Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition (Part 13)

Our look into the dark underbelly of the Epstein operation continues in this episode as we begin our look at the Ghislaine Maxwell deposition in full.

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Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Transcript - DocumentCloud

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07 Jul 2024
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What's up, everyone, and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. In this episode, we're going to pick back up where we left off with that cliffhanger in the Galain Maxwell deposition. So, let's get right back to it. McCauley, let's go through them. What's the first one? Maxwell, her characterization of the first meeting at Marlago. McCauley, what part of that was an obvious lie. Maxwell, the characterization that she said that she said she was accosted. She looked like as best as I can recall if I met her in Marlago as she claims. She worked at Marlago, she claims, and her statement. She worked at Marlago. She would have been dressed as all the spa people in Marlago would have been. It would have been impossible to identify her as someone other than someone who worked. She made many claims. She has been a bathroom attendant, front of house attendant. We don't know what that was. So, her obvious lies are her contradictory of her own personal statements within that. McCauley, so what part of her statement relating to Marlago, McCauley's cut off statement? McCauley, so what part of her statement relating to Marlago, McCauley's cut off statement? Relating to Marlago, McCauley's cut off here by Maxwell, I'm carrying on. McCauley, I'm sorry, I thought you were done. Maxwell, please, her statement also that she was driven by her father to Palm Beach. She was driven by her mother, as a matter of fact. Her whole entire characterization of the first meeting with Jeffrey as I was outside speaking to her mother. McCauley, let me stop you right there, so we don't get too far ahead. Let me make sure I understand your testimony. The first, in the first piece, when you're talking, I believe you said correct me if I'm wrong, that her characterization of the first meeting at Marlago was an obvious lie. What part of that meeting was an obvious lie? Maxwell, by her own testimony, all her various, many different descriptions of what she was, or wasn't, or where she was, or wasn't, they've all changed. She was either in front of the house, or a bathroom attendant, I don't know what she was, so just by her own words, one doesn't know what's true, and what isn't true. McCauley, are you saying what position she said she was working in? Is that what you are considering the obvious lie? Maxwell, I said inconsistency within her own statement from everything, so in the beginning it starts off with different statements. McCauley, then I believe you said, the second piece was that she was driven by her father? Maxwell, I said she was driven by her mother. McCauley, that's an obvious lie. Maxwell, it's an obvious lie to me. McCauley, you said why don't you state it in your own words, but the characterization of how she was with Jeffrey, what about that is an obvious lie? Maxwell, I was standing outside talking to her mother, so the entire story is a fabrication. McCauley, did she not have sex with Jeffrey Epstein during the first massage? Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I was talking to her mother, so... McCauley, do you know whether that's an obvious lie, whether she had sex in that room or not? Maxwell, her story about what happened, let's also be, the story as first hit the press, was that somebody else led her to Jeffrey's room. It was not me, and then it turned out being me, so we have an obviously important inconsistency. Lie in my, that's how I would characterize a lie. It cannot be me, or somebody else, it can only be one or the other. McCauley, who is the other person? She said took her to the room. Maxwell, why don't you ask her? McCauley, I'm asking you. Maxwell, how would I possibly know? McCauley, you are saying that's a lie? Maxwell, it was a lie in the papers, she said it in the newspaper, and it was in the newspaper. McCauley, how do you know she wasn't identifying you? Maxwell, she said somebody. McCauley, how do you know somebody wasn't you? Maxwell, why did it suddenly become me? Why not say it was me, and be done with it? McCauley, so it's a lie, because originally, she may not have named you, and then named you later? Maxwell, it's obviously inconsistent to somebody who wasn't me. McCauley, how do you know it wasn't you? Maxwell, I know it wasn't me, because I wasn't talking to her mother. McCauley, but she then named you. Is that what you're saying? Maxwell, that's an obvious lie. McCauley, she named you. Maxwell, it's an obvious lie, because I wasn't even in the house. McCauley, is it an obvious, who did lead her up to Jeffrey's room while you were talking to her mother? Maxwell, you would have to ask Virginia. I don't know if she was led up to the room in his house. McCauley, you were standing with her mother, is that correct? Maxwell, that's correct. McCauley, who was working at the house that day? Maxwell, redacted. Maxwell would have redacted typically lead someone up to the massage room where Jeffrey was having a massage. Maxwell, I don't know if she was led up to the massage room to have a massage. McCauley, she would have found her way on her own. Maxwell, I would suggest that that entire story never happened at all in any of its form. McCauley, if you stood outside with her mother, what did you think happened inside then? Maxwell, I believe that somebody, it wasn't me, redacted. Probably took her to meet Jeffrey Epstein, redacted, redacted. Maxwell, did Jeffrey tell you that? Maxwell, no, but that would have been a normal interaction. I don't believe for a second, I know her entire characterization didn't happen because I was outside talking to her mother the entire time. McCauley, why would she have come for a massage and not give a massage? Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, we are talking about her characterization of the first time that she came to the house. McCauley, if I'm following you correctly, you're saying she walked in and would have gone to, it's your assumption, she would have gone and talked to Jeffrey and left. Maxwell, when I was working for Jeffrey typically, he would meet someone before getting a massage from them to see if he wanted to have a massage from them typically. McCauley, so he would not have someone come up to the room and start a massage. Maxwell, he would not. McCauley, so the young girls in the police report, who say they came over and were led up to the room on the first day, would they be wrong about that? Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I cannot comment on what happened when I was not in the house. I can only comment when I was at the house. McCauley, was there ever a time where a woman came to the house for the first time to give a massage and Jeffrey had the massage that day? Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and foundation. Maxwell, can we talk about adult professional masseuses, please? McCauley, I'm asking whether adult or underage. Maxwell, I'm not interested in talking about underage. I can only testify to what I know, professional masseuses, adult. I cannot testify to everything else. McCauley, why can't you testify to an underage girl that came over and was led up to the room for a massage? Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, the police records you are referring to? McCauley, you are saying that didn't happen, you are saying I can only testify to adults that came for an interview and were led up to the room. Why can't you testify to whether an underage girl was brought in for an interview and led up? Pagliuka, interrupt her here, objection to the form and the foundation. McCauley, go ahead and answer. Maxwell, can you re-ask the question? McCauley, why can't you testify as to an underage girl who came over for an interview and then was then led up to the room for the massage? Maxwell, you've mangled your entire question. Can you please re-ask it in a way that I can answer it correctly? McCauley, why can't you not testify as to whether an underage girl, you said you can testify as to the females that were over the age of 18, why can't you testify as to whether an underage girl came over for an interview on that same day? Maxwell, I don't know what you mean by interview. McCauley, you just said that Jeffrey Epstein interviewed, it was your word, interviewed, the masseuses before they gave a massage. Is that correct? Maxwell, the word interview is making me, I'm English, so you could have some difficulty understanding the way I communicate. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. 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McCauley, I'm using your word. Maxwell, then I'll reuse it a different way. He would meet them because receiving a massage is something you want to make sure you are comfortable with the person, and so interview is not the correct word, but you would meet and have a conversation. And have a conversation with them to see if you want them to have a massage with that person. That's an interview, galain Maxwell, you stank ass hoes beast. McCauley, did Jeffrey Epstein ever meet an underage girl, and on the same day receive a massage from that girl? Paclioca, objection to the form, and the foundation. Maxwell, I can't possibly testify to what happened after I was not at the house. McCauley, if you were aware at any time you were at the house, did you ever see that? To this, manage your pipes in. Let her finish the question. Maxwell, I can only testify to people who were adult professional masseuses who came to the house. I cannot testify to something I'm not party to and don't know about. I can only testify to what I saw, so when professional adult masseuse, male, and/or females would come to the house, typically when I was there, typically, he would meet with them prior to have a conversation with them about their experience, whatever, to decide whether it would then, A, if he had time for the massage at that time, or B, whether he could have a massage at that moment. Does any of that sound logical or real to any of you? Because from my seat here in the peanut gallery, it all sounds like a bunch of bullshit. McCauley was Virginia an adult when she came over, was she over 18, Paglioca, objection to the form, and the foundation. Maxwell, I think we established, as of today, we are all aware, everyone in this room, that she was 17. McCauley, so you have been present when a minor was brought over for a massage for Jeffrey? Maxwell, can I say, as you were able to have a massage at 17, so she came as a masseuse? McCauley, I'm not saying whether or not you were able to, I'm saying you've been present at Jeffrey's home when an underage minor has come over to give him a massage. Maxwell, that's just not how that works, you were able to be a masseuse at 17, so she came to give for a massage at 17, you were able to come over and give a massage. Just to interject again, really, 17-year-old? How much massage schooling have they had? Give me a break. God, she's vile. McCauley, I'm not asking whether she is able to do it, I'm asking whether you were present at the home when a girl under the age of 18 came over for the purpose of giving a massage. Mr. Paglioca, objection to the form, and the foundation. McCauley, you can answer. Maxwell, you can be a professional masseuse at 17 in Florida, so as far as I'm aware, a professional masseuse showed up for a massage. There is nothing inappropriate or incorrect about that, and your mischaracterization of it, I think, is unfortunate. McCauley, how many teenagers did he have that were professional masseuses that worked in his home? Mr. Paglioca, objection to the form and foundation. McCauley, how many? Maxwell, first of all, I am not aware of teenagers who worked in his home. McCauley, you are aware of Virginia Roberts and you've stated she was 17 and she worked for him correct? Maxwell, no, I did not state that at all. You are mischaracterizing my words and what I said. What I said, what we can all agree on, and I think at this point, there is not one person in this room, however much you would like her to be younger, to say she was not 17, because that has been a very offensive thing that you have all done. So she was 17. At 17, you are allowed to be a professional masseuse, and as far as I'm concerned, she was a professional masseuse. There is nothing inappropriate or incorrect about her coming over at that time to give a massage. Her entire characterization of her first time at the house was to me an obvious lie, given it was impossible for her entire story to have taken place, given I was speaking to her mother the entire time she was at the house. McCauley, so it was impossible that day, that first day, when she came over and you were speaking to the mother, for Virginia Roberts to have had sex with Jeffrey Epstein during that time that you were outside with her mother. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, you again are completely mischaracterizing. I can only testify to what I heard and those obvious lies about me and her obvious lies about me are that she, as you put out, to the papers and every other, which way, went upstairs with her, didn't happen, so that to me is an absolute obvious lie. I also don't believe that her, her mischaracterization of the length of time, she was there because as I recall, she just met with Jeffrey and then left with her mother. That's my recollection. McCauley, so you were standing outside the entire time that Virginia was in the house, is that correct? Maxwell, that is correct. McCauley, so you can testify as to whether or not, do you know either from Jeffrey or any other source, whether or not Virginia Roberts had sex with Jeffrey on the first day that she was at the house? Maxwell, we can categorically state, absolutely 1000% that she did not have any type of sexual relations as described by you in your court papers that took place because those, allegedly according to her lies, involve some aspects of me. As I was standing outside with her mother the entire time, her entire story is a lie. Therefore, to ask me what she did or didn't do during that time, I can only testify what she said about me, which was 1000% false. All right, so we're going to wrap up there and in the next episode we'll pick up where we left off. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. 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