Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition (Part 21)

Our look into the dark underbelly of the Epstein operation continues in this episode as we begin our look at the Ghislaine Maxwell deposition in full.

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Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Transcript - DocumentCloud

Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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McCauley, did you provide the press with a report on a grand theft by Virginia Roberts? Maxwell, I don't know how the press got that story. McCauley, do you know if Virginia Roberts committed a grand theft? Maxwell, I only know what I read in the press. McCauley, did you ever state to the press that Virginia Roberts committed a grand theft? Maxwell, I've never had any conversation directly with the press. McCauley, did any of your representatives ever inform the press that Virginia Roberts committed a grand theft? Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I have no way of knowing what my representative said to the press or didn't. McCauley, did they ever discuss with you the fact that they were going to report that Virginia Roberts participated in a grand theft? Maxwell, I don't know how, first of all, I don't know how I know that. I believe I read it in a press report, so... McCauley, I'm going to mark this as composite exhibit, Maxwell 14, please. McCauley, I'm going to direct you to Page GM 00109. At the top of that page, you are going to see an email. Address from Jeffrey Epstein on Sunday, June 12, 2011, to redacted. Maxwell, yes? McCauley, the RE line says, "This is the actual version they wanted me to send, which I changed but this is back from my UK lawyers." Do you see that? Maxwell, yes. McCauley, if you go down further, you're going to see halfway through the page, you will see your email address, the redacted, and you will see a statement that says, "Thank you, I have it now. I'm working on the letter a little. I will send the final version tomorrow, and whatever is in it will be factually accurate." Beneath that, you will see redacted, who I believe you identified earlier as one of your attorneys. Maxwell, uh-huh. McCauley, and you will see a letter, starting the text of a letter. I want you to turn to the second page, which is GM 00110. About halfway through the page, it says you will also, presumably, draw attention to the fact that prior to filing a suit against Mr. Epstein, Ms. Roberts fled the US to avoid being arrested for Grand Theft. Police report available. And what Grand Theft were you referring to that Virginia Roberts committed? Tagliyuka? Objection to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, I don't know. However, I believe she stole money from somewhere where she worked. McCauley, how do you know that that was Grand Theft? Maxwell, I don't know how I know that. McCauley, so you authorized a statement that characterized that is Grand Theft without knowing whether it was Grand Theft? Maxwell, what month? What is the date of this? McCauley. The date of this is June 12, 2011. Maxwell, so I'm afraid such a long time ago, I'm not sure how, I really couldn't testify as to how that language ended up in here. McCauley, do you have the police report? It says police report available. Do you have that document? Maxwell, I don't have that document. McCauley, who does? Maxwell, I have no idea. McCauley, would your lawyer redacted have that document? Maxwell, I don't know who has this document. McCauley, what's your basis in that statement for saying that Ms. Roberts fled the US? Maxwell, again, you are asking me for a statement that I made in 2011, and I can't say what in 2011 exactly the basis of that statement was. McCauley, so you don't know whether or not that statement is true? Maxwell, this is in 2011, and it never went out, so I'm not exactly sure. McCauley, but you said in your email that you were working to make it factually accurate, is that correct? Maxwell, that's what it says. McCauley, I'm going to mark as Maxwell 15, a document dated February 24, 2015. Maxwell exhibit 15, email marked for identification. McCauley, this is an email from redacted, who you've identified as you are redacted on February 24, 2015, to redacted, which I understand to be your email address, and redacted. The subject line says VR cried rape, prior case dismissed as prosecutors' founder not to be credible. The message says, "Golane, some helpful leakage, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. What is it you are leaking to the press?" Mr. Pakliukka, objection, there is no foundation that she leaked anything, and you know that. McCauley, what was it that you were leaking to the press in that statement? Maxwell, again, I don't think that's what we're referring to. That's just referring to the press getting a hold of whatever story it is. McCauley, what was redacted leaking to the press? Mr. Pakliukka, objection to the form, and the foundation. Maxwell, it doesn't say redacted was leaking anything, it doesn't say that. McCauley, the statement says "helpful leakage, is that correct?" Maxwell, it says "helpful leakage." That doesn't mean he leaked anything. McCauley, did you leak to the press information about the subject line, "VR cried rape, prior case dismissed as prosecutors' founder not credible?" Maxwell, "I don't know idea what redacted is referring to. I think he is referring to the press held the story. I couldn't testify to that." McCauley, did you leak to the press information regarding the statement, "VR cried rape, prior case dismissed