Beyond The Horizon

Ted Lieu And His Jeffrey Epstein Related Commentary (7/10/24)

Five years after Jeffrey Epstein's death, survivors of his sexual abuse are still seeking justice through various avenues. Despite the establishment of a victims' compensation fund, which began accepting claims in 2021 and offers a confidential forum for monetary compensation, many survivors feel that true justice has yet to be achieved.

On July 9th, Congressman Ted Lieu held a press conference where he made serious allegations against former President Donald Trump, suggesting that Trump was complicit in Jeffrey Epstein's criminal activities. Lieu highlighted a longstanding association between Trump and Epstein, underscoring that their relationship extended beyond social interactions and implicated Trump in Epstein's criminal enterprise.

However, the congressman only opened the door wider for criticism of his own party for their ties to Trump, including a sitting congresswoman and a whole host of other powerbrokers within the Democrat machine.     

Since Mr. Lieu opened that door, we are going to take a walk right through it.   

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10 Jul 2024
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I would like to thank Ted Liu for getting the conversation started about crooked politicians and their connection to Jeffrey Epstein. Now, of course, he's trying to connect Donald Trump to Jeffrey Epstein by throwing a bunch of spaghetti at the wall and talking a bunch of nonsense. Oh, Trump's all over this file, that file. And look, folks, we've been through all of these files. So they can't lie to us. And this is the exact reason I read those core documents without any interruption or any comment. So Ted Liu's out here talking about Donald Trump's name is all over these files when we know that that's not the case. We just read the whole entire grand jury transcript. And it just goes to show you that these people have no idea what they're talking about. What he really meant was the allegations made by Katie, the alleged victim of Donald Trump, who was 16 years old, and she was somebody that was with Epstein. We've covered her allegations here on the podcast before. And those allegations went nowhere. There was no evidence that any of that was true. There was no evidence that Donald Trump met this young lady. Now, you can believe whatever you want and take whatever you want from those allegations, right? But if we're going to do that, then you have to believe the allegations as a whole. And if that's the case, then I wonder what Ted Liu has to say about George Mitchell and Bill Richardson. And this is my whole entire point. Ted Liu wants to get up here and start screaming about this, that or the other thing with Donald Trump. And he doesn't even get the story right. Meanwhile, these are the same people that trotted out grandpa shitty pants for the last four years telling us that he was cogent, that he was somebody that was with it, and that he was somebody that was sharp as a tack. Well, they lied to you again. And you're just going to continue to keep buying their lies, keep buying their bullshit. Why? Because it fits with your confirmation bias, because you want it to be true so bad that you're willing to overlook the facts and just buy into whatever people are telling you? That's pretty crazy. But since Ted Liu decided he wants to have this conversation, well, we're going to have it. And unlike most people, we actually understand what the fuck is going on here. Today's article is from The Daily Mail and The Headline. House Democrat leadership eager to turn talk away from Joe Biden by focusing on Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, and creepy Project 2025. You all sound like Hugh Anon, Project 2025. And they have the audacity to call other people conspiracy theorists out here talking all kinds of wildness, all kinds of stupidity, with literally nothing to back it up, but some kind of post that they found on Twitter from some dumbass who's being paid by the political machine. House Democrats are throwing mud at the wall in order to try and distract from their ongoing chaos surrounding weather to back Joe Biden on the 2024 ticket. Now look, these Democrats are going to tell you, oh, we're just finding out that Joe Biden is incompetent. No, they knew everybody knew. I mean, I've been calling the guy Jr. Soprano Biden for how long? And anyone who saw the Sopranos understands what that meant. But as far as the overall political conversation, I've pretty much steered clear of it for all these years, because it just wasn't in the interest of what's going on with Epstein. But now with these people trying to hijack this story and use it as a political weapon, you better believe I'm going to have a few things to say. It's disgusting. It's disrespectful. And Ted Lu and the rest of the Democrats should be ashamed, but they don't have any kind of moral compass. They don't care about people. They don't care about the survivors. They don't care about anybody. Let me ask you a question. How many conferences is Ted Lu called or committees as he put together to talk about Jeffrey Epstein and to get to the bottom of what happened? Has he talked about George Mitchell? Has he talked about Bill Richardson? Has he talked about Bill Clinton? Of course he hasn't, because he doesn't want to tell the whole story. He doesn't want to tell the truth. And he certainly doesn't want to talk about his esteemed colleague Stacey Plaskett, who right now as we speak is being sued by the Jeffrey Epstein survivors. Now, can you chew on