Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Christopher Laundrie Deposition (Part 3)

In this episode we are taking a look at the recent deposition that Christopher Laundrie, the father of Brian Laundrie, gave as part of the legal proceedings against him and his wife, Roberta.

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04 Jul 2024
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It is Ryan C. Chris here. People always say it's good to unwind, but that's easier said than done. The exception, Champa Casino. They actually make it easier done than said, or at least the same. Champa Casino is an online social casino with hundreds of casino-style games like Slots and Blackjack. Play for fun, play for free, for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Sign up now, collect your free welcome bonus at Sponsored by Champa Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18+ terms and conditions apply. What's up, everyone, and welcome back to the program. In this episode, we're going to get right back to the deposition given by Brian Laundrie's father, Christopher Laundrie. So, let's dive right back in. Question. You told me previously that Brian worked at Publix during the two-year period, that he was down at Redacted, starting in 2015. Did he work anywhere else during that period of time? Answer. Yeah, he worked at the YMCA. Question. This is during that two-year period. Answer. Yeah. Question. Okay. When he returned to New York, did he have employment? Answer. Yeah, he started working. Yeah. Question. Where did he work? Answer. He worked at a pub. A greeter at the door in Bayport. Question. At what? Answer. A pub. I think it's called the horse or something or other. And how long did he do that? Answer. Well, since he got there. Question. And how long did he continue to do that? Answer until he left. I guess that was a few months. Question. Okay. And when you say he left, is that when he came down to Florida with Gabby? Answer. Yes. Question. When he came down to Florida, did he have a job? Answer. Well, no. At that point, I don't know what they were doing, really. They were at my daughter's our house with my daughter. I don't think he worked in that time frame. And then they went on the trip. Question. Okay. What were Brian's hobbies? Answer. He liked to hike. He liked to stay fit. So he did a lot of activities. He liked to draw. He liked art. Question. Did he ever tell you that he wanted to do with his career? Answer. Yeah. He wanted to actually have a farm. Question. Have a farm? Answer. Yeah. Question. What kind of farm? Answer. Well, he was trying to figure that out. There were many options in his mind. Question. Prior to dating Gabby, did Brian have any other girlfriends? Answer. Apparently, I didn't know, you know, I think a couple. Question. You don't know who they were. Answer. No. Question. Did you ever prior to 2001 hear any claims that Brian had been involved in domestic violence? Answer. No. Question. Did he have any anger issues? Answer. No. Question. Are you aware of whether he was ever involved in a fight prior to 2021? Answer. No. Question. He was not or you don't know. Answer. I don't know. I don't know. Question. Describe Brian from high school up until 2021. Answer. I don't know how to describe him. What do you mean by describe him? Question. Tell me about him. If somebody said, Hey, I never knew your son. Tell me all about him. Answer. Well, he was a great kid. He was ambitious. He was outgoing. He was. He was a great guy. Question. Was he respectful? Answer. Absolutely. Question. Was he honest? Answer. Yes. Question. Had he ever been in trouble as a kid? Answer. Not that I knew of. Question. In the 2020 to 2021 timeframe, what was your relationship with Brian like? Answer. It was very good. Question. Can you describe the relationship that you had with him? Answer. We were very good friends. We were very close. Yeah. And we talked about whether we wanted to talk about. We had a lot of fun together. We hike, did a lot of things. Question. Was Brian closer to you or to your wife? Answer. I'd say equally. Question. Can you describe Brian's relationship with Roberta in the 2020 2021 timeframe? Answer. I thought everything was, I think everything was normal as usual. You know, there was nothing that I knew. I can't speak for her. Question. Do you remember when you first met Gabby? Answer. Yes, I do. Question. When did you first meet her? Answer. When Brian. A couple months when we got moved into Medford. Question. A couple months before you moved into Medford. Answer. When we moved into Medford within the next those two months, we met her. Question. What were the circumstances of meeting her? Answer. I was surprised because I had never heard of, you know, he didn't speak of her, but I was surprised that he just came home with her and introduced her and that's all. Question. How did he introduce her to you? Let me rephrase that. How did he introduce her to you? Answer. He spoke of her one day right before and he said she, he wanted to introduce us the next day and he came home with Gabby and introduced us. Question. Did he say what their relationship was? Answer. No. Question. Did you know if they were dating at that time or they were just friends? Answer. You know, I really don't know. Brian introduced her and it all went from there. Question. Do you know if they went to school together? Answer. I know they went to the same high school. Question. Okay. Do you know if they knew one another in high school? A. Knowing now, I didn't know then, but now I know that they did. That everybody crossed paths. Any knew of her? Question. Do you know when they started to date? Answer. No. Question. What was your initial impression of Gabby? Answer. She was very nice. She walked in the door and we spoke and find first impression. Question. And you don't know when they started dating? Answer. I would. I would have to guess when we move back there within that two months. I don't know. Question. When did when did Brian and Gabby live at the redacted property? Answer. When did they move in? Are you saying? Question. Yes. Answer. I'd say January of 20. Question. January. 20, I think. Question. January of. Okay. How long had they been dating before they moved there? Answer. I'd say seven months, I'm guessing. When they left, they were dating. And that's when they, to that he gets cut off. Now you told me they had lived with. They had lived for a period of time with Cassie at the redacted property. Correct? Answer. Right. Question. Was that before or after they moved to Linxman's place? Answer. Before. Question. Okay. And they came down to the redacted property after a wedding in Maryland? Answer. Right. Question. Whose wedding was that? Answer. Roberta's niece. Question. Do you recall when the wedding was? Answer. I think it was October. I'm not, I'm unsure of the date or the month even, but I think it was October. Question. And then you said that they lived at the redacted property for about a year. I think, correct? Or maybe I didn't ask you. How long do you think that they, to that the lawyers interrupted by Mr. Laundry? Answer. Yeah, about a year. Question. Okay. Was it just the two of them? Answer. Yes. Question. Do you know if they were working then? Answer. Brian was working. I don't know if Gabby was working. Question. Where was Brian working? Answer. He worked in a liquor store, ABC liquor store. Question. How long did he work there? Answer. He worked until COVID. COVID came and he everybody was worried about it. So I said, yeah, fine. Take a break. You know, you don't have to work if you're worried about it. And then I don't know when he went back to work, but he went back to work at Publix at that point. Question. And you don't know during that one year period, if Gabby worked? Answer. Well, I know eventually she worked at Taco Bell, but I don't know when question. Okay. You testified, you moved down to redacted in December of 2020. So during that year, or a period of time that Brian and Gabby were living at the redacted property. Did you and your wife come to Florida? To that, he's interrupted by Mr. Laundry again who responds once. And then again, the lawyer interrupts Mr. Laundry and says in that year period, Mr. Laundry responds, yes. Question. Okay. And at some point, did Brian and Gabby come to live with you at redacted? Answer. Yeah. That was when we moved down for good, you know, her, you know, finally settled in and moved there and Brian, they wanted to live with us. Question. Why did they want to leave the redacted property? Answer, because I wasn't renting it at the time. And Brian felt he, you know, it was enough. You know, he was going to live with us for a while. And I could either rent or sell question. So in December of 2020, when you and your wife moved down, they moved with you. Answer. Yes. Question. That trip. The first trip that you talked about that they took. When did was that during the period of time that they were living with you at Wobasso? It is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. 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So where there was in between, I don't know. Question. Did they ever get engaged? Answer. Yes. Question. Do you know when they got engaged? Answer. Somewhere along that trip, I think. Question. The first trip. Answer. Yeah. Question. Did you ever have any concerns about the relationship between Brian and Gabby? Answer any normal concerns if somebody knew somebody you know making commitments and all, but otherwise, no. Question. Do you recall any specific concerns that you had? Answer. No, I didn't have any. Question. Did you get to know Gabby? Answer. Yes. Question. What did you think of her? Answer. She was very, very nice, very respectful. Question. What were your thoughts on her joining your family? Answer. We welcomed her. Question. Did you love her? Answer. Yes. Question. Did your wife love her? Answer. Yes. Question. Was your wife jealous of her? Answer. Not at all. Question. Do you recall an incident in which your wife made a cake or a pie and Brian and Gabby were sitting and talking and not paying attention to your wife and she got upset and threw the cake or pie away? Answer. I don't remember that question. Did your impression of Gabby ever change over the time period that you knew her until her passing answer? Well, we were all living together. I don't, we left the it was it was just a little bit of everybody moved in together, you know, and it's a new experience. So otherwise that's about it. Question. But did your impression of her ever change? Answer. No. Question. How long did they live with you? Answer. Well, five months, but Gabby came and went. I'd say four months really. Question. What do you mean she came and went? Answer. Well, she'd leave for a week. Go back north or wherever she was going. Yes. So I'd say, you know, the amount of time away was quite a bit. Question. Did you ever have any disagreements with Gabby? Answer. No. Question. Did your wife ever have any disagreements with Gabby? No. Question. Did you ever see any disagreements between Brian and Gabby? Answer. No. Question. Can you describe their relationship as you observed it? Please answer. I thought it was a very good relationship. They were young two young people really trying to have a good time, you know, and they did as far as I know question. Have they planned a wedding date to your knowledge? Answer. No. I thought they wanted to get married quick, but I don't I didn't that didn't happen. Question. Did you ever have any concerns about their relationship? Answer. No. Just the normal one. Anyone would feel, you know, you don't want him to get into something quickly or not quickly, but they may not be. But I don't know that's normal to me. Question. Have you ever prior to the December 2021 met Joe Petito? Answer. No. Question. Have you ever met Nicole Schmidt? Answer. Yes. Question. Where did you meet Nicole Schmidt? Answer at her home. Question. Where? Answer. Blue Point Long Island. Question. What were the circumstances of you meeting her? Answer. I was picking up stuff that Gabby asked me to get. Question. What kind of stuff? Answer. Oh, escape board. And I don't remember the other items, but it was not very much. Question. Why couldn't Gabby get them? Answer. I don't know. She was living in Florida, but and I was living in Medford, so. Question. Okay. Why did she want you to pick it up? Answer because she wanted it. Question. You were going to bring it down to Florida with you? Answer. Yeah. Question. Was this prior to the time you moved down? Answer. Yeah. On a trip down there, I was bringing it down. Question. Did you meet her husband at that time as well? Answer. No. No. I only met Nicole. Question. How long are we at the house? Answer. Oh, I don't know. 10 minutes. Question. Was your wife with you? Answer. Yes. Question. Is that the only time you've met Nicole? Answer. No. We met her again, picking up some more things for question at her house. Answer. Yes. Question. Was there any other occasion where you met Nicole? Answer. No. All right, folks, we're going to wrap up right there. And in the next episode, talking about this topic, we'll pick up where we left off. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin, so go to to play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today. at No purchase necessary. VGW Group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply.