Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Christopher Laundrie Deposition (Part 4)

In this episode we are taking a look at the recent deposition that Christopher Laundrie, the father of Brian Laundrie, gave as part of the legal proceedings against him and his wife, Roberta.

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05 Jul 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumbakasino Everybody's loving having fun with it Chumbakasino is home to hundreds of casino style games But you can play for free anytime anywhere. So sign up now at to claim your free welcome bonus That's and live the Chumbalas sponsored by Chumbakasino. No purchase necessary VGW group for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. What's up everyone and welcome back to the program In this episode, we're gonna pick right back up where we left off with the deposition of Brian Laundry's father Christopher Laundry question the trip that Brian and Gabby took in I believe it would have been 2020 What are they traveling answer is that the first trip or question? Yes answer in Gabby's car Question, okay, were there any issues during that trip that you were aware of answer? No question. How long were they gone? Answer. I don't know. They never came back. So they went to Florida. So I don't know how long they were gone on the road trip I don't remember question. Okay, let's move to 2021 When did you become aware that they were planning another trip? Answer the week before they left Question, how did you become aware answer? Well, I well when I became aware is that they put stuff in the storage unit That's when I became aware and how I became aware Question and I'm sorry. I just get confused by the time Where were they living at that time answer when they went on the trip in our house? Question okay on redacted answer. Yeah question Okay, and you learned that they were going to take a trip because they moved things to a storage unit answer. Yes question What did they move to a storage unit answer a lot of boxes and stuff? I don't know what they owned question Why did they move it to a storage unit answer? I have no idea question. You never asked them answer. Nope Had you asked them to remove some of the things from your house answer? No question So tell me you saw them or that they were moving things to the storage unit Tell me how the conversation about the trip came up answer. Well, I didn't see them move at first first of all question Okay answer, you know I saw a receipt that was on the counter one day and that's when I realized because they lived in the other half of the house and We gave them their space question. Okay, so you saw a receipt on the counter in the house answer Yeah question and did you have a conversation with them about that receipt answer? Yeah, that's how I discovered They were going to take a trip Question tell me what they said answer. They said they were going to go back to New York They were going to camp their way down to New York That's what Gabby told me and then they were going to move in with their grandfather and Get their jobs back question So they if I understand correctly they were going to travel back to New York answer right question and camp along the way answer right question And then you said that they were going to live with Gabby's grandfather answer. That's what she said Question, where did he live answer? I don't know where he lived question. You don't know what state Answer. I know it was Long Island somewhere question. Okay. Did they say they were going to go back to Long Island? Answer no question. Did you ask answer? No, no, it's what they said Question you said they were going to get their jobs back. What jobs? Answer? Well, I assume he worked at the Bayport flower house also before so that was his last job there You know, so that's that's what they said question and what was Gabby going to do answer? I don't know Question did they ever tell you they were planning a trip out west answer no Question the van that they took on the trip out west did that used to be owned by you answer no question Who won't do you know where they got the van answer? That's a surprise to me. They even had it prior You know, so they bought it. I wasn't living there when they bought the van Question so they bought the van prior to December of 2020 answer Yeah question at the time when you saw the van. Did you know whose name it was titled in answer? No question Did you come to learn whose name it was titled in answer? Yeah question whose answer it was in Gabby's name Question when did you first learn that? Answer that was brian told me. I don't know, you know months after I guess I don't know when he told me really but he told me question Well, did he tell you before or after the trip answer before the trip question Did he tell you how they paid for it answer? No question. Did he tell you who paid for it answer? No question Did he tell you how much was what the purchase price was answer? He did question. What did he tell you? Answer $7,000 something like that question. Okay prior to the time that they left for the trip to new york Did they make any renovations to the van answer brian did yes Question what did he do answer? He made it into a camper. Basically question. Tell me what you remember He did answer. Well, he put a vent fan and the ladder on it. He built bedding He ordered storage and that's about it and then made it look nice Question and they didn't tell you that they were going to take a trip out west just that they were going to new york Answer that was it. I know they took a trip before, you know They went on weekend trips in it, you know, so I thought that's why they made the van Question why did they leave florida answer a few days into june? Question did you have communication with brian when they took that trip answer very no Question. Do you know how long it took them to get to new york? Answer no, but I know they were targeting the graduation date for gabby's brother Question which brother answer the one who was graduating question. You don't know his name Answer I know it, but I don't know it now, but if you tell me I would recognize his name Question, did you speak with him when he was in new york? Answer no, I