Beyond The Horizon

The Jeffrey Epstein Grand Jury Documents: An Abomination Laid Bare (7/4/24)

The recent signing of HB 117 by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis marks a significant development in the quest for transparency and justice concerning Jeffrey Epstein's criminal activities. The legislation, effective from July 1, 2024, permits the release of grand jury documents under specific conditions: if the subject of the inquiry is deceased, the investigation involved sexual activity with minors, the testimony was previously disclosed by court order, and the state attorney is notified​ (FLGov)​​ (Court TV)​.Background and ImpactHistorical Context:
In 2006, the Palm Beach Police Department investigated Jeffrey Epstein for his abuse of underage girls. Despite evidence and a strong case for multiple felony charges, the State Attorney's office chose to present the case to a grand jury rather than pursuing direct charges. This decision resulted in sealed grand jury testimonies, protecting the details of Epstein's actions and those involved from public scrutiny​ 

​.Legislative Intent:
Governor DeSantis emphasized the necessity of public knowledge regarding Epstein's case, stating that wealth and status should not shield individuals from justice. The release of these documents aims to expose those who participated in or enabled Epstein's criminal activities, addressing the long-standing demands for transparency and accountability​

​.Victim Advocacy:
Victims of Epstein's abuse, such as Haley Robson, have voiced their support for the legislation, hoping it will bring closure and justice. Robson, who spoke at the signing ceremony, highlighted the pervasive impact of Epstein's crimes and the lenient punishment he received. The release of these documents is seen as a step towards understanding the full scope of Epstein's network and the systemic failures that allowed his activities to persist​.

Legislative DetailsKey Provisions of HB 117:

  • Applicability: The legislation applies to cases where the subject of the grand jury inquiry is deceased, the investigation involved sexual activities with minors, and where prior court orders disclosed some of the testimony​ (FLGov)​.
  • Public Disclosure: The law allows for the public release of grand jury documents, ensuring that the details and individuals involved in Epstein's case are brought to light.
  • Implementation: Upon the law taking effect, petitions for the release of the documents can be filed. Governor DeSantis assured that the process would be expedited to avoid unnecessary delays​ (Court TV)​.

In this episode, we recap the release of the grand jury documents and where things might go from here.

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Florida judge calls Epstein the "most infamous pedophile in American history" following transcripts release - CBS Miami (

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04 Jul 2024
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What's up everyone, and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. Now that we've all had a chance to take a look, or listen, to the new Grand Jury transcripts that have been released, I think it's time for some commentary. And boy, oh boy, do I have a few things to say. Now, according to the judge, who released these documents, he called Jeffrey Epstein the most infamous pedophile in American history. And I agree with that wholeheartedly. It's unfortunate, however, that the authorities in Florida, during this first prosecution, felt a completely different way. And they can say whatever they want, they can try and rewrite history, they can make pretend that everything was on the up and up, everything was all good, and to slam that point home, they had the OIG report into the NPA, because, you know, that did so much good. Unlike most other people, we've actually been through that report, from front to back, so all of you are hip to what's going on. And that is the whole entire point of going through the court documents, so that you folks have a complete understanding of what's going on. If you're looking for little three minute blurbs here, that's not what we do. We dive into these topics, and it's long form. And if you're not willing to put in the legwork, then you're never going to understand what the hell's going on. And honestly, that was the genius of the whole entire operation by Epstein and his people. They made it so complex, they made it so wrapped up within itself, and within actual institutions, that it's very, very difficult to try and unfurl what happened here, and if you don't have all the information, forget it. This isn't a scratch-the-surface story where you can, you know, watch a 15 minute show on CNN or something and understand what's going on. Not if you truly want to understand what's going on anyway. So, for those of you who have been here rocking with me for all these years, you get it, you understand exactly what's going on now. And considering the avalanche of emails I've received lately, the vast majority of you are not happy about what went down. And the sad part is, the real thumb in the eye is that nobody's ever going to be held accountable. What do you think, Krisscher and Bella Hovlich and the rest of them are going to be held responsible now? 20 years later, 20 something years later? It's just not feasible. Now, if I was in charge, it would be, I would find a way. Oh, they find a way to figure everything else out, right? If they're looking to get you, they'll figure it out. But when it's one of their buddies, when it's someone in the system, well, they can't do that, can they? They just have to pretend that, oh, well, it was negligent, but it wasn't on purpose. It had nothing to do with the fact that Jeffrey Epstein was well-connected. I mean, this dude, if you go through the NPA report, like we did, it tells you right in that report that Epstein's lawyers were meeting with the top dogs from the DOJ, and then that report has the audacity to go on and say that it had nothing to do with how things went. As if Alex Acosta is making these decisions on his own. And I think that the more documents that are released, the more it's apparent that that's what went down. And I've been saying that from the very beginning. This all cracked off because Julie K. Brown wanted to look into Acosta because he got hired by Trump. Then from there, obviously, it bloomed, but why did it stop at Alex Acosta? Why didn't Julie K. Brown keep going all the way up to the top to where this originated, especially after seeing the documents, the NPA, was signed by the deputy attorney general Mark Philippe. So what you think that Mukasey had nothing to do with that? That just happened in a vacuum? Those guys make those decisions? These bureaucrats? Stop it. That is not how this works. And anybody who tells you that that's how the bureaucracy works, they don't know what they're talking about. So for me, the biggest takeaway from these documents when they drop, they act as receipts, and they just back up everything that I've been telling you, folks, for all these years. And guess what? I stand on my work, and whereas other people want a rush to get information out, I'm more interested in making sure I'm getting out the right information. So with that said, let's dive into this article from CBS News, and let's see what they have for us. Headline, Florida judge calls Epstein the most infamous pedophile in American history following transcript's release. Well, yeah, dude was. Point blank, period. Nothing to conversate about there. Bro was out here doing shit that is just unspeakable. And what you've been privy to, the information you've heard, is just the tip of the iceberg. I know people don't want to hear it, people don't want to listen to that, but it's the truth. You know how many unnamed women and girls are out there? Mainly from different countries, who are taken advantage of by these scumbags? As for an author of this article, there isn't one listed, so I'm guessing it's staff. A Florida judge released Monday afternoon the transcripts of a 2006 grand jury investigation that looked into the sex trafficking and rape allegations made against the late millionaire and financier, you mean pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein. The investigation was the first of many by law enforcement over the past two decades into Epstein's rape and sex trafficking of teenagers, and how his ties to the rich and powerful seemed to have allowed him to avoid prison or serious jail term over a decade. Not seem to, that's exactly what went down. Look, there's a reason why somebody like R. Kelly gets hit with Rico. There's a reason why Rainery gets hit with Rico. There's a reason why Young Thug gets hit with Rico. And there's a reason why Jeffrey Epstein does not. And that reason is, Epstein and his finances are intertwined with all of these politicians and bankers. So if you hit him with Rico, everybody gets pulled in. They couldn't have that, could they? They couldn't have you know just how deep all of this went? Because their faves might be exposed. You know, like Stacey Plaskett, the investigations uncovered Epstein's close ties to former President Bill Clinton and Britain's Prince Andrew, as well as his once friendly relationship with former President Donald Trump, and numerous others of wealth and influence, who have denied doing anything criminal or improper