Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition (Part 3)

Our look into the dark underbelly of the Epstein operation continues in this episode as we begin our look at the Ghislaine Maxwell deposition in full.

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Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Transcript - DocumentCloud

Broadcast on:
06 Jul 2024
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"What's up everyone, and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles." In this episode, we're going to pick back up with the Glenn Maxwell deposition, where we left off. McCauley, Miss Maxwell, when did you first meet, redacted, Mr. Paglioka, object to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, I have no idea when I met her. McCauley, do you know how old she was when you met her? Maxwell? Is it possible? She was 13 years old when you first met her? Mr. Paglioka, object to the form and the foundation? Maxwell's answers redacted, redacted, may have been in the house when Jeffrey was in the house. I have no idea how old she was. McCauley, I understand redacted. I'm asking if redacted was 13 years old when you first met her. Maxwell, I have no idea. McCauley, was she under 18 when you first met her? Maxwell, I have no idea how old she was when I first met her. McCauley, did she look like a child when you first met her? Maxwell, I don't remember what she looked like, at the time she was in the house. McCauley, how many years have you known her? Maxwell, I can only recall the last time I saw her. McCauley, when was the first time that you met her? Maxwell, again, I just told you, I don't recall the first time that I met her. McCauley, did redacted travel with you on Jeffrey Epstein's planes? Maxwell, I wouldn't remember if redacted was on the plane or not. McCauley, did you ever have sex with redacted? Glaine Maxwell, no. McCauley, did you ever observe Jeffrey having sex with redacted? Maxwell, no. McCauley, were you aware that Jeffrey was having sexual contact with redacted when she was 13 years old? Mr. Pagliuca, objects to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I would be very shocked and surprised if that were true. McCauley, were you in the house when redacted was in the house in a private area with Jeffrey Epstein? Pagliuca, objects to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, can you repeat the question? McCauley, were you ever in the Palm Beach house when Jeffrey Epstein was in the house with redacted? Mr. Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Glaine Maxwell, I've already testified that I have met her and that she was there, redacted. I don't understand what question you're asking. McCauley, so you have never seen redacted and redacted. Mr. Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. McCauley, is that your testimony? Maxwell, I already said, I don't recall all the times I've seen her and I have no memory of that. McCauley, have you ever seen redacted in the house with Jeffrey Epstein, redacted? Mr. Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I just told you, I don't recall seeing redacted. McCauley, were you ever involved in an orgy with redacted? Maxwell, no, absolutely not. McCauley, can you tell me, do you know any individual by the name of redacted? Maxwell, I do. McCauley, how did you meet redacted? Maxwell, at some point, she was a friend of Jeffrey's and I recall meeting her at some point. McCauley, did you hire her? Maxwell, first of all, I don't hire girls like that, so let's be clear. I already testified to that and I have no idea what you are referring to. McCauley, when you say girls like that, what do you mean? Maxwell, I hired people who are professional at the house. You were asking if I hired somebody to do what? I don't know what you were talking about. I hired people to work in the homes. McCauley, what was Nadia Marson COVID doing, Mr. Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I have no idea what Nadia Marson COVID was doing. I didn't hire her and I don't know what you're referring to. McCauley, did you meet Nadia Marson COVID? Maxwell, I testified that I did. McCauley, did you work for Jeffrey Epstein? Glenn Maxwell, I have no idea what she did. McCauley, have you flown on a plane with Nadia Marson COVID? Maxwell, I don't recollect. I don't know if I did. McCauley, how many times have you flown on Jeffrey Epstein's planes? Maxwell, too many times? McCauley, more than 300? Maxwell, I really couldn't tell you how many. McCauley, more than 400? Maxwell, again, I said I cannot tell you how many, a lot. McCauley, how many times with redacted and redacted? Maxwell, I already testified, I have no idea. McCauley, how old was redacted when she first became involved with Jeffrey? Maxwell, I have no idea. McCauley, was she 14? Mr. Pagliuca objects to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I have no idea. McCauley, did she look like a child the first time you met her? Pagliuca objects to the form and the foundation asked and answered. McCauley, did she look like a child the first time you met redacted? Glenn Maxwell, I don't know what you mean if she looked like a child. McCauley, did she look like she was under the age of 18? Maxwell, no. McCauley, did she look like she was under the age of 16? Maxwell, I just testified. First of all, I couldn't tell you how old she was. She didn't look like a child, leave it at that. McCauley, did you know that she was a child? Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I just answered, I did not know how old she was and she looked like an adult. McCauley, in the time that you traveled with her on Jeffery Epstein's planes, did you ever ask her how old she was? Pagliuca objects to the form and the foundation assumes facts, not in evidence. The witness already testified, she doesn't remember. McCauley, you can answer that question. Did you ever ask her on the many flights you were with her on or the many times you were with her at the house? Maxwell, first of all, I don't know I was on many flights with her. You are making stories up again as usual and secondly, if I was on a flight with her, there would not be any reason why I would ask her how old she was. McCauley, you don't recollect having any conversation with her about her age? Maxwell, I already testified to that. McCauley, do you know what redacted was hired to do for Jeffery? Maxwell, I already testified, I didn't know she was hired and I don't know what she did anything. I don't know how to answer that question. McCauley was redacted at the house, the Palm Beach House when you were present at the house, Pagliuca objects to the foundation. Maxwell, I have no recollection of her being at the house at the same time as me. McCauley, when did you first meet redacted? Maxwell, I already told you I don't recall. McCauley, do you recall anything about redacted? Maxwell, that she was tall and blonde. McCauley, do you recall redacted interacting with other females at the house? Maxwell, no, I do not. McCauley, did you arrange to get a visa for redacted to come to this country? Pagliuca objects to the form and the foundation. Maxwell answers, absolutely not. McCauley, did Jeffery arrange for a visa for redacted, Mr. Pagliuca? You need to give me a break so I can interpose an objection, object to the form and the foundation. McCauley, you can answer. Maxwell, what was the question? McCauley, did Jeffery arrange for a visa for redacted? Maxwell, I don't know what Jeffery did, I cannot testify to what Jeffery did. McCauley was redacted involved in sex with Jeffery and other girls, Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. McCauley, girls under the age of 18, Pagliuca's same objection, Maxwell, I have no idea. McCauley was redacted involved with sex with Jeffery and girls over the age of 18, Mr. Pagliuca's same objection, Maxwell, I have no idea. McCauley, did redacted recruit other girls to have sex with Jeffery, Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I have no idea. McCauley, do you still talk to redacted? Maxwell, no. McCauley redacted, Maxwell, I have no idea. redacted, redacted, redacted. Maxwell, I have no idea. McCauley, are you a pilot? Maxwell, I am. McCauley, have you flown with redacted? Maxwell, I have. McCauley, have you flown with redacted? Maxwell, what do you mean by flown? McCauley, have you been on a plane with her? Maxwell, I already testified I don't recall having her on a plane with me. McCauley, do you know redacted? Michael and Maxwell, I do. McCauley, when did you first meet her? Maxwell, I don't recall the exact dates. McCauley, did you meet her with the purpose of hiring her to work for Jeffrey Epstein or having Jeffrey hirer? Pagliuca objects to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, no. McCauley, what was her relationship with Jeffrey? Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I don't know exactly the nature of her relationship but she worked for him. McCauley, what did she do? Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, at the time, when she was with him, I believe she traveled with him and helped him with his travel arrangements. McCauley, did she bring girls to the house to give massages to Jeffrey? Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I don't know what blank did. McCauley, so you never observe redacted, bringing girls to the home to give massages to Jeffrey? Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I don't understand the question. What did you mean bring? McCauley, did you ever observe redacted, inviting, bringing, walking, anyone into the home to give a massage to Mr. Epstein? Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I don't recollect anything like that. McCauley, are you aware that redacted was a coconspirator, named as a coconspirator, in the case involving Jeffrey Epstein? Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation, and also calls for a legal conclusion. McCauley, I'm just asking if she is aware of that. Maxwell, I'm aware. McCauley, who paid redacted? Maxwell, I have no idea. McCauley, did you ever arrange payment for any of the employees at the home? Pagliuca, object to the form. Maxwell, what do you mean by arrange? McCauley, were you ever in charge or responsible for paying individuals at the home that work there? Maxwell, people had salaries and they were paid by the office. McCauley, did you ever pay an individual? Did you ever hand an individual cash for work they performed? Pagliuca, object to form. Maxwell, can you be more specific about what you were asking me? McCauley, did you ever hand any individual who was working at the home cash as payment for something that they had performed at the home? Pagliuca, object to the form. Maxwell, to the best of my recollection, there were very few times where I would leave some cash for people for work performed. McCauley, and what type of work was being performed, where you would be doing that? Maxwell, if I left cash for the pool guy, I would have left potentially some cash for the gardener, potentially for exercise instructors and sometimes for massage therapy. McCauley, how much were the massage therapists paid? Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, they get paid between $100 and $200. McCauley, did it vary based on what sexual acts they performed, Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, no, it varied depending on how much time. Some massage therapists charge more and some charge less. McCauley, did the massage therapists that were hired to come to the home perform sexual acts for Jeffrey Epstein? Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, what are you asking me? McCauley, I'm asking if the massage therapist. Maxwell, are you asking me about underage girls? McCauley, I'm asking in general, did any of the massage therapists in the home? Maxwell cuts her off, are you asking if they were paid for sexual acts? McCauley, I'm asking if they've performed sexual acts. Mr. Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. McCauley, did any of the massage therapists who were at the home perform sexual acts for Jeffrey Epstein? Glain Maxwell, I don't know what you mean by sexual acts. McCauley, did any of the massage therapists who were working at the home perform sexual acts, including touching the breast, touching the vaginal area, being touched while Jeffrey is masturbating, having intercourse, any of those things? Pagliuca, objection form and foundation. To the extent any of this is asking for you to your knowledge, any consensual sex act that you may or may not have been involved with, I'm instructing you not to answer the question. McCauley, I'm not asking about consensual sex, I'm asking whether any of the massage therapists perform sexual acts for Mr. Epstein, as I have just described. Maxwell, I have never seen anybody have sexual intercourse with Jeffrey ever. McCauley, I'm not asking about sexual intercourse, I'm asking about any sexual act, touching of the breast, did you ever see, can you read back the question? The record read. Glain Maxwell, I'm not addressing any questions about consensual adult sex. If you want to talk about what the subject matter, which is defamation and lying, Virginia Roberts, that you and Virginia Roberts are participating in, perpetuating her lies, I'm happy to address those. I never saw any inappropriate underage activities with Jeffrey Epstein. McCauley, I'm not asking about underage, I'm asking about whether any of the masseuses that were at the home perform sexual acts for Jeffrey Epstein. Glain Maxwell, I have just answered the question, McCauley, no you haven't, Maxwell, I have McCauley, no you haven't, Maxwell, yes I have. McCauley, you are refusing to answer the question, Maxwell, let's move on. McCauley, I'm in charge of the deposition, I say when we move on, and when we don't, you are here to respond to my questions, if you are refusing to answer, the court will bring you back for another deposition to answer these questions, do you understand that? Pagliyuka, you don't need to threaten the witness, McCauley, I'm not threatening her, I'm making sure the record is clear. Pagliyuka, certainly can you apply to have someone back, and the court may or may not have her come back, again she is not answering questions that relate to adult consent, sex acts, period, and that's the instruction that we can take it up with the court. McCauley, Miss Maxwell, are you aware of any sexual acts with masseuses and Jeffrey Epstein that were non-consensual, Maxwell, no? McCauley, how do you know that, Maxwell, all the times that I have been in the house, I have never seen, heard, nor witnessed, nor have reported to me that any activities took place, that people were in distress, either reported to me by the staff, or anyone else, I base my answer based on that. Alright folks, we're gonna wrap up this episode here, and in the next episode we're gonna pick up where we left off. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.