that for a minute and then tell me it doesn't taste sour? You have this man who's sitting in Congress as we speak. And he's talking all kinds of nonsense about Jeffrey Epstein, but doesn't think it's a good idea to bring up the lawsuit that Epstein survivors have filed right now against his esteemed colleague? Okay, I guess if that's the way you want to go with this conversation. And the sad part is most of the people that are pumping his bullshit parroting his nonsense have no idea about any of those things that I've just mentioned. And that's because the legacy media, well, they don't talk about it. So if Ted Lu and the Democrats are going to be out here spitting BS about the story and trying to harness it as a political weapon, and nobody else wants to step up and tell you it's BS, well, I will, because what they're doing here is disgusting, it's gross, and it's letting people off the hook. During a highly anticipated press conference Tuesday, Democrats touched on nearly everything, except they're in fighting about Biden's future as the leader of the liberals. That included rants on Donald Trump's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, access to abortion, and stupid weather forecasts. So they're touching on all the hot button issues, right? Got to get everybody fired up. Oh, it's an existential threat to democracy as they run out Joe Biden, who's obviously suffering from late stage dementia sundown syndrome, where this dude can't function once the sun goes down. I mean, for real, you really have the audacity to do this right now. You've been lying to us for how long about your candidate, telling us that he was sharp as attack, ready to go, and more than capable of leading the country. He's not. Okay, he's not capable of leading the country. And your little tantrum here isn't going to throw people off the trail. People are hip to what's going on now. And not only that, but you're making it worse for yourself. And you're digging yourself a hole here, because now I demand accountability Ted Liu from everybody. So where's the accountability from you and your side of the aisle? You're in control. You have your hand on the sticks. Where are the committees? Don't come out here and talk about everybody else and how nobody else is doing anything. You haven't done shit. I've been on this case since 2019. And I have done more work on this case than just about anybody I know to be honest with you. But I'm not somebody that gets out here and sings my own laurels. I don't care. That means nothing to me. Just like it means nothing to me if people get mad about this episode. If you're looking to have your confirmation bias scratched, you're in the wrong place. Capitol Hill has been buzzing about whether Joe Biden will remain the Democrats preferred presidential candidate after his disastrous debate against Donald Trump. How could anybody look at that debate and be like, Oh, you know what dudes with it? This is a guy that should be running for president. Really? Bro can't even stay up to watch the evening news. And you think that this guy should be the president of the United States. And you have the audacity to talk out of the side of your neck about anybody else and who they're voting for. Democrat lawmakers have largely backed Biden, but some have called on him to withdraw from the race. Tuesday morning, the party had a private meeting to determine where they stand on supporting the incumbent attendees at the closed door meeting left sullen downcast and quiet as reporters poked and prodded trying to get anything on what had transpired inside. What's crazy to me is that the Democratic base isn't more upset at the establishment for lying to them. You know, there's people out there that believe whatever the establishment says. And the establishment has said for how many years now that Biden was with it. And look, folks, the facts are the facts, right? I don't have any ax to grind against Joe Biden. I don't know the man. I'm not somebody that's sitting here. Oh, well, Joe Biden's this that or the other thing. But I am sitting here and telling you, I don't believe he's capable of being the president. This isn't a nine to five job. This isn't the kind of job where you can go to bed at eight PM. What happens if there's a disaster? You got to roll them out of bed changes depends and get cracking. It just doesn't work. So stop gaslighting people with all your bullshit. Later at a house Democrat leadership event, liberal leaders did all they could to avoid the Biden topic with one invoking Trump and late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's relationship in a desperate bid to talk about something else. We hear a lot from our constituents on different issues, but something I've heard that doesn't seem to be covered are the Epstein files. Vice chair of the house Democratic caucus, Ted Lu Democrat from California bizarrely said, well, Ted Lu, why don't you come onto the podcast? Here's an open invite to come onto the podcast and talk about the Jeffrey Epstein story. And let's see how much you know. Let's see how much you know about the story. We'll start at the very beginning and we'll bang our way through and let's see what you know, because you can't even get this part right. Okay. So save the bullshit and save the Dunning Kruger syndrome for somebody else. These files were released. He continued Donald Trump is sort of all over this. Look, Trump is definitely in these files. Trump definitely had a relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. There's no doubt about it. But as far as the evidence goes, that's where it ends. And if you have more evidence to point to do a different direction, let's see it. We've been digging for this evidence for how long and how many court documents have we been through. So where are these files that the name is all over? Because I think what you mean is Bill Clinton. I think that's the name you're looking for. There are pictures of him with Epstein. He's taken plane flights with Epstein. He's in call logs with Epstein said the Democrat, but Bill Clinton getting a massage from a trafficking survivor at an airport and a picture of it being taken. That's cool, right? No big deal. We don't need to look any further into that. Or the fact that Bill Clinton had a favorite seat on the plane. Nah, we don't need to look into that, right? Or the fact that him and Hillary were at Zorro Ranch. Nah, let's not look into that. Alexander Dorasi. Glenn Maxwell's nephew getting a job at Hillary Clinton State Department. Nah, we're not going to look into that either. Oh, well, surely you're going to look into the fact that Jeffrey Epstein provided the seed money for Clinton and his foundation, right? Oh, you're not going to look into that. You're going to tell me more about some fictitious bullshit that doesn't exist. You see, other people can be lied to. Not me. This is why I read all of the court documents. This is why I share them all with you. I know it's not the most fun thing to do, right? But it's important. And it's important to know the facts. It's important to know the story. That way, when guys like Ted Liu get up here and start crying and talking bullshit, you know that he's lying to you. Trump previously admitted to knowing the disgrace finance year when he was jailed in 2019 for sex trafficking charges. Well, I knew him, like everybody in Palm Beach, knew him. Trump said at the time before adding, "I had a falling out a long time ago with him." Look, there's no doubt that Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein were boys at one point. And there's no doubt that Donald Trump has downplayed that relationship. No doubt about it. But that doesn't mean that Donald Trump was taking part in what was going on. Show me where those allegations are from the survivors. Can you point me to them? Because I haven't seen them yet. Just like there's no allegations that Bill Clinton was molesting any girls with Jeffrey Epstein. I follow the evidence and wherever it leads, it leads. And unfortunately, for Ted Liu, his evidence is lacking. I don't think I've spoken to him in 15 years, Trump added. I wasn't a fan. I was not a fan of his that I can tell you. Well, I don't believe that either. They were buddies. They hung out. You know, they went to these different events together and New York High Society. Everybody was hanging out with everybody. I've said this once and I'll say it a million times, because I guess the people in the back like Ted Liu can hear me. Every single person in New York was palling around together. If you were part of this wealthy click, Epstein, Trump, the Clintons, Lou brought up Epstein when asked about what his constituents are saying about their support of Joe Biden and whether the Californian was listening to their feedback. His reference brought consternation to reporters confused by his name dropping the disgraced financier who died in 2019. You mean pedophile, but that was only the tip of the iceberg. Lou also spoke about creepy project 2025, a conservative policy agenda pushed by the Heritage Foundation in an attempt to paint a gloomy future under a possible Republican presidency. We also know that with project 2025, this creepy document written by Trump's closest advisors and confidants that they want to ban abortion nationwide, he claimed. What's next? The left's going to be talking about the WEF and how we're all going to eat bugs and we're not going to own anything and like it. And I find it scrumptiously ironic that the people who talk about conspiracy theories until they're going blind are out here actually living one now. Pretty interesting, huh? But I guess when you're trying to claw on the power and hang on no matter what, there's no road you're not willing to walk down. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. 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The group, however, has stated it's unaffiliated with former President Trump. And Trump posted on Truth Social recently, I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who's behind it, he continued. I disagree with some of the things they're saying, and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them. Lou continued Project 2025, also wants to eliminate the Department of Education, and it wants to eliminate the National Weather Service. All they have for you is fear porn, and Ted Lou has been one of the worst for the last four and a half, five years now, longer even. This guy has been one of the people out there creating the divisiveness, not looking to try and bridge any gaps. What has he done to bridge a gap? And now that the writings on the wall that they're going to lose power, he's willing to talk about conspiracy theories, he's willing to talk about Epstein files that he doesn't even know about. And remember what he's doing is harnessing the survivors misery, their pain, and trying to use it as a weapon to strike his political opponent for nothing but political gain. And that, my friends, is something that we have derided on this podcast for four years, five years. And if you think it's going to stop now, because your buddy Biden's president, you're fucking crazy. And anybody who doesn't like it? There's the door, because I'll be damned if I just sit here and let these disgusting ass psychopaths who were running this country attempt to use this as a political weapon when they haven't done anything to bring justice to those affected. You're not going to get accurate weather forecasts anymore. You're just going to get stupid weather forecasts, the Democrat decried before again adding this document is creepy. I wonder if Ted Lewis talked anything about how to fix the homelessness in California. Maybe a problem that he should be worried about, but all of these people, they get these jobs as congressmen and senators and whatnot. And instead of worrying about their constituents, they get on the national stage and they try and be the big man. And that's what Ted Lewis doing right here. And it's failing miserably. Anyone who's been following the Epstein case for any amount of time, they know. And if you're somebody who was a Democrat and you're watching this and you're seeing this all unfold, how could you be comfortable with this? And how could you be comfortable calling for accountability from anybody else when you have the audacity to shove Bill Clinton down everybody's throat on the national stage? Outside of lose, uh, diatribes against Trump, Project 2025 and Epstein, the House Democrat caucus chair, Pete Aguirre of California, did shed some light on whether the party was coalescing around the president. Right now, President Biden is the nominee and we support the Democratic nominee that will beat Donald Trump. Aguirre said at the leadership event, interesting was his use of right now, possibly indicating that the party is open to moving to a different nominee should the right conditions arise. And that's what they want to do. There's no doubt that they want to jettison Biden by now. And what's crazy is that they waited this long. You mean to tell me that you just got hip that this dude was losing it mentally and that he wasn't with it anymore? That he was not as sharp as the tack as all these liars said, you know, the same people who told you about the laptop, the same people who told you about Russian election interference. All this is BS. All of its propaganda. And these rotten bastards knew that people's hatred of Trump would have them suspending suspicion and just believing what they have to say without doing the legwork necessary to make sure that they're not telling lies. And look, I'm not going to sit here and tell you Trump's a good dude. I've said a million times that if they wanted to go after him, they should have went after him financially. But attempting to tie him to Epstein as if him and Epstein were running mates and they were buddies on a reg. And there's a bunch of allegations out there that Donald Trump was abusing girls with Jeffrey Epstein is just straight up false. It's a lie. And anybody who's pumping that lie does not care about justice and certainly doesn't care about what happened to these girls. And furthermore, Ted Liu, stop the bullshit. If you really want to get to the bottom of this, let's get a committee called put something together, and I'll back it 100%. And not only that, but give that committee subpoena power. And let's get everybody under oath. And let's see what's what and that includes Trump, everybody Bill Clinton, Trump, all of them. Are you willing to do that, Mr. Lou? Because if you're not, then all you're doing is talking shit. My guess is Mr. Lou is just talking shit. But consider this the gauntlet thrown. If you really care about what's going on, get together with some of your colleagues, let's get a committee, and let's get cracking. Every single member of the House Democratic Caucus is clear-eyed about what the stakes of this election are. Yeah, that's why they're willing to do whatever. It's always the stakes were so high that we can't lose the election. The other guy is so evil. On and on it goes. Meanwhile, all of these dirtbags are evil. He also added that the rank and file members were not given instructions to get on the same page about Biden. Later, Aguilar conceded that we will see how Biden responds to the debate fallout and mounting questions about his ability. We will see. Let's see the press conference. Let's see the campaign stops. Let's see all of this because all of it's going to be necessary. Well, we would have seen it all previously if you guys didn't protect them. You know, the legacy media not having them out. Him not doing any interviews. Him answering a couple of canned questions. That didn't concern any of you. Or is it that you're too worried about, oh, we have to win the election. That it doesn't matter if you have a straight-up vegetable running the country because from where I'm sitting as an independent voter, not a good look. And I'll tell you what, the more the Democrats keep up their bullshit down this road, trying to harness this as a cudgel, the more you're going to hear me being outspoken against them because your nonsense might hit with other people. But around here, if you're going to come talking about this story, you better come with receipts. And if you don't have receipts, then I don't even want to hear what you have to say because at this advanced point in this story, if you haven't done the legwork yet to get yourself hip and caught up, then that's on you. And for the rest of us who actually know what's going on, we continue to shake our heads as our feckless, do-nothing politicians continue to excel at running their mouths, but failing everywhere else. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. 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