Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition (Part 2)

Our look into the dark underbelly of the Epstein operation continues in this episode as we begin our look at the Ghislaine Maxwell deposition in full.

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Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Transcript - DocumentCloud

Broadcast on:
06 Jul 2024
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Pagliuca, object to the form, foundation, and I'm going to instruct you not to answer that question. I don't have any problem with you asking questions about what the subject matter of this lawsuit is, which would be, as you've termed it, sexual trafficking of Ms. Roberts. To the extent you're asking for information relating to any consensual adult interaction between my client and Mr. Epstein, I'm going to instruct her not to answer because it's not part of this litigation, and it is her private confidential information, not subject to this deposition. McCauley, you can instruct her not to answer, that is your right, but I'll bring her back for another deposition, because it is part of the subject matter of this litigation, so she should be answering these questions. This is a civil litigation, deposition, and she should be responsible for answering these questions. Pagliuca, I disagree and you understand the bounds that I put on it. McCauley, no I don't, I will continue to ask my questions and you can continue to make your objections. McCauley, did you ever participate from the time period of 1992 to 2009? Did you ever participate in a massage with Jeffrey Epstein and another female? Pagliuca, objection, do not answer that question. Again, to the extent you are asking for some sort of illegal activity, as you've construed in connection with this case, I don't have any problem with you asking that question. To the extent that these questions involve consensual acts between adults, frankly, they're none of your business, and I will instruct the witness not to answer. Ms. McCauley, this case involves sexual trafficking, sexual abuse, questions about her have interactions with other females is relevant to this case. She needs to answer these questions. Pagliuca, I'm instructing her not to answer. McCauley, then we will be back here again. McCauley, have you ever given a massage to Mr. Epstein with a female that was under the age of 18? Maxwell, can you repeat the question? McCauley? Yes, have you ever given a massage to Mr. Epstein with a female that was under the age of 18? Maxwell, no. McCauley, have you ever observed Mr. Epstein having a massage given by an individual, a female who was under the age of 18? Maxwell, no. McCauley, have you ever observed females under the age of 18 in the presence of Jeffrey Epstein at his home? Pagliuca, object to the form and foundation. Maxwell, again, I have friends that have children. McCauley cuts her off here. I'm not talking about friends. I'm talking about individuals. Pagliuca cuts off McCauley. I'm going to object to you interrupting the witness who was answering your question. The question was, have you ever seen anyone, female, under the age of 18 at the house, and that's the question that she was answering? If you want to strike that question and ask another question, feel free. But let the witness respond, please. McCauley, I'll do that. McCauley, have you ever observed the female under the age of 18 at Jeffrey Epstein's home? That was not a friend, a child, one of your friend's children. Maxwell, again, I can't testify to that because I have no idea what you're talking about. McCauley, you have no idea what I'm talking about. In the sense you never observed the female under the age of 18 at Jeffrey Epstein's home? That was not one of your friend's children. Is that correct? Mr. Pagliuca, object to the form and foundation. Maxwell, how would I possibly know how old someone is when they are at his house? You were asking me to do that? I cannot possibly testify to that. As far as I'm concerned, everyone who came to his house was an adult professional person. McCauley, are you familiar with the police report that was issued in respect to the investigation in this matter? Mr. Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. McCauley, again, are you familiar with the police report that was used in this matter? The investigation of Jeffrey Epstein has been produced as a document in this matter? Maxwell, I've seen the police report. Maxwell, exhibit one, police report, mark for identification. McCauley, the police report that you have in front of you, can you turn to page 28 of that report? The numbers are on the top right hand corner. You will see some redactions in this report, Ms. Maxwell. The redacted information is redacted because it reveals the name of a minor, someone who is under the age of 18. On page 28, in the third paragraph, about halfway down, it says redacted, stated she performed the massage naked. At the conclusion of this massage, Epstein paid redacted $200 for the massage. He explained, "I know you are not comfortable, but I will pay you if you bring some other girls." He told her that the younger the better. redacted stated, once tried to bring a 23-year-old to Epstein, and he stated that the female was too old. Have you heard Mr. Epstein use the phrase "the younger the better"? Maxwell, I have no recollection of hearing that. McCauley, have you ever used the phrase "in talking to redacted" and asking her to recruit females for Mr. Epstein, the younger the better? Mr. Pagliuca, object to the form and foundation of the question. Maxwell, first of all, can you break the question apart? McCauley, have you ever used the phrase "the younger the better" in speaking to redacted and asking her to recruit females for Jeffrey Epstein, Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation? McCauley, you can answer. It's a yes or a no. Maxwell, no, that's absolutely not true. On the second part of your question, I have not asked Virginia to recruit females, and the first part of your question, if you can repeat that again, the question you asked. McCauley asked for the record to be read back, and after the question is asked again, Maxwell responds. I believe I answered the latter part of the question, the first part of the question, it's impossible for me to recall events that took place 16 years ago, but it doesn't sound like something I would say. McCauley, on page 28, that same paragraph, redacted, was asked how many girls in total she brought to Epstein, redacted stated, that she can't remember, redacted stated, that she brought and it's redacted there, and the victim, in this case, let me ask a question. I have a question pending right now. Are you testifying that you are unaware of any underage, under the age of 18, females coming to Jeffrey Epstein's home to perform massages? Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation? Maxwell, you need to straddle that question in a different time period. When I was there, at the time I was present, the people that gave Jeffrey, men and women, who gave Jeffrey massages were adults over the age of 18. McCauley, never in your time at any of Jeffrey Epstein's homes were you present when a female under the age of 18 was there to give Jeffrey Epstein a massage. Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, first of all, as I said, when I was present, McCauley, it's a yes or no. Maxwell, no, it is not. McCauley, you can answer the question in full, but please provide yes or no as an initial matter. Maxwell, I cannot answer yes or no. It's not bounded by time. It's entirely possible I could have been in a room or even in the vicinity of Palm Beach when somebody came and I would not know. How would I know when somebody was in the house? There is no way I can know. McCauley, did you stay at Jeffrey Epstein's home when you were in Palm Beach? Glenn Maxwell, most of the time, McCauley, so how is it that you wouldn't know if there was a female in the home under the age of 18 if you were staying there? Maxwell, well first of all, when I was staying there the house is actually quite large and I have a very busy job and I had an office with a door so the door would be shut and I would be working. I'm not responsible for what Jeffrey does and I don't always pay attention to what happens in the house. I'm very busy. McCauley, so you're testifying that you never observed a female under the age of 18 at Jeffrey Epstein's West Palm Beach home, Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, I already answered that question, I believe. McCauley, you didn't answer my question. Maxwell, I did. McCauley, did you observe a female under the age of 18 at Jeffrey Epstein's home in Palm Beach? Maxwell, like I said, I work. I don't sit there and watch people coming in and out of the house. I cannot possibly tell you if I'm in the home that somebody was there that I did not see. I cannot comment on it. I have no idea. McCauley, did you observe females at Jeffrey Epstein's home that were laying out topless in the back of the home? In other words, without the shirt on? Maxwell, so that's just another of Virginia's lies. So let's just be clear. At the time when I was there and present, frequently at the house, it was unusual to see people without their clothes on. McCauley, when you say unusual, did you observe people without their clothes on at Jeffrey Epstein's home? Maxwell, can I answer? Sometimes people in the privacy of a house and swimming pool, I have seen people from time to time take their top off. I have seen people from time to time do that. Very unusual. Naked people around the pool, at any frequent period of time, I have never seen. McCauley, were they under the age of 18? Maxwell, as I was saying, people, when I was in the house, were of adult age. And if they were children, friends of my family, or friends that were there, they may well have been because I have nieces and nephews under the age of 18. I cannot testify to anybody else, just another one of Virginia's many fictitious lies and stories to make this a salacious event to get interest and press. It's all absolute rubbish. McCauley, were you in charge of hiring individuals to provide massages for Jeffrey Epstein? Maxwell, my job included hiring many people. There were six homes. As I sit here, I hired assistants, I hired architects, I hired decorators, I hired cooks, I hired cleaners, I hired gardeners, I hired pool people, I hired pilots, I hired all sorts of people. In the course, and a very small part of my job was from time to time, to find adult professional massage therapists for Jeffrey. McCauley, when you say adult professional massage therapists, where did you find these massage therapists? Maxwell, from time to time, I would visit professional spas, I would receive a massage, and if the massage was good, I would ask that man or woman if they did home visits. McCauley, did you ever hire a masseuse that was under the age of 18? Mr. Pagliuca objects to the form and the foundation. McCauley asked again, did you? Maxwell, again, I don't hire a massage therapist, so that's not my job. McCauley, you just said you did. You just said you hired a massage therapist for Jeffrey Epstein. I'm asking if you hired a massage therapist who was under the age of 18. Maxwell, let me correct myself. When I'm at hire, I didn't mean hire in the way that you were doing it. What I say is that I went to spas, and I met people, and if they did home visits, Jeffrey would then, in fact, hire them. I'm not responsible for hiring someone, and they were not full-time, so it's not a correct characterization. McCauley, did you ever? Your term is meat. Did you ever meet a person that was under the age of 18? That you? That Jeffrey then hired as a masseuse? Maxwell? First of all, Virginia Roberts, who you were referring to was a masseuse age 17. We all know now, so your story that you keep pushing out to the press, that she was a 15-year-old, you and I both know was a lie, correct? McCauley, you are not sentencing my question. Maxwell, you and I both know that was a lie, correct? McCauley, you are not answering my question. I'm asking you, whether you ever met a female, under the age of 18, that Jeffrey then hired as a masseuse? Pagliuka, object of the form and the foundation. Maxwell, the only people I can talk about, who clearly was a massage, age 17, a masseuse, was Virginia. McCauley, did you ever meet her and then introduce her to Jeffrey? Maxwell, I don't know, I already testified, I don't recall meeting her. Maxwell, exhibit two. McCauley, so I'm showing you a document that we have marked as Maxwell, exhibit two. It's a document you produced in this matter labeled confidential GM 00109. It's dated Sunday, June 12, 2011. It's from Jeffrey Epstein to you. If you can turn to page four, sorry, can you turn to the first page, the cover page, initially which is 00109. If you look under the timestamp, it says June 12, 2011, at 412 PM. It says redacted. Is that your email address? Maxwell, it is. McCauley, under that it says thank you. I have it now, and I'm working on a letter. A little? I will send the final version tomorrow, and whatever it is will be factually accurate. Do you see that on page one? Maxwell, I do. McCauley, then I would like you to turn to page four please. The second paragraph down on page four, it states, after some thought, I recall that I first met Ms. Roberts when she was working at a premiere resort, claiming to be 18 years old and a professional masseuse. Mr. Pagliuca, what line are you on, counsel? McCauley, second paragraph down. Pagliuca, I got it. McCauley, is that a statement that you wrote? Maxwell, it appears to be. McCauley, so does that correct your testimony? That you did meet Ms. Roberts at Mar-a-Lago? Maxwell, again, this was written in When Were You Saying? McCauley, 2011. Maxwell, so by 2011, Ms. Roberts, had already perpetrated so many lies and stories, it's hard for me to accurately tell you today what I remember back then. As I sit here today, the testimony I give you today, I do not recollect it. McCauley, do you have a reason to say that this document that you wrote is incorrect? Maxwell, it's in 2011. I can't possibly tell you what I remember in 2011. McCauley, are you questioning that this document is incorrect, this document, this email that you wrote? Maxwell, I wrote an email. I was trying to be accurate, so who knows, with all the rubbish you guys have put out in the press that I read, maybe in the moment I wrote it a memory came to me, and I don't know, but as I sit here today, and the testimony I gave you today is I don't recollect it. McCauley, does this refresh your recollection that you were called meeting Ms. Roberts at Mar-a-Lago? Glenn Maxwell, it does not. McCauley, so your testimony today is that you do not remember meeting Ms. Roberts at Mar-a-Lago. Maxwell, I do not. I just clarify, when you read so much stuff and so much rubbish that comes out from Virginia Roberts, you don't know what's up and what's down. At the time I wrote this, I believe I had a memory, but as I sit here today, I do not. Alright folks, we're gonna wrap up part two there, in the next episode we'll pick up with part three. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.