and not been charged. Well, yeah, because it's okay to just hang out with a pedophile. Because everybody in your friend group would look at you and be like, "Ah, you know what? You just didn't know." Breaking news, everybody knew, okay? Stop the bullshit. Circuit Judge Luis Delgado's release of approximately 150 pages Monday came as a surprise, since there was scheduled hearings next week over unsealing the graphic testimony. Governor Ron DeSantis had signed a bill in February, allowing the release on Monday, or any time thereafter, that Delgado ordered. Florida grand jury transcripts are usually kept secret forever, but the bill created an exemption for cases like Epstein's, and the whole reason they went to the grand jury is so that they could do this, so that they could hide what they did as far as their work product from all of us. Now, look, if this is a white collar crime, or this dude got nailed for DUI or something, and he's flexing, and he's using his connections, I expect that to happen. And in fact, I just shake my head and keep it moving. That's the way it works. When you're powerful, you have money, you have connections, you can get off on some shit. This shouldn't be something that you're getting off on because you have connections, because you have friends who are in powerful positions, or because you have money. Bro, you hurt little kids, point blank period. The sentencing should be severe, but instead, if you're Jeffrey Epstein down in Florida, you get to do whatever you want, and not only that, but you get this non-prosecution agreement that saved Sarah Kellen Vickers. Everybody talks about Sarah Kellen Vickers, this Sarah Kellen Vickers, that, but basically whatever crimes that she committed allegedly happened in Florida. And that NPA protects anyone who was up the bullshit down in Florida. Notice that they charge Glenn Maxwell in New York, and it's amazing to me. All these years later, people still don't understand how any of this works. They must not be listening to this podcast, because at this point, all of you are experts. The transcripts show that the grand jury heard testimony that Epstein, who was then in his 40s, had raped teenage girls as young as 14 at his Palm Beach mansion, often paying them so he could commit statutory rape or assault. The teenagers testified and told detectives they were also paid cash or rented cars if they found them more girls, and the audacity of the prosecutors and those people sitting on the grand jury to attack those girls the way they did. It was absurd. Imagine going after your own witnesses like that. I mean, there has to be some kind of punishment, or at the very least, this has to be taught in the curriculum of what not to do. The details in the record will be outrageous to decent people, Delgado wrote in his order, "The testimony taken by the grand jury concerns activity ranging from grossly unacceptable to rape. All of the conduct at issue is sexually deviant, disgusting, and criminal." And that's a judge saying that, okay, not me. That's not me and my big mouth, just yapping. That's what everybody who's ever got to look at this is had to say, but somehow, some way, everybody involved hasn't been arrested, everybody involved hasn't been taken down. And once again, we'll have to circle back like the press secretary loves to say and get back to the very beginning, and this is where it all started. This is the genesis, folks. The fact that he was able to get off here really told the tale for the future. And if you're not going to arrest this guy for raping 14-year-olds, what are you going to arrest him for? In 2008, Epstein cut a deal with South Florida federal prosecutors that allowed him to escape more severe federal charges and instead plead guilty to state charges of procuring a person under 18 for prostitution and solicitation of prostitution. Imagine one of your friends showed up, and this is what they got nailed for, and you're like, "Ah, you know what? Come over to Thanksgiving dinner." I got news for you, there's a lot I can forgive. In fact, I have friends that have done time for murder. I've forgiven them. When it comes to this, nope, can't forgive it, sorry. If you're hurting children, you're hurting women, if you're a deviant sexual abuser, there is no fixing you. There's no rehabilitation, there's no extenuating circumstances, you're just a sick fuck, and you need to be dealt with. And if we don't have any helicopters or volcanoes available, how about we get a woodchip already? He was sentenced to one and a half years in the Palm Beach County jail system, during which he was allowed to go to his office almost daily, an office that didn't exist, by the way, until he was arrested, so keep that in mind. As part of a work release program, followed by a year of house arrest, he was required to register as a sex offender. Not New Mexico, he wasn't. And as far as his house arrest? Not the same kind of house arrest you or I would have, that's for goddamn sure. And it's amazing, all these years later, the legacy media still doesn't get it. They still do not understand this story. Criticism of the deal resulted in the 2019 resignation of Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, who was the U.S. Attorney for South Florida in 2008, and signed off on the deal. While he put his name to it, did he really sign off on the deal though? And I think that's something that Julie K. Brown needs to answer for. Like, she needs to go back and reevaluate. Or maybe she's just trying to protect people. Maybe that's it. I don't know. But you would think that if you're going to go this far and you're going to unearth what Acosta was up to, you would keep going all the way up the chain. Because we all know that middle managers, well, they're just middle managers. They're not people out here making these decisions. And if it was Acosta who made the decisions, why was Dershowitz, Starr, and Left Court having dinners in shit with Mukhezi, and other honchos at the DOJ? What were they talking about? Their golf swing? Talking about the next big sware at the Bilderberg Conference? Or were they formulating a plan to make sure that they get their guy Jeffrey Epstein off and keep their hands clean while doing it? I'll let you figure that out. Free daily bonuses, so don't wait. Use poor judgment in his handling of the Epstein prosecution, but it didn't rise to the level of professional misconduct. Well, it didn't. I know people don't like to hear that, and Acosta is a worm. There is no doubt. Bro is an absolute coward. But to act like he's the man here, the guy that deserves all the criticism, all the scorn, is letting the people who really had this all in motion off the hook. And if you want to do that to score political points, that's on you. I refuse to do it. Alex Acosta is just a small piece to all of this. If you really want to be mad at people, you need to go to the people that were in charge at the DOJ at the time, and that's Michael Mukhezi and Mark Felipe. Those two dudes were at the sticks, they were at the controls, and for me, that's where the responsibility falls. The chief prosecutor in the Epstein case, former Palm Beach County State attorney Barry Krissher, did not immediately respond Monday to email and voicemail seeking comment about the transcripts. Current Palm Beach County State attorney Dave Ehrenberg, who has not involved in the investigation, said in a statement that he is glad the records have been released. He said he had not yet read the transcripts, so he cannot comment on whether Krissher should have pursued a tougher prosecution of Epstein. How is it that you haven't read those transcripts yet? They come out down in your district? Probably a good idea to take a look at them. Brad Edwards, an attorney for many of the victims, said in a statement that the transcripts show that Krissher's office took the case to the grand jury with an agenda, to return minimal, if any, criminal charges against Jeffrey Epstein. "A fraction of the evidence was presented, in a misleading way, and the office betrayed the victims as criminals," he said. "It's so sad the number of victims Epstein was able to abuse because the state carried water for them when they had a chance to put them away." Bingo, 1,000 percent. If somebody would have listened, if somebody would have done their job, well, Jeffrey Epstein would have went on to abuse as many girls as he did. But since the State of Florida and the Department of Justice had other ideas, here we are. And if I was one of these survivors, you better believe I'd be suing the Department of Justice. Epstein's estate is paying $155 million in restitution to more than 125 victims. According to the transcripts, Palm Beach Police Detective Joe Ricari testified in July 2006 that the initial investigation began when a woman reported in March 2005 that her stepdaughter, who was in high school at the time, said she received $300 in exchange for a sexual activity with a man in Palm Beach, Ricari testified. Another teenager whose name was redacted in the transcript told detectives that she was 17 years old when she was approached by a friend who said she could make $200 by providing a massage at Epstein's home. At the house, when Epstein tried touching her, she told him she was uncomfortable. He then told her that he would pay her $200 if she brought girls to the house. He told her, "The younger the better," Ricari said. Over time, she brought six friends to Epstein's house, including a 14-year-old, and likened herself to Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss in October 2005 interviews. Ricari recounted, "When she brought over a 23-year-old friend, Epstein told her that the friend was too old. The more you did, the more money you made," the detective said, the teen told him. She explained that there was going to be a massage or some possible touching, and you would have to provide the massage either topless or naked. When her teen testified, she visited Epstein's house hundreds of times in the early 2000s, starting when she was 16. She testified that Epstein paid her $200 each time she gave him a massage while naked, rented her a car, and gave her $1,000 the time that he raped her. Because you know, that makes it all better, that makes her a prostitute, and it makes it not rape. That's basically what these prosecutors say, and that's certainly the beat that Epstein was dancing to. A 2005 police search of Epstein's mansion found evidence supporting the girl's testimony. Also Epstein's housemen told detectives that the teenagers who came to the mansion were very young, too young to be a masseuse. Epstein in 2018 was charged with federal sex trafficking crimes in New York, where he also had a mansion that was a scene of abuse. After the Miami Herald published a series of articles that renewed public attention to the case, including interviews with some of the victims who had been pursuing civil lawsuits against him, Epstein was 66 when he killed himself in a New York City jail cell in August 2019, federal officials say. Delgado, in his order, wrote that the transcript show why Epstein was the most infamous pedophile in American history. For almost 20 years, the story of how Jeffrey Epstein victimized some of the Palm Beach County's most vulnerable, has been the subject of much anger, and has at times diminished the public's perception of the criminal justice system. Delgado wrote, "At times? No, all the time. I don't know how anyone can look at what happened down in Florida and not be pissed off, because all of it is a travesty. Imagine if this was your kid? Imagine if these were kids that were from a family with money? None of this would have ever happened, the person responsible would already be in jail. But since these girls were vulnerable since they came from, you know, poor backgrounds or whatever, ah, who cares? At the time, that's what they thought. Well, they could have never imagined that all this time later, that everybody cares now. And not only do we care, now that we have the receipts to back up what we thought, I think it's time that the hammer gets brought down on all of the prosecutors that were involved in this abomination. Now I doubt that's going to occur, but that's what should happen. You really think a guy like Barry Krissher or a Bella Hovlic should be sitting around and collecting their, you know, retirement that's being paid by the state taxpayer after they were derelict in their duty? So I doubt that there's going to be a lever to get pulled to fix that, but we all know that they shouldn't be drawing a pension at this point, considering what happened here. I would say that that should be the least of the penalties that they get hit with. But unfortunately, if I take a shit in my hand and put everything I want in the other hand, well, what am I going to have more of at the end of the day? So at that in mind, the battle continues, but this episode has come to an end. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. It is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting. 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