Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition (Part 1)

Our look into the dark underbelly of the Epstein operation continues in this episode as we begin our look at the Ghislaine Maxwell deposition in full.

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Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Transcript - DocumentCloud

Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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How dangerous is it to unwrap a burger at 40 miles per hour? More so than you think. In a little over two seconds, your car can travel slightly more than 117 feet, which is the same length as 20 bicycles. Anything that distracts you while driving is dangerous. That's why driving while texting can be deadly, too. So put it down. It can wait. Don't drive distracted. Shift into safe. A message from the Colorado Department of Transportation. What's up, everyone? And welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. In this episode, we're going to keep the disgust bus rolling by starting our look at Galain Maxwell's deposition. Now this is the deposition where she ended up catching charges for perjury. So let's just dive right in and let's get started. Virginia Roberts, against Galain Maxwell. Case number 15-CV-0743-RWS. Videographer, we are now on the record and recording. This begins disc number one. The deposition of Galain Maxwell, in the matter of Virginia Roberts versus Galain Maxwell, in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. Today is April 22, 2016. The time is 904 AM. The deposition is being taken at 575 Lexington Avenue in New York at the request of cigarette McCauley of Boy Schiller and Flexner. The videographer is James Christie, and the court reporter is Leslie Fagan. Will counsel state their appearance and whom they represent and then court reporters swear in Miss Maxwell? Miss McCauley, my name is cigarette McCauley. I'm here with my colleague Meredith Schultz. We are both Boy Schiller and Flexner. We represent Miss Roberts. Next person up. Mr. Edwards, Brad Edwards. I also represent Miss Roberts. Mr. Cassell, Paul Cassell. I also represent Miss Roberts. Mr. Pagliuca, Jeff Pagliuca, and Laura Meninger, on behalf of Galain Maxwell. Galain Maxwell is called as a witness, having been duly sworn by a notary public, was examined and testified as follows. So it's gonna be cigarette McCauley asking the questions here, and then obviously it's going to be Galain Maxwell doing the responding. And then if we have any kind of add-ons, like an objection or whatever, I'll notate who's making the objection and we'll just keep it rolling. So, let's just get started, shall we? McCauley, good morning. I'm going to explain some of the rules that will happen with respect to depositions. Have you ever been the posed before? Maxwell, I have not. McCauley, what is going to happen here, we have a court reporter and a videographer. What they do is take down the words that we say. So when I ask you a question, they will record what you say in response to that. So we have to be mindful that in order for them to do their job, we can't talk over each other. Another issue you have to be weary of is that in a response, you can't give a nonverbal response. In other words, nodding, yes or no, they need to hear a verbal response. So they can record it on their transcript. So that's important for you to remember as we go through the day. If you forget, I will be sure to remind you, is there anything that would prevent you from giving truthful testimony today? Maxwell, there is not. McCauley, you are not on any medications or anything that would inhibit your ability to remember or give truthful testimony. Maxwell, I am not. Mr. Pacliuca, could you identify the assistant in the room? Ms. McCauley, this is Emma Rosen from our New York office. She is a paralegal. McCauley, Ms. Maxwell, can you please state your address for the record? Maxwell, currently redacted. McCauley, what is your date of birth? Maxwell redacted. McCauley, when did you first recruit a female to work for Mr. Epstein? Mr. Pacliuca, I object to the form and foundation of the question. I believe this is confidential information. I ask anyone who is not admitted, in this case, to be excused from the room, please. McCauley, so the response to the question would, Pacliuca here, he interrupts. The subject matter of this question is confidential and I'm designating it as confidential. Sigurd McCauley, I just wanna make that clear for the record. Brad Edwards interjects, so we don't delay the deposition, I will step out of the room, but I think that it's important to lay the record that Pacliuca interrupts. I'm sorry, you're not admitted in this proceeding, so you are not entitled to make any record. If Miss McCauley wants to make a record, she can. Brad Edwards, I can make a record right now. Pacliuca, maybe we should get the judge on the phone and talk about it. Edwards, the record will be short. This is the precise reason why Miss Roberts wants me in this case and I'm unable to effectively represent her at this time because I'm unable to have access to the confidential information, which includes apparently the entire deposition of Miss Maxwell. But for the sake of not further delaying this, I will be outside the room. McCauley, thank you. Maxwell, I would just like to clarify the address. I'm in the process of selling the house, so while I still receive mail there, it's not my actual physical address. It's in the process of being sold. It still requires some financial paperwork to be done, so just for the purposes of clarity. McCauley, do you have a new address where you will be living? Maxwell, I do not. McCauley, for the purpose of the record, if there is something that I ask you that you later remember something else or need to correct your testimony in some way, you can do that. Just let me know what it is and we will go back to that question and you can clarify. Maxwell, of course, I just wanted to be clear. There is still some paperwork pending for the final release, but it's in the process of sale. But I don't have another address currently, so whilst that should still be of record, that the mail could be forwarded there, so for the purposes of clarity, I want it to be clear. McCauley, I appreciate that. So, Ms. Maxwell, when did you first recruit a female to work for Mr. Epstein? Mr. Pagliuka, he objects, and he says again, I object to form and foundation of the question. McCauley, you can answer the question. Maxwell, first of all, can you please clarify the question? I don't understand what you mean by female. I don't understand what you mean by recruit. Please be more clear and specific about what you are suggesting. McCauley, are you a female? Is that the sex that you are? Maxwell, I am female. McCauley, that's what I'm referring to, a female, and I'm asking you when you're first, the very first time, you recruited a female to work for Mr. Epstein. Maxwell, again, I don't understand that. Female, I am a 54-year-old woman. McCauley, I'm not making it age any age of a female that you recruited to work for Mr. Epstein. Maxwell, again, I was somebody who hired a number of people to work for Mr. Epstein, and hiring is one of my functions. McCauley, and when is the first time, you hired someone to work for Mr. Epstein, a female. Maxwell, as best as I can recollect, a woman the age probably of about 40 or 50, and it was some time in 1992. McCauley, how long did you work for Mr. Epstein? Maxwell, I started working for him at some point in 1992, and the nature of my work relationship with him changed over time, so from around 2002 to 2003, the work lesson considerably. McCauley, when did you, to this, Pagliuca, responds, "Can I interject for a moment? If we were talking about background, McCauley cuts them off, I'm in the middle of a question. Let me finish it, and then you can interject." Manager, when you say 2002 to 2003 that the work lessened, when did you complete working for Mr. Epstein, when was the last time you were employed by him, the last date? Maxwell, I believe I was still doing, helping him in a very nominal way, maybe an hour or two a year at some time, in 2008, 2009, to this Pagliuca interjects, so if you are going to be talking about general background, I don't need to designate that as confidential, so if you want to have them come back in, that's fine. I assume by your first question, you are going into more sensitive areas. I will leave it up to you, but if this is a general background, it will not be designated as confidential. McCauley, I appreciate that. I will jump back into my other questions. Pagliuca, so we will keep it as confidential. McCauley, when you were first employed by him in 1992, what were you hired to do? Maxwell, first I was consulting, and what I did was I helped them with decorating houses and in hiring staff to help run those houses. McCauley, did your duties change over the course of 1992 to 2009, Pagliuca, object of form and foundation. Maxwell, my job in telling running the homes that he had, but much more importantly, most of the houses had construction, and so whilst in 1992, there was no construction project, there was construction projects that began after that time, and I was in charge not only of hiring architects, I was also in charge of all the filings and overseeing that like a general contractor would. I also helped with hiring the architects, hiring the builders, reviewing the contracts for the builders, coordinating the building projects, coordinating how the projects would lay out, the timing of the projects, and all the various materials they would require to run a very substantial building project. That's the nature of the job I was dealing with. McCauley, how old was the youngest female you ever hired to work for Jeffrey? Pagliuca, object of form and the foundation. McCauley, you can answer. Maxwell, I have not any idea exactly of the youngest adult employee that I hired for Jeffrey. McCauley, when you say adult employee, did you ever hire someone that was under the age of 18? Maxwell, never. McCauley, did you ever bring someone who was under 18 or invite someone who was under 18 to the Jeffrey Epstein's home or any of his homes? Pagliuca objects to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, can