don't think so Question Did there come a time when you learned that they were taking a trip out west answer? No, I did learn it You know eventually, but I didn't know they were they were already out on the trip when I found out Question how did you find out answer? I looked at a phone record and seen if brian called anywhere and One call he made was to when I checked the number was a realtor in utah So that's how I found out Question why didn't you ask brian if he was traveling answer when he called me, you know I tried contacting him and I didn't get you know he didn't call me back And he called me and I don't know when he called me, but he called me and told me that they were on this trip Question did he say how long they had been on the trip answer? No Question did he say where they were going answer? Yeah, he did He said they were going eventually to be somewhere in Oregon Question okay, did you ask them why they were going on this trip? Answer no question. Were you curious about why they were going on the trip? Answer, I have no idea why they went on the trip You know, I have no idea Question did you have any concerns about the fact that they were on a trip answer? No, I just don't know why they went You know, that's all but I didn't ask them Question did you have any concerns about them going on the trip answer? No, they're adults and they made their own decisions and that's what they do Question besides going to utah, did he tell you where else they were going to go answer? No, I have no idea where they were going Question do you know if wait strike that so from the time they left the home in beginning of june until that phone call that you had with them When they were already on the trip, did you talk with them in between that period of time? Answer, I think I spoke to them like twice Okay, round two name something that's not boring laundry Oh a book club Computer solitaire, huh? Ah, sorry. 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I don't know the exact time But it it was on the news Question after they returned from the trip after brian returned from the trip answer it was after Question so you weren't aware that there was a domestic violence incident in moab on august 12th of 2021 answer no Question. Do you know if brian spoke with your wife about that answer? No Question no, you don't know or no, she didn't answer. No, I don't think so. No Question once the next time after june of 2021 that you saw brian answer when he came and visited question When was that answer in it was in august? Question okay. It was does august 17th sound about right answer. Yes question. Yes answer Yes question and why did he come back to visit answer? It was just so apparently he said he wanted to empty out his storage unit Question why answer to save money question and what was done with the items in the storage unit? Answer put it. He put it back in the room that he was staying Question was the storage unit emptied in total answer? Yes question. Okay. I guess it was a poor question Was it emptied the storage unit was emptied? Answer it was emptied. Yeah Question how long did it take him to do that answer? I don't know not long at all I don't know but you go pick it up an hour or two three hours. He's done Question why is it that brian came back to do that instead of asking you to do it answer We offered to do it. He seemed anxious to come home to say, you know, maybe he just wanted to come home You know question. Well, that was five days after the moab incident Was there anything that you observed about brian when he came home that caused you concern answer none Question and he didn't tell you that there had been a police incident between he and gabby just days before Answer no question and he seemed fine answer. He did Question did he have any bruising on him that you're aware of answer? No Question. Do you know why he came alone answer? I have I don't know why he came alone I thought he just wanted to come and see us and say hello question Did you ask him why gabby didn't come home with him answer? It sounded as if she wanted time to make her website So that was the only reason the only reason that he said she couldn't do it while she was there I don't know Question did he tell you where she was staying answer? Yeah question. Well, what did he say answer? Well staying at the hotel. I don't know where exactly Question did he say why she was staying at a hotel answer? She didn't feel safe So brian put her in a hotel. Yeah question. Did he talk with you about the trip answer? No, not really Question. Did you ask him where he had been? Answer no question. Did you ask him how gabby was answer? Yeah question. What did he say answer? Everything was fine Question how long did he stay home? Answer. I think it was like five days Question what did he do other than cleaning out the storage unit during that five-day period answer? Nothing much We all went out and just had we went to the beach had dinners and just normal stuff Question when he came home. Was it planned that he was going to return in five days? Answer. Yeah question. So who paid for the tickets answer? I don't know we didn't I know that question Do you know where he flew out of answer salt lake question when he came home? Did you have any concerns about him continuing the trip? Answer no no he told us again that they were going to Oregon to maybe work in a pumpkin place And that they'd get learn farming and help with that season of pumpkins. That's it. That's what he told me Mr. Riley, okay, why don't we take a five-minute break? So we're gonna break here as well and in the next episode talking about this topic We'll pick up where we left off all of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box It is ryan secrets here Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about chumba casino They know how to keep things fresh and exciting all their games are free to play Xpin slots bingo and solitaire You can claim free daily login bonuses too and they release new games every week So spice things up with chumba casino calm now for your chance to redeem some serious prizes Sponsored by chumba casino. No purchase necessary vgw group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply.