Beyond The Horizon

The Jeffrey Epstein Grand Jury Documents (Part 10) (7/4/24)

In February 2024, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 117, which allows for the release of grand jury documents from the 2006 investigation of Jeffrey Epstein. This legislation permits the disclosure of grand jury testimony if the subject of the inquiry is deceased, the investigation was about sexual activity with a minor, and the testimony was previously disclosed by a court order.

The bill, effective July 1, 2024, aims to provide transparency and justice for Epstein’s victims by revealing previously sealed grand jury proceedings. This move has been celebrated by victims and advocates as a significant step toward accountability and justice.

Epstein's 2006 investigation involved the Palm Beach Police Department, which had recommended multiple felony charges, including unlawful sexual activity with a minor and lewd or lascivious molestation. However, the State Attorney at the time chose to present the evidence to a grand jury, resulting in the details and names of those involved remaining sealed.

HB 117's passage was supported by two of Epstein's victims, who joined Governor DeSantis in Palm Beach to mark the occasion. Governor DeSantis emphasized that the public deserves to know who participated in Epstein’s sex trafficking and that wealth and status should not protect individuals from facing justice. Representative Peggy Gossett-Seidman also highlighted the significance of this legislation for the victims and the Palm Beach community that suffered from Epstein's actions.

And now those documents are available for us to dive into. 

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Epstein transcripts - DocumentCloud

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04 Jul 2024
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Answer in the kitchen area, and there were some that were in the main living room area. Belohovlic, downstairs? Answer, downstairs, first floor. Belohovlic, okay, computers were seized. Answer, one computer, two computers were seized. One was the covert cameras, and the other one was Mr. Bannasik's personal computer. Belohovlic, on either of the cameras or the personal computer, did you find any evidence documenting the sexual activity of these girls? Answer, no. Belohovlic, you spoke earlier about a twin torpedo that was found in Nadia's bedroom. Answer, correct. Belohovlic, using the diagram prepared by investigator Parkinson, can you indicate where which bedroom that was taken in the house? Answer, it would have been down towards the bedroom here, I believe. Belohovlic, and where was the massage table? Answer, the massage, well, each room has various massage tables, and this, this was the master bedroom with his master bath, and there was massage tables here, here, and as well as photographs all through here. Belohovlic, okay, in the massage tables the girls described, was it in this room? Answer, correct. It was in the master bedroom here. Belohovlic, okay, and other than that, the twin torpedo, there were no other sexual toys found in the house other than the jelly from the bedside. Answer, the joy jelly, that's it. Belohovlic, any other questions for Detective Ricari? Jer, what is Jeffrey Epstein's occupation just for the record? Ricari, he's an investor. He invests billionaires' monies. Belohovlic, all right, thank you very much. Jer, is he a one more, sorry? Is he a United States citizen? Ricari, yes, Jer, born here? Ricari, yes. Belohovlic, all right. Thank you, Mr. Ricari, you are excused. Belohovlic, I'm going to ask you to stand up for a second and raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth? The whole truth or nothing but the truth, so help you God? The witness, yes. So it looks like this is a witness that's going to be up here in an anonymous fashion, considering there's no name of this witness here and just says witness. Please go ahead and have a seat. Belohovlic, you're redacted? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, all right, redacted. I'm going to request you to do one thing while you're here or two. Tell the truth, number one. And number two, any questions you're asked, make sure you answer yes or no, not aha, or aha, it doesn't come out real clear. Answer, okay. Belohovlic, okay, okay is good too. All right, how old are you? Redacted, introduce yourself, what's your name? Answer, redacted. Belohovlic, redacted. Answer, yes. Belohovlic, how old are you? Answer, 18. Belohovlic, when's your birthday? Answer, redacted. Belohovlic, where do you live? Answer, in redacted. Belohovlic, how long have you lived there? Answer, probably about 15 years or so. Belohovlic, who do you live with? Answer, my father and his girlfriend. Belohovlic, where did you go to school? Answer, redacted school. Belohovlic, are you still in high school? Answer, no. Belohovlic, did you graduate? Answer, I got a GED. Belohovlic, and when did you do that? Answer, February. Belohovlic, all right, of this year, 2006. Answer, yes. Belohovlic, okay, what grade were you in when you left high school? Answer, 12th. Question, do you know someone named or redacted? Answer, yes. Question, how do you know redacted? Answer, I met her through school and mutual friends. Belohovlic, how old is redacted in relation to you? Are you the same age, older, younger? Answer, I believe she's about a year older than me. Belohovlic, okay. Answer, if not the same age. Belohovlic, was she in school with you? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, was she a senior when you were a senior? Answer, I think she was one grade ahead of me. Belohovlic, okay, what kind of relationship did you have with redacted? Answer, well, we were friends, you could say. Belohovlic, okay, you know somebody named Jeffrey Epstein? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, how did you go about meeting Jeffrey Epstein? Answer, redacted introduced us. Belohovlic, did she take you over there one day or did she talk to you about going over there before you went? Answer, she talked to me a little bit about it beforehand and then went with me. Belohovlic, okay, let's talk about that conversation. The one between you and redacted, what was it about? Answer, she said that there was a man that lived in Palm Beach and that he was looking for young girls to really, all she said beforehand, was that it would be a massage. Belohovlic, did she describe to you how you would have to dress to do the massage? Answer, she said to dress very girly, but that was all she really said beforehand. Belohovlic, did she talk to you about how young he wanted the girls? Answer, no. Belohovlic, did she ever talk about if you were asked your age, what you would say? Answer, no. Belohovlic, okay, when did you first go to Jeffrey Epstein's home? Answer, I'm really not sure. Belohovlic, okay, approximate time. Were you in your senior year at school or was it your junior year at school? Answer, my junior year. Belohovlic, so you would have been, how old were you in your senior year? Answer, I will. Belohovlic, you turned 18. Answer, I turned 18. Belohovlic, in your senior year? She answers, yes, my senior year. So I was 16 or 17 in my junior year. Belohovlic, during the time that you went to Jeffrey Epstein's home, you were 16 or 17. Answer, I believe 16 the first time. Belohovlic, and then your birthday's in redacted. Answer, yes. Belohovlic, 2004 you turned 17 and then 2005 you're 17 when you go there? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, tell us about the first time that you went there. Belohovlic, I know this is difficult, they've heard other things, so don't be embarrassed. They just need you to be honest. Answer, I came in and he asked me to take off my shirt and I gave him a back massage, and that was more or less all that it was the first time. Belohovlic, okay, did you take your shirt off when he asked you to? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, was that the only item of clothing you took off that time? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, did he give you money for giving him a back massage that first time? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, how much? Answer, $200. Belohovlic, now you said the first time that you think you were 16. After that you were 17? Answer, I may have already been 17, I'm not 100% sure. Belohovlic, okay, you may have been 17 even the first time. Answer, right, Belohovlic, how did it come about that you went back to his house? Answer, redacted asked me if it would be okay, if, if, or if she gave them my phone number, and I said yes. Belohovlic, how were you contacted about going back again? Answer, one of the girls that lived at the house would call me, one was Nadia, and the other I can't remember her name. Belohovlic, was it Sarah? Answer, Sarah, yes. Belohovlic, okay, and they would call your cell phone? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, how many times do you think they went back to Jeffrey's home? Answer, maybe 10 or so? Belohovlic, do you recall telling the detectives you thought maybe 15 times? Answer, possibly, I'm not really sure. Belohovlic numerous times, answer, yes. Belohovlic, okay, the first time was just a massage and you got 200? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, did it progress to something other than just massaging him? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, tell us about what it progressed to. Answer, he asked me to be completely naked while doing it. Belohovlic, did you do that? Answer, yes. He asked me to touch him, but I said no. Belohovlic, did he make you do things, you didn't want to do? Answer, no. Belohovlic, go ahead, what happened? Answer, on one occasion, the last time I went there, he engaged intercourse. Belohovlic, okay, and how old were you then? Answer, it was the day before my 18th birthday. Belohovlic, okay, prior to the actual intercourse, what happened? Were there any sexual acts either performed on you, you performing on him or him performing on himself? Answer, he would touch himself. Belohovlic, how would he do that? Answer, what do you mean? Belohovlic, I mean what part of his body was he touching? Answer, his penis. Belohovlic, okay, he was masturbating? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, okay, was that a regular occurrence? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, and he never asked you to do more than just, did you watch? Did he ask you to watch or just did it while you were massaging him? Answer, he just did it. Belohovlic, okay, when you were massaging him, did he say anything to you or make any comments? Answer, um, play conversation. Belohovlic, okay, what kind of things was he asking you? Answer, just about school and what I was going to do when I got older. Belohovlic, he knew you were in school. Answer, yes. Belohovlic, did he know your age? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, did you tell him that you were 17? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, when was that? Answer, the first time that I was there, I told him how old I was. Belohovlic, okay, did he have a problem with that? Answer, he did not seem to. Belohovlic, okay, let's go to the last time. Whether it's 10 or 15 times, when you had, he penetrated your vagina with his penis. Answer, yes. Belohovlic, how did that come about? Answer, he told me to lay down because he was going to crack my back, which he had done before, and he just sort of did it. Belohovlic, I know this is difficult, you don't want to be testifying about this, do you? Answer, no, not at all. Belohovlic, okay, how much money were you paid during the times that he masturbated in front of you? Answer, it started at 200 the first couple of times, and then he changed it to 300. What about the final time, when there was the actual penetration? Answer, 300. Belohovlic, why did you stop going there? Answer, well, I didn't really want to go after that, and they didn't call me anymore after that, so Belohovlic, okay, so it was a combination of both. Answer, yes. Belohovlic, and if they have called, answer possibly, but I doubt it. Belohovlic, okay, did you receive anything from other than from Mr. Epstein, then the cash involved? I mean, did he give you a car or anything like that? Answer, he gave me a digital camera, and for my birthday, he gave me like a couple bras and some hannies. Belohovlic, okay, and was that your 18th birthday? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, and he gave that to you too, so you were still seeing him on your 18th birthday? Answer, it was like, or was it the day before your birthday like you testified? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, okay, was anybody else present during the massages you were giving to Mr. Epstein, or when he was masturbating? Answer, one time naughty was in the room. Belohovlic, which time was that? What activities were going on during the time that she was in the room? Answer, well, him and her had intercourse, well, he asked me to watch. Belohovlic, when was that? Answer, one of the last couple of times? Belohovlic, how long did that go on? Answer, it was an hour. I was there for an hour every time. Belohovlic, were you asked to participate in any way in the sexual exchange going on between them? Answer, um, he asked me to touch our breasts, but nothing more than that. Belohovlic, and did you do that? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, okay, and did either of them touch you at all during that time? Answer, no. Belohovlic, just one second. You appear uncomfortable testifying here today, yes? Answer, yes. Belohovlic, this morning when we first met you, when you got here, what did you ask me? Answer, if there was any possible way, I could not testify. Belohovlic, were you told you wouldn't have to testify? Answer, that was my understanding. I expressed that I did not want to, and I was told that I would be contacted later on with more information on that and other subjects. Belohovlic, were you ever contacted? Answer, no. Belohovlic, till you got the subpoena from me. Answer, yes. Belohovlic, okay, do you want Mr. Epstein to be charged with any crimes in relation to what went on between you and him? Answer, honestly, I don't really know. Belohovlic, okay, you expressed concerns about your father. Answer, yes. Belohovlic, finding out about your activities. Does he know what you were doing? Answer, he has very minimal information. Belohovlic, and when did you get that information? Answer, two days ago, when I got the subpoena. Belohovlic, okay, so it's not something you've confided in him about. Answer, no. Belohovlic, do you want to testify at a trial? Answer, no. Belohovlic, do you know how much money you've probably got overall during this time? Answer, no. Belohovlic, was your dad aware that you were getting money or were you hiding it from him? Answer, I guess you could say I hid it from him because I did not make it a point for him to know. Belohovlic, okay, you understand that you in effect were committing prostitution yourself. Imagine this woman, Miss Belohovlic over here asking this kind of question to her own witness. And remember how I told you that the prosecutors down in Florida savage their own witnesses? This is what I'm talking about. This is not how you roll if you're a prosecutor. The idea is to try and make your witnesses, you know, credible. But unfortunately, folks, after reading the OIG report into the non prosecution agreement and now reading this, I am 100% sure that the fix was in and the fix came from the bosses at the DOJ. We're talking about the bosses, Mukhezi and company, not Acosta. You really think Acosta has this kind of sway? Jur, can you speak up please? Belohovlic, can you speak up witness? Yes, Belohovlic. Okay, is that an activity that you have stopped? Answer, yes. Belohovlic. Okay, I'm going to ask you at this point if the grand jurors have any questions for you. Okay, do you need a minute? Answer, I'm fine. Belohovlic. Okay, Belohovlic, any questions for Miss redacted? Jur, I didn't quite hear. During the time you were a junior, did Mr Epstein actually have penetration sex with you while you were a junior? The witness while I was junior in high school? No. Jur, then how old were you? Witness, I was still 17 at the time. Jur, you were still 17? Witness, yes. Belohovlic, the day before your 18th birthday. Witness, yes. Jur, did... do you still have contact with Mr Epstein? Witness, no. Jur, does he or do you have the same cell phone? Witness, no, I've had three different numbers since then. Jur, and you do know that since you're 18 now, she's not, you could be prosecuted. The witness, yes. Wow, these jurors, this whole entire thing was absolutely disgusting down here. And whoever these jurors are, I hope you're happy with yourselves. You bunch of fucking clowns. Jur, and you still say you would not testify against Mr Epstein. Witness, no, I would not like to. Jur, would you? Witness, I suppose if I had another subpoena to where that's going to jail, yes, I would. Another jur gets picked, a lady in the back. You did not want to have intercourse with them. Witness, no. Jur, did you ask them to stop? Witness, no. Jur, and why? Witness, I'm not really sure. Jur, do you think you took advantage of your youth? Witness, maybe, but it was also stupid of me to put myself in that situation. Jur, perhaps you were too young to be up against a man of that age who had more control over you than you knew. Witness, yes. Jur, do you feel it's wrong of him to take advantage of your youth? Witness, yes, I do. Jur, and did he take away from your person, your being, your spirit? Witness, yes. Jur, and would you testify against him for what he has done? And the wrong he has done? Witness, no, because I would like to put it behind me for the most part. I was successful until about two days ago. Belahovlic calls on another juror. So the reason that you don't want to testify is more just because of your personal embarrassment. Witness, yes. Jur, okay. Belahovlic calls on another juror. Jeffrey knew, or you had said, that you did tell him you were only 17. The witness, yes. Jur, and he was aware of that. Witness, he was well aware of my age from the very beginning. Belahovlic calls on another juror. If you had a daughter, would you want her to testify or tell you? Witness, I don't really know. Another juror gets called upon. Would it mean anything special to you if you could be the person that's strong enough to stand up, to put him away, so he will never do anything like this to anybody else? Could you be strong enough to do that, or want to do that? The witness. I wish that I could say that I could, but I really don't think that I can. Belahovlic, any other questions? Another juror gets called upon. The pursuit, this idea about testifying, would you do it? I mean, would you testify if you were subpoenaed? And would you tell the truth? Witness, if I did not have to a choice whether or not to testify, obviously I would have to. Yes, I would tell the truth, because if I'm going to have to do it, I might as well do it right. Juror, I think, for your character, for your own well-being, you have to ask questions, not comment. Ms. Belahovlic interrupts. Juror, okay, to testify would be the right thing to do, and the legal thing to do. Juror, would you do it under those circumstances? Witness, like I said, if it was between testifying and going to jail, I would testify, which is why I'm here today. Ms. Belahovlic, all right, thank you, Miss, redacted, and the witness is excused. All right, we're going to wrap up this episode right here, and in the next episode, we're going to pick up with the next witness, Jensen Ross. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. Hey, everyone. It is Ryan Seacrest here, ready to heat up your summer vacation? Get ready. Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino. With yours truly, join me at Chumba Casino dot com and dive into a summer of social casino fun. Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary, VGW Group, for it were prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply.