Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Christopher Laundrie Deposition (Part 6)

In this episode we are taking a look at the recent deposition that Christopher Laundrie, the father of Brian Laundrie, gave as part of the legal proceedings against him and his wife, Roberta.

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Gabby Petito lawsuit: Read the parents' depositions here | Fox News

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05 Jul 2024
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Question, well, you're concerned for everybody. Did that include Joe Petito and Nicole Schmidt? Answer, yeah, yeah, I was, I was worried about everybody. I was worried about Gabby. I was worried about everybody. Question, okay, so, what did you do with that concern about Joe Petito and Nicole Schmidt? Answer, I left it in my attorney's position there. Question, okay, answer, I don't know what the right thing to do. I don't know how to respond to any of this, and still to this day, so, I don't. I don't know how anybody would handle it, so I relied on attorney Steven, all I knew, and that was that. Question, okay, answer, and then I wasn't. I could have thought anything. I care about everybody, you know, I don't know what you're, what we're getting at here. Question, oh, you know what we're getting at. Answer, no. Question, that's what this lawsuit's about. Answer, that I cared for everybody. I do. I did care, and I didn't call him because it was, you know, it was the advice not to. Question, that was attorney Bertolino's advice to you is to keep quiet. Answer, yeah, yeah. Question, did he specifically advise you not to call the Petitos? Answer, yeah. I mean, not the Petitos, but don't speak to anybody about this. Question, okay. Did you have a conversation with attorney Bertolino about Gabby's family? Answer, no, no, I don't. We talked about a lot of things, so I don't know if we talked about that specifically. Question, well, from the moment you got this phone call when the stuff hit the fan, until Gabby's body was located, did you have a conversation with attorney Bertolino about the Petito, about Joe Petito, and/or Nicole Schmidt? Answer about them what? I'm sure we talked about them, I don't know. Question, okay. What do you recall talking about? Answer, I don't recall anything. Question, did he tell you not to specifically talk to them? Answer, he said not to speak to anybody. Question, did he tell you specifically not to talk to Joseph Petito and Nicole Schmidt? Answer, not that I remember. And okay, did he tell you not to take their phone calls if they tried to reach you? Answer, he said not to speak to anybody. Question, did he tell you not to respond to them on Facebook or by text if they reached out to you? Answer, we were told not to respond to anybody. Question, when is the first time Brian spoke with attorney Bertolino? Answer, the day he got home? He came home the first, I guess. Question, September 1st of 2021. Coming back to this phone conversation on Sunday, August 29th of 2021, did Brian tell you the date that Gabby was gone? Answer, no. Question, so he called you. Do you recall what time of day it was that you spoke to him on Sunday? Answer, it was later in the day, very, you know, maybe six, seven or eight. I don't know exactly. Question, was that before or after he spoke with your wife? Answer that I spoke to him? Question, yes, answer, it was after. Question, okay, did you ask him when she was gone? Answer, no, I didn't get to ask him. Question, okay, did you have any understanding in your conversations with him, whether it was that day or days before? Answer it was, I had no idea. Question, did you pay attorney Bertolino or a retainer? Answer, I gave him a check, yes. Question, for how much? Answer, I don't remember. I think it was like $25,000. Question, when did you give him that retainer? Answer, I don't know the date. Question, was it before or after Brian got home? Answer, it was after. Question, do you know how much long after? Answer, not too long, I would imagine, I don't know exactly. Question, okay, from then until Gabby's body was located, did you have further conversations with your son? Answer, well, I talked to him, but nothing specific. Question, okay, when you spoke with him on the 29th, strike that, when did you learn that he was going to come back home? Answer, he called, he called, it was late in the day, I went to bed and Bertol had spoken to him. He called Bertol that night and said he was driving home. Question on the 29th, answer, no on the 28th, I think. Question on the 28th, answer, it was a Sunday. Question well, Sunday is the 29th. Answer then the 29th. Question, did he tell you where Gabby was? Answer, no, question, did he ever tell you where Gabby was? Answer, no, question, but the last place that, strike that, the place that he was, when he told you that she was gone, was in Jackson, answer, that's all he said, that I know, question, did you ever disclose to anyone that the last place you spoke to Brian was in Jackson? Answer, I told my attorney. Question, okay, so Brian then returned and came home on the 21st, correct? Answer, I don't know the exact, and to this, the lawyer's a bit confused and he says I'm sorry? Then in response to that, Mr. Laundry says, I don't know. Question, September 1st, excuse me, answer, what was the question again? Question, Brian returned home on September 1st, correct? Answer, correct. Question, driving Gabby's van? Answer, yes. Question, do you know what time he got home? Answer, I don't know, I think it was early or midday. Question, did you talk to him then? Answer, I spoke with him, yeah. Question, what did he say? Answer, not much, we said a low. Question, how did he seem? Answer, he seemed okay. Question, he seemed okay. Answer, that's what he said, yeah. Question just days before Gabby was gone, and now he's okay. Answer, he said, I said he seemed okay, yes. Question, okay, he wasn't upset? Answer, at that point, no. Question, was he angry? Answer, no. He was confused, but he, you know, very subtle, so I don't, but something was wrong. Question, what was he confused about? Answer, I have no idea, you know, he just seemed, you're asking me how he was. I'm saying, you know, he was like a kid who came home, you know, in trouble, but that's how it seemed. Question, a kid who came in trouble, for what? Answer, I have no idea. Question, okay, all right, answer, I have no idea. Question, well, let's connect the dots. He told you that Gabby was gone, he's frantic and he's upset, he's like a kid that came home and he was in trouble. Did that lead you to believe that he murdered Gabby? Answer, no. Question, no. Answer, I don't know what happened. I don't know what happened. Question, okay. Answer, so, you know, I don't know what I could tell you, I don't know what happened. Question, did you ever ask him what happened? Answer, I asked when I was on the phone and he panicked and freaked out, so I don't, I don't, I didn't ask. Question, after that, did you ask him? Answer, no, question, why not? Answer, I didn't want, I didn't know what to do. At that point, we were told not to discuss, Stephen asked me not to discuss with Brian, and that's what I did, I didn't discuss. Question, he told, I'm sorry, go ahead. Answer, well he asked me not to discuss anything with Brian. Question, he didn't want you to talk to your own son about what possibly might have happened out in Wyoming. Answer, yeah, he asked me, you know, don't get into it, you know. Question, did Brian see any medical care providers or counselors when he came home? Answer, no. Question, were you concerned for Gabby? Answer, yes, question, what was your concern? Answer, where is she? Where was she? Question, well did you have a concern that if you murdered her, she might just be out in the open somewhere? Answer, no, because Gabby came and went. Gabby did what Gabby wanted to do, so I don't know. Question, okay, answer, I don't know. Question, but your son returned home after a frantic phone call in her van. Answer, yeah, question, so you didn't have a concern about her? Answer, I did. Question, okay, answer. I said, you know, I was worried about she, I don't know what happened, so I'm speculating. I won't speculate anything. Answer, did you, to that he's interrupted by Mr. Laundry? All I know is that, you know, I was waiting for Brian to tell me something. Question, did you have a concern that her lifeless body might be out in the woods somewhere unprotected? Answer, of course, I wondered about Gabby, so, well, I don't know where she was. I didn't know what to do, so, you know, at that point, I was following the advice and I'm not speaking of Gabby to Brian. Question, what was inside the van when Brian returned? Answer, I don't know, I didn't see. Question, did you help him empty out the van? Answer, no. Question, do you know if Roberta helped him empty out the van? Answer, I don't think she did. Question, did he empty out the van? Answer, he brought stuff in, yes. And actually, I didn't see, you know, or pay attention to it. Question, you told me earlier that there was a bed or a mattress in the van, correct? Answer, I didn't tell you that. Question, well, you told me that he put something in there to sleep, didn't you? Answer, oh yeah, he built the van to sleep in. Okay, was there a mattress in the van when he came home? Answer, I have no idea. Question, did you assist your son in removing anything from the van to avoid the police from seeing it? Answer, no. Question, at any time, did Joseph Petito reach out to you? After August 28th of 2021, answer, I don't know, question, did Nicole Schmidt reach out to you? Answer, I don't know, question, did you consider how the Petitos might be feeling, not knowing where their daughter was? Answer, um, I'm a considerate person, of course I was. It was not a pleasant thing of any, for anybody I'm sure, question, well, you know, you could have made an anonymous phone call to report something, right? Answer, I have no idea. That's not my place. I'm taking advice from an attorney, and we're doing, we're doing what he advised. Question, did you feel any obligation at all as a parent to contact the Petito family? Answer, anybody's going to think that way, but you know, I didn't, you know, question, you didn't feel that way? Answer, no, I didn't do it, I didn't do it. I should have done it maybe, but I didn't, and then, that's that, but you know, what do you do? Question, well, your son went missing at some point, correct? Answer, yeah, question, and you know how awful, answer, of course. Question that feeling was, right? Answer, of course, question. So you know what they were going through, Joe Petito and Nicole Schmidt. Answer, not really, because I have no idea, really, what happened? Question, well, was your, what do you mean you don't know? Their daughter was missing. Answer, I don't know what happened. Question, she was missing. Answer, yes, she was missing, but I don't know what happened. I don't know. Gabby could have left, Gabby did anything like I said. You said that, I didn't say that. Question, well, you're concerned about your own son missing, weren't you? Answer, of course. Question and distressed about that. Answer, of course, question. So you can imagine that they felt the same way, right? Answer, of course, what do you want? What do you want me to tell you? Do you want me to tell them that I, something that I'm not sure of? Question, I want you to tell me you knew their pain, but you did nothing about it. Answer, well, I didn't. I didn't know what to do about it. I didn't. I wasn't able to help anybody. Question, when did Brian leave your house? Answer the 13th, question of September. Answer September, question. After Brian got home from September 1st until September 13th, what did Brian do? Answer, we all just did normal things. Question, did normal things? Answer, yeah, we did normal things. Question, your son murdered someone and you did normal things. Answer, I have no idea of that. Question, you went camping? Answer, we did. Question, what other normal things did you do? Answer, well, we went out, we went to a park and took hikes. We did normal things. Question, when Brian left on September 13th, did you know he was leaving? Answer, no. Question, what was his demeanor on or about September 13th of 2021? Answer, it was normal, fine, calm. Question, attorney Bertolino has used the word grieving. Was he grieving on that date? Answer, I couldn't say he was, no. Question, okay, did you tell Steve Bertolino he was grieving? Answer, no. Question, so you don't think he was grieving on that date. Answer, I don't know what he was thinking on that date. Question, did you authorize Steve Bertolino to tell the public that Brian was grieving when he left on September 13th, 2021? Answer, I don't remember authorizing that, no. Question, well, did you, when you gave him a retainer of $25,000, was that to retain for him for you? Yeah, to represent us in the, in the, what was going on? Question, why did you need representation? Answer, that's how I thought anybody would want representation. Question why? Answer, because it's what anybody does? Answer, well, but you didn't, you knew Gabby was gone, you're not willing to admit that you knew she was dead, you think she could have walked away. So why did you need representation? Answer because we didn't know where Gabby was, and I don't know, that's what you do. Question, what does that have to do with not knowing where Gabby was? Answer, I don't know. Question, did you ever try to get Brian out of the state? Answer, no. Did you ever transfer money or move money around to try to get him out of the state? Answer, no. Question, was attorney Steve Bertolino hired as your spokesperson? Answer, no, not that I, not that I specifically hired him for that. Question, he was the only one who spoke on your behalf and your wife's behalf and Brian's behalf. Right? Answer, yes. Question, is that something you authorized him to do? Answer, yeah, I didn't, I didn't actually say I authorized it, but I was fine with it. Alright folks, we're going to wrap up right here, and in the next episode we're going to pick up where we left off. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. Lucky Land Slots, asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? Playing at, play for free right now.