Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition (Part 5)

Our look into the dark underbelly of the Epstein operation continues in this episode as we begin our look at the Ghislaine Maxwell deposition in full.

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Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Transcript - DocumentCloud

Broadcast on:
06 Jul 2024
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What's up everyone and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. In this episode we're going to pick up where we left off with the Elaine Maxwell deposition. Sigrid McCauley. We were talking a moment ago about Ms. Roberts and her position as a masseuse. Do you know what she was paid for working as a masseuse for Jeffrey Epstein? Maxwell, I do not. McCauley, did you ever pay her? Maxwell, I don't ever recall paying her. McCauley, do you know what happened during the massage appointments with Jeffrey Epstein and Virginia Roberts, Pagliuka, Objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, no. McCauley, were you ever present to view a massage between Jeffrey Epstein and Virginia Roberts? Maxwell, I don't recollect ever seeing Virginia and Jeffrey in a massage situation. McCauley, do you ever recollect seeing them in a sexual situation? Maxwell, I never saw them in a sexual situation. McCauley, did you ever participate in sex with Virginia Roberts and Jeffrey Epstein? Maxwell, I never ever, at any single time, at any point, ever at all, participated in anything with Virginia and Jeffrey. And for the record, she is an absolute and total liar, and you all know she lied on multiple things, and that is just one other disgusting thing she added. McCauley, did you help her obtain an apartment in Palm Beach to live in? Pagliuka, Objection to the form and the foundation. McCauley, was that part of your responsibility for Jeffrey? Maxwell, first of all, I didn't know she had an apartment in Palm Beach. I only learned that from the many times you guys have gone to the press to sell stories, so no. Maxwell, did you help her get a cell phone? Was that one of your responsibilities for Jeffrey? To get her, a cell phone as part of her masseuse obligations, Pagliuka, Objection to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I don't know what that means, masseuse obligation, I don't know what you are referring to, would you like to ask the question properly? McCauley, I think it was proper, I'll ask it again though. Did you ever assist in getting Virginia Roberts a cell phone to use during the time that she worked for Jeffrey Epstein? Maxwell, I have no recollection of doing anything of that nature. McCauley, did you ever tell Virginia that you wanted her to have a cell phone so that she could be on call regularly? Maxwell, I have no recollection of that conversation. McCauley, how often would Virginia come over to the house in Palm Beach to give massages? Mr. Pagliuka, Objection to the form and foundation. Maxwell, ask the question again please. McCauley, how often did Virginia Roberts come over to the house in Palm Beach to give massages? Maxwell, it's important to understand that I wasn't with Jeffrey all the time. In fact, I was only in the house less than half the time, so I cannot testify to when I wasn't in the house how often she came when I wasn't there. What I can say is that I barely would remember her, if it wasn't for all this rubbish, I probably wouldn't remember her at all, except she did come from time to time, but I don't recollect her coming as often as she portrayed herself. And just interject real quick, what a bunch of bullshit, what about all the pictures of Virginia, at Zorro Ranch on the plane, in Europe with them, but she has no recollection who Virginia is, huh? Okay, sure, and I'm the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. McCauley, how many times a day on average would Jeffrey get a massage, Pagliuka, Objection to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, when I was at the house, and when I was there with him, he received a massage on average about once a day. McCauley, just once? Maxwell? Yes, McCauley? Were there days when he received four or five? Mr. Pagliuka, Objection to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, when I was present at the house, I never saw something like that. McCauley, do you know if Virginia was required to be on call at all times to come to the house if Jeffrey wanted her there? Mr. Pagliuka, Objection to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, I have no idea of the arrangements that Virginia made with Jeffrey. McCauley, when Virginia was in New York, would Virginia sleep at Jeffrey's mansion in New York? Mr. Pagliuka, Objection to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, I don't recollect her being in New York, and I have no idea where she slept. McCauley, you don't ever remember seeing Virginia Roberts in New York? Mr. Pagliuka, Objection to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, I would barely recollect her at all, except for this story. McCauley, do you recall Virginia Roberts calling you because she was having a medical crisis and you and Jeffrey taking her to the hospital? Maxwell, I have heard this absurd story and if any part of it were true, I would remember that. I do not. McCauley, you don't remember taking her to the hospital? Maxwell, it's not that I don't remember it, it's that it didn't happen. McCauley, how do you know it didn't happen? Maxwell, that's the sort of memory you would recall. McCauley, do you recall, you said, you don't remember, her being at the New York mansion? When you were in New York, would you stay at the New York mansion with Jeffrey? Maxwell, I stayed from time to time. McCauley, do you recall Virginia being at the New York mansion when redacted came to visit? Mr. Pagliuka, Objection to the form and foundation? Maxwell, like I told you, I don't recall her being at all at the house. McCauley, how many homes does Jeffrey have? Mr. Pagliuka, Objection to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, when I was working for him, I think he had maybe six. McCauley, would Virginia stay with him in those homes? Mr. Pagliuka, Objection to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, I can only testify for when I was present with him and I cannot say what she did when I wasn't present with him. McCauley, when you were present, would Virginia stay in the homes with him? Maxwell, I don't recall her staying at the houses. McCauley, did you train Virginia on how to recruit other girls for massages? Mr. Pagliuka, Objection to the form and foundation? Maxwell, no. McCauley, did you train Virginia on how to recruit other girls to perform sexual massages? Mr. Pagliuka, Objection to the form and foundation? Maxwell, no, and it's absurd and her entire story is one giant tissue of lies and furthermore, she herself has, if she says that, you have to ask her about what she did. McCauley, does Jeffrey like to have his nipples pinched during sexual encounters? Mr. Pagliuka, Objection to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, I'm not referring to any advice on my counsel. I'm not talking about any adult sexual things when I was with him. McCauley, when Jeffrey would have a massage, would he request that the masseuse pinched nipples while he was having the massage? Maxwell, I'm not talking about anything with consensual adult situations. McCauley, what about with underage Maxwell? I am not aware of anything, McCauley, you're not aware of Jeffrey Epstein ever having sex with an underage minor and asking them to pinch his nipples? Maxwell, I'm not. McCauley, so I'm going to direct you to, I believe it's Maxwell, Exhibit 1, the police report. McCauley continues, are you aware that over 30 underage minors gave testimony to police that they were engaged in sexual acts during quote on quote massages? Mr. Pagliuka, the witness needs to find Exhibit 1. Exhibit 1, if you can hand that to me please. McCauley, so now with respect to the police report, are you aware that over 30 underage girls, meaning under the age of 18, gave reports to police that they were assaulted sexually by Jeffrey Epstein during massages? Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, I read the police report, that's all I can testify to. McCauley, are you aware of what is in the police report? Are you aware that there were 30 girls? Maxwell, I did not count the number of girls, and I did read the police report. I can only testify to what I read. McCauley, so you were aware that the police report contains reports from 30 underage girls? Maxwell, I can't testify to what the girls said. I can only testify to the fact that I read a police report that stated that. McCauley, were you working for Jeffrey? You said you worked for him off and on until 2009. Is that correct? Maxwell, I helped out from time to time. McCauley, so you were working with them during the time period when these underage girls were visiting Jeffrey's home? Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, I was not what year I need years. McCauley, how about let's say 2005? Maxwell, I'm not sure I was at the house at all in 2005, maybe one day. Maybe. McCauley, how about 2004? Maxwell, I was present for his mother. His mother died in 2004, so I was there for his mother's death and the funeral, and I was at the house maybe a handful of days again. McCauley, I would like to direct you to, you have it pulled together now. It's page 39, bait stamped, Robert 00040. Maxwell, can you repeat that please? McCauley, sure. 00040. Maxwell, yes. McCauley, at the top of that document about three lines down, you see that redacted portion where there is a black, so it blacks out the name? Maxwell, I see black redacted portions. McCauley, that's a black reduction of the name of the minor, and there is, I will represent for the record. That's what it is. You can contest that, but I'm not asking the name of the minor. Five lines down, it says she was just 16 years of age. Do you see that? Maxwell, I have read that if you want me to testify to some things. McCauley, I'm asking if you see where it says she was just 16 years old. Maxwell, no, I have to read it. McCauley, it's five lines down on the first paragraph. Maxwell, I do see that. McCauley, then the next paragraph down, it says this is the next full paragraph, it says Epstein entered the room, introduced himself, Epstein lay on the table, and told her to get comfortable. Blank could not remember if he was naked or if he entered the room with a towel. Blank stated she provided the massage wearing her panties, she continued rubbing his thighs and his feet, Blank advised he turned over on his back, and continued to rub his legs with oil. Epstein touched her breasts and began to masturbate. I asked if she knew what circumcised and uncircumcised meant. She stated circumcised as when the penis has no foreskin. Then, jumping down to the next paragraph, it says Blank became upset, crying hysterically, and stated that she was paid and also instructed to have sex with Epstein and redacted by Epstein. Do you see that there? Maxwell, I do. McCauley, are you aware that there were underage minors in the Palm Beach House that were required to give sexual massages to Jeffrey Epstein? Pagliuka, objection to the form and the foundation. This has been asked and answered already, now you are just reading a document. McCauley, I am allowed to take this deposition. Maxwell, I already testified, McCauley, are you aware that there were underage girls, 30 of them, in this police report that were assaulted by Jeffrey Epstein in the Palm Beach House during the time you were working there? Maxwell, I am aware that Virginia has lied repeatedly. McCauley, I'm not asking about Virginia. I'm asking if you are aware that there were over 30 underage girls who gave reports to police during the time you worked for Jeffrey Epstein. Are you aware of that? Mr. Pagliuka, counsel, what is your factual basis for asserting there are 30 underage people who gave reports? McCauley, I don't have to answer that. Mr. Pagliuka, are you representing as an officer of the court that you have personal knowledge that there are 30 people referenced in these police reports? Ms. McCauley, that's my understanding that there's 30 girls. Mr. Pagliuka, how is it that you're understanding if these are redacted reports? Ms. McCauley, by reading through the reports, Mr. Pagliuka, so you have personal knowledge, there are 30 people? Ms. McCauley, just like can you, if you read through, I will not argue with you counsel, she can answer yes or no. McCauley, are you aware that there were over 30 individuals who were minors who gave reports to police just like the one we just read that they were sexually assaulted by Jeffrey Epstein in the Palm Beach home during the years that you were working with them? Mr. Pagliuka, objection to the Forman Foundation, you can answer if you have knowledge. Maxwell, I already testified, I was limited in the house. A couple of days, there is no way I knew. I have read these reports, I cannot testify to 30. Given the experience I've had with Virginia's lies, it's very hard for me to testify about what I see. I can tell you from my personal knowledge, I did not know what you were referring to. McCauley, you did not know that there were underage girls in the home that were being assaulted by Jeffrey Epstein during the time you were working there? Maxwell, based on the lies that I have already been told, I cannot comment on my, she's interrupted here by McCauley, are you saying that these 30 girls are lying when they gave these reports to police officers? Maxwell, I'm not testifying to their lies, I'm testifying to Virginia's lies. McCauley, I'm not asking about Virginia's lies. Maxwell, I can only testify to Virginia's lies, I can testify to having read these reports, I cannot testify to anything else about them. McCauley, so your testimony is that during the time you were working there, you did not know that these minor children were being abused in the home while you were there? Maxwell, what I have already told you, and I will repeat, I was in the house very limited times, very few times, I do not know what you are referring to. I've read these reports, but based on the lies that Virginia has perpetrated, I cannot tell you what is true, or a factual or not. McCauley, you said you were in the home a very limited time, so average in the year, for example, 2004, how many times would you have been in his Palm Beach home? Maxwell, very hard for me to state, but very little. McCauley, how about his New York home? Maxwell, same. McCauley, were you his girlfriend in that year in 2004? Maxwell, define what you mean by girlfriend? McCauley, were you in a relationship with him where you would consider yourself his girlfriend? Maxwell, no. McCauley, did you ever consider yourself his girlfriend? Maxwell, that's a tricky question. There were times when I would have liked to think of myself as his girlfriend. McCauley, when would that have been? Maxwell, probably the early 90s. All right, we're going to wrap up right there, and in the next episode, we'll pick up where we left off. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.