you repeat the question? McCauley, did you ever invite anybody who was under the age of 18 to Jeffrey's homes? Pagliuca, same objections. Maxwell, I have a number of friends that have children and friends of mine that have kids, and in the invitation of my friends and their kids, I'm sure I may have invited some of my friends' kids to come. McCauley, anybody that is not a friend of yours? Maxwell, any female under the age of 18, did you invite them to come to Jeffrey's home? Pagliuca, once again, objects to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, again, as I said, I am not aware of inviting anybody other than friends of mine who have children to the house. McCauley, did you invite Virginia Roberts to come to Jeffrey Epstein's home when she was under the age of 18? Pagliuca objects to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, Virginia Roberts held herself out as a masseuse and invited herself to come and give a massage. McCauley, my question is, did you invite Virginia Roberts when she was under the age of 18 to come to Jeffrey Epstein's home? Pagliuca, objects to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, again, Virginia Roberts was a masseuse. McCauley, I'm not asking if she was a masseuse. I'm asking if you invited her to come to Jeffrey Epstein's home. Maxwell, again, there would be no course to have a conversation with Virginia unless she held herself out to be a masseuse. McCauley, I'm not asking that question. I'm asking if you invited her to come to Jeffrey Epstein's home when she was under the age of 18. Maxwell, again, I repeat, she was a masseuse and in the form and as my job, I was to have people who he wanted for various things including massage. She came as a masseuse. McCauley, so you invited her to his home to come to give a massage, is that correct? Mr. Pagliuca, object to the form and foundation misstates the witness testimony. Maxwell, again, I did not invite Virginia Roberts. She came as a masseuse. McCauley, so she invited herself to come as a masseuse. She just showed up at the front door. Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, Ms. Roberts held herself out. McCauley, I'm not asking how she held herself out. I'm asking how she arrived at the home. Did you meet her and invite her to come to the home or how did she arrive there? Pagliuca, object to the form and the foundation. Maxwell, Ms. Roberts held her to be a masseuse and her mother drove her to the house. McCauley, when did you first meet Virginia Roberts? Maxwell, I don't have a recollection of the first meeting. McCauley, do you recall meeting her at Mar-a-Lago? Maxwell, like I said, I don't have a recollection of meeting Ms. Roberts. McCauley, so you recall Ms. Roberts being brought to the home by her mother, is that your testimony? Maxwell, that's my testimony. McCauley, and that's the first time you met her? Maxwell, like I said, I don't recall meeting her the first time. I do remember her mother bringing her to the home. McCauley, are you a member at Mar-a-Lago? Maxwell, no. McCauley, have you ever visited Mar-a-Lago? Maxwell, yes. McCauley, did you visit Mar-a-Lago in the year 2000? Maxwell, I'm pretty sure I did. McCauley, when Ms. Roberts arrived at the home with her mother, what happened? Maxwell, I spoke to her mother outside the house and she, what I don't recall is exactly what happened because I was talking to her mother the entire time she was in the house. McCauley, did you introduce Ms. Roberts to Jeffrey Epstein? Maxwell, I don't recall how she actually met Mr. Epstein. As I said, I spoke to her mother the entire time outside the house. McCauley, did you walk Ms. Roberts up to the upstairs location at the Palm Beach house to meet Mr. Epstein? Paglioca, object of the form and foundation. McCauley, you can answer. Maxwell, I just explained. I spent the entire time talking to Virginia's mother outside the house, so the answer to the question is no. McCauley, did you not walk her up and introduce her to Mr. Epstein? Maxwell, I just said no. McCauley, did you participate in a massage the first time when she first came to the home and were you speaking with her mother? She was in the home, is that correct? You brought her into the home? Paglioca, object of the form and the foundation. I will repeat again, I was standing outside with her mother, so very difficult for me to do anything else at that time, so no, I did not take her upstairs. McCauley, did you participate? Maxwell, Virginia lied 100% about absolutely everything that took place in that first meeting. She has lied repeatedly, often and is just an awful fanaticist, so very difficult for anything to take place that she repeated because I was with her mother the entire time. McCauley, so did you have, did you give a massage with Virginia Roberts and Mr. Epstein? During the first time, Virginia was at the West Palm Beach house, Paglioca, object of the form and foundation. McCauley, yes or no? Maxwell, no. All right, we're gonna wrap up episode one there. We'll pick up in the next episode where we left off. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.