Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Lori Vallow And The Appeal

Lori Vallow Daybell, aka Doomsday mom or Cultmom found out her fate yesterday in an Idaho courtroom and it was the fate everyone expected: Five life sentences for her involvement in the murder of her two children and that of her lovers wife, Tammy Daybell.

Vallow gave a rambling and bizarre statement to the court where she showed no remorse and even went so far as to say that she had been in communication with her two children and Tammy since their death.

Family members of the murdered children also gave their impact statements.

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Lori Vallow Goes on Bonkers Rant Before Judge Hands Down Life Sentence (

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10 Jul 2024
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And that is, be with her guy, Chad Debel, and if that man killing her children, if that man killing his wife, then so be it. What did she care? She had providence from the angel Maroni. Don't you remember she told us though? These people were so far gone that they truly believe that they were, you know, talking to Jesus Christ, having sit downs with God, the whole thing. And because of those sit downs with God because of their closeness with God, remember they had the ability to tell if somebody was light or dark. If there were a zombie or not, and according to Lori Valo, her children, well, they were zombies, and they had to be dealt with. And unfortunately, we now know how that all came to pass. And it was gruesome, it was disgusting, and Lori Valo's lucky, she is in facing the death penalty instead of a life sentence. For her to think that the process was tilted against her after the evidence we saw, it is just beyond revolting. And of all the people that we discuss, she's right up there next to the top of people that I detest the most. I truly, truly dislike this woman. And honestly, I take great joy in knowing that she's going to be locked up for the rest of her life and never be able to see that ogres, Shrek looking stupid as goofball mom jeans wearing Chad Daybell ever again. Today's article is from Fox News and the headline. Cult mom Lori Valo appeals conviction after being found guilty of murdering her two children. Valo's attorney is asking the court to consider a possible error in deeming his client competent to stand trial. Lupals and technicalities, the ammunition of the guilty. This article was authored by Audrey Conklin. Lori Valo the so-called cult mom accused of murdering two of her three children in 2019 has filed an appeal to her conviction in Idaho. No, not just accused. She has been convicted. Okay, don't say accused. That would mean we're not sure if she's the one responsible for these murders. She did it right along with Chad Daybell and that beaver looking son of a bitch brother of hers, Alex Cox, who I hope is burning in hell right now with Jeffrey Epstein. In Idaho Jerry and May found Valo 50 guilty of multiple counts, including two counts of first degree murder for the 2019 disappearances and deaths of seven year old JJ Valo and 16 year old Tyler Ryan, allegedly with help from her husband, mom Jean wearing goofball, Chad Daybell. Valo also conspired to kill Tammy Daybell, Chad Daybell's first wife in October 2019, because they had to be together. And to do that, they had to get rid of Tammy and they had to get rid of Lori's Children. Valo's attorney Jim Archibald is asking the Idaho Supreme Court to consider 16 different possible issues related to her conviction, including whether the court made a mistake in deeming his client competent to stand trial in April 2022, after she spent 10 months in a mental hospital, the court filing states. Yo, how absurd would it be if they let this lady off because of her mental capacity. I don't care about your mental capacity. Now, when you were doing this, you were perfectly fine. You knew exactly what you were doing. You were going to conferences, you were on podcasts. Please miss me with the low woe is me type shit. Now that you've been caught. Maybe you could pray to the angel moroni to help you out. He is also asking the Supreme Court whether Idaho prosecutors repeated requests for a continuance violated Valo's right to a speedy trial and the court setting and whether the court aired and allowing prosecutors to amend the grand jury indictment filed against Valo, among other requests for consideration. Now, remember when the trial was happening and we were covering it and her lawyers were objecting. And I was telling you when they were objecting that it was all about the appeal. Well, here we are. It's all about the appeal. It had nothing to do with the trial at the time. The objections were strictly focused on later on down the road so that he could point to those objections and say that the judge judge boys ignored them. Valo had spent more than 1,200 days in local jail prior to her sentencing hearing in which she was ordered to serve three life sentences without parole. She got lucky. If I was in charge, you already know, I would have taken her right back to Hawaii, where she loved so much, found the nice active volcano and then tossed this kafuzza right from the helicopter into that volcano. So she should be thankful that she's only getting life sentences because I'm sure I am not the only one who wouldn't miss one wink asleep if Lori Valo got the death penalty. At the conclusion of her week's long murder