Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Christopher Laundrie Deposition (Part 5)

In this episode we are taking a look at the recent deposition that Christopher Laundrie, the father of Brian Laundrie, gave as part of the legal proceedings against him and his wife, Roberta.

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Gabby Petito lawsuit: Read the parents' depositions here | Fox News

Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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what's up everyone and welcome back to the program. In this episode we're going to pick right back up where we left off with the deposition of Christopher Laundry who is the father of Brian Laundry. And when we left off in the last episode they were taking a quick break so they get back from the break and the lawyer once again begins to depose Christopher Laundry. Question so I think you told me that from the time that you that Brian left your home Brian and Gabby left an early June until that phone call when they were already on the trip you spoke with them maybe two times answer yeah question and it was while he was on that trip that he told you that he was on the trip answer yes question okay how would you communicate with Brian just by telephone or did you communicate with him in other ways answer just telephone question did you text him answer I texted him yes question okay how about FaceTime or anything like that answer no question I'm going to hand you what's been marked as plaintiff's exhibit number one would you pass that down please which is a I'll represent to you is a copy of your phone records that we received from AT&T and I think you previously said your phone number was redacted 1787 correct answer yes question okay and you do have phone service with AT&T answer yes question the phone records I've provided you start in July of 2021 so I don't have anything prior I do but I didn't bring it with me prior to that time so it looks like the first time that you had a conversation with them was on July 11th if you'll turn to page two and it looks like on July 11th and I'll I'll represent to you where it says and it's down at number 31 to make it easier where there is two your number appears first under the column do you see the column originating number answer yes question then your number at line 31 is redacted 1787 correct answer yes question and where it says and there's a number underneath for F that means it was forwarded as I understand it and there was a voicemail left do you have any reason to disagree with that answer no question would you leave voicemail messages for brian answer yes question okay turn to page 15 please I'm sorry page 16 at line 262 there was a phone call placed from you to a number redacted 903 I'm sorry there was a phone call that originated at redacted 7732 was that brian's number answer I really don't know I'm not sure question I'll represent to you through discovery that that's the number that's been represented to us to be brian's number answer okay question so it looks like on August 4th at 2154 which would be 954 brian called you and you spoke for about 15 or 16 minutes answer yeah question do you recall anything about that conversation answer no I don't question okay answer but I know he called me question turn to page before you turn before you turn the page prior to the time that brian came back on the 15th I believe it was of August the 17th of August did you have any conversations with attorney Bertolino about brian answer visiting us question did you have any conversations with attorney Bertolino answer I'm lost in the timeline you're talking about question prior to the time that brian returns on August 17 did you have any conversations with attorney Bertolino answer no not no no question okay answer I don't think so question do you know if after brian returned to back out west after he left home do you know if your wife prior to august 27th of 2021 had any conversations with attorney Bertolino answer I wouldn't know that no question okay turn to page 27 please are you there answer yeah question okay I'll represent to you that this is wait strike that if you look at line 444 there was a voicemail message from you to brian at 312 in the afternoon do you see that answer yeah question and then going down to line 448 at 421 about an hour later you left another message for brian do you see that answer yeah question and then an hour after that well not quite an hour 511 you left another voicemail message for brian answer right question why were you every hour for a three hour period leaving a message on brian's voicemail on august 27th answer I don't even know what day that is what is that date I don't know question well that's the date that the FBI believes that gabby was murdered do you know why you would have called him three times within a three hour period and left him a voice message answer I might have just been wanting to talk to him question okay and turn to the next page please mr petito it looks like they're on mute is chris on mute the court reporter oh yes thank you excuse me reporter adjust mute button on the laptop question okay answer I lost you there question I didn't start yet looking at line number 459 there was a phone call from you again to brian at 8 p.m i'm sorry at 930 do you see that at at 459 answer yeah question and you spoke with brian for five minutes five minutes and 42 seconds according to this do you recall what you spoke about answer no i don't know question okay do you recall if on that date brian told you anything about gabby answer i don't i don't know the date in my mind here question do you have any recollection of that phone call answer no question okay do you know if you're if brian and your wife spoke on august 28th answer yeah i spoke with brian i'm pretty sure question why are you sure you spoke to brian on august 28th answer well i know i spoke to him when i when we were at day tona we arrived on a friday and i called him that day i don't know if it's that date that's here or not on the 27th i spoke to him on the 27th for sure question okay answer i'm not for sure but that's the day i remember this is how i remember i spoke to him i just called him because he got back from his trip visiting us and i called him and he picked up the phone and i was very happy he picked up the phone i was just saying hello we were going to go to a race the next day question how do you know it was that day answer because you know the date of the race was the 28th question when did what date did brian leave for florida answer i'm not sure of that date but i thought it was like four days before or five days before question so my question is on the next day the 28th do you know if your wife spoke with brian answer i think she did question okay did you speak with them answer i don't know question do you know what she spoke with them about answer no question do you recall how brian's demeanor was at that time answer it was it was fine yeah we had a very good conversation question you had a very good conversation about what answer oh we got back and they were going to go to that thing still that pumpkin thing and we were at the race so he was saying how it is going and just normal conversation question okay did he talk about gabby answer no question did he tell you where he was calling from answer no question on the 29th sunday august 29th do you know if you spoke with brian answer i get my dates mixed up here the 29th is question the day after the race that you said you went to answer yeah i spoke to brian question what did you speak with them about answer he called well that's the day everything you know hit the fan i think question how did everything hit the fan answer that brian you know Roberta had spoke to brian that day i think and when he spoke she got off the phone she said to me brian said mr gilbert wait wait wait a second we're going to assert a spousal privilege for anything that you said to Roberta or Roberta said to you so i'll tell you not to say anything that you said to her and she said to you oriley without telling me what she said to you how did shit hit the fan that day answer i didn't say that question okay how did the stuff hit the fan answer things hit the fan question how did things hit the fan that day answer well i to that he's interrupted by oriley what did you learn about brian answer i call brian because you know i felt i should call him so i called him and that's what i did question and what did he say to you answer i asked him you know how is he doing and he you know he was not calm and he got very excited and told me things had you know gabby's gone and he got very frantic everything was frantic and quick so you know gabby's gone question meaning what answer well i have no idea what he meant question well what else did he say answer well it was quick he said you know and he was very panicked and he said he didn't know what to do he said you know can you help me you know and he might need a lawyer you know and i would i asked him why he wouldn't tell me he was very frantic everything was frantic and i started to not really comprehend and then he said just you know can you help me and i said okay i'll help you and i calmed him down and i said i don't know it was it was all mumbled and i still don't remember everything that happened but you know he said he needed help and to get an attorney and i told him yeah i'll help you i'll call Steve Bertolino and just stay put and then i asked him again and he just said just help me and i said yeah i'm going to so stay calm stay put and he hung up did he say where he was he did he did where did he say he was answer Jackson question Jackson what answer that's all he said question Jackson Wyoming answer he didn't say that question was there any other Jackson out west that you're aware of answer no question did he say he murdered Gabby answer no question he said she was gone answer he said it several times question and he was frantic answer frantic question and he said that he needed a lawyer answer he did question okay did you understand that to mean that something had happened to Gabby answer i understood it that something was wrong question okay something was wrong meaning what answer i had no idea question well your son's frantic he wants you to call a lawyer and Gabby's gone did you believe at the time that he'd murdered her answer no question did you believe that she was dead at that time answer not at all question where did you think what did you think gone meant answer i didn't even know what to think at that moment you know at all so that's that question okay well if he told you that she was gone but she just walked away would he have been frantic do you think answer all's i know is what he told me and it was very quick and very very nervous and very scattered so i don't remember everything he said but he said you need help and i calmed well tried to calm him down he would not calm down and he hung up the phone on me question and so then on august and that was a conversation you had with him on august 29th answer yes question how long was that telephone conversation answer i don't think it was five minutes question your wife spoke to brian on two occasions on saturday the 28th once at 9 30 p.m. for seven minutes once at 11 29 p.m. for 10 minutes do you know if at that time he mentioned that Gabby was gone answer i don't know i don't think i was with her during those at that time question where would you have been at the time at that time of night on august 28th answer i was at the race question oh your wife wasn't with you answer no question and then after that telephone call did you contact attorney bertilino answer after that call yes question okay and what did you contact attorney bertilino about answer that just just what was going on i called him told him the same thing let him know that that's what happened question tell me what you told him answer i told him that brian called me he was frantic i didn't know what to do and this is what he said at first i thought i don't know i don't see him or speak to him that often so i told him he didn't even know who gabby was question so you don't know who or speak to who that often answer steven question okay answer yes so i explained who gabby was and everything and brian was on a trip and he called me i called him and this is what he told me you know that's it so that's what i told him question did you tell attorney bertilino that you were concerned that gabby was dead answer after the conversation of how frantic he was and you know it was something i thought we had to consider question okay so on august 29th of 2021 your son told you that gabby was gone and you had a belief that she might be dead answer i didn't know question okay but you had a belief that she might be dead correct answer i didn't believe that no question you didn't so what else would gone mean and that your son was so frantic what other possibilities or other interpretations could there be of that answer i don't know i had no idea but you know i can guess a million things for you well did you guess one of them was that she just walked away answer yes a possibility question and if she to that he's interrupted by uh mr laundry she just left but that's what that's great question but he didn't say she left did he answer he said she was gone question okay and if she just left and walked away do you think he would have needed an attorney for that answer it was it was a situation of how frantic he was i had no idea what to think he asked me to get a lawyer and i couldn't get any more information from him question okay answer and i did what he asked question and he didn't say she walked away right answer not that i know of i don't remember but i don't think he did question he didn't say she was kidnapped by anyone did he answer no question what did attorney Bertolino say to you answer well he said well then we did discuss that you know maybe maybe something seriously happened you know we would act accordingly to keep everything we don't know that's what that's so that's so he's just stuttering here a bit question so gabby was someone who would live with you correct answer yes question someone you said that you loved answer yes question and you knew that our parents would have wanted to know if something happened to her correct answer yes question okay did you consider calling our parents answer no question why you never even considered calling our parents answer i didn't know because i had no reason to at that very moment to think that anything was was going on gabby took off and did things i know you know she on her own free will so i had no idea where she was question well brian never called you frantically and hung up on you when she taken off and gone off on her own free will had he i don't understand the question what's that question question again you said that she taken off before of her own free will isn't that what you said answer yeah question okay answer and should i call him then no question but brian was never he never called you and was frantic when she did that did he answer yeah i i don't know question you don't know if he ever called you when she he gets interrupted here by mr laundry no no no he look look i know what he said on the phone and that's how i responded question okay but he never called you before on those moments when she just walked off on her own right answer no question okay and he never told you on those occasions that she was gone answer no all right folks we're gonna wrap up right here and in the next episode talking about this topic we'll pick up where we left off all of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box