Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Bill Gates And His Epstein Narrative Have Never Been Believable

Bill Gates, like the rest of the so called elite, love to claim ignorance when it comes to their relationships with Jeffrey Epstein. While the legacy media was very comfortable letting him off the hook for literally decades, society itself is not.

Especially considering the new photos that have been released by the world street journal that slam home the fact that Bill Gates, and his relationship with Epstein was always much deeper than he admitted.

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New photo shows Bill Gates posing with Epstein accuser years after his 2008 conviction: report (

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05 Jul 2024
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What's up everyone and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. So Bill Gates hasn't been exactly truthful about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. How I know, that's gonna come as a surprise to all of you who have been following this case since the very beginning, said nobody ever. I love when the legacy media thinks that they've uncovered something here, when in reality those of us who have been following along have known all of this for years. Not only have we known all of it, we've been telling people about it for years, but instead of listening, instead they like to bundle everybody up as crazy, well, fuck them and fuck that. That's why everything I talk about is backed up in those court documents, and that's why we're going through those court documents in a painstaking fashion the way we're doing it right now. Because unlike other people folks, I show up to this conversation with receipts, so that's why I'm never shocked, that's why I'm never taken by surprise by any of this nonsense that you see come out in the legacy media. When you've dove into those court documents the way I have, and when you've read through them, you certainly understand what's going on, and you understand the fact, and I say it very confidently when I say the fact that people in the government, people who had a chance to stop Epstein, they chose not to. It wasn't because they didn't know what was going on, they chose not to. And whether it was because he was an asset, or he was somebody who had dirt on them, whatever it might be, the fact is, nobody stopped him. And not only that, but the same legacy media that's out here talking about how they're breaking stories now, well, that same legacy media enabled him and protected him. Today's article is from the New York Post and the headline. New photo shows Bill Gates, posing with Epstein accuser, years after his 2008 conviction. This article was authored by Alex Oliveira. Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was pictured posing with one of Jeffrey Epstein's accusers, you mean survivors, as part of the well-connected sex offender's use of photos to manipulate the women he abused and control the narrative around his nefarious behavior according to a new report, a new report, huh? Go back and check the documentation. How long have I told you this? And not just me, by the way, but everybody who's serious about this topic. You know, you have people out there who are not serious about this topic. You have people who just want to talk about the salacious parts, people who just want to talk about their hated politicians or some weird ass movie star that they think is on the island, you know, eating children or whatever. But the reality is this, the reality is that the crimes here are so dark and so dastardly that you don't need to embellish, but people continuously have to embellish. And then what happens? Well, everybody is castigated as some kind of weird ass conspiracy theorist. And you know why? That's designed purposefully to make people look like they're crazy so that the legacy media and the people that they're protecting can continue to control the narrative. And here's another little factoid for you. Guess whose names are littered inside of those court documents? That's right. Leslie Groff and Sarah Kellen Vickers. You know whose name is not mentioned in those court documents? Alex Acosta's name. But yet when Alex Acosta was mentioned as somebody who took part or played a very small role, everybody was quick to pile on, right? But how come we're not quick to pile on to people who are mentioned in actual court documents? These survivors are giving this information under oath, but we're not going to believe them. We're not going to have reporters camped out in front of people's homes who have been accused of this. Ask yourselves. Why not? And who are they protecting? The photo believed to be among the first showing gates with an alleged Epstein survivor was allegedly taken by the shady financier pedophile himself at Gates Seattle office in March of 2015, years after Epstein's 2008 conviction in Florida for soliciting and procuring a minor for prostitution, the Wall Street Journal reported, and I will give the Wall Street Journal some credit. They've been trying to get this story out now for the last some months, so credit definitely goes to them for keeping the story alive. But the truth is the legacy media failed. And not only did they fail you and I, they failed these survivors. In the image published by the Journal on Sunday, Gates is seen smiling and fiddling with the zipper of his