Beyond The Horizon

The Jeffrey Epstein Grand Jury Documents (Part 12) (7/4/24)

In February 2024, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 117, which allows for the release of grand jury documents from the 2006 investigation of Jeffrey Epstein. This legislation permits the disclosure of grand jury testimony if the subject of the inquiry is deceased, the investigation was about sexual activity with a minor, and the testimony was previously disclosed by a court order.

The bill, effective July 1, 2024, aims to provide transparency and justice for Epstein’s victims by revealing previously sealed grand jury proceedings. This move has been celebrated by victims and advocates as a significant step toward accountability and justice.

Epstein's 2006 investigation involved the Palm Beach Police Department, which had recommended multiple felony charges, including unlawful sexual activity with a minor and lewd or lascivious molestation. However, the State Attorney at the time chose to present the evidence to a grand jury, resulting in the details and names of those involved remaining sealed.

HB 117's passage was supported by two of Epstein's victims, who joined Governor DeSantis in Palm Beach to mark the occasion. Governor DeSantis emphasized that the public deserves to know who participated in Epstein’s sex trafficking and that wealth and status should not protect individuals from facing justice. Representative Peggy Gossett-Seidman also highlighted the significance of this legislation for the victims and the Palm Beach community that suffered from Epstein's actions.

And now those documents are available for us to dive into. 

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04 Jul 2024
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Visit What's up, everyone, and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. In this episode, we're picking up exactly where we left off, and we're going to finish off the grand jury documents that have just been released. And then, directly, after we're done with these documents, I have to go and take a bleach bath, because I am absolutely disgusted by all of it. Bella Hovlich, any questions for Mr. Ross? Jurr. When they refer to doing drugs, it's either smoking marijuana, or talking a hard drug such as cocaine or something. And you know what the craziest part is? Just to digress real quick. You know Mrs. Bella Hovlich went home and had like five bottles of wine. Meanwhile, she's worried about people smoking pot. Here's an idea, let's be a little bit less worried about people smoking pot, and more worried about people being molested. Ms. Bella Hovlich, do you know what smoking resin means? Witness, I have not heard that resin used before, that's something new to me. You're a cop, and you don't know what smoking resin is? Smoking resins for people who run out of weed, and they have no pot on hand, so they smoke the resin that's in the pipe. Ms. Bella Hovlich, other questions? Jurr. What was the date when she was talking about being famous? Do you know? Bella Hovlich, it's Exhibit D. Witness, yeah, I'm going through that exhibit now to find the exact location. Bella Hovlich on the first page, login date, witness 11/7/2005. Jurr, thank you. Bella Hovlich, any other questions? Another juror is their hand, this time a woman. The one girl who had to move to redacted, you mentioned that she had run away, or was missing several times. Was this while she was here, or after she moved to redacted, and she started being that she was missing. Her parents didn't know where she was. Witness that was in both redacted and redacted. Jurr, do you typically find that teenagers that have Myspaces tend to tell the truth on those websites, or tend to try to sound adventurous, or what is, is their accuracy of their statements. Witness, this would be a personal observation on my part, and I would say no. I would think that it would be, it would be more that it wasn't the truth. And that's just my personal observation. I have no data to support that or not, that's just a personal observation. Yes sir, another juror is called upon. Are there any kind of school reports, psychological reports, arrest reports, or records that would, you know, indicate behavior like this from this girl from her early ages? Witness, those are the only police reports that I have, is the one from Georgia, and the ones from Florida. If there's others, I haven't been made available to those. Jurr, okay, witness, and the psychological reports I wouldn't have access. Belohovlic the report, Palm Beach County Sheriff's report, is Exhibit C. Witness, okay, Belohovlic, did they speak with her father? Second page of this report, and did he indicate, redacted, has been to a facility for drug use? Witness, there was a reference to redacted, I'm assuming, he's cut off there by Belohovlic, for drug use, witness, yes, Belohovlic, and does it say that redacted has been using, as told by the father using narcotics since the age of 14? Witness, yes. Belohovlic, yes ma'am, another juror is called on, and another juror has a question. Since she was in the family center of drug rehab, whatever it was, how was her behavior been, or what was her drug activity been? Witness, I have no direct knowledge of that. Belohovlic, the most recent report is dated when, Palm Beach County Report, Witness Palm Beach County, Palm Beach County Report, is dated March 31st of 2006. Belohovlic, and that was, she's back in Palm Beach County. Witness, yes, Belohovlic, because the incidents and redacted, were all in November. Witness November, Belohovlic 2005, 2006, witness, that's correct. Juror, when was the last time she was in rehabilitation, what's the date that she was in? Witness, this was after, well it's noted in the Palm Beach County Report, the police report that she had been to redacted for drug treatment. Belohovlic, so previous to her taking the Xanax bar, witness, correct, but there is no exact date described in the report. Juror, so I guess I was going to ask in the last year, or so, since March, how was her behavior? Belohovlic, do you have knowledge of that, Mr. Ross? Witness, no I do not. Juror, is she still currently involved in, indiscernible? Belohovlic, do you have any knowledge of that? Witness, no ma'am, I do not. Belohovlic, calls on another juror. Juror asks, what are Xanax bars? Belohovlic, we can find that out for you, juror, okay. Belohovlic, and you'll know after lunch. Any other questions? Alright, how about we take a lunch, and we'll be back at 1.30. Wait, juror had one question, and would anybody else here like to bring redacted back? Juror, no, no, no, and they all say no. Belohovlic, let's not do this in front of the witness, okay? Juror, okay. Belohovlic, thank you, Mr. Ross. Witness is excused, so after they break for lunch, they recall Jensen Ross as a witness back up to the stand. Belohovlic, jurors asked you a question earlier about what is Xanax. Answer yes, and were you able to find that out? Answer yes. During the break, I went back and researched it. And using what it's referred to as a PDR, which is a physician's death's reference, one date identifies and gives drugs and everything like that. They identify Xanax as a tranquilizer used in the short-term relief of symptoms of anxiety or the treatment of anxiety disorders. Belohovlic, okay, and possession of that without a prescription, so one could be charged with a felony. Answer, that's correct. Belohovlic, alright, thank you very much. The witness is excused. Proceeding concluded 12.52 pm. In the state of Florida, County of Palm Beach, I, Catherine P. Dorr, RPR, an official court reporter for the 15th Judicial Circuit Criminal Division in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, do hereby certify that I was authorized to and did transcribe the foregoing proceedings at the time and place of force said and that the preceding pages numbered from 1 to 157 inclusive represent a true and accurate transcription of the audio recording of said proceeding. In witness, whereof, I have hereun2 affixed my official signature this 17th day of July 2023. Well, folks, if that didn't sink in you, I don't know what will. You want to talk about an absolute travesty? You want to talk about a dereliction of duty? This is it. Belohovlic spent more time here destroying these witnesses than she did trying to get to the truth about Jeffrey Epstein. And remember Epstein didn't have any representation whatsoever at this hearing. When you have a grand jury proceeding, you don't have that representation as the defense. It is just the prosecution there in making its case. Have you had your high five moment today? Only at high five High five casino is a social casino. Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They were also playing Chumba Casino. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere. So sign up now at Chumba to claim your free welcome bonus at Chumba And live the Chumba line sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW group for prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. And usually, well, the prosecution doesn't attempt to savage their own witnesses. But all of a sudden, because it's Jeffrey Epstein, somebody of note, somebody with political connections, we're going to savage the witnesses and treat them like absolute garbage, like their criminals. You ever think that maybe this kid needed a Xanax to deal with the bullshit from getting molested by Jeffrey Epstein? Meanwhile, all these people out here are popping Xanax on a regular basis because they had a tough day at work. But this kid who got molested, well, God forbid, the whole last thing is a disgusting, gigantic slap in the face to everybody, the survivors, especially. And there needs to be consequences. Now I don't know what you could possibly do to somebody like Bella Hovlic or somebody like Krisscher at this point, you know, statue of limitations, all that jazz. But what about pensions? These are all state officials, right? They're going to get a state pension. You really think they deserve a state pension after all that's occurred, after all that's went down? Because from where I'm sitting, the answer is no. You don't get rewarded for being shitty at your job, at least you shouldn't get rewarded. And here we are all these years later, and nobody's ever really called these people out. But now hopefully with these documents being out here for everybody to get a look at, people are going to understand exactly what we're dealing with. And what we're dealing with is a lot of corruption. Now, I'm not one of the people that's going to tell you that, you know, people are sitting around at the top offices in the government looking for ways to help Jeffrey Epstein. But what I will tell you is this, from everything that I've researched, everything that I've learned over the years, there is no doubt in my mind that Jeffrey Epstein was an asset. And when you're an asset, you get hooked up. You're going to get that homey hook up all the way to the very end when you're no longer needed and they burn you. And obviously with him dying in jail like that, he got burned. You can say it suicide. You can say he got murdered, whatever the fact is he's dead and gone, right? And whatever secrets he had, he's taken with them or took with them to the grave. But this is a man that's obviously been protected from day one, obviously been protected since the very start of his criminal escapade, and he was protected till the very end. And when it was convenient for the intelligence services to get rid of them, that's exactly what they did. And now having a look at the NPA that we just went through, and now having a look at these grand jury documents, is anybody out there convinced about the official narrative? Is anybody out there convinced that we've been told the truth? Because from my perspective, I don't think I've ever been more sure that we've been lied to the whole entire time, and they continue to lie to us. No freedom of information act because there's an investigation, no other arrest, and just more lip service. But hopefully now that this document's out, along with the rest of the documents, it's going to spur some people in positions of power to take action, and for my money that has to start with the prosecutors who fucked everything up. Alright folks, that's going to do it not only for this episode, but for the whole entire document that was just released. So we'll let that one marinate for a little while, and obviously we'll be back with some more later on. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. High Five Casino High Five Casino is a social casino with real prizes and Big Vegas hits at The hottest games, right from Vegas, and all winnings go straight to your bank account. Hundreds of exclusive games, free daily rewards, and come back to get free coins every four hours, only at High Five Casino is a social casino. 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