trial, district judge Stephen Boyce of Fremont County said Valo removed her children from their home in Arizona alienated them from friends and family and brought them to her new home in Idaho to murder them point blank period. Okay, that's the judge saying it nobody else. And that's after looking at all of the evidence. I don't know how anyone could look at what happened here and not know for a fact that Lori Valo was involved. Now, obviously, we have to go through the trial and go through the procedure, but it was very clear and very evident from the jump that Lori Valo, Chad Debel and Alex Cox did something to those children. The question was, what did they do and where were those children? You had so many other options. You chose the most evil and destructive path possible. He told the defendant in court, I don't think to this day, you have any remorse for the effort and heartache you caused. And she doesn't. All you have to do is look at the way she's conducted herself after this, even after being convicted. She's just a gross individual all around. He added that Valo does have mental health issues. Her diagnosis from February states that Valo suffers from a delusional disorder mixed with hyper religiosity and a continued and unspecified personality disorder with narcissistic features. Boys said, but she wasn't insane. She knew what she was doing. And if you're not insane, I don't want to hear shit. Okay, you can be loony. You can be crazy. But you know exactly what you're doing when you're having your children murdered. And there was not one Iota of evidence presented at the trial to tell us otherwise. JJ and Tylie were found in shallow graves on Chad Daybell's Rexburg Idaho property in June 2020, months after they disappeared from their home in September of 2019. The 16 year olds remains were burned while the seven year old was bound in duct tape. And that testimony was just brutal. Some of the most brutal testimony that we've ever read through here on the podcast hearing about what happened to that little baby and hearing about what happened to Tylie just unbelievable that a mother could allow that to happen to her children and then to sit there stone faced to go on vacation to Hawaii. This dirty rotten broad can fuck right off. Prosecutors argue that Valo killed her children in an effort to secure money, power and sex. That was the opening statement. The prosecutors used those exact words. And then they said we're gonna prove it. And they did Valo and Daybell met in 2018 at the Preparing a People's Conference where they bonded over their apocalyptic religious beliefs and shared the idea that they had been married in a past life as Fox 10 Phoenix first reported. Oh yeah married in a past life. Let's just make up a bunch of stories. Why don't we breaking news? None of that is real. Okay. Reality is real. Not your little make-believe fantasy stories about your past life. If you want to write a book great do that. The second you start trying to live that shit out in real life and hurt other people while you do it. Well you can no longer fall back and say well these are just my religious beliefs. Sorry buddy. You're a batshit crazy and your beliefs religious or otherwise are fucked up. Okay. So run home and tell the angel Moroni that they refer to each other as biblical figures named James and Elena and discuss their beliefs that people can have light or dark spirits. Some were so dark that they could be considered zombies who needed to be removed from earth. Prosecutors said according to Fox 10 JJ and Tylie disappeared in September 2019 and Tammy Daybell died the next month after a funeral and before Valos two children were eventually found dead. She and Chad Daybell married in Hawaii in November of that year. So while those children were lying in the ground these two disgusting gross ass individuals were in Hawaii live in their best life doing a luau having their lays on walk in the beaches. Just keep that in mind if you're wondering where my hatred of this woman comes from months later in June of 2020 Idaho authorities located JJ and Tylie's remains buried under Daybell's rural Rexburg property. The Ada County coroner testified that JJ died of his fixation by a plastic bag and Tylie died of homicide by unknown means due to the fact that her remains were dismembered and badly burned before they were buried. They hardly found anything left of Tylie. Melted organs I'm not gonna go into too much detail but it was all bad and again more fuel for my hate fire for Lori Valo and Chad Daybell. Valo was also found guilty of grand theft after she collected JJ and Tylie's Social Security benefits allegedly with the help from Daybell. Between October 1st 2019 and January 22nd 2020 after their murders Daybell has yet to face trial for his charges in connection with the murders of Tylie JJ and Tammy Daybell and Valo is facing trial for murder charges at a barrisona where she is accused of plotting her ex-husband Charles Valo's murder in 2019 where their now deceased brother Alex Cox. She is also accused of conspiring to kill her niece's husband Brandon Boudreau in Arizona. Yeah your regular run-of-the-mill serial killer over here. So this lady really thinks she's going to get an appeal and it's laughable to even think that she would believe she has any kind of tenable ground so you better believe we'll be here when the Supreme Court tells her to go get screwed. Alright folks that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.