Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition (Part 22)

Our look into the dark underbelly of the Epstein operation continues in this episode as we begin our look at the Ghislaine Maxwell deposition in full.

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Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Transcript - DocumentCloud

Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to, paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. At King Super's Pharmacy, Care is what's most convenient for you. Care is being here when you need us. We're open evenings and weekends. Care is helping you save more. Most insurance plans and discount cards are accepted at your local King Super's Pharmacy. Care is saving you time by managing your prescriptions online. You can request free fills, check order status, and more. Care is convenience that works for everyone. King Super's a world of care is in store. Services and availability vary by location, age and other restrictions may apply. For coverage, consult your health insurance company, visit the pharmacy or our site for details. What's up, everyone, and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. We're going to pick up where we left off with a Glain Maxwell deposition as we continue to consume this elephant one bite at a time. McCauley, this is an email dated January 15th, 2015, from Jeffrey Epstein to you, Maxwell. Uh-huh. McCauley, it states in the first line, "Do you want redacted to come out and say she was the girlfriend during the time?" Pagliuka, "Objection to the form and the foundation of the question, and actually the word is redacted. There is no vowel in there." McCauley, I was just trying to pronounce it. McCauley, "This email reads, 'Do you want redacted without a vowel?' to come out and say she was the girlfriend during the time. Who was Jeffrey Epstein referring to?" Maxwell, I believe he was referring to "redacted." As we know now, they're talking about chocolate sauce, the so-called "girlfriend" of Jeffrey Epstein. McCauley, "Why was he asking if you wanted redacted to come out and say she was the girlfriend? Pagliuka, "Objection to the form and the foundation." Maxwell, "The way the press and you were characterizing me is if I was with Jeffrey throughout this entire period of time and I was not." McCauley was "redacted with Jeffrey during this period of time." Maxwell, "I believe she was." McCauley, "Did Jeffrey come out and tell the press it was redacted and not you that was with him as he is proposing here?" Answer, "I don't believe he did." McCauley, "Did you want him to do that?" Maxwell, "No, I don't think I asked him to do anything. No." McCauley, "So do you know in January of 2015 was redacted as girlfriend?" Maxwell, "2015, I have no idea who was his girlfriend in 2015." McCauley, "I'm sorry you are correct. In the period of 1999 to 2002 was redacted as girlfriend?" Maxwell, "They spent a lot of time together." McCauley, "Did you talk to redacted about going to the press and saying that she was the girlfriend and not you?" Maxwell, "I have never spoken to redacted." McCauley was "blank offered any money to make a statement that she was the girlfriend, Pakliyuka, objection to the form, and the foundation." Maxwell, "I have no idea. I have never spoken to redacted and I don't know anything. I have no idea." Maxwell exhibit 19 email marked for identification. McCauley, "That's an email from Jeffrey to Maxwell dated January 25, 2015." Maxwell, "Uh-huh, McCauley, I will direct your attention to the bottom email which is from you on Saturday, January 24, 2015. It says, "I would appreciate it if redacted would come out and say she was your girlfriend. I think she was from the end of 1999 to 2002. Does that refresh your recollection that you as Jeffrey to have redacted come out and say she was his girlfriend?" Maxwell, "I'm sure I would have loved anybody to come out and say that they were with Jeffrey rather than me." McCauley, "Was that an accurate statement you were asking to be made to the press?" Mr. Pakliyuka, "Objection to the form, and the foundation." Maxwell, "When is this?" McCauley, 2015, "The statement is whether she was the girlfriend from 1999 to 2002 as the email reads." Maxwell, "What is your question?" McCauley, "My question is, was that an accurate statement you were going to be giving to the press?" Maxwell, "I didn't make the statement and redacted never came out, so it's completely moot." McCauley, "My question is, was it an accurate statement that redacted was the girlfriend from 1999 to 2002 or were you just making that up for purposes of deflecting press from you?" Mr. Pakliyuka, "Objection to the form and the foundation." Maxwell, "As I said, they spent a lot of time together and…" To this, McCauley interrupts her, "Were you also his girlfriend from 1999 to 2002?" Answer, "I don't know if I would ever have characterized myself as his girlfriend, but redacted at the time, was with them as much, if not more than I was." McCauley, "I will mark this as Maxwell 20. Maxwell exhibit 20, email marked for identification." McCauley, "This is an email at the top. It's Bates labeled 001060. At the top is a chain from Jeffrey to you on January 11, 2015. If you look below, I'm going to start at the bottom of that chain, which is January 11 at 9.15 from Jeffrey and he wrote, "Redacted, do you have an article coming out in Monday's paper? If so, could you please forward us a copy? Do you know what redacted Jeffrey was referring to there?" Maxwell, "I don't know." McCauley, "If you look up the email chain, do you see an email?" The email address from redacted responding to that letter? Maxwell, "I do." McCauley, "So that would be redacted that Jeffrey was emailing at the time, according to this chain, correct?" Maxwell, "It certainly looks like it." McCauley, "The email from redacted to Jeffrey is nothing on Monday. I'm working on several possible articles about unfairness in the legal process that allows false charges to be inserted in the legal documents with no opportunity to respond. Do you see, above that, Jeffrey's email to you that says, "Careful?" Maxwell, "Is that to me or to redacted?" McCauley, "Jeffrey, to redacted at the top. Why was Jeffrey telling you to be careful?" Mr. Pagliuca, "Objection to the form and the foundation." Maxwell, "I have no idea." McCauley, "What was he concerned about with redacted suggestion in that email below?" Pagliuca, "Objection to the form and the foundation." Maxwell, "I can't possibly know." McCauley, "Did you discuss with him why he told you to be careful?" Maxwell, "I have limited contact with him. I don't recall where this goes in the chain, why he was telling me to be careful. I have no idea." McCauley, "Did you respond to this email?" Maxwell, "If you don't have it, I didn't respond." McCauley, "Did you ever delete emails during the period of January of 2015?" Maxwell, "I have every email that you have asked for in discovery that I have gave you." McCauley, "That's not my question. Did you ever delete emails in January of 2015?" Maxwell, "I have not deleted anything you have asked me for in discovery. I have given you everything that I have." McCauley, "That is not my question. My question is, did you ever delete emails in January of 2015?" Maxwell, "In the normal course of my work, there are emails from spam that I delete. That is the type of email that I have deleted. Anything that is material to what you want, I have not deleted." McCauley, "How do you know that?" Maxwell, "Well, anybody or anything that has to do with Jeffrey or redacted or women or anything of which I know you are interested in, of which I have anything I would not have done because I don't want to subject myself to this. She's cut off by McCauley. Have you had your computer forensically copied for the purpose of this litigation?" Mr. Pakliyuka, "Objection to the form and foundation." Maxwell, "Has someone made a copy of your computer for purposes of this litigation?" Maxwell, "No." McCauley, "Are you a citizen of the United States?" Maxwell, "I am." McCauley, "Are you a citizen of England?" Maxwell, "I am." McCauley, "Are you a citizen of any other land?" Maxwell, "Terramar." Really, they have their own land there, huh? Okay, I guess. McCauley, "That's the name of your charity project that deals with the oceans. Is that correct?" Maxwell, "Yeah. I'm French as well." McCauley, "Has Jeffrey Epstein funded Terramar for you?" Answer, "From Maxwell, he did give me some money to Terramar. Yes." McCauley, "How much?" Maxwell, "I believe it was $50,000, and right here's the Rico case that I've been talking about." "We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived." That's Energy of Progress. Visit I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over 100 social casino style games for free. Get lucky today. If you just want to bare bones a Rico case, here it is right here. She got money from his malfeasance, therefore she's just as guilty as he is. Point blank period, but still, no Rico. McCauley, "Earlier today, you said you were in the process of resolving the sale of your townhome. Where do you intend to live once your townhome is sold?" Maxwell, "That's a good question. I don't have an answer for you yet. McCauley, you don't have a present plan. Do you intend to live in the United States?" Maxwell, "I don't have a present plan." McCauley, "Are you living outside of your townhome right now? Or are you still there?" Maxwell, "I'm just couch surfing. Couch surfing, is it okay?" McCauley, "Has Jeffrey Epstein ever purchased a company for you or put a company in your name?" Mr. Pagliuca, "A objection to the form and the foundation." Maxwell, "I have no recollection." McCauley, "Is there a Glen Maxwell corporation, for example?" Maxwell, "No. Not that I'm aware of. That has anything to do with me. There may be one with someone else. Owns are started, but not one that is related to me." McCauley, "I'm going to take a short break and make sure to keep it short, because I know you wanted to. I just want to wrap this up. What I have left. It's now 549 and we are off the record. They're back on at six." McCauley's once again asking the questions. McCauley, "Maxwell, do you recall being subpoenaed for a deposition back in 2009?" Maxwell, "I do." McCauley, "Why did you avoid giving your deposition in that case when you were subpoenaed and had the opportunity to tell your side of the story?" Pagliuca, "Objection to the form and the foundation." Maxwell, "That's not what happened." McCauley, "What happened?" Maxwell, "As best I recall, I was subpoenaed and the date was set for the subpoena and everything was set and I believe it was with Brad Edwards, correct me if I'm wrong, and Brad Edwards failed to show up for the subpoena." McCauley, "So your testimony as Brad Edwards did not show up for the deposition that had been set?" Maxwell, "Correct." McCauley, "Did you give any statement that your mother was ill and therefore you couldn't take your deposition and had to leave the country indefinitely?" Maxwell, "That's an entirely separate situation. Brad Edwards was involved in the redacted, I believe, you know, is when fake suits were created in Jeffrey's case and redacted and redacted and Brad Edwards worked for that firm." McCauley and Mr. Edwards worked for that firm, Maxwell. So when the subpoena came, Brad Edwards was involved with redacted in the case, so when I was called for subpoena, then, and I had a subpoena, date and time set, Brad Edwards went AWOL, meaning he failed to respond to calls and failed to get in touch with my attorneys, even though a date and time was set for the subpoena, and so that's what happened to that subpoena. It just didn't happen." McCauley, "We may be talking about two different cases, so I will ask the question again. Was there ever a time where you were subpoenaed to sit for a deposition that you cannot make it because you said that your mother was ill?" Maxwell, "So that is the same subpoena that Brad Edwards failed to turn up for, and when I think five or six months passed between a period of time, I can't characterize it exactly, a period of time past where he then resurfaced and asked for a new subpoena to be a new time to be set, and because he had contacted the press and done all sorts of things that you guys are familiar with, I believe, it was my lawyer suggested that I should have some sort of protective order, and I believe between the time for when Brad Edwards resurfaced after they were redacted, for creating fake cases in Jeffries and other people's cases in between the time, when there were trying to figure out the protective situation for me, my mother was sick. She is 89. She was 89 at the time, so they, we, can all, we all have parents, so anyone, I don't know how old your parents are, but any parent or godparent, any individual who was in their late 80s or 90s, we can understand as health issues, so my mother's health was deteriorating very rapidly. At that time, and we had issues at home with who she would talk to and had a manager, her health care situation, and so I went home. They were still arguing about protective orders, she gets interrupted here by manager, is it your testimony that there was not a date set for your deposition at the time you left to go see your mother? Maxwell, I don't believe so. All right, folks, we're going to wrap up this part here, and in the next episode we'll pick up where we left off. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin, so go to to play over a hundred social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get Lucky Today.