Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Delphi Prosecutors Look To Keep The Odinite Theory Out Of Court

The circus tent continues to grow down in Delphi as the prosecutors and the defense continue lobbing accusations back and forth at each other, with the latest salvo coming from the prosecutors who have asked the judge to keep the Odinite theory out of the court room, saying that it has no merit and that it's nothing more than a tactic being used by the defense to muddy the waters.

The defense on the other hand says that they have evidence of this theory and that they can prove that Richard Allen isn't the killer and that serious issues remain with the Richard Allen's arrest and with what they say is a blatant violation of Richard Allen's 4th amendment rights.

The trial is slated to kick off on May 13th.

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Delphi murders: Prosecutor wants Odinism left out of Allen trial (

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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It is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting. All their games are free to play. Like spin slots, bingo and solitaire. You can claim free daily login bonuses too. And they release new games every week. So spice things up with Chumba Casino dot com now for your chance to redeem some serious prizes sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary vgw group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. What's up everyone and welcome back to the program down in Delphi prosecutors are looking to get the Odinism testimony left out at trial. And now as much as I think the Odinism stuff is off the mark. If there is some sort of evidence for it or if there is a pathway for the defense to introduce it, then they should be able to. It should be up to the jury to decide, right? Not the court. Let the jury decide what they believe. What does the evidence say? If there is evidence that there is some sort of cult, some sort of Odinist cult out there, probably a good idea for us to hear that. Now I've said before and I'll say it again. I don't think that this whole entire Odinist defense is a good defense. And I think that it's a bit laughable honestly, but I'm not sitting in the courtroom, am I? I'm just some moron with a podcast, but the court? The jurors? Oh, they should be shown all of the evidence. And if there's any evidence that this is Odinism, well, let's see it. Today's article is from the indie star and the headline. Prosecutors in Delphi murders case want Odinism testimony left out of the trial. This article was authored by Christine Phillips and Ron Wilkins. Carroll County prosecutor Nicholas McClelland is asking the judge in the Delphi murder case to prevent testimony about Odinism, cult or ritualistic killing, and other pieces of evidence from being presented to the jury, arguing they're irrelevant, unfounded, and misleading. In a motion filed Monday, McClelland listed a dozen items he contends defense attorneys should not be allowed to mention, comment on or reference in any way during the trial. These include purported evidence that Delphi teenagers Abigail Williams and Liberty German were killed by a group of Odinists, a key part of Alan's defense. One thing I have to say about all of this is how the hell are you going to tell me that Keegan Klein was not involved. I have a very, very hard time believing that Keegan Klein's bitch ass had nothing at all to do with this. And remember early on, they told us that there were other people involved here. How come there's no other people that are being brought to trial? So the whole entire prosecution of Richard Allen has been fraught with missteps. And when we're talking about Delphi in general, I have just no confidence whatsoever in what's going on down here. And then we see added to that the fact that judge goal doesn't want to have any sort of video cameras in the courtroom. It doesn't give me very much confidence that what's going on down here is on the up and up before any such evidence may be permitted. The defense must show some connection between the third party and the crime. McClelland wrote further it must be a direct connection based on admissible evidence and not founded in hearsay, speculation, rumors, conjecture or theory. McClelland is asking special judge Francis Gull to bar defense attorneys from mentioning names of alleged odeness, as well as any reference to an investigation by Todd Click, the former Rushville police chief who had looked into the possibility that the three men from Rush County about two hours southeast of Delphi might be involved in the killings. One of those men told his sister he was there when the girls were killed and described details about the crime scene that had not been released publicly according to a 136 page memorandum filed by the defense attorneys. Click is one of the defense witnesses, but last week McClelland sought the former police chief's personal records that he believes will raise credibility issues. Gull approved the prosecution's motion to obtain the records. I have a real bad feeling about this one folks, and I don't think it's going to turn out the way that people are hoping it turns out, and I think that the prosecution is perilously close to disaster. McClelland is also asking Gull to prevent any mention of Keegan Klein, his father Jerry Klein and Ron Logan who owned the property where the girls' bodies were found. Look I don't get it man, I really just don't understand the whole thing with Keegan Klein. We had McClelland and the prosecutors telling us that other people were involved here. Then you have Keegan Klein leaving his lock up and helping them search for things in the Wabash River. So look there's a lock going on with Keegan Klein, and I guess we're never going to get to the bottom of it, and I think it's very telling that the prosecution don't want Keegan Klein or Ron Logan or Jerry Klein mentioned either. So I keep going back to what we were told in the beginning that other people were involved here, but yet the prosecution has shown us nobody else. Keegan Klein was never a suspect in the girl's death but was linked to the case after investigators found that he used a fake social media profile to communicate with one of the girls in the months before they were killed. Keegan Klein is now in prison for child exploitation and other crimes in an unrelated case. I guess it was all just a coincidence right? Keegan Klein's talking to these girls, then the next day, they end up getting killed on the Monon High