Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Murder Of Mahogany Jackson

Every now and then we come upon a story that is so vile that it is almost vomit inducing. Well, unfortunately, this story is exactly that type of story.

A woman named Mohangy Jackson was kidnapped, assaulted and murdered in Alabama by a group of 8 people. Four of them men and four of them women. Not only was Mahogony brutally tortured, the group of assailants videotaped themselves in the act. All 8 of the suspects have been arrested and charged, to varying degrees, with murder.

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Alabama mother Mahogany Jackson was stripped, tortured and forced to perform sex acts on gang of four men and four women before being shot in back of the head in sickening kidnapping and murder that they filmed, cops say | Daily Mail Online

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03 Jul 2024
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Judy was boring. Hello. Then, Judy discovered Chumba It's my little escape. Now, Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa, take it easy, Judy. The Chumba life is for everybody. So go to Chumba and play over 100 Casino-style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. Chumba No purchase necessary for your prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions applies to website for details. What's up, everyone, and welcome back to the program. In this episode, we have a disturbing-ass story coming out of Alabama, where a woman named Mahogany Jackson was kidnapped, assaulted, tortured, and then murdered by a group of men and women, and the sick degenerates filmed the whole entire thing. So let's just dive right into the article and get ourselves a look at what true evil looks like. This article was published by The Daily Mail and The Headline. Alabama mother, Mahogany Jackson, was stripped, tortured, and forced to perform sex acts on a gang of four men and four women before being shot in the back of the head in a sickening, kidnapping, and murder that they filmed. Cop say. This article was authored by Alice Wright. I think that after all of these disgusting fuck bags are convicted, I think that a group outing on one of those helicopters directly over a volcano is in order. These people are a net negative on society. There's no rehabilitation for what these people did, and I don't even think there's any allegedly to it. If we have video evidence of it happening, how is it even allegedly? These two nods are guilty. And Alabama mother was kidnapped and tortured for hours before being gang raped and murdered by a gang of eight, please say. Mahogany Jackson, 20, was stripped, handcuffed, beaten, spit on, and forced to perform sex acts at gunpoint in a Birmingham apartment before being shot in the back of the head on Sunday, February 25th. Her torturers were four men and four women according to prosecutors. What you thought women weren't capable of great evil? Let me introduce you to these four disgusting animals and also how about the women who were involved in killing Chancuelo Robinson? Oh, what you thought I forgot about that story? I most certainly haven't. What's unfortunate is that the United States government forgot about Chancuelo Robinson. That's who did the forgetting. Around 8 a.m. on February 25th, Jackson, message family members, to say that she was being held hostage in apartment three at Serenity Apartments in Southwest Birmingham. The mother's body was found in the early morning hours the next day under a mattress at an illegal dump site at the 1700 block of Laurel Avenue that is known as Dead Man's Road. Videos of the torture and assaults were taken by several of the perpetrators before Jackson, who leaves behind the three-year-old daughter was killed. So anybody have any objections to the helicopter ride, to the volcano? Because not only am I all for it, but I'd love to be the person pushing them out of the helicopter directly into that volcano. That's how I feel about people like this at this point. I have zero use for people who are out here doing this kind of thing. And society as a whole is better off with people like this locked up. The sad part is they weren't locked up before they came across Ms. Jackson, because she certainly didn't deserve this sort of fate, no matter what the issue is. Nobody deserves to be tortured like this, to be beaten, to be sexually assaulted, and for all of it to be videotaped. What did they plan to do with those videotapes? Oh, that's right. Go and flex on their friends, huh? Go and get some street cred. Go and get some cloud on the internet. Bunch of fucking animals. Giovanni Clap, Blair Green, Tasia Lewis, Senior McCall and Ariana Robinson have been charged with felony murder, first degree kidnapping, and first degree sodomy. They were denied bond at a hearing on Monday. Well, that's nice. At least whoever the prosecutor is down here didn't let them out. Lucky this didn't happen in New York or California. These people would have been running around in the streets still probably. Jeremiah McDowell, 18, Frances Harris, 25, and Brandon Pope, 24, have been charged with first degree kidnapping and capital murder. They are also being held without bond. Authorities said on Monday that Harris is a suspect. They believe fired the fatal shot after a projectile was recovered from Jackson's head. As far as I'm concerned, they're all responsible to the same level. Everybody who was involved here should all be charged with capital murder. The young mother's ordeal began when she arrived at Pope's home in McMillan Avenue on Saturday night with several of the suspects, all of whom she knew, Birmingham homicide detective, Mark Green, testified at Monday's hearing, and it makes it even worse. You go someplace thinking you're going out with friends, and this ends up being the result. Just like with Shank Wallo Robinson, right? She goes down to Mexico. Think she's going on vacation with some friends, some acquaintances. They're gonna have a great time, only to get murdered, and we see shadows of that here again. The abduction