dark quarter zip sweater as a woman identified as a Polish model, then in her 20s, stands erect at his side in a gray jacket and blue scarf with her chest nearly pressed up against him, but he knew nothing. He had no idea what Jeffrey Epstein was. Even after his conviction, just let Bill Gates tell it, who believes that shit and if you do believe that, then you're part of the problem. I'm sorry, but how can anyone believe that nonsense? The woman whose face was obscured in the published photo told the journal she met Epstein a registered sex offender months before the snap was taken and that he then quickly began showering her with promises that he could help her with her career and his powerful connections. That was always the go to, right? Again, the court documents are my proof. Unlike other folks, I don't just get up here and pipe shit out to you. Everything is sourced, everything we talk about is linked and you can go and look at this stuff for yourself. And there are literally years and years and years and years of court documents that are telling us the real story. At least three other photos exist allegedly showing Gates with Epstein accusers, the journal reported saying it reviewed images of a Russian model who claimed she was abused by Epstein posing with a tech titan at locations, including the Four Seasons Hotel in New York City and Epstein's Upper East Side townhouse. Gates 68 was not the only prominent figure to appear in newly emerged photos with an alleged victim of Epstein who hanged himself allegedly in his Manhattan jail cell on August 10, 2019 while awaiting trial on federal sex trafficking charges. Well, I guess, if you want to believe Bill Barr, and what's laughable to me is all these people when Bill Barr was the attorney general, oh they couldn't believe what he had to say. But now what Bill Barr comes out and says, oh yeah, what's in that OIG reports, real, it really happened. You have all of these little pencil neck, dorky ass, I got picked last for dodgeball, neck bearded lambs who call themselves journalists, but they're a really activist out here pumping a narrative talking about how oh, it's no doubt about it. Epstein killed himself. Well, I haven't seen that proof yet. And I'll tell you what, what I read in that OIG report certainly does not give me any confidence of the narrative that the government was pitching to us. So just to recap, we shouldn't believe Bill Barr about anything else. So when it comes to the OIG report about Jeffrey Epstein, we should definitely believe that. Can somebody please make it make sense? The Polish model was also pictured alongside director Woody Allen at Epstein's townhouse with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak in 2014 and with former CBS News journalist Charlie Rose, among others, according to the journal. The model did not accuse Gates or any of the other men of sexual misconduct. And that's another thing that people like to do. Just because somebody was on the plane or just because somebody went to the island doesn't automatically mean that they were taking part in the abuse. But it does mean that their dumb as fuck. It does mean that they were enabling Jeffrey Epstein. And it certainly means that they were helping him refurbish his image. That's what it means. Now unless I hear a survivor come out and say so and so took part in the abuse, I'm not just going to pay somebody as an abuser. But I will paste you as an asshole. I will paste you as somebody who is lying to me about Jeffrey Epstein act like you don't know who he is. What he was. Yeah. Okay. Sure. But her attorneys told the journal that even if unbeknownst to her Epstein was using his powerful connections to further his alleged sex trafficking operation. Without having legitimate connections to so many high powered people, Jeffrey Epstein would not have been able to traffic most of these women after 2008 said Brad Edwards, who alongside with his law firm partner, Brittany Henderson represents the model and more than 150 of Epstein's accusers. And Brad Edwards has been at the forefront of this since the beginning. This dude's been out here having a punch fight with all of Jeffrey Epstein and all of Jeffrey Epstein's miscreants since day one pretty much. He used powerful people. He was intermingling with to further facilitate his sex trafficking scheme. Whether those people knew it or not, Henderson added. He was using everyone around them to create this facade of legitimacy. A number of Epstein's accusers have previously been seen in photos with powerful men, including the now infamous shot of Britain's Joe exotic of the Windsor family with his arm around the bare mid drift of then 17 year old Virginia Roberts, Joffrey, with convicted Epstein, Madam, Glen Maxwell, smiling in the background. Hell of a picture of that, huh? Imagine being the Prince of England, having that picture come out and then try and deny that that's even you in the picture? Talk about having a set. Another photo features former president Bill Clinton. Imagine that, getting a massage from former Epstein employee and accuser, Chante Davies, having a triple board Epstein's private jet known as the Lolita Express. So where are the calls for accountability? The silence is deafening coming from the progressives. Are the progressives ever going to hold anybody accountable or are they just going to continue to sit out here and point fingers? Because it seems to me that they have a lot to say when it's about accountability for other people. But when it's about accountability for them, what are you talking about? What's politically motivated? Well, shut up, okay? It's about time that there's a reckoning with the progressives when it comes to Epstein. And I guess since the progressives are too lame to do it, we're going to have to do it for them. Because breaking news, Bill Clinton, he's done nothing but lie to us about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. And somebody needs to get him on the record, somebody needs to track him down, and somebody needs to ask his spokesman if they want to give us a different statement about what occurred, because his original statement that he put out years ago has been proven demonstrably false. Then you add all of the other stuff as far as Epstein at the White House, as far as Glane Maxwell at Chelsea Clinton's wedding. You add the other stuff with Alexander Dorasi getting a job at the state department. I mean, what are we supposed to think about all of this? Are we supposed to just ignore it because it scores points for the other side? Well, guess what? That ship is sailed. And I'm at the point now where I have lost all patients with the progressives. They've had ample time now that they're in power. And instead of going after Jeffrey Epstein's people, instead we see Stacy Plaskett getting places of honor. We see Bill Clinton still running around on the circuit. We saw Bill Richardson involved in the Brittany Griner trade. I mean, Bill Richardson was credibly accused of raping Virginia Roberts. But it's okay that he's still part of the Biden administration while he was alive, that he's going over there and negotiating for hostages. It's all gross. You would think that a legacy media that cares about women and women who were abused would be stepping up to the plate. But I'm here to tell you that they haven't done that for the last four and a half, five years. And that's a promise. Go back and look. Where were they all during the Glenn Maxwell trial? Were there big rallies? Was there anyone out there supporting these women? Of course not, because it didn't make the political noise that the activist journalists wanted to make. So they just don't talk about it, they ignore it, or when they do talk about it, they try to set people up and paint them as crazy. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand. And we're working to do it responsibly. Our next-gen tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90% compared to our older designs. Working to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable, and ever cleaner. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy in progress. Visit You've heard of Pizza Hut $7 deal lovers menu, right? All these delicious items for only $7 each when you buy two or more, but something's off. I mean, pizzas, melts, boneless wings, bacon, cheddar cheese, sticks, oven, baked pastas, cinebon mini rolls, and that's not even the whole menu. I'll keep eating or digging. You should too. Check out the $7 deal lovers menu at your local Pizza Hut. Product availability prices and participation may vary. Additional charges and exclusions may apply. Wings included are eight-count boneless. But the truth is, the more information that comes out that validates all this shit we've talked about, it just leaves more doodoo on the face of the legacy media in general. In the case of the Polish and Russian models, Epstein accumulated images of the young women with business leaders and other prominent men, telling them the snaps could advance their careers. But then use those images to support his narrative of being powerfully connected, which he in turn used to learn more victims, the journal reported. That is exactly what he did. That was the spiderweb. Look for vulnerable women who needed money or needed a way out of their situation, then this disgusting egg-dicked prick would show up and he'd provide a so-called way out. The problem is the way out never came and instead they were pulled down further into misery. The models told the newspaper that Epstein would push them to push the images to their social media accounts and would then string them along with promises of being given work through those connections, but those promises would nearly always fall through in the end. For the Polish model Epstein, drawn out line of promises, ended with an offer to be the mistress of one of his friends, which he said could earn her millions she told the paper. He declined the offer shortly before escaping back to Poland in 2015, only for Epstein to use her photo with Gates to try to draw her back. He sent her the snap in 2015, telling her that instead of the life she used to live, now you are back in your room as you only follow your own advice. The report said, "Imagine this guy, thinking that he can manipulate everybody the way he did. But yeah, let's hear a little more about those dumb-ass flight logs." My impression is that becoming a mistress was the only one job, proposition you were really serious about. She wrote back to him a few months later. Meeting Gates or Woody was great, thank you, will never forget it, although nobody hires me just because I have nice pictures with them. Gates has previously admitted to and expressed regret for having several meetings with Epstein in the 2010s, after Epstein's 2008 conviction in Florida as part of his efforts to raise money for the Gates Foundation. A representative for Gates reiterated that the businessman and philanthropist only ever met Epstein for philanthropic purposes which he regrets. Epstein tried unsuccessfully to connect himself to Mr. Gates by any means possible, including spontaneously bringing in people for photos with Bill whom Bill did not know or interact with further, the spokesperson said, "So why would you let him do it?" Bill Gates is just some kind of shrinking willow on a log here. "Oh, I have to take pictures with my pal Epstein." "Well, why? What did he have on you there, Billy Boy Gates?" Allen, in a statement to the journal, said he was never aware that Epstein was using Allen's name to manipulate victims. "At no time did he ever request I cast anyone in a movie and I never did," the director said. "Woody Allen, another sick and the praised individual. Imagine going after your step-daughter and then trying to justify it to the rest of the world that doesn't think like you?" "Yeah, my friend, you're a disgusting monster and not only that, you're certainly a fellow traveler when it comes to Jeffrey Epstein." Representatives for Wexner, whose fortune Epstein managed for years before being hit with sex crimes in 2006, said the billionaire severed all ties with Epstein in 2007 and never spoke with him again. "Sorry, that was the escape plan." My speculation is this, that Epstein and Wexner had this plan in place. If Epstein ever caught any heat, what they would say is, "Look, Epstein stole from me." So I was not involved in any of that. I left Epstein in 2007, yada, yada, yada, you know the whole thing, trying to build a foundation of a cover story. But guess what? That cover story and that foundation cracks right at the foundation of it, when you start looking deeper into it. Everything that Wexner was up to with Epstein is suspect, and everything that Wexner was up to with Epstein should have been part of a Rico investigation. You know the Rico investigation that never came? Epstein was constantly meeting with new potential victims to John to his web of lies and abuse, whilst in targeting young women from Russia and Eastern Europe who had histories of sexual abuse. Many would be given piles of cash from Epstein, assurances that their visas would be taken care of, that they would pay for their education in the US, or that they would be put up in apartments near his townhouse, the journal reported. Before long, however, they found themselves being jetted to Epstein's private Caribbean island where they would be made to spend their days naked, the report said. He would advise some to abandon their modeling goals and consider a massage therapy, which he then had them practice on him. It was in those massage sessions Epstein often began his sexual assaults, according to his victims. He knew they weren't going to report it because they were trained not to report abuse. Henderson, the victim's attorney, told the journal, adding that Epstein, engaged in insidious mental manipulation that exploited their insecurities and passed to control them. The Russian model told the newspaper, she was constantly harassed by Epstein about her weight, sometimes being told that she needed to lose weight, then being told she needed to gain it back, though she was around 5 feet 10 inches and just 130 pounds. There was always something with my body that was not right. Even as his promises for help turned to abuse, Epstein was leaving a paper trail seemingly intended to reinforce the image he'd created of himself as a champion of women looking for their big break. He demanded written thank you notes from the women. Every time he did anything for them, the Russian model told the journal and would force them to smile while he took nude photos and filmed them. It was almost like he was documenting everything, so we can't go against him. The woman said, that's what he was doing. He wanted this to appear as it was pay for play, right? Ah, these are just women coming out here making a few bucks, they're escorts. That's what he was trying to infer, but the fact is this, they're not escorts. These women were being abused, and don't even get me started on the kids. If you're not smiley and positive, he was going to give you a talk, because then you're acting ungrateful, she added, and those gratitude letters, I'm sure he was using them as just another guarantee that wouldn't go against them. No matter how much they thanked him, or what they did for him, Epstein's promises always fell through. Over a couple of years in the J.E. circle, none of us had legitimate things to add to our resumes, and none of us had the jobs he promised because they never materialized, the Russian model said. So how many times do we have to hear the story? How many times does this kind of thing have to be part of the conversation before people start paying attention? All of this stuff that was happening could have been stopped. The people in power, the legacy media, all of his enablers, they chose not to. And by them choosing not to, this abuse lasted literally a whole other decade. They had him in 2008. He should have been in prison for the rest of his life. He wasn't. He was given that NPA. He was hooked up, and then he went on to abuse a bunch of other girls. So is anyone ever going to be held accountable for that? Of course not. Instead what we'll hear is more about Alex Acosta. Alright folks, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.