jeffrey Epstein's death, survivors of his sexual abuse are still seeking justice through various avenues. Despite the establishment of a victims' compensation fund, which began accepting claims in 2021 and offers a confidential forum for monetary compensation, many survivors feel that true justice has yet to be achieved.

Several survivors, represented by law firms such as Merson Law, are demanding accountability from institutions that failed to act on numerous allegations and tips about Epstein's activities. This includes the FBI, which is currently facing lawsuits for negligence in handling Epstein's case. Critics argue that the FBI has shown a lack of urgency in addressing the survivors' claims, in stark contrast to its actions in other high-profile sexual abuse cases, such as those involving Larry Nassar​.

Moreover, Epstein's influence and manipulation of the justice system allowed him to evade significant punishment during his lifetime, further complicating the survivors' quest for justice. Epstein's 2008 plea deal, which resulted in a minimal sentence, and the subsequent lack of notification to his victims about the deal, highlight systemic failures that survivors are now trying to address through legislative reforms like the Courtney Wild Crime Victims' Rights Reform Act.

The struggle for justice continues as survivors push for greater recognition of their suffering, legal accountability for those who enabled Epstein's crimes, and systemic changes to prevent such failures in the future.

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5 years after Jeffrey Epstein's arrest, push for accountability continues - ABC News (

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11 Jul 2024
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an official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services What's up everyone and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. In the wake of the grand jury documents being made available, there has been renewed hope that perhaps some justice is going to be coming as well. Unfortunately, I have my doubts. Considering how long justice has been avoided here, considering how long justice has been willfully ignored, I highly doubt that the grand jury documents are going to change anything. Let's be real okay, everybody knew that those grand jury documents were going to be gross. Everybody knew what they were up to. Those grand jury documents, for those of us who have been following along, they're just receipts, right? So it just proves everything that we've been talking about. And to me anyway, there was no doubt that what happened in that grand jury room was straight garbage. But the sad truth is nobody's going to be held accountable. What Barry Krissher's going to lose his pension. Bella Hovelick's going to lose hers. None of that's going to happen. Just like with the OIG reports and the rest of it, they're doing this just to placate you. That's it. There's no justice coming. There's nobody else going to jail or prison. I mean, hell, they can't even hold their faves accountable. Nevermind, send their faves to prison. So instead of justice, the hustle just continues. Today we have an article from ABC News and the headline. Five years after Jeffrey Epstein's arrest, a push for accountability continues. This article was authored by James Hill. In the five years since sex offender Jeffrey Epstein first walked into a 23rd floor courtroom in Manhattan, shackled and dressed in navy blue prison garb, his victims have hastened the public downfalls of a British prince and other prominent men, provided key testimony that led to the imprisonment of two alleged accomplices and reached out of court settlements totaling more than half a billion dollars. And still, all of his buddies run in free. Nobody being held to account. In fact, you have people like Stacey Plaskett out here talking all kinds of nonsense about the survivors and the lawsuit. And nobody has anything to say about her because from my seat over here in the peanut gallery, it sure seems like Stacey Plaskett has some questions that need answering. Yet many of the survivors of Epstein's decade-long sex trafficking scheme are pressing on. They continue to push forward in quest for justice, transparency and accountability from institutions and individuals who allegedly aided, enabled and turned the blind eye to the late financier pedophiles criminal behavior. And they should. But the truth is, they're going to continue to run into roadblocks. And that's because not enough people care about what really happened. And unless it serves you politically, well, you have nothing to say about it if you're in the legacy media, right? They've had all this information as long as we have. But yet they chose to gaslight you and act like all this stuff wasn't real. Act like it's a big conspiracy theory. Meanwhile, literally thousands of women and girls have been abused by these pieces of garbage and the only person sitting in a jail cell is Glenn Maxwell. How is it that Sarah Kellen Vickers isn't in a jail cell? Now look, you can't go after her down in Florida, right? Protected by that NPA. But what about elsewhere? You mean to tell me that Sarah Kellen Vickers wasn't into it up to her eyeballs elsewhere? That's a bunch of BS. We know that she was getting down in New Mexico, too. But the problem with New Mexico, as we all know, is there was no state investigation. They punted it to the feds so that the feds would have control. Oh, I wonder why. Is it all making sense yet? Does it click yet? Folks, you've been had once again. And it's wild to me that as many times as the legacy media has straight-up lied to you, people still take what they have to say as if it's gospel. Now look, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying everything that the legacy media talks about is a bunch of BS. But what I am saying is, after all these years of being duped, shouldn't you trust but verify? Shouldn't you, like, look deeper into subjects before just taking it, for what the author says it is? Considering all the bullshit we've seen, considering all these liars in the legacy media, because the truth is, they all knew about this for a very long time, and they chose not to say anything. In the first half of 2024 alone, lawsuits on behalf of Epstein's victims have been filed against the Federal Bureau of Investigation, current and former government officials, in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Epstein's former lawyer, his longtime accountant, and a renowned psychiatrist used of involvement in the sex trafficking operation. "I think that their story is not over," said Cigrid McCauley, a lawyer who has spent over a decade advocating for Epstein's victims. There were so many people involved, and it's remarkable that there was so much facilitation of this trafficking operation by many individuals. What's really crazy is that nobody else has faced any kind of justice. And it's not like we're shooting from the hip here. There's literally mountains of evidence. We've had how many judges now say that Sarah Kellen Vickers was criminally responsible and part of this, but no prosecution, huh? Let me be very, very clear, okay? If it was you, you'd be prosecuted. You'd be underneath a prison by now. So why isn't Sarah Kellen Vickers? All of those accused in the recent litigation, including the USVI officials, the lawyer, the accountant, and the psychiatrist, have denied the allegations against them. And why isn't this a bigger story? You would think that down in the US Virgin Islands, the fact that the government is under the microscope for facilitating Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking enterprise would be a bigger story. But then again, we have to circle back, and well, what do we run into? That's right. Roadblocks, obfuscation, and all sorts of cover be and run for the legacy media's faves. Oh, they don't want to talk about the USVI because they'd have to put Stacey Plaskett on blast. And they don't want to do that, do they? So instead, we'll do their job for them, and we'll continue to put the spotlight on the USVI and their Epstein cash grab, because that's all it is. If they cared about justice, well, people would be in prison, right? Nobody went to prison. There was no Rico case. It was a Seaco case. Built purposely to go after the finances, and they couldn't even do that correctly. McCauley, along with other victim rights lawyers, has represented hundreds of survivors of Epstein's abuse in both criminal and civil actions over the past decade. Her first client was Virginia Roberts, whose allegations of sexual abuse in 2014 court filings against Epstein, Galaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew, and a host of other well-known men ignited a firestorm of news coverage that served as a catalyst to almost everything Epstein related that transpired over the next decade. Well, you would think that, you know, George Mitchell's name would be mentioned, huh? But wonder why George Mitchell's never brought up, and like I've told you folks for a very long time, it's not just a straight up lies, it's the lies of omission when it comes to Jeffrey Epstein that make this so sinister. Because they knew all of this, it's not like people who are privy to this information, and the legacy media had no idea what was going on, they all knew, they chose not to report on it, they chose not to lose access to people like Prince Andrew, and well, here are the results. Suddenly, Epstein's lenient treatment by authorities in Florida, years earlier, and his proximity to powerful people were under a renewed scrutiny by civil attorneys, journalists, and law enforcement. When I first sat in a room with Virginia, it was almost an entire day, and I said, "What is it that you want me to help you with? How can I help you?" And she said, "I want Epstein and Maxwell to pay for their crimes. I want them to be in prison," said McCauley, a managing partner at the law firm Boy Schiller and Flexner. Robert's civil lawsuit against Maxwell filed in 2015 and settled two years later, served as sort of a dry run for Maxwell's criminal prosecution in 2021. Roberts alleged that Maxwell, the socialite daughter of British publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell, had for years enabled and participated in Epstein's abuse. Federal prosecutors secretly subpoenaed the sealed records of the case and later called his witnesses at Maxwell's trial several of the women who were set to testify in the civil dispute, and this is exactly why Prince Andrew didn't go through with it. This is why Prince Andrew settled, because he knew that if he gave this testimony, the prosecutors would be able to dive into it and perhaps form a case against him. So that's why, bitch ass Prince Andrew, the king of corgis, Joe Exotic of the Winsor family, didn't sit down for a deposition, because he knew he was cooked. You think his lawyer Andrew Brettler was going to let him get cooked? Zero chance, folks. Zero chance. Maxwell was convicted on five of six counts related to the abuse and trafficking of underage girls and sentenced to 20 years in prison. She is currently appealing her conviction. A big spiraling ride. Among the witnesses against Maxwell was Annie Farmer, who said she was lured by Maxwell and Epstein, and sexually abused at his new Mexico ranch when she was just 16 years old. Farmer was also one of just two of Epstein's victims to have the opportunity to confront him at his detention hearing in July of 2019. Less than a month later, Epstein was dead. His death was ruled by the New York City medical examiner as a suicide by hanging, but widespread skepticism of the official account abounds to this day. Well, that's because the official narrative is straight garbage. Dirty hot garbage. And all you have to do is take a look at the OIG report into the death of Jeffrey Epstein, and you see the kind of nonsense that took place. Some Tartaglione being in that cell to the cameras not working, to the actual investigation of his death. None of it makes sense. And we haven't had any answers by anyone in power, unless you're going to listen to what Bill Barr has to say. And I'll tell you what, there's about as much chance of me joining the Taliban as there is of me listening to Bill Barr. I think I've been pretty clear when I've said that Darth Barr is corrupt as the day is long, and is somebody that should not be trusted. Farmer said in an interview this month that attending Epstein's hearing five years ago was like beginning of a big spiraling ride. And you can see that, right? I mean, imagine going through what these girls went through and then having to relive it all over again. And I feel like I haven't gotten off, she said. I didn't anticipate that it would mean to speak at the hearing in terms of the attention that would come with that. And I don't think that anyone can really anticipate the way that the news story would take off and take on a life of its own. Farmer's older sister, Maria, was the first person to report Epstein and Maxwell to law enforcement authorities in 1996, but no action was taken. Both sisters also spoke to the FBI in 2006 when federal prosecutors identified at least three dozen alleged victims of Epstein's sexual abuse. But then the government made the infamous sweetheart deal with Epstein that allowed him to plead the two relatively minor charges in state court. He served just 13 months of an 18 month sentence with liberal work release privileges that allowed him to spend up to 16 hours a day at his office in West Palm Beach. Now, how would you feel if you were Annie knowing all of that? And knowing that still justice hasn't been served, and frankly, everything that happened around Epstein was a straight up travesty. This man should have been in prison the first time around for about 5,000 years. I have friends who have done longer stints for possession beefs than Jeffrey Epstein did for molesting over 100 girls. Maria Farmer has been pressing for years for the FBI to release records of her initial contact with the agency in 1996. They just won't do it. They have no desire to do anything like that. They want to keep everything under wraps. They want to say there's in big investigations to long going. That way nobody knows the deal. And that way nobody knows the bullshit that they were truly up to. And this is how they roll. So what you're going to see is they're going to settle with the Epstein survivors just like they did with Nasser. Epstein's 1953 Trust Epstein's death in 2019 set off a frenzy of activity by victims advocates in courts from New York to Florida to the U.S. Virgin Islands where Epstein owned a private island estate. Two days before his death Epstein amended his will, transferring all the assets of his estate valued at more than 650 million to a cryptic entity called the 1953 Trust, apparently named after the year he was born. The beneficiaries of the trust have not been identified. And you notice everything was moved to the U.S. Virgin Islands, right? Oh, and by the way, the whole last trust was set up in the Virgin Islands by these government officials who are now being looked at as far as this lawsuit. So you want to talk about enabling Jeffrey Epstein's bullshit? Like I've told you from the very beginning before anybody else was saying it, by the way, the USVI government is right smack dab in the middle. And anybody who doesn't understand that truly just doesn't get it because this was never about justice. This was about securing a bag. This was about making some money and also providing themselves some cover later on down the road. And before they were able to do that, thankfully the survivors sued them. And now the USVI finds themselves in the position that JP Morgan found itself in while the USVI was going after them. So talk about shoe on the other foot. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to, paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Epstein named his co-executors of his estate, Darren Endike and Richard Kahn, his longtime attorney and accountant. Lawyers for the pair hashed out an agreement with attorneys for the victims to create the Epstein-victim compensation fund, a voluntary restitution program modeled after similar complex claims for multiple victims of 9/11 and clergy abuse in the Catholic Church. The program ended its operations in August 2021, having paid out more than 120 million to 136 survivors of Epstein's sex trafficking network. Another 52 women filed and privately settled claims outside of the compensation fund, according to court records. And the USVI got more money than the compensation fund paid out. How was that even possible? How was that okay, and how was that not more of an issue here with the overall story? And I need somebody to explain to me how the US Virgin Islands getting money. Makes it better for these survivors who actually were abused. Can somebody please explain that to me? To fund the claims program and to pay other creditors, the co-executors of the estate sold most of Epstein's assets, including the Gulfstream jet that carried him from Paris to Titoboro Airport, New Jersey, on the day of his arrest. They also sold his multi-million dollar mansions in Florida and New York, his apartment in Central Paris, and his two private islands off the east coast of St. Thomas, where much of the alleged abuse of children and young women is alleged to have taken place. Epstein's New Mexico ranch, the last of the estate's major real estate assets, was sold in August. Well, I wouldn't say the majority of it. I would say some of it. A lot of it, but what about Florida? What about New York? What about New Mexico that nobody ever even talks about? Epstein's estate is still under probate court supervision in the US Virgin Islands. None of the unknown beneficiaries of the 1953 trust can receive benefits until all creditors are paid and all claims against the estate have been exhausted. With just a handful of lawsuits still active, the estate still holds assets of more than 84 million dollars with liabilities of about 30 million according to most recent accounting statement filed in court in St. Thomas. This dude should add every dollar taken from him and give him to the survivors, but that's not how it works. Oh, you thought that's what was going to happen? Sorry, you're wrong. All these other people have to get rich. On the backs of these girls being abused, survivors of Epstein's sex trafficking have also sought accountability from the financial institutions that held Epstein's vast fortunes and allegedly ignored red flags that should have alerted the banks and government authorities of criminal activity. JP Morgan Chase and Deutsche Bank each settled lawsuits brought by survivors for 290 million and 75 million respectively, with no admission of wrongdoing. JP Morgan Chase paid another 75 million to the USVI government and Deutsche Bank agreed to pay 150 million in penalties following an investigation by New York State financial regulators. It really woke up the financial institutions to the fact that they can no longer turn a blind eye when they're seeing these red flags in their institutions. McCauley said, Oh, yeah, right. Sure. The financial sector, they're just going to clean it all up now, folks. That's it. We're never going to see this again. They're never going to be involved in any kind of bullshit ever again. I mean, for real, save it, sacred. McCauley. Okay. Private settlement with a prince, perhaps no ripple effect of Epstein's sex trafficking network has received more attention than the allegations leveled by Roberts against Prince Andrew, who lost his military titles and royal patronages after his failed attempt to have Roberts lawsuit against him dismissed. The prince 2019 BBC interview in which he claimed not to recall ever meeting Roberts was widely assailed as tone death and ineffectual. The prince privately settled the lawsuit in 2022 for an undisclosed sum. As part of the agreement, the prince said he would make a substantial donation to Miss Roberts charity in support of victims rights according to a letter filed with the court. Prince Andrew has never intended to malign Miss