began at the property, and videos taken by the suspects show Lewis and McCall stomping and spitting on Jackson outside Pope's home. Jackson was on the ground, Green testified, while she was repeatedly assaulted by several of the suspects. At one point, Lewis was straddling Jackson while punching her in the head. The distressing footage reportedly shows Jackson telling her attackers they had won, and begging to be let go. Like for real, what sort of animal, piece of shit, bully scumbag, does something like this, and the dude standing around, being involved in it? I hope you fucking pieces of shit get everything that's coming to you when you get to prison. I hope you get put into a cell with somebody that hates people like you, and I hope that everything that you did to miss Jackson is done to you, but it's all to a level that we have never seen before. The type of eye for eye shit that would make Hammurabi blush. In another video, Lewis was seen taking off Jackson's shirt and dragging the new Jackson by her hair toward a vehicle. McCall was seen on the video, yelling for someone to pop the trunk. Green told the court, Jackson was then moved to serenity apartments where Lewis and McCall were roommates. Four more videos of Jackson's torture were recorded there, the detective said. Jackson was then shown being forced to perform oral sex on defendant Blair Green in McCall's bedroom. McCall, the detective said, threatened something would happen to Jackson if Blair Green did not enjoy the oral sex. Put yourself in Mahogany's position here. Doing all of this disgusting stuff that these people are ordering her to do, knowing that she's probably gonna die anyway, but she has no other choice. Keep that in mind if you have any sort of empathy for these animals. Keep in mind that Mahogany suffered every step of the way. So in my opinion, these pieces of shit, they deserve the same fate. At one point McCall made Jackson pull down her pants and told McDowell to sexually assault her. There was no testimony indicating another assault took place. - I'm Victoria Cash and I wanna invite you to a place called Lucky Land. (upbeat music) - Where you can play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. 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Now imagine being around and something like this is happening and you just don't say shit about it. You're just like, this is cool, this is all right. Well, now you're as big of a piece of shit as a person who was involved in the actual abuse. So go fuck yourself. I don't wanna hear any crying when the jail sentences start to flow about how you should be given a lenient sentence. Kinda like Jon Snow in Game of Thrones. There was a scene where people that were under Jon Snow's protection at the wall were killed while they were under his protection. And one of the people who did the killing tried to plead to Jon Snow and say to him, look, I just watched, I was the lookout. So Jon Snow says, well, since you were the lookout, you can die last and you can watch all your friends die. That's where I'm at. That's the kind of justice that I feel is necessary in situations like this. I have just had my fill of stories like this and these scumbag pieces of shit that we have to share air with. If you don't think people like this are in your community, you're crazy, there are. They're everywhere. So you have no idea who you're standing next to at the grocery store or waiting to get on the subway. It's unfortunate to think like that, but this day and age, especially considering the stuff that we go through here on the podcast, I have a very cynical view when it comes to humanity as a whole. And every time we have a story like this pops up, it just reaffirms my cynicism. Jackson was then taken from Lewis's apartment by Pope Harrison McDowell and was fatally shot after sending the help messages to her family. Lewis and McCall initially denied any knowledge of the incident when questioned by police, they changed their statements after being shown the videos which were sent to police by a witness, green testified, by a witness, huh? So you send the videos to the cops afterwards. You don't do anything about it. At the time, you coward, punk-ass motherfucker. Watch this girl get assaulted, beaten, killed. And then after the fact you send video to the police, yo, I get it, not everybody's confrontational. But in certain instances in life, you have to just toss all that away, throw the gauntlet down and get busy. Whether that's fighting these people or calling the police low-key while it's happening, whatever it is, you don't just stand by, let it happen, and then report it. That's some straight-up punk shit. This was a horrific attack perpetrated against Ms. Jackson, Jefferson County Deputy District Attorney, Cherissa Henrich said on Monday, she was subjected for a period of time to there's really no other way to say it. Torture, which ultimately led to her death, adding the nature of these offenses was horrific. And you know they've only scratched the surface as far as detailing what happened to this poor lady. So if you think I'm kidding, when I'm talking about volcanoes and helicopters for people like this, you have not been listening to the podcast long enough. I am not kidding. I have zero use for people like this, and I think that after they're convicted, that mahogany's family should be the ones who decide what the penalties are, whether it's death or whatever it might be. Because enough is enough. How many more families are gonna get victimized by six bucks like this? And then the system, forget it. We know that the system shows a lot of remorse for people like this, although I will say this happened in Alabama. So these people are probably gonna get the whole ass book thrown at them. And considering the way that Alabama is putting people to death down there, I say good, go for it. And I hope the death penalty is applied to every one of these people who took part in this disgusting ass attack. And like usual, we'll keep following along and we'll see where it all ends up. 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