as prosecutors' founder not credible, either through you or through redacted?" Answer, I think this is coming from the Daily Mail. McCauley, that is not my question, I'm asking whether you or redacted leak that. Maxwell, I have no knowledge, I have no idea, I'm sorry, I can't, I have no recollection, I have no idea what she is talking about. McCauley, I'm going to mark this as 16. Maxwell, Exhibit 16, email marked for identification. McCauley, this is an email address at the top from Jeffrey Epstein on Monday, January 12, 2015, to redacted, which I understand to be your email address. The email reads, "You can issue a reward to any of Virginia's friends, acquaintances, family that come forward to help prove her allegations are false. The strongest is the redacted dinner and the new version of the Virgin Islands that redacted and practiced in an underage orgy. Did you offer any rewards to Virginia's family or friends to contradict Virginia's story?" That's the same strategy, just to interject here that Leon Black was using. Basically putting a bounty out on the accuser, friends and family come forward, get some of my money. Maxwell, absolutely not. McCauley, did Jeffrey Epstein offer any rewards to any of Virginia's as he suggests here friends, families or acquaintances to contradict Virginia's story? Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I have no idea what he did. McCauley, did he tell you he was going to offer rewards to Virginia's acquaintances, friends and family, to prove her allegations were false? Answer, by Maxwell, he did not. McCauley, do you know whether Jeffrey Epstein paid redacted to give testimony about Virginia Roberts? Maxwell, I don't know who redacted is. McCauley, so you don't know whether Jeffrey Epstein paid her? Maxwell, I don't know who redacted is. McCauley, have you ever contacted any of Virginia's friends, acquaintances or family regarding this case? Maxwell, I don't know who Virginia's friends or family are and I have not contacted anybody related to her in any way, shape or form. McCauley, I will turn you, I believe it's the thicker document which is Maxwell, I believe it was 14, right there, the compilation document to GM, at the bottom, GM 00071. You actually may want to turn the prior page 70 so you can see the email chain. At the top of the page, Mr. Pagliuca, I don't have a 00071. McCauley, it's the second page in that document, Pagliuca, okay? McCauley, it's dated Friday, March 11, 2011, from Maxwell to Jeffrey with the title, Daily Mail and there is a forward from redacted to you and a number of other individuals that's on the cover page and as you scroll to the second page, you are going to see that part of the chain that I'm asking about and that is the chain at the bottom which is dated 310 2011 from redacted and it says we think, we should think about the letter to the editor. School can be university, age of consent in Florida is complex, see below, if you are 16 years old, a sexual relationship with someone, 18 to 24 is legal in Florida. Two persons between 16 and 24, Florida Statute 794.05, a person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 or 17 years of age commits a felony in the second degree. So as soon as you turn 16, you are able to have sexual relations and you can have sexual relations with a minor under the age of 18 until your 24th birthday. Why were you concerned with the age of consent in Florida? Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and foundation of the question. Maxwell, I wasn't concerned, I think this was somebody sending me the statute for informational purposes. McCauley, who is redacted? Maxwell, he is the person who redacted, boss I believe, I don't know what the relationship is, McCauley, I didn't hear you, Maxwell, redacted, I'm not sure exactly. McCauley, why would he be sending you information addressing concerns about the age of consent in Florida? Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I think he was just trying to be telling me details that would happen. Virginia in 11 was claiming she was 15 and we thought she was 17. I didn't know what the statutes were in Florida and I think he was just trying to be helpful so I would know. McCauley, did you have a concern that you had violated the statute in Florida? Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand and we're working to do it responsibly. Our next-gen, tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90% compared to our older designs. Trying to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable, and ever cleaner. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit Maxwell, no. McCauley, did you have a concern that Jeffrey Epstein had violated the statute in Florida? Maxwell, I'm not concerned what happened with Jeffrey. I'm only concerned with what happens with me. McCauley, did you communicate with redacted about the sexual consent age in Florida? Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. It misstates her testimony. Maxwell, I wasn't concerned. I think he was actually being helpful and stating what the statute was. McCauley, I'm going to turn you now in that same stack to the Bates number GM00088. At the top of the email, you are going to see Jeffrey Epstein dated June 8, 2011 to you. And it's got a line? Vanity Fair. If you go down the chain, you will see where it says under your email, do you have a problem with anything I said? Were you communicating with Jeffrey to confirm what statements you could put in any press releases you were given? Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, any interest I have is inaccuracy. McCauley, were you confirming with Jeffrey Epstein what information you could put in a press release? Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, again, I'm only looking for accuracy. McCauley, why would you ask him if he had a problem with anything you were saying? Maxwell, if there is anything, I characterize that is not correct. McCauley, that's not what you said. You said, do you have a problem with anything I said? Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. There is no question pending. McCauley, there is. Pagliuca, that's not a question, it's a statement, McCauley, don't interrupt me. McCauley, did you say, do you have a problem with anything I said? Maxwell, that was asking in my parlance that I wanted him to check it for accuracy. McCauley, did he tell you there was anything inaccurate about that statement? Maxwell, again, I have to read the whole thing to figure it out. McCauley, were you coordinating with Jeffrey Epstein during this time period in 2011 regarding statements that you were issuing to the press? Pagliuca, did you withdraw the last question? McCauley, I'm not withdrawing anything. I'm asking a question. Pagliuca, there was a question pending. You didn't let the witness answer the question. Then you moved on to another question, so I'm asking for clarification for the record. Now which question are we answering? McCauley, there is an answer. The question was, did he tell you anything? There was anything in the statement inaccurate about the statement, and she said again, I read the whole thing, the witness, I would love to. McCauley, Maxwell said that she would have to read the whole thing to figure it out. Pagliuca, then she started reading it, and then you asked another question. McCauley, that's the question. Pagliuca, I'm wondering if it's still pending. McCauley, it was answered. McCauley, were you coordinating with Jeffrey Epstein during the time period in 2011 regarding the statements you were issuing to the press, Pagliuca, objection to the form, and the foundation? Maxwell, I only wanted to be accurate in any factual statements that I made. McCauley, you know at the time that Jeffrey Epstein had been convicted for sexual abuse of a minor. Is that correct? Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, he was sentenced, I believe, for underage, soliciting, and underage prostitute. McCauley, you knew that he was a registered sex offender? Maxwell, yes. McCauley, you were coordinating with them. With that statement, that you were going to be making to the press to confirm whether they were accurate in your words, Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I was not coordinating with Jeffrey, he had details that I did not have. I was not party to his case, I needed to have information in order to be able to respond, so I was not coordinating with him. I was merely asking for details that I could have. McCauley, did Jeffrey write any of your press statements for you? Maxwell, no. McCauley, did he draft any of them? Maxwell, I have a lawyer who was working on this, and that was, I asked, I believe, as I recollect, asked him for information to make sure I was being accurate in the representations for whatever I was discussing. McCauley, did Jeffrey provide you with any drafts of statements to provide to the press? Maxwell, I only recall drafts from my lawyer. McCauley, I will mark this as Maxwell 17. McCauley, this is an email from you on January 10th, 2015, to redacted, the statement you had before you earlier that, if you can pull that in front of you, the one-page press release that you gave. You might not know it from memory, was the press release that you issued with the statement about Virginia issued in or around January 2, 2015, Maxwell as best as I can recollect, McCauley, I want you to turn your attention to the document, I just handed you, which is Bates number 001044, from you to redacted. It says in the first sentence, I'm out of my depth to understand defamation, other legal hazards as I don't want to end up in a lawsuit and at me from anyone, if I can help it. Apparently even saying Virginia is a liar is a hazard. You knew at the time you called Virginia a liar in early January 2015 that that was something that would result in a lawsuit, is that correct? Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation, Maxwell, I have legal advice that I took. McCauley, but you knew in early January by making a statement calling Virginia a liar, that you were a subjecting yourself to a legal dispute with her, Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation, Maxwell, I took legal advice as to what should be said and not be said and the legal advice that came from the United Kingdom was. Pagliuca interjects, you are not allowed to talk about any legal advice that you got from anybody. That's a lawyer. Maxwell. Sorry. McCauley. So is it correct without telling me that you talked to your lawyers about that? You knew, because this is dated January 10th, that when you made this statement, in early January, January 2nd of 2015, you knew that calling Virginia a liar would subject you to legal action, isn't that correct? Pagliuca, objection to the form and foundation, as to what you knew, whatever she knows would be privileged. McCauley, I'm asking if she knows, I'm not asking her to tell me about the privileged communications. Maxwell, all I can say is I asked a question and received legal advice. All right, folks, we're going to wrap up right there and in the next episode, we'll pick up where we left off. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.