Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: That Time The Secret Service Was Bamboozled

The two fraudsters who duped members of the secret service and other federal agents have been set free on bail and a judge has told prosecutors that their charges are overblown. Yet, nobody has answered the real question yet: What motivated these two frauds to attempt to win the favor of these federal agents?

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09 Jul 2024
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What's up everyone and welcome back to the program. In this episode, you folks are going to be really inspired by how competent the Secret Service seems to be. Considering you had Secret Service agents who have now been placed on leave because they accepted gifts and other things from two men who were running around in personating federal officers. No, we're not talking about Reno 911, we're not talking about the Keystone Cops folks, we're talking about your Secret Service. The men and women that are in the position to keep the president safe. Very inspiring, isn't it? All right, this is a relatively short one, so let's just get right to it. Headline, FBIRS 2 men in DC, accused of impersonating federal officers, 4 Secret Service agents placed on leave. This article was, um, published to CNN and the authors are Holmes, Lee Brandt and Evan Perez. The FBI arrested two men in Washington DC Wednesday for allegedly impersonating Department of Homeland Security agents for more than two years. Giving expensive gifts to federal agents in DC, providing them apartments and offering to purchase weapons for a Secret Service agent, assigned to First Lady Jill Biden, according to an affidavit. Wow, all right, so first of all, where do the Secret Service agents think that DHS agents are getting the money to provide for them these apartments or this, uh, weapon, this assault weapon that they offered to purchase? Do they think the DHS people are making a bunch of money or something? I don't even understand how the Secret Service guys could accept anything like this and not know that it wasn't on the up and up. So they're going to try and say, my guess is anyway, we had no idea what was going on, we were bamboozled. Well, okay, if that's the case, you have no business being a Secret Service agent in the first place. Aren't you guys in charge of counterfeit money and shit as well? Meanwhile, not only are they Secret Service agents, one of them is assigned to Jill Biden's security detail, and I don't care what you think about politics one way or the other, that's never a good look. Our elected officials need to be protected by people who are competent, right? Ariane, Terrazada, and Hider Ali allegedly provided rent-free apartments, estimated to cost more than $40,000 annually, each, to a DHS employee and members of the U.S. Secret Service, all while impersonating federal agents, the affidavit said. Again, now you have a DHS employee who's caught up in this, and members, meaning multiple, plural, Secret Service agents? None of you people had any idea, huh? The best of the best. The most competent amongst us. Yeah, not doing so well, are you? What the hell is going on, folks? On what planet does anyone think that someone's just going to show up and give you an apartment that's $40,000 a year, okay? And that there's, it's just all good, especially when that person is claiming to be a DHS agent, unless there's more to the story, of course, that we don't know, which is likely. But I'm saying right now, as it is on its face, come on, man, this looks absolutely ridiculous. As of Monday, four Secret Service agents were placed on administrative leave, pending investigations, well, they're fired. Anytime you get put on leave at any job, pro tip, eh, yeah, I'm on leave, it's pending investigation, you better be pending a new job, because you're going to be in trouble. I've seen it, honestly, in all my years, working corporate in casinos, so that would be from 1998 to 2015. I never seen one person come back when they were on administrative leave or suspended pending investigation, never once. The affidavit details substantial gifts the two defendants allegedly gave federal agents. According to the document, Taharsada allegedly provided a Secret Service agent, assigned to protect the White House complex, a rent-free penthouse apartment for one year, at a cost of about $40,200. Again, what would be the basis for this? Why would the Secret Service agent even accept something like this? Wouldn't you be worried that you're going to accept something and then you're going to be compromised and you're not going to be able to do your job, or I don't know whatever it's going to be, you're going to be blackmailed, something like that? But here, these guys are, this dude, look, again, and I don't care about your politics, this guy is supposed to be protecting the White House complex. That means protecting the President of the United States, his family, whatever people are there, you know, the image of the United States really is what I'm talking about. And instead, these Secret Service agents are like, nah, let me get my hand in that grab bag real quick. Let me wet my beak a little bit more. I'm sure these guys are making decent money as federal agents and then having that pension at the end of the day is going to be worth its weight in gold. So why are you out here messing around? Tarzata allegedly offered to purchase a $2,000 assault rifle for a Secret Service agent on the First Lady's protective detail, the affidavit said, so you guys are just hanging out one day and this dude walks up to you and says, hey, you want a $2,000 rifle? See, there's more to the story and we're only getting a little bit, right? So we have to speculate a bit and try and piece it together and then when the full story comes out, what we'll do, we'll come back and we'll see how close we were. I like to do that. That's one of my favorite games. You speculate a bit and then you come back and you re-evaluate and see how your spidey senses were working. For me, it looks like there's something more going on here. It seems a little weird that it would just be some random event. These guys acting as DHS agents, all of a sudden offer random Secret Service agents, all of these benefits. So what was the relationship previously, how do they know each other, all of that stuff? You know, the basics of the story that we really don't get from legacy media. It wasn't immediately clear if the agent on the First Lady's detail or the agent assigned to the White House Complex were among the four placed on leave. They all should be placed on leave. Are you kidding me? None of these people should be anywhere near a job as delicate as this. You guys want to take grift, you want to take graft, you want tips, go become a bartender. The Secret Service said in a statement to CNN, "The Secret Service has worked and continues to work with its law enforcement partners on this ongoing investigation. All personnel involved in this matter are on administrative leave and are restricted from accessing Secret Service facilities, equipment, and systems. The Secret Service adheres to the highest levels of professional standards and conduct and will remain in active coordination with the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security." Oh, well, that explains it. It's all over and done with. They've spoken. They're going to have an internal investigation. There's nothing to see here, folks. So basically, we probably won't get any kind of real information for quite some time from any of this. I mean, the transparency levels we all know are at a minimum. The affidavit alleged Tarzata also conned an individual into researching a government contractor for the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community as part of a recruiting process for the Homeland Security Investigations Branch of DHS. All right, hold on. Is this Tarzata, like James Bond, how the hell did he infiltrate to a level of this deep that he could play like he was actually part of the DHS? You mean to tell me the Secret Service agents don't have access to a computer to run this guy's name and see if he's legit? Or were they all in on it together? That's probably what happened. Some schemes, some plot, all of these people in on it together. I know, that's me being cynical again, but I really just have no faith in humankind. And when things don't line up, right, there's no logical answer, you got to explore some of the rabbit holes, if you will. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun too. And now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Chumba Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week. You can play for free and each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me and the fun. Sign up now at Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, forward prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. FBI agents were seen entering an apartment building in Washington's Navy Yard Wednesday afternoon. An FBI spokesperson told CNN the agents were conducting a court-authorized search at that location. A source familiar with the situation said the FBI raid is related to the arrest of the two men. So these two dudes, these two bozos who are out here impersonating DHS agents for whatever reason can't be anything good. Get their pad rated. They get arrested and maybe we'll get some more information about what they were up to. But it's just, this is a weird-ass story, right? How the hell does any of this make any sense? Unit. Tarzada and Ali's alleged ruse was uncovered when a U.S. postal inspector started investigating an alleged assault on a USPS letter carrier in an apartment complex where the two men allegedly had multiple units, according to court documents. The inspector interviewed men as potential witnesses of the assault and they identified themselves as investigators with the U.S. special police investigating the January 6, 2020 attack on the U.S. Capitol, as well as gang activity the document said. Alright, hold up. What the hell is going on here? You're investigating the January 6, 2021 attacks, is it? So these guys are using that as a predicate for whatever scheme they have cooked up. I mean, your guess is as good as mine, folks, of what the real intention was here. But if we want to get down in the weeds, we could think that trying to swoop up secret service agents and other government officials who are in security positions and have them in your pocket via Compromot, it can't be for any good reason. And certainly not because Mr. Tarzada or Mr. Ali are just, you know, good people patrons of the arts. So what's their motivation and what the hell were they up to behind the scenes here? [ Silence ] Throughout the investigation, the inspector learned that the two men had given gifts to members of the United States Secret Service. The inspector provided the information to the DHS office of inspector general, which then contacted the FBI according to the affidavit. Now remember, the inspector general's office can't issue an arrest warrant or anything like that. They can only refer you to the Department of Justice, and then the Department of Justice has to go through with that. But how funny is it that the postal service picks up on this, catches up on this, but the Secret Service and the guy who works for DHS don't? Again, sounds fishy to me like there's something else going on here. Then you sprinkle on top of it this January 6th bit, and I don't know what the hell to make of this. CNN has not been able to identify attorneys for the two men. They are currently being detained and will be arraigned Thursday in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., before magistrate judge G. Michael Harvey. Well, hell, are these guys actual, some kind of agent for the government? You know, we have a lot of black book shit going on. Lord only knows what are, quote-unquote, "protectors" are up to, what law enforcement's up to behind the scenes. So, who the hell knows, but I thought this was very odd, and certainly worthy of being added to the catalog considering. Now, I don't, again, like I said, I don't really know what to make of this yet. It's still very, yeah, very loose on the details, but something doesn't add up. That much is for sure. If you'd like to contact me, you can do that at That's You can also find me on Twitter @B-O-B-B-Y_C-A-P-U-C-C-I. The link that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. 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