Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Christopher Laundrie Deposition (Part 7)

In this episode we are taking a look at the recent deposition that Christopher Laundrie, the father of Brian Laundrie, gave as part of the legal proceedings against him and his wife, Roberta.

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Gabby Petito lawsuit: Read the parents' depositions here | Fox News

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05 Jul 2024
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Intrega de couponis de la tiena para majores de resuturangos. Co pumba lea de lo nal cuatro de gosten selexia mestiles. A pique en spoussons de teis de la tiena. What's up, everyone? And welcome back to the program. In this episode, we're going to pick up where we left off with the Christopher Laundry deposition. Question. Did you ever learn at any time that you and/or your wife were the subject of a criminal investigation? Answer. Yes. Question. When? Answer. When the FBI was speaking about Roberta knowing something. Question. What's that? Answer. I don't know. It was, I guess, I really don't know. Question. Was it before or after Gabby's body was found? Answer. I think it was after. Question. And you know what date Gabby's body was found? Answer. Yes. Question. What? What's the date? Answer. The 19th. Question. Of September. Answer. Of September. Yeah. Question. You were possibly the subject of a criminal investigation or your wife was? Answer. Well, no, but I don't. I don't. What's the question again? Question. You just told me a moment ago that you learned after Gabby's death that your wife was possibly the subject of a criminal investigation. Correct? Answer. Well, that's when I, yeah, that's when she was. Question. Okay. For what? Answer. They thought that they had some sort of communication or some sort of electronic thing. Question. Is that when a new telephone was purchased? Answer. Is that when one was purchased? Question. Well, you said some kind of communication. Answer. Yeah. That's what they said. Question. Do you know what that specifically to this he's interrupted by Mr. Laundry? We have no idea what they really wanted. Then the question again resumes. Brian got a new phone when he came home, right? Answer. Yes. Question. Why did he get a new phone? Yeah. Question. Were you ever interviewed by any law enforcement agency prior to September 19th of 2021? Answer. We, I don't know if you can call it an interview, but they came to do a report of Brian missing. Question. That was on or after the 13th of September answer. It was after the 13th. Yeah. Question. Were you ever interviewed by any law enforcement personnel regarding Gabby missing? Answer. No. Question. Answer. I don't know, but I don't think so. Question. Were any charges filed against you or your wife? Answer. No. I'm going to show you what's been marked as plaintiffs exhibit four. That's not the one. Sorry. Plaintives exhibit three marked for identification. Plaintives exhibit three. Have you seen this before? Answer. Yes. Question. And that's a statement dated September 14th. It's a document dated 14th 2021 on attorney Bertolino's letterhead. Correct? Answer. Yes. Question. Did you authorize Mr. Bertolino to release this statement? Answer. Yes. Question. Were you aware that this statement was going to be issued before it was issued? Answer. Yes. Question. Had you been provided with a copy of it before it was issued? Answer. I have read this before it was issued. Question. Okay. That's a statement that was issued by attorney Bertolino on your behalf. Answer. Yes. Question. And on your wife's behalf? Answer. Yes. Question. First line says after it says statement from counsel for the laundry family. This is understandably an extremely difficult time for both the potato family and the laundry family. What led you to believe it was a difficult time for the potato family at that point? Answer. Well, everything that occurred. Question. Meaning what? Everything. Question. Meaning Gabby was missing and no one knew where she was. Answer. Yeah. Question. Okay. How was it a difficult time for the laundry family? Answer. We were worried about everything. Everything. Just the same. Question. What were you worried about? Answer. What occurred? Question. What do you mean? What occurred? Answer. Gabby's missing and Brian's missing. Question. So did there come a point between the time Brian disclosed to you that Gabby was gone and the issuance of this statement on September 14th, 2021, that you thought maybe she just didn't walk away. Answer. It was. It was becoming more of a thought. I guess. Yeah. Question. Is it fair to say by this point in time you knew she was dead? Answer. I didn't know. Question. You didn't know. Answer. No. Question. Okay. But you had a suspicion that she was correct. Answer. Unfortunately, it was a thought. Yeah. Okay. It goes on to state. It is our understanding that a search has been organized for Ms. Petito in or near Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Answer. Right. Question. How did that come to be your understanding? Question. That was in the news. Question. It was on the news. Answer. I thought so. Question. And Grand Teton National Park near Jackson, Wyoming, where Brian was when he contacted you? Answer. I have no idea. Question. Did you say, "Hey, maybe you should look in the Jackson area, maybe not Grand Teton National Park?" Answer. I didn't say anything to anyone. Question. Then it says, "On behalf of the laundry family, so he's speaking on behalf of you and your wife." Correct? Answer. No response. Question. Yes. Answer. Yes. Question. It's our hope that his, yours, and your wife's correct? Answer. Yes. Search for Ms. Petito is successful and that she's reunited with her family. Right? Answer. Yes. Question. If she was dead, she couldn't be reunited with her family, could she? Answer. Reunited is a term for either or, I think. Question. Either or what? Answer. Well, deceased or not. Question. But it doesn't say remains. It doesn't say we hope her remains are reunited with her family, does it? Answer. Well. Or what? Question. Pardon? That means reunited. Question. Okay. Answer. However, it resolved. Question. What did reunited mean when this statement was issued by your lawyer? What did you, he, and your wife mean by reunited? Answer. Well, you know, you're saying me and my wife, but I didn't write it and I believe it was a good comment to say and a decent thing to say and that's that. Question. You approved it, correct? Answer. I agreed with it. Yes. Did you have a concern about the word reunited? Answer. I didn't think of that. Question. Okay. Did you think maybe it might give false hope to the potato family that Gabby was still alive? Answer. I'm, I'm not the one. I'm not. I thought it was a good idea and a good thing and that's, you know, I thought it was not. I thought it was a good thing to say and the nice thing to say. Question. Did you think it might give Joseph Petito and his wife Nicole Schmidt and her husband false hope that Gabby was still alive? Answer. No, I didn't. Question. Okay. So your thought was reunited. Could she still be alive? Answer. My thought on reunited was reunited. I see it as what the word, what has the meaning of and I don't really, I don't know. I don't have a problem with it. Question. What? And to this he's interrupted by Mr. Laundry answer. You're asking me if I had a problem with it. I didn't have a problem with it. Question. So what meaning did you think it had when it was issued? Answer. Well, I'm not big on words. So my meaning is that they'd get to. They'd either Gabby's alive, my interpretation of the word or not. Question. You knew she wasn't alive. Answer. Well, Mr. Gilbert. Objection. The witness. I didn't. Mr. Gilbert. That's not a question. To this. Riley, the lawyer for the Petito's response. You know at that point she wasn't alive. Answer by Mr. Laundry. No, I didn't question. Why was this statement issued? Answer because there were people battering my house down. Everything was difficult. As far as us, you know, people, it was a very fearful time. So it felt like it was a time. It was demanded from me. How was this statement going to stop people from acting the way they were acting? Answer. I have no idea. To this the lawyer says, let me finish my question. Laundry. It seemed everyone. Again, let me finish my question. Gilbert responds, let him finish his question. Answer again. How is this statement going to stop people from reacting the way they were in front of your house? Answer. Well, I didn't think it would stop them, but I thought it would be an awareness that, you know, that they were calling out. Question. Okay. Answer. So that's that question. Were you looking for sympathy for yourself and your family? Answer. No, I didn't want any sympathy. Question. When you saw that there was a search at Grand Teton National Park, did you check to see if that was anywhere near Jackson? Answer. No, I didn't. Question. Did you consider the statement might cause harm to the family? No, not at all. Question. Do you think that the Petito family on September 14th, 2021, was really concerned about your hope that the search was successful? Answer. No. It was my hope. And then, and then it would be found. Everything would be resolved. Question. Do you think they really cared what your thoughts were at that point? Answer. I don't know what they thought. What else to do? Question. Now let's look at exhibit four. Have you seen this letter before? Answer. No. God, I don't think I have. Question. Were you aware that a statement was issued for or that this letter was issued by attorney Rick Stafford on behalf of Joseph Petito and Nicole Schmidt on September 15th of 2021? Answer. I was aware of it now, I think. I know I saw something on the news about the statement. Question. Okay, did attorney Bertolino provide you with a copy of this letter? Answer. I'm not sure. Question. Did you or attorney Bertolino on your behalf respond to this letter? Answer. I'm not sure. But I think we may have. Question. How do you think you responded? Answer. I don't know if we responded actually. So question. Do you think you saw this back on September 15th? Answer. I think I saw it in the news. Question. You saw it in the news. Answer. Yeah. Okay, so you're aware that the family was reaching out to you and your wife? Answer. Yes. Question. And you chose to say nothing. Answer. We didn't know what to say to them. We had nothing to say. We didn't have any information for them. Question. You what? Answer. We didn't have any information for them. Question. Well, you knew she was gone. Answer. I know. Question. In your son's words. Answer. And that's all the information that was known. And you know that your son was upset and frantic when he called and told you that she was gone. Correct? The following is a high five moment from high five I won. Yeah. Whoo. Private, put down your phone. This is the Army. Sorts. High five casino is a social casino. It's on your phone. Goes wherever you go. 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You could have told them what you knew at the time right answer we didn't know very much and I thought everything that they would have known was known I believe so. Did you know on the 19th of September that attorney Bertolino on behalf of you and your wife was going to issue a text message to the press saying that the news about Gabby Petito was heartbreaking. Answer I remember seeing this yes. Question okay did you approve that? Answer I was aware of it. Question why was the news heartbreaking? Answer because Gabby was deceased question was it heartbreaking the day before this email this text message was issued answer it was heartbreaking all along the whole situation. Mr Riley let's take another five minute break. They get back from the break and the questioning starts all over again all right Mr. Laundry you testified you gave 25 grand to attorney Bertolino correct answer yes question what was that 25 grand for answer representing us I mean what more would it be question well was it to represent you your wife and Brian answer I'm not really sure question you gave twenty five thousand dollars to someone you're not sure why you gave it to them answer well to represent us I don't know the definition of I didn't know how much it entails but you know it was for us all three of us question so it was for all three of you answer I believe so question okay do you have any hobbies answer me question yes answer fishing question anything else answer no not really hiking question do you like cars answer yeah question what kind of cars do you like answer I like a lot of cars question are there any that are your favorites answer are you asking about a Chevy Nova question I don't know I'm asking what your favorite is answer well it was my one of my first cars it's my favorite yes question okay do you have any shirts with cars on them answer yes question okay when Gabby live with you did she notice that she had electronics like a computer or a laptop or an iPad answer yes she had all those things question and she was always on her phone or her iPad or a laptop correct answer she was on all those things yes question when Brian came home in the van did you notice that her laptop and her iPad were in the car or in the van answer I didn't see anything like that no question so you didn't notice that the iPad and the laptop and the drone had been brought into your house answer no question no one assisted Brian and taking things out of the van answer no alright I don't have any other questions Bertolino just a suggestion to that mr. melt says wait wait I don't have any questions Gilbert I don't have any either melts do you want to take a short break Gilbert sure Kelly we can go back and conclude the depot and then we'll talk about the suggestions afterward if that's okay Riley sure Kelly so I think you're at the point where you explain if you want to read or wave right Gilbert well potato mr. potato says do you want to put them back on so you can tell them Kelly oh sorry Gilbert okay so your deposition's finished you have the right if the transcript is ordered to read it and make any changes or fixes that you think should be made or you can wave her wave that right I typically recommend that you read it if it's ordered so is that good with you the witness I should read it Gilbert well if it does if it is ordered and I assume it will be you should read it okay Gilbert so we're going to read then court reporter of course Kelly okay thanks so this concludes the deposition for mr. laundry and when we have any other depositions or court documents to get to regarding this case we'll certainly get them added to the catalog because it's very interesting to see how this all ends up after how it all started so we'll be here every step of the way until we get to resolution alright folks that's going to do it for this one all the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box the following is a high five moment from high five casino dot com private put down your phone this is the army sort high five casinos a social casino it's on your phone goes wherever you go I win three spins cash prizes free time and rewards over twelve hundred games I want to get platoon present cell phone high five five casino win at high five casino dot com high five casino is a social casino no purchase necessary we're going to play responsibly conditions apply see website for details Judy was boring hello then Judy discovered chumpa casino dot com it's my little escape now Judy's the life of the party oh baby mama's bringing home the bacon whoa take it easy Judy the chumpa life is for everybody so go to chumpa casino dot com and play over a hundred casino style games join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices chumpa casino dot com no purchase necessary for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply see website for details