Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition (Part 20)

Our look into the dark underbelly of the Epstein operation continues in this episode as we begin our look at the Ghislaine Maxwell deposition in full.

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Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Transcript - DocumentCloud

Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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What's up everyone and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. In this episode we're going to pick up where we left off with the Galain Maxwell deposition. McCauley, do you know if Jeffrey had sex with redacted, Pagliuka object to the form, and the foundation? Maxwell, first of all, wouldn't have any knowledge of that. McCauley, we are going to take a quick break. So they take their quick little break, and it goes from 439 to 454, and then it's right back to it with McCauley asking questions once again. McCauley, Ms. Maxwell. We were talking earlier about the journal, and I believe you said in 2004, 2005, you were no longer working and responsible for that journal. Is that correct? Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, what are you referring to? This document right here? McCauley, yes, Maxwell, I don't know who is the author of this, or I can't tell you what is in here, versus what would have been here when I was around, I can't testify to that. McCauley, were you around in 2004, or 2005? Maxwell, I already testified that I was there when Jeffrey's mother passed away, and so you know, I did visit for her passing, and I believe I was there for a couple of days in 2005. McCauley, so if an employee of Mr. Epstein in 2004 said that you were the employee's direct supervisor, would that be incorrect? Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, what employee, what's the circumstances, and what is the story? I don't know what you were asking me. McCauley, if redacted said in 2004, when he was hired, you were his direct supervisor? Would that be true? Maxwell, no. McCauley, were you in 2004 supervising redacted? Pagliuka, objection to form and the foundation. Maxwell, I have never supervised redacted. McCauley, did redacted take orders from you? Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, she worked for Epstein. McCauley, if redacted said you had knowledge of underage girls coming to Jeffrey's home for the purpose of sex, would you contend that that is truthful? Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation of the question. Maxwell, I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm sorry. McCauley, if redacted said that you have knowledge of underage girls coming to Jeffrey's home for the purpose of having massage involving sex, would you say that that statement is truthful? Miss Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I can't testify to what redacted said or didn't say. McCauley, I'm saying if redacted said that you had knowledge that there was girls coming over to the house that were underage for the purpose of sex, would that statement be true? Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I can't testify to what redacted said or didn't say or what he thought. McCauley, did you have knowledge of underage girls coming to Jeffrey Epstein's house for the purpose of sex? Maxwell, no. McCauley, earlier I believe you testified correct me if I'm wrong, that the document that is in front of you, the thicker document was a stolen document? Do you know who stole that document? Maxwell, I had read that redacted had stolen the document. McCauley and where did you read that? Maxwell, I believe it was reported in the press. McCauley, earlier we were talking about computers at Jeffrey Epstein's home. Did you have a computer that was your computer located in Jeffrey's home? Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I've testified to the computer already, even when I was around there was a computer that people had access to. McCauley, so is redacted telling the truth when he says that he downloaded that book from your computer. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I couldn't possibly tell you what redacted did or didn't do or said or didn't say. McCauley, was it on your computer? Maxwell, I already testified I have no idea where this document came from. McCauley, did you have a list of names of individuals with contact information for Jeffrey Epstein on your personal computer? Maxwell, again, that wasn't my computer. I already said that that was a computer that lots of people would have, so I have no recollection of this document being on it so I don't know where this came from. McCauley, I understand the computer at the house that you're referencing on a personal computer of yours, did you have that document? Maxwell, I don't know where this document came from, so I can't possibly say this document was on my computer that I may have had access to. McCauley, on a personal computer of your own, did you have lists of phone numbers and contact information relating to Jeffrey Epstein? Maxwell, like everybody, I have an address book but I can't possibly testify to where this thing came from. McCauley, was it your address book or was it addresses that related to Jeffrey Epstein? Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I don't know what you're asking me. McCauley, on your personal computer, the address book you are referencing, was it your address book with individuals you knew or was it an address book for your employer Jeffrey Epstein? Maxwell, Jeffrey has his situation and I have no, this is Jeffrey's. It came from his home, so I can't testify to anything about this in that period of time. McCauley, so you didn't have on your computer a list of contact information for individuals that was related to Jeffrey Epstein? Maxwell, I don't recall exactly what I had back in 2004 and 2005, so I can't say what I had back then that relates to his address and I can't recall. McCauley, so it is possible that someone could have downloaded from your personal computer a list of names and addresses that were affiliated with Jeffrey Epstein, Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, this didn't come from any computer of mine. McCauley, but it's possible that someone could have downloaded a list of names and addresses affiliated with Jeffrey Epstein from your computer. Mr. Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I already said, I didn't have the computer there, so I don't know where this came from, I have no idea. McCauley, I'm going to read to you some testimony from redacted's deposition and it's on page 370, and I want to ask you a question about it, if it's true or if it's false. Mr. Paglioca, I'm going to object unless you show the witness the document. McCauley, I will pass it, we are not going to mark it, we will skip it. McCauley, did you ever tell redacted that he better watch out and better keep his mouth shut with respect to what occurred at Epstein's home? Mr. Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell doesn't sound like anything, I would say. McCauley, did you ever threaten redacted in any way? If he were to disclose information, he learned from his employment with Jeffrey Epstein? Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I'm happy to answer. No, I never threatened him in any way. McCauley, were you concerned that he was going to disclose that Jeffrey Epstein was trafficking underage girls? Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, first of all, there are so many things wrong with that question, but I have no knowledge of what you were talking about. McCauley, have you ever contacted or instructed anyone to contact any witness in this case for the purpose of threatening them not to testify in this case? Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I have never called anybody with any kind of reference to this case or anything you just mentioned. I never threatened anyone. McCauley, have you ever directed anyone to call a witness relevant to this case and threaten them not to testify? Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I have never done such a thing. McCauley, did Jeffrey Epstein or you ever ask any female, regardless of age, to carry Jeffrey's baby form? Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. McCauley, anything along those lines. Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, can you repeat the question, please? McCauley, did your Jeffrey Epstein ever ask any female, regardless of age, to carry Jeffrey Epstein's baby form? Mr. Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, are you asking, to this McCauley, just interrupts, to become pregnant? Did your Jeffrey Epstein ever ask any female, to become pregnant and carry Jeffrey Epstein's baby for you or for Jeffrey? Mr. Paglioca, objection to form. Maxwell, you need to be very specific. I have no idea what you're talking about. That's completely rubbish. McCauley, did your Jeffrey Epstein, ask any female, to become pregnant and carry his baby for either him or for you. Mr. Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Go ahead. Maxwell, I can't testify to anything Jeffrey did or didn't do when I am not present, but I have never asked anybody to carry a baby for me. McCauley, or anything along those lines, Mr. Paglioca, object to the form and the foundation. McCauley, I want to make sure we are talking about the same thing, not physically carry a baby, I mean become pregnant with a baby. Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. McCauley, I want to make sure that we're clear. Maxwell, I don't know what you're asking. McCauley, that's why I want to make sure that we are clear. Maxwell, we are clear. I never asked anybody to carry a baby for me. McCauley, do you know if Jeffrey ever asked anybody to carry a baby for him? Maxwell, I'm not going to characterize any conversation Jeffrey had with somebody else. McCauley, you are not aware of that, is that your testimony? Maxwell, I am testifying I never have and I will not testify for anything for Jeffrey. McCauley, did you ever hear Jeffrey ask anybody to carry a baby for him? Maxwell, I don't recollect conversation about Jeffrey and babies in any form. McCauley, did Jeffrey ever tell you he wanted to have a baby? Maxwell, I don't recollect baby conversations with Jeffrey. McCauley, so he never told you he wanted to have a baby. Maxwell, I don't have any recollection, any baby conversation with him, saying he wanted to have a baby. McCauley, did you ever bring any females to the redacted house that were not your friends' children, that were under the age of 18? Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I have never, ever, to my knowledge brought anybody under the age of 18, that's not a friend of my family or my nieces or nephews to that blank household. McCauley, earlier today, you testified I believe, that with respect to your town home, Jeffrey paid for some of that and then gave you a loan, is that correct? Mr. Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I said actually I think it was a loan, I believe it was a loan. McCauley, the whole thing, Maxwell, as best as I can recollect, McCauley, did you pay that loan back? Maxwell, I don't have any outstanding loans with him, McCauley, so you paid it back. Maxwell, I don't have any outstanding loans with him, McCauley, that's not an answer to my question, did you pay back Jeffrey for the loans? Maxwell, I have paid back any loan I had with him. McCauley, you have or haven't, Maxwell, have, McCauley, were there any other gifts that Jeffrey gave you during that time period of, say, 1999 to the present that were in excess of $50,000? Mr. Paglioca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, what's the question again? McCauley, did Jeffrey give you any gifts in excess of amounts of $50,000? I'm not talking about a scarf, here or there or something insignificant from 1999 to the present. Maxwell, I can't recollect any gifts. McCauley, did he ever buy you a car? Maxwell, I really don't recall, I can't recall, it's a long time. McCauley, you can't recall if Jeffrey ever bought you a car? Maxwell, I believe he did buy me a car, I don't recall how much it costs, I don't recall any of the financial details of that. McCauley, do you still have that car? Maxwell, I don't. McCauley, how long ago did you get rid of that car? Maxwell, I don't recall all the cars, there was a car back, there was, I don't recall, I'm sorry. McCauley, he supplied you with several cars? Paglioca, objection to the form and the mischaracterization of the testimony. Maxwell, I don't recall details of the cars. McCauley, did he supply you with more than one car? Maxwell, over the course of time, I've driven many cars. McCauley, that Jeffrey provided you? Maxwell, there were cars that could be driven and I just don't recall them. McCauley, were they in your name? Maxwell, I don't recall. McCauley, you don't recall if Jeffrey Epstein ever put a car in your name? Maxwell, we were talking a long time ago, I don't really recall. McCauley, when's the last time you had a car from Jeffrey Epstein that you used? Maxwell, 2000, 2001, 2002. McCauley, do you recall what kind of car it was? Maxwell, I don't recall, I'm sorry. McCauley, did Epstein purchase anything else for you besides the townhouse and cars? That would be over the amount of $50,000? Maxwell, I didn't say that he did. I said alone. McCauley, besides the loan, I'm sorry. You were right. Did you say you had a loan and you said you paid that back, correct? Maxwell, that's my testimony. McCauley, anything else in excess of $50,000 that he would have purchased for you? Maxwell, we were talking 2002, 2001. I don't recall any gifts, really. McCauley, when's the last time Jeffrey Epstein gave you a gift in the excess of $50,000? Mr. Pagliuca assumes facts, not in evidence, form and foundation. McCauley, you're saying you don't remember from 2001 and 2002? I'm asking, when is the last time you remember Jeffrey Epstein purchasing a gift for you? Maxwell, I don't recall gifts in excess of $50,000. I barely recall gifts. I barely recall a lot of this. I'm sorry. I don't recall. McCauley, is Jeffrey Epstein paying for your legal fees in this case? Maxwell, no. McCauley, is he paying for anything related to this case? Maxwell, no. All right, we're gonna wrap up there and we'll pick up where we left off in the next episode. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.