Roberts character and he accepts that she has suffered both as an established victim of abuse and as a result of unfair public attacks. The letter said it's known that Jeffrey Epstein traffic countless young women over the years Prince Andrew regrets his association with Epstein and commends the bravery of Miss Roberts and other survivors and standing up for themselves and others. Yeah, not enough to bring the dough to the charity though, not enough to talk to the FBI. Save the canned ass responses please for somebody who cares. Expressing regret forever meeting or associating with Epstein became a common refrain for many whose names appeared in his address book or on flight logs of his private jet or whose business or academic dealings with Epstein were disclosed by journalists and victims lawyers. See what they really mean by that is that they regret that they were caught. Not that you know they had associations with Epstein but that they were caught. That's what they really mean. Because guess what, they all knew what Epstein was and they chose to be around them anyway. The long list of a remorseful includes prominent figures like Leslie Wexner, the founder of the limited company, billionaire private equity investor Leon Black and many more. All denied any knowledge or participation in Epstein's illicit activities, oh no participation at all and look I'm not going to sit here and tell you that everybody was taking part in the abuse. I've told you a million times that that's not the case. There were levels to this and layers to it and these dudes were all involved one way or the other either enabling Epstein financing Epstein or in the worst cases actually taking part in the abuse. Several prestigious universities including Harvard and MIT issued scathing reports on their associations with Epstein and acceptance of his financial gifts even after his 2008 guilty plea in Florida for solicitation of a minor in the prostitution. Going forward hopefully we will be in a position where trafficking victims will have some more protections, more people looking out for them and more people doing the right thing finally McCauley said. Annie Farmer said that the widespread recognition of the evils of Epstein trafficking has made her feel like it was worthwhile to use my voice to speak out against this. But the constant stories in the news and on social media over the past five years she said have made it very difficult to escape a painful feeling that invariably surfaces wherever she hears his name. It's a cycle where you'll sort of feel like you're moving through it and kind of putting it in the past but then something new comes up and you feel a little bit of deja vu in terms of having to look backward. Annie Farmer said it's also just really draining. She said that for all of the investigations and examinations of Epstein's operation there is still so much missing. It's not clear to me how he was able to be in the position he was in financially. I think that opened up a lot of doors for him to commit these crimes. She told ABC News and I still don't feel like there's a satisfying answer yet about why my sister's original complaint wasn't followed up on. And what happened in 2006 when they recognized it was more of a systemic situation. Some of those answers could lie and still undisclosed records of the FBI but the government has resisted calls from the victims, members of Congress and the press to make the documents public. Prosecutors cite the potential impact exposure of the records could have on the retrial of Maxwell if her appeal is successful. And as soon as the Maxwell situation is dealt with the FBI better turn these records over or it's going to be a bad day for them because once they don't have that protection of saying they have an ongoing investigation then it's going to be game time. You know that there's going to be some sort of senator or a congressman or woman who's ready to go to town whether it's for political purposes or otherwise. I don't really care at this point as long as these documents get released, right? Because as usual I don't care who was involved. Everybody who was involved gets it. There's no faves on this podcast. I don't like any of these people. Last week a federal judge in New York agreed that the FBI files could be withheld by the agency and dismissed a Freedom of Information Act case first filed in 2017. And look I wish I could sit here and tell you that I'm confident that justice is on the way and all these people are going to be held accountable. Everybody's going to be exposed but that's not going to happen. Unfortunately that's just not going to happen. And you see it right here with the FBI. If they have all this information and all of these details and all this evidence, why hasn't anybody else been arrested? Why hasn't anybody else been prosecuted? And unfortunately up until now there are no good answers to any of those questions. And unfortunately I don't think any answers are coming anytime soon. All the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.