Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition (Part 11)

Our look into the dark underbelly of the Epstein operation continues in this episode as we begin our look at the Ghislaine Maxwell deposition in full.

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Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Transcript - DocumentCloud

Broadcast on:
07 Jul 2024
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What's up everyone, and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. Well folks, it might be a new year, but here on the podcast, we have the same old villains. And today we're going to continue right along with the Galain Maxwell deposition, and continue eating this elephant one bite at a time. So let's just dive right back in and pick up where we left off. McCauley, did you have an attorney to consult with during the criminal investigation of Jeffrey Epstein? Maxwell, I don't believe that I did. McCauley, when did you learn that a search warrant was executed for the Palm Beach House? Maxwell, I don't recall exactly. McCauley, were you present at the house in advance of the search warrant being executed? Mr. Pagliuca, object to the form of the question. Maxwell, I don't remember when the search warrant was executed, and I don't remember the year that the search warrant was executed. And whenever that was, I already testified. I was very, very infrequently at the house. So very highly unlikely, but I was there a couple of days. I just don't know which days it was in relation to the police situation. McCauley, did you have a computer at the Palm Beach home? That was a computer that you would use? Maxwell, no. McCauley, was there a computer available for use in the Palm Beach House? Maxwell, can you be more specific? McCauley, was there anywhere in the Palm Beach House, where there was a computer where you said you worked for him, and there were other staff in the house? Was there ever a computer in the Palm Beach mansion that was accessible by you or the other staff? Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I stopped being regularly at the house sometime in 2003, so from 2003 to when the police search was executed, I have no memory of what was there or what was not. I could only testify for what was there when I was present largely. McCauley, so in 2003, when you were still there, was there a computer that was accessible to you or other staff in the house? Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, there was a desktop computer people could use, just like you would use if you needed to go online to get something, that people could go use. McCauley, was that on a desk that you would use in your work capacity when you were at the house? Maxwell, it was a desk, it was a room I was, I didn't really use that computer. McCauley, were there images of naked girls, whether they be under the age of 18 or over the age of 18 on that computer? Maxwell, I have no recollection of any naked people on that computer when I was there in 2003, we are talking. McCauley, what about from say 1999 to 2003? Maxwell, no I can't recollect any naked pictures. McCauley, why were the computers removed from the house before the search warrant was executed? Oh, another question that I've asked a bazillion times, and by the way, all of you should be taking a victory lap right now, because all the stuff that we've been talking about at least here on this podcast, all these receipts are coming out now to approve it all correct. So for those of you who have been out here telling this story the correct way to your friends, your family, anybody who's interested, well, you deserve a pat on your shoulder for not falling into the salacious bullshit that all these other clowns fell into. And it's a testament to the kind of people you are that you didn't fall into that trap. Instead, you stayed laser focused on questions such as, why were the computers removed from the house before a search warrant was executed? A very simple question, but one that rings loudly. And you would think that things like this, when we're talking about this whole entire disgusting escapade would be things that would be in the forefront, considering that if the computer was removed before the house was rated, that means somebody tipped them off. So the question is, who tipped them off? But instead of asking that question, we have more bullshit about people saying that so and so is eating children or this one's on the island or that one's on the island. Meanwhile, the focus has entirely been taken off the ball. The good news? That won't happen around these parts. Instead, we're going to be like a dog with a bone going through these documents and then peppering it up with the various articles that come out along the way. But all the salacious bullshit, if that's what you're looking for, you're in the wrong place. We don't need to add salacious bullshit. This story is disgusting enough on its own. Mr. Pagliukka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I have no knowledge of anything like that. No, of course she doesn't. McCauley, do you know where the computers are now? Pagliukka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I don't know what computers you're talking of and I have no idea what you're referencing. McCauley, in 2003, you said there was a computer in a room on a desk. Maxwell, right? McCauley, do you know where that computer is now? Maxwell, I do not. McCauley, did you take pictures of nude females in any of Epstein's homes or in and around the homes, out by the pool or anywhere like in the Palm Beach home, the New York home, USVI home, or the New Mexico home? Mr. Pagliukka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, can you repeat the question? McCauley, did you take pictures of nude women over 18 or under 18 females in any of Jeffrey Epstein's homes, inside or outside, in or around the home? Maxwell, I think we need to distinguish between anyone under the age of 18 and over the age of 18. McCauley, we will start with, did you take pictures of nude females in or around any of Jeffrey's homes of women or females that were under the age of 18? Maxwell, no, McCauley, did you take pictures of nude females? Maxwell, nude you mean with no clothing on? McCauley or half nude, with no top on, any sort of nakedness to an individual. In any of Jeffrey's homes, either Palm Beach, New Mexico, USVI, or New York, either outside by the pool, anywhere in or around those homes of females over the age of 18? Maxwell, so it is possible that I took pictures of people that were somehow semi or had some clothing on, or no clothes, on but at no time were any of these pictures remotely inappropriate. They were, you could see them, in a mainstream magazine today, there would be no inappropriateness, they would be covered, concealed, you wouldn't see anything at all. The types of, first, I took very few, and they were always by request. This was a picture you could put on your gift to your parent or to your grandparents to put on their mental piece, it would be a very benign sort of attractive picture where you wouldn't see anything. McCauley, who would request those pictures? Maxwell, from time to time people, men, and women, would ask to have a nice photograph of them taken. McCauley, and did Jeffrey Epstein request those pictures? Maxwell, I don't ever recall him asking me to take pictures. McCauley, did you give him pictures of naked females as a present? Maxwell, I don't ever recall giving a present of, I don't know why a photograph would constitute a gift. McCauley, not as a gift, do you recall ever giving Jeffrey Epstein pictures that you've taken of these individuals in a naked state? Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, first of all, we've already established that they are not naked state photographs. McCauley, a piece of them being naked as you described, Maxwell. I said they would be attractive as you would see in mainstream magazines and those pictures could be a picture of a hand or a foot, they didn't necessarily constitute, look, I know where you're headed with this and it's nowhere appropriate and it's really unattractive. McCauley, I'm not headed anywhere, I'm just asking the questions. Did you give Jeffrey Epstein any of these pictures that you took of females in the state that you described? Maxwell, I can't recall ever giving in pictures but it's possible that I took pictures of people that would end up or a friend of his that he would have not naked or not inappropriate in any way that he might have somewhere in his house. McCauley, name for me all the individuals who you took the pictures of, Maxwell, it's entirely impossible for me to name people. First of all, it was just, it would not be possible. I took thousands of photos, not of people, mostly take pictures of landscapes and things. I have no recollection specifically of people that I took pictures of. McCauley, so you can't remember, is it your testimony you can't remember one person that you took pictures of in either a naked or a semi-naked state? Maxwell, I seriously cannot recall, I just don't recall. McCauley, did you take pictures of Virginia Roberts, either alone or with another individual in a naked state? Maxwell, I have never taken, I believe any pictures of two people in any type of situation naked as you describe. McCauley, did you ever take a picture of Virginia Roberts on her own without another individual in it in a naked state? Maxwell, I don't ever recall taking a picture of Virginia naked, we are not referring to someone with no clothing on at all, we are referring to someone that could be semi-clad or could have had a towel or we are not referring to anything that is inappropriate, as if having a miner at your house, dressed in a towel and you taking pictures of them isn't inappropriate on its own. McCauley, was this a hobby of yours to take pictures of that type that you are describing? Mr. Pagliuka objects to the form. Maxwell, I just testified, I didn't take pictures of many people, my preference is pictures for landscapes and for architectural pieces. McCauley, where are those pictures today? Maxwell, I have no idea. McCauley, do you have them in your home? Maxwell, I do not. McCauley, do you have them on your computer? Maxwell, I do not. McCauley, what is Jeffrey Epstein told you about the allegations related to the criminal investigation that he was involved in? Maxwell, I really can't say, not because I don't want to say but I just think of what he has said to me over the course of this time. McCauley, did he explain to you and explain what the charges were against them? Maxwell, I never had a detailed conversation with them as I recall. McCauley, not detailed, just did he explain anything that was happening to him? Maxwell, I haven't spoken to him for a long time, I can't possibly testify to what conversations I had with him over the course of that time. McCauley, did he talk to you about any of the girls that were making allegations against them other than Virginia? Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, you are talking about the police records again, all of that? McCauley, yes. Maxwell, I have never had a conversation about those things. McCauley, what is Jeffrey Epstein told you about Virginia Roberts? Maxwell, that she's a liar. McCauley, what is he based that on? Mr. Pagliuca, objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, you would have to check with him. I can tell you why I think she is a liar, I'm happy to do that. McCauley, did he ever tell you he did not have sexual relations with Virginia Roberts? Maxwell, I can only testify to what I know. McCauley, I'm asking, has he told you that he did not have sexual relations with Virginia Roberts? Maxwell, I can only tell you what I know about Virginia Roberts, I cannot tell you what he knows about Virginia Roberts. McCauley, I'm asking, did he tell you that he did not have sexual relations with Virginia Roberts? Maxwell, all he told me is that she is a liar. McCauley, that's all he said about Virginia Roberts? Maxwell, we went through all the lies that you have sold to the papers and sold in general and we have analyzed their lies and your lies and your inappropriate behavior in detail. McCauley, did he ever say that he did not have sexual relations with Virginia Roberts? Maxwell, I just testified that we went through all of our lies. McCauley, I understand what you said, I'm asking you a question, did he ever tell you that he never had sex with Virginia Roberts? Maxwell, I don't recall whether he ever, I don't know I ever had that question, we focused on the lies, she did say she had with him as it relates to me, I don't remember asking him about his problems with her, I'm interested in what she says about myself. McCauley, did you also talk about the things that Virginia Roberts was saying that were true? Maxwell, there isn't anything that she said, that was true, McCauley, nothing she said, that you were aware of is true, Maxwell, I think she is correct when she talks about what her name is, McCauley, anything else, Maxwell, I'm sure there must be one or two other details, but they are so far in few between, I would have to look in detail at all of her allegations to pinpoint what possibly could be true. McCauley, did you ever ask Jeffrey, if he had sex with minors? Maxwell, I have never been asked that question, McCauley, you never asked him that question, what analysis did Jeffrey do to determine that the statement Virginia Roberts were making were lies, Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation, Maxwell, can you ask me again please? McCauley, what analysis did Jeffrey do to determine that the statements that Virginia Roberts were making were lies, Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and foundation, and to the extent that any of this answer calls for any privilege communication, I'm instructing with myself or another lawyer present, you, in any common interest agreement, I'm instructing you not to answer. McCauley, this court ruled, she is entitled, and you had to produce documents about communicating with Jeffrey, that's what I'm asking about, I'm not asking about communications with your lawyers, I'm asking what analysis did Jeffrey do to determine that the statements that Virginia Roberts were making were lies if you know? Mr. Pagliuka, my objection is to the extent, she learned any of that information as a result of either a privilege communication from a lawyer, one of her lawyers or a privileged communication subject to a joint defense agreement, or common interest agreement, I'm telling her not to answer, to the extent she has information outside of those things, she is permitted to answer, McCauley, do you understand? So if it was a conversation with a lawyer, which I'm not asking about, I don't want you to tell me about your conversations with lawyers, I want you to tell me, whether Jeffrey Epstein ever told you, what he analyzed in order to determine, just exactly what lies Virginia's telling, Maxwell, I do not know what he did, no, so you agree she is lying secret? McCauley, I do not agree with that, and I'm asking the questions, Maxwell, you just said her lies, McCauley, I'm repeating a statement that you made, McCauley, are you saying it's an obvious lie that Jeffrey Epstein engaged in sexual conduct with Virginia, while Virginia was underage? Maxwell, I can only testify to what I saw and what I was present for, so if you were asking me, what I saw then I'm happy to testify, I cannot testify to what somebody else did or didn't do. Alright folks, we're gonna wrap up right there, and in the next episode we'll pick up where we left off. 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