Beyond The Horizon

Jeffrey Epstein And All Of Your Favorite Politicians And Still No Accountability (7/8/24)

Adria English, a former porn star, has filed a lawsuit against Sean "Diddy" Combs, accusing him of grooming her into sex trafficking. According to English, she met Combs in 2004 through her boyfriend, who was auditioning for a modeling gig with Combs' company, Sean John. English claims that Combs coerced her into becoming a go-go dancer at his parties and that she was given drugs, including ecstasy, to impair her judgment. She alleges that Combs demanded she have sex with other individuals, including jeweler Jacob Arabov, and that she was sexually assaulted by several people at Combs' parties.

Combs' legal team has denied all allegations, stating that Combs has never engaged in sexual assault or sex trafficking. They argue that the numerous lawsuits against him are baseless attempts to gain money​.

In this episode, we begin taking a look at her complaint in full.  

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08 Jul 2024
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Equal housing opportunity, all-own subject to approval, insured by NCUA. Belco, banking for everyone! What's up everyone, and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles! Over the past few weeks, there has been a huge increase in people trying to politicize Jeffrey Epstein and what Jeffrey Epstein was up to. However, the vast majority of the people that are trying to do this have no idea what they're talking about. And it's certainly a weird-ass flex for you to come out here and try and talk about this one was with Epstein and doing this or that with Epstein. Meanwhile, you haven't held anybody accountable on your own side of the aisle. And we're not talking about just allegations here that are pulled out from left field or people that are out here recanting their allegations. We're talking about serious allegations made against George Mitchell, who was the highest-ranking Democrat in the Senate, and we're also talking about Bill Richardson, who was active within the Democratic Party, all the way up to his death recently. So how are you going to get out here and try and use this as a cudgel and talk about anybody else when you haven't had any accountability yourselves? I mean, you're still trotting Bill Clinton out there like he's some kind of god, like he's somebody people should look up to. Meanwhile, Epstein was at his White House 17 times at least. Clinton was certainly on the island. Clinton was at Zorro Ranch. Jeffrey Epstein gave Clinton the seed money to start his foundation. Bill Clinton had a favorite seed on Jeffrey Epstein's plane. Bill Clinton got a massage from a human trafficking victim at an airport. All of this is fact. There's receipts for all of this. So my advice to people on the left to think they're going to politicize this is stop it. Because it's not going to work out well for you in the end. People who know this story, they understand what happened here. And while there's certainly both sides of the aisle and powerful people from both parties who have eaten at Jeffrey Epstein's trough, the vast majority of these people were Democrats. So people better be very cautious trying to politicize this. I'm not just going to sit here and be like, oh, yeah, that's cool. Go ahead. Steal the narrative. Make it whatever you want. Because that's just not the truth. And people deserve the truth, especially in this story. Because there is not a lot of it going around. A lot of salaciousness. A lot of people telling you a story that they want to believe. But the truth is the truth. And my friends, the truth is that only a fool who doesn't understand this story would attempt to politicize it and use it as a cudgel. But since so many people seem to want to open that door recently, why don't we enter the room? This article was published by Daily Mail and the headline. Jeffrey Epstein's alleged sex trafficking victim claims his associate told her to have sex with high profile Democrats George Mitchell and Bill Richardson, among others. You would think that that would cause an uproar, right? That people would be all fired up about this. But no, nothing crickets because it's your save, right? And if you find yourself somebody who's offended by this episode, well, unfortunately, you're part of the problem. This article was originally published in August of 2019. And the author of this article is Leah McDonald. A woman who alleges that Jeffrey Epstein and an associate forced her to have sex with powerful men, has named Democratic politicians George Mitchell and Bill Richardson in court documents on Friday. Point blank period, okay? This is what Virginia said. So either you believe what she said or you don't. There's no in between. You can't just pick and choose. Oh, well, Virginia said this about this one and I believe it, but not about this one. Why? Because you have a political bias that leads you one way or the other? I mean, you would think that this would have been just a gigantic story. You would think that people who are now out here are crowing about this, that or the other thing and about how everyone's involved with Epstein would start here at the very beginning with people who were incredibly accused. But that doesn't fit their narrative, right? That doesn't fit the story that they're trying to tell. So they'll just avoid it. They won't give you the whole truth. But unfortunately, for these bitch ass snake oil salesmen, there are some people out here who know this story, who are not going to just sit here and let them pitch whatever narrative they want. A federal appeals court unsealed about 2,000 pages of documents related to Jeffrey Epstein, the U.S. financier pedophile, facing charges of sex trafficking involving dozens of underage girls. The papers included affidavit's and depositions of key witnesses in a lawsuit that Virginia Roberts, now 33, filed against Epstein and his associate socialite, Glenn Maxwell. Roberts accused the pair of keeping her as a sex slave in the early 2000s when she was underage after meeting Maxwell in Mar-a-Lago where she had a summer job. She alleged that in May 3, 2016, deposition that she was trafficked by the pair to have sex and provide erotic massages for politicians and the fluent businessmen. In ordering the documents released, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit also warned that the allegations contained within them are not necessarily proven. According to one deposition, Roberts alleges that she was instructed by Maxwell to have sex with George Mitchell, a former Senate Majority Leader who represented Maine from 1980 through 1995, and former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. In a statement to Fox News, Mitchell flatly denied the allegations contained in the document, and I guess that was good enough for a lot of you out there, huh? I guess if your political bend is to the left, him coming out and saying he didn't do it well, that was good enough. Never mind the fact that we had a ton of evidence pointing us in the other direction, and same goes for George Mitchell, but why investigate them, right? That doesn't fit the narrative that's trying to be built right now, and while that shit might get some tread with other people, that shit's dead on arrival here on this podcast. I have never met spoken with or had any contact with Ms. Roberts, Mitchell said. "In my contacts with Mr. Epstein, I never observed or suspected any inappropriate conduct with underage girls. I only learned of his actions when they were reported, in the media, related to his prosecution in Florida. We have had no further contact. The same excuse everybody gave. Imagine, Mr. Mitchell over here just flipped the script. What if it was Ted Cruz? How would that go over? Would you all just be like, ah, they're just allegations? Or would you be looking for the truth? I mean, we already know. Just take a look at the way people went bananas over Alex Acosta, a middle manager who really had nothing to do with what went on. I don't care what Julie K. Brown tells you, okay? I know how the Justice Department works, and I certainly know how the FBI works. And there's no way in hell that a guy like Alex Acosta is signing off on a deal like this. And look at the uproar. Look at how quick it turned into a gigantic scandal. You would think that a man who used to run the Senate, George Mitchell, and another man, Bill Richardson, who was very powerful in the Democratic Party, you would think that would raise some alarm bells, right? Roberts claimed that Maxwell also instructed her to have sex with modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel and financier Glenn Dubin. So it's real and true about everybody else, but not about George Mitchell or Bill Richardson. And if you're somebody who was in that camp, go and give yourself a good slap in the face. A spokeswoman for Dubin told Associated Press that he was outraged by the unsealed allegations, which he considered the monsterably false and defamatory, and said that he had flight records and other evidence that definitively disprove them. Oh yeah, sure you do, buddy. Notice none of these people filed any lawsuits? Where's George Mitchell's big lawsuit? Where's Bill Richardson's? Where's Bill Clinton's? Oh, that's right. They're not going to file lawsuits, are they? I wonder why? If they were being defamed, and if somebody's out here talking out of school about them saying such vile things, you would think that they would sue, right? Big powerful people like this, a lot of money, a lot to lose. Nah, we're not going to sue. We'll just let this high profile story continue to grow legs. Does that sound logical to you? Or is it more logical to think that they know that if discovery ever happened, they'd be cooked? I'm going to go with option number two. Richardson served as US ambassador to the United Nations from 1997 to 1998, and secretary of energy under Bill Clinton from 1998 to 2000. In 2008, he sought the Democratic nomination for president, dropping out after Iowa and New Hampshire. In a statement issued to Fox News, Richardson denied the allegations and insisted that they are completely false. Governor Richardson has never even been contacted by any party regarding this lawsuit. His spokesperson said, "To be clear in Governor Richardson's limited interactions with Mr. Epstein, he never saw him in the presence of young or underage girls. None of them did, huh?" They're all liars, bro. Every last one of them. And these are your faves? These are the people that you're defending? These are the people that you're arguing on the internet about? Aren't you embarrassed? For some people, though, politics over people rules the day. Governor Richardson has never been to Mr. Epstein's residence in the Virgin Islands. Governor Richardson has never met Ms. Roberts. It was not clear from the deposition transcript included in the court documents how old Roberts was at the time of the alleged direction. The transcript does not indicate whether Roberts actually engaged in sex with the four men. She did. She has been on record talking about it, and not only that, she's given this information during depositions under oath. A lawyer for a Brunel did not respond to a phone call and email from Associated Press seeking comment. Roberts was asked in the deposition by a lawyer for Glaine Maxwell to name the politically connected and financially powerful people that Glaine Maxwell told you to have sex with. Virginia Roberts then responded, "Again, I'm going to tell you they, because that's how it went. They instructed me to go to George Mitchell, Jean-Luc Brunel, and Bill Richardson." A guy that owns a hotel, a really large hotel chain, I can't remember which hotel it was. She adds, "The Prittakers, anyone want to guess what political party they're part of? Are we picking up the pattern here yet? And why it's not a good idea for people to try and use this as a political cudgel? You make yourself look like a straight-up fucking moron, especially when you come with the bunked bullshit that's been stepped on and thrown out a million times. At least have some proof, right? At least have some evidence to back up your nonsense, have some receipts. None of these people do. They just have a bunch of followers on Twitter and a bunch of bullshit to spout. But the reality is, very few people understand what happened here. And the more people that begin talking about this story, the more convinced of that I am. This is not a story that you can just pick up on. This ain't a story you could just walk into and be like, "Oh yeah, I have everything down. I know all of the details." This is layer after layer of crazy. And if you haven't been into the core documents down into the weeds and got really deep, then you really have no idea what's going on here. She claimed that there was a whole bunch of men, and she was instructed to have sexual relations with adding, "It's hard for me to remember all of them." Robert's added, "You know, I was told to do something by these people constantly told to. My whole life revolved around just pleasing them and keeping Elaine and Epstein happy. Their whole entire lives revolved around sex." None of those names in Robert's deposition have been charged criminally or soon in connection with the Epstein case. And that's not a problem? Nobody out there sees that to be a problem? Where are all the big write-ups on Bill Richardson or on George Mitchell? Oh, that's right. Couldn't find any time to do that, huh? Way too busy talking about Alex Acosta. No other core documents provide any additional details about Robert's allegations, and many remain sealed. She claimed that she had sexual relations with former MIT scientist Marvin Minsky in the U.S. Virgin Islands. He has denied the allegations. Would anyone care to take a stab as to where Mr. Minsky's politics are? If you're guessing left to the center, you're guessing correctly. Roberts also revealed two men that she did not engage in any sexual acts with, Epstein's survivors in her own deposition that was unsealed on Friday, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump. And I've said from the beginning that I have seen no evidence that Bill Clinton was on this island having sex with anybody. Now there's other people that might want to spout that stuff, but I have no evidence of that. There is evidence, however, of all the other things that we've talked about when it comes to Bill Clinton. And I don't know how anyone can look at Bill Clinton's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, and not understand just how tight these two were. And if you're ignoring it, well, more's the pity, because it's a huge part of this story. Epstein doesn't get away with anything without his deep ties to Bill Clinton. And when you read the court documents from early on in this case, they are just littered with Bill Clinton's name. The only person mentioned more than Bill Clinton, it would seem as Sarah Kellen Vickers. And there's no maybe there, but that's all fact. So I would think that people that have concerns about Epstein hanging out with politicians would be starting with Bill Clinton. But again, I guess it just doesn't fit that narrative of the faves. Roberts said in a 2016 deposition that Trump didn't partake in any sex with us and never flirted with me. She also stated that Epstein, talking about how the two were friends, she did not recall ever seeing him at the Palm Beach mansion. Roberts did however confirm that Donald Trump was also a good friend to Jeffries. There is zero doubt. Everybody in that New York social circle moved together, every one of them. If you were big and famous and rich, you were all moving in the same circles. That's how New York was. And let's remember, up until what he ran for president, Donald Trump was a Democrat. He was well liked. He was allowed to move with these people. They all hung out together. They all went to the same charity functions. And then everything changed, right? Once he decided he was running for office, well, that's how it works. But there's going to be people out there that try and say that Epstein and Trump weren't even friends. And that's a straight up lie too. That's just as bad as people trying to ignore or diminish what Epstein was up to with Clinton. The whole story matters. Everybody involved needs to be exposed, but there is no doubt about it. Before people on the left start talking about this one or that one and pointing fingers, you folks need to do some house cleaning. There needs to be some accountability on the left when it comes to Epstein, because all these years later, I haven't seen it yet. A lawyer for Maxwell then asked what's the basis for your statement that Donald Trump is a good friend to Jeffries. Roberts responded, Jeffries told me that Donald Trump is a good friend of his. Look, I have zeroed out about it. These rich scumbags, they all hang out together. That's what they do. The thing is though, there's levels to this. And there's no doubt that Bill Clinton was at the top level of Jeffrey Epstein's pyramid. Did he have a picture of Bill Clinton and a dress on his wall and some pumps or no? You think that just happens? That's just a gag? Oh yeah, let me put a picture of the ex-president on my wall in addressing some pumps. He did that for a reason, and the reason is he was telling the rest of us that he owned Bill Clinton. Roberts said her father, who worked at Mar-a-Lago as a maintenance manager, got her a job there in the summer of 2000 as a locker room attendant at the club's spa when she was 16. She said she was reading a book on massage therapy one day when she was approached by Maxwell, who noticed the book and told her that she knew someone seeking a traveling masseuse. When Roberts told her she had no experience or credentials, she recall Maxwell said, "We can train you. We can get you educated." The court records contain graphic allegations against Epstein, who was accused of trafficking young girls internationally to have sex with prominent American politicians. Oh, politicians all over the place, by the way. Business executives and world leaders. They portray Epstein as a sex slave driver with an insatiable appetite for underage girls. Well, what did the judge just say in the release of the grand jury transcripts? The most prolific pedophile in American history, no? Pretty much the same thing we've been saying, and that's because we stay on point here, and that's because the truth matters, the facts matter in this case, and I don't care where they lead. Unlike a lot of people out there, I don't care where they lead, because anyone involved, no matter what stupid-ass dumb-ass political party they're part of, well, you're going to be on the radar, and you better believe that there is a verbal bombing run coming your way, because the truth matters, especially now. All right, folks, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.