Bridge? Just a coincidence, nobody was in contact with Keegan Klein, he has no other co-conspirators, I mean for real for real? And look I'm not saying that Richard Allen's not involved, he might be, but the prosecution certainly hasn't made the case, at least not for me yet, the state is also asking goal to prevent defense attorneys from making any personal attacks against prosecutors, sharing personal opinions about any evidence or witnesses and commenting on how files that were turned over to the defense were labeled. McClellan also filed a response on Friday to Baldwin and Rossi's call for sanctions against the prosecutor which have approved would limit McClellan's ability to object to specific evidence or rebut specific evidence. Allen's attorneys based their motion on their claim of not timely receiving discovery evidence and in some cases claiming not to receive it at all. That might not sound like a big deal to people who don't know the process, but it is. It's a very big deal if you slow walk discovery or if you play games, just ask the prosecutors in Idaho who let Laurie Vallow off the hook. The reason Laurie Vallow didn't end up getting the death penalty is because there was prosecutorial misconduct throughout the discovery process. So that led to the judge sanctioning the prosecution and her only being up to face life in prison. So when I say every step of the way matters for the prosecution, it does. They have to have their game on point. Everything has to be locked in because if it's not, you better believe that a decent attorney even is going to grab on to that and utilize it to help their client get off. Nevertheless, McClellan's response indicates that the state has shared all of its information 26 terabytes worth with Allen's attorneys. They've even presented specific evidence when asked by Baldwin or Rosie Mclellan argues. Mclellan rebuts. The defense's claims of misleading or lying to the defense team. The prosecutors said they turned over all documents from the six year investigation in a timely manner. So sanctions are not merited. Allen's attorneys last week filed a motion to suppress anything Allen said on October 26, 2022 during an interview with Indiana State Police Lieutenant Jerry Holman, who said they did not tell Allen he was free to go instead of staying to be interrogated. Mclellan addressed that Friday in his response indicating that Allen was advised of his rights, even if it's not on the video of the interview. Lieutenant Holman asked Richard Allen if he remembered his Miranda rights that the other detectives had read him 13 days prior and Allen says yes. Mclellan states in his rebuttal, referring to an October 13, 2022 interview with the police. Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino. Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible. Chumba has hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new game releases each week. Play for free anytime anywhere for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun. Sign up now at Chumba Sponsor by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Allen was not in custody during the October 26, 2022 interview. Mclellan argues. Therefore, reading Allen, his Miranda rights was not necessary since it was a voluntary interview without coercion. Mclellan argues. Since Allen was free to leave, his rights were not violated, Mclellan contends, and this is why you never talk to the authorities without a lawyer. I don't care if you're innocent, guilty, whatever, the last thing you do is talk to the authorities without legal representation. It is never a good idea to sit down with the authorities without any kind of lawyer or legal guidance right there next to you, because if not, you're in serious jeopardy. Gull had not ruled on Allen's motions for sanctions, and his motion to suppress his October 26, 22 statement. Early Monday afternoon, she also has not ruled on Mclellan's motion to restrict what defense may present to the jury. After that October 26, 2022 interview, Allen was arrested on suspicion of murder. He was charged two days later, yet the Indiana State Police did not identify Allen or his arrest until October 31, 2022, which likely violated the state's open records law that require arresting agencies to identify those who are arrested within 24 hours of incarceration. Allen's trial is scheduled to start May 13 with jury selection in Fort Wayne after jurors are seated, the trial will move to Carroll County. And when I talk about the circus down in Delphi, this is what I mean. Seems like every time we turn around, there's another issue with the prosecution and with their case. And I think that as we get closer to trial, and as the dominoes start to fall, it's going to become rather apparent that the prosecution is up against it. Now, does that mean that they're not going to get a conviction here? No, it doesn't mean that. And does it mean that Richard Allen's innocent? I don't think it means that either. But what it does mean is that the prosecution certainly was playing a little bit out of bounds. And if what the defense is saying is true, then there is certainly a lot of prosecutorial misconduct here. And that obviously would lead to Richard Allen getting off. So it's going to be very, very interesting to see what occurs from now until the trial kicks off in May. And then once the trial gets here, I'm very interested to see what kind of evidence that the state has, because if they don't have more than what they're showing, I'm going to tell you right now that Richard Allen has a good shot at beating this. For me, the strongest bit of evidence was the bullet, but I'm sure that Baldwin and Rosie are going to try and get that thrown out. And if there was prosecutorial misconduct and they came to the house without the proper warrant or whatever, then that bullet gets tossed. And if that bullet gets tossed, they have not a so in my opinion, they are on very, very dangerous ground here as far as the prosecution goes. And I'm very interested to see which way Baldwin and Rosie take it. And I'm also very interested to see what the state has as far as evidence that they haven't provided to the public yet. You know they have more. The question is how much and is it going to sway the jury? And then about two weeks from now, we'll find out. But until then, all of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land. Where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today. At Lucky Land. No purchase necessary, VGW Group. Boy, we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply.