Beyond The Horizon

The Jeffrey Epstein Grand Jury Documents (Part 11) (7/4/24)

In February 2024, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 117, which allows for the release of grand jury documents from the 2006 investigation of Jeffrey Epstein. This legislation permits the disclosure of grand jury testimony if the subject of the inquiry is deceased, the investigation was about sexual activity with a minor, and the testimony was previously disclosed by a court order.

The bill, effective July 1, 2024, aims to provide transparency and justice for Epstein’s victims by revealing previously sealed grand jury proceedings. This move has been celebrated by victims and advocates as a significant step toward accountability and justice.

Epstein's 2006 investigation involved the Palm Beach Police Department, which had recommended multiple felony charges, including unlawful sexual activity with a minor and lewd or lascivious molestation. However, the State Attorney at the time chose to present the evidence to a grand jury, resulting in the details and names of those involved remaining sealed.

HB 117's passage was supported by two of Epstein's victims, who joined Governor DeSantis in Palm Beach to mark the occasion. Governor DeSantis emphasized that the public deserves to know who participated in Epstein’s sex trafficking and that wealth and status should not protect individuals from facing justice. Representative Peggy Gossett-Seidman also highlighted the significance of this legislation for the victims and the Palm Beach community that suffered from Epstein's actions.

And now those documents are available for us to dive into. 

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Epstein transcripts - DocumentCloud

Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
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What's up everyone and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles. In this episode we're getting right back to those grand jury documents and we're going to pick up with the testimony of Jensen Ross. Ms. Bella Hovlic, raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? Witness, I do. Bella Hovlic, can you introduce yourself Mr. Ross? Answer, yeah, my name's Jensen Ross. I am the Chief Investigator with the State Attorney's Office in Palm Beach County. Bella Hovlic, how long have you been in that position? Answer, I have been the Chief Investigator for three years and I have been employed by the State Attorney's Office for approximately 13 years. Bella Hovlic and what did you do before that? Answer, I worked for the West Palm Beach Police Department from 1970 until 1993 when I started with the State Attorney's Office. Bella Hovlic, you have reviewed some documents regarding several witnesses in this case? Answer, yes ma'am. Bella Hovlic, okay, I want to take you back to redacted. Redacted was testifying about some drug use. Isn't, in fact, there a police report regarding drinking in drug use by redacted? Wow, what a disgusting display. I hate to interject here because I really don't like to do it when we're going through the official documents but it has to be said. Bella Hovlic needs to be held accountable. Her, Barry Krisscher, everybody involved in this bullshit needs to be held accountable. And reading through this, it shows you exactly why they wanted to keep all this stuff private. Answer, there is a police incident report from her redacted sheriff department in redacted. Bella Hovlic, okay, and in that case there were some boys drinking but it never indicates she was drinking. Answer, I believe so, yes ma'am. Bella Hovlic, okay, answer, she was caught up with the boys and they were drinking. Bella Hovlic, okay, is there another, I believe it's exhibit B that you reviewed? Answer, yes ma'am. Bella Hovlic did redacted disappear from her home that caused concern to her mother. Answer, yes, her mother reported her as missing to the police. Bella Hovlic and was, where did her mother think she was? Answer, she was in a known drug area she believed. Bella Hovlic, when they finally located her, I guess, a day after she took off? Answer, yes. Bella Hovlic, did she indicate that she had been drinking and doing drugs that previous night? Answer, she has stated she had been drinking and doing drugs the night before and she got scared and called her parents. Bella Hovlic, okay, there are police reports from redacted activity and redacted. I'm going to refer to you to exhibit C. This is all being done at the behest of Alan Dershowitz Ken Starr and Left Court. That's exactly who was pulling the strings here and what do you think all those meetings were about? Do you think they were just having meetings with the head honchos in the DOJ because they were discussing their golf game? We all know what those meetings were about and we all know what these idiots were about. Bella Hovlic, on March 31 of 2006, was there a police report regarding redacted? Answer, yes ma'am. She was reported as missing on that date also. Bella Hovlic, okay, but it was her father who reported her missing. Answer, that's correct. Bella Hovlic, did you say how long she had been gone? Out the night before and then came home at 5.30. Answer, I believe that's what it was. Bella Hovlic in the morning? Answer, yes, I believe so, yes ma'am. Bella Hovlic, and how did she and her sister come home in the morning to get into the house? Answer, they returned and were inside the residence when the police arrived and they were packing their clothes, and they were going to move out of the residence. Bella Hovlic, okay, were observations made as to their, she and her sister's physical demeanor? At the time? Answer, there was indications that they had been doing alcohol and drugs, and I believe the father had also reported that when they were dropped off that he believed the person that dropped them off was a young drug dealer from the area. Bella Hovlic, and were they taken to school and were they, did they have to come pick up redacted from school? Answer, yeah. They were taken back to school, and then they received a police call from the school security, the policeman, that's assigned to the school, and asked that they come retrieve their, her, because she appeared to be intoxicated at the time. Bella Hovlic, and there were actually witnesses that testified about redacted, taken two and a half Xanax bars? Answer, I believe, yes, that's what it was on the 31st of March. I mean, okay, so kids are experimenting with drugs? This is a shock to people out there, so because this kid, if she even did it, experimented with drugs, that means she couldn't have been assaulted by Jeffrey Epstein, huh? Maybe Miss Bella Hovlic, if you would have spent more time going after Epstein's bitch ass and less time trying to savage your own witnesses, we wouldn't be in this position, and to all you goofballs out there who call yourself content creators and people following this story, stop talking bullshit, okay? Stop talking nonsense and start educating your millions and thousands of followers about the real story, not about what you want this story to be, but about what it really is. Bella Hovlic and Xanax is a controlled substance? Answer, yes, ma'am. Bella Hovlic and it would be a felony to possess that. Answer, yes, ma'am. If you were caught with it, did not have a prescription or anything, you could be arrested and charged with a felony. You had not unless I ate it. Who's gonna get arrested with a single Xanax in their pocket? You better eat that shit. Bella Hovlic, okay, you've reviewed,, answer, yes. Bella Hovlic, website information, answer, yes, I've looked at it. Bella Hovlic, does she misrepresent her age on there? Answer, I believe there were four different occasions. On March the 5th, she reported her age as 18. On the same date, in another entry, she reported her age as 17. On March the 28th of 2006, she reports her age as being 16. And then again on April the 5th, she reports her age as being 15. Bella Hovlic, and on there, does she also talk about doing drugs and drinking alcohol? Oh, the humanity of it all. She talks about doing drugs and alcohol on the internet. Imagine trying to use this shit as an excuse these days, considering everybody's on the internet, putting their whole life out there? Talk about an absolute joke. Answer, yes, ma'am. She does. Bella Hovlic, what about shoplifting? Does she report she's ever shoplifted? Answer, she admits to that, lots of shoplifting, that's specific. Bella Hovlic, her web name, what does she have as her web name on her website, exhibit H I believe, answer, I believe it's called redacted. Bella Hovlic and does her website also include pictures of her and skimpy attire, drinking alcohol, and sexually provocative photos? Well, there it is, folks. Because of that, she should have been assaulted and raped by a grown ass man, Jeffrey Epstein, who's one of the most prolific predators we've ever seen. That's according to the prosecutors down in Florida, not me. Bella Hovlic, I'm going to show you these photos. Are these photos of redacted that were on her website? Answer, yes, ma'am. Bella Hovlic, okay. Redacted, has redacted, been arrested? Answer, yes, ma'am. Bella Hovlic, when was that arrest? Answer, September the 15th of 2005, she had charges filed against her for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. So what that means is she had a little bit of pot and maybe a pipe or something. Might as well just give her the death penalty, huh? A little bit of pot in her possession. So instead of believing her about Epstein, let's sabotage her in front of the grand jury. Bella Hovlic, and that was during the time that she was seeing Mr. Epstein, answer, I Bella Hovlic, the suspect in this matter? Answer, I can't answer that. Bella Hovlic, okay, what about theft allegations? Has she admitted to stealing also? Answer, she was employed by redacted and in November of 2006 she was accused by her employer and she admitted to it. Bella Hovlic, she also had some website. Answer, yes ma'am. Bella Hovlic, on there, she goes through and writes out about a falsification of records and lies to people that she has done? Answer, yes, that's included in some of the documents that I reviewed. Bella Hovlic, exhibit C, could you read what she wrote on August 5th, 2005? Answer, hey, wow, not living with my parents anymore is the shit. For all of you who are not aware, I moved out to redacted. So far everything is going well. Well, and I am getting along, not like everyone predicted, oh, when you guys live together, all that time together will be horrible, and that's in quotations. The complete opposite of the matter of fact. I went job hunting the second day that I was here, but all I did was get applications. The day after that I was like, fucking, fuck this, and I didn't return to turn them in. I just got so tired, yesterday is when I took them. I ended up getting a job at redacted and redacted. I only get paid $6.40 an hour, but hopefully that will change soon. I also get a discount at all the redacteds, redacteds, and redacteds. I like my boss so far, I mean, he only met me twice, but he's really cool. It is trying to get a job at a redacted. He likes music, so I think he's going, it's going to fit for him, a good fit for him. I really hope he gets it. The boss guy called him back to set up an interview the day he came in with his application. I think that's a good sign. It starts at 4 p.m. He's at the mall right now. I got to call him and ask him how it went in a little while. It's only 3.45 right now. Oh, it was funny. I used him as one of my references for my redacted, which I interpreted being redacted, and the lady called me back and told me that redacted gave me such an outstanding reference that she did not need to call anyone else back. He got me the job, just like that. He made me sound so fucking good, so fucking great. I lied and said that he was the old store manager for redacted, she bought it. There's a notation, straight. I'm not exactly sure what that makes reference to, no complaints from me. Okay, well, got to go smoke some resin, considering I have limited supply of Mary J and have to conserve. Miss everyone back home, I love you guys, don't forget about me. Bella Hovlic, in Exhibit C, does she make references to being famous? Answer, there is, yes. She would like to be famous or known to be famous. Bella Hovlic, and how does she indicate that she would like to be famous? There's a notation in one of her blogs that says she would like to meet Bill Clinton this week because someone, and this is in quotes now, someone could be so famous for sucking his dick, that's how famous I could be. End of quote. Bella Hovlic, okay, and there's a lot of other stuff where she talks about accepted use of marijuana. Answer, referred to as weed, yes. Bella Hovlic, right. And pictures on our website of her smoking weed and drinking beer. Answer, that's correct. Bella Hovlic, holding a bong type pipe. Answer, correct. Bella Hovlic. Okay. We're going to wrap up this episode right here, and in the next episode, we're going to pick up what the jurors asking questions of Mr. Ross. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.