Beyond The Horizon

The Jeffrey Epstein Grand Jury Documents (Part 9) (7/3/24)

In February 2024, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 117, which allows for the release of grand jury documents from the 2006 investigation of Jeffrey Epstein. This legislation permits the disclosure of grand jury testimony if the subject of the inquiry is deceased, the investigation was about sexual activity with a minor, and the testimony was previously disclosed by a court order.

The bill, effective July 1, 2024, aims to provide transparency and justice for Epstein’s victims by revealing previously sealed grand jury proceedings. This move has been celebrated by victims and advocates as a significant step toward accountability and justice.

Epstein's 2006 investigation involved the Palm Beach Police Department, which had recommended multiple felony charges, including unlawful sexual activity with a minor and lewd or lascivious molestation. However, the State Attorney at the time chose to present the evidence to a grand jury, resulting in the details and names of those involved remaining sealed.

HB 117's passage was supported by two of Epstein's victims, who joined Governor DeSantis in Palm Beach to mark the occasion. Governor DeSantis emphasized that the public deserves to know who participated in Epstein’s sex trafficking and that wealth and status should not protect individuals from facing justice. Representative Peggy Gossett-Seidman also highlighted the significance of this legislation for the victims and the Palm Beach community that suffered from Epstein's actions.

And now those documents are available for us to dive into. 

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Epstein transcripts - DocumentCloud

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03 Jul 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba I looked over the person sitting next to me And you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino Everybody's loving having fun with it Chumba Casino's home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free any time anywhere So sign up now at Chumba to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba and live the Chumba life sponsored by Chumba Casino No purchase necessary VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply What's up everyone and welcome back to the Epstein Chronicles in this episode We're gonna pick up where we left off with the grand jury transcripts, and that's with a new witness Gregory Parkinson Miss Dugan, okay, would you raise your right hand? Parkinson, yes, Miss Dugan. Do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give today? Will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God the witness. Yes, I do the examination Miss Bela Hovlic. Okay, would you introduce yourself to the grand jurors, please? Parkinson Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is Gregory Parkinson Bela Hovlic, how long have you been employed as the law enforcement officer? Answer, I've been in the business 40 years now. I started on October 25th of 1966 Bela Hovlic and where were you working then? Answer I worked for the West Palm Beach Police Department where I served for 34 years until I retired on July 3rd of the year 2000. I Had the 4th of July off and went to work the next day as an investigator for the state attorney's office where I've worked for three years I left on February 14th of 2003 and had the weekend off and then took over a Management position with the town of Palm Beach Police Department where I'm still currently employed Bela Hovlic, what's your position with the Palm Beach Police Department? Answer, I hold the rank of police officer But I also hold the title of civilian where I am in charge of the crime scene investigation unit the photography unit the evidence holding unit and the fingerprint unit Bela Hovlic in your capacity as the crime scene head Did you take part in the search warrant executed on Jeffrey Epstein's house on August? October 20th 2005 answer yes, I did Bela Hovlic tell us how you go about executing a search warrant in general answer once the warrant is signed and brought back to headquarters I'm not aware of this at that time on this morning Which was the Thursday morning when I went to the morning briefing at that time I was informed that a search warrant would be executed and that it would be at this residence My responsibility is then to assemble the team of Evident specialists and crime scene processors that will respond to this unannounced scene We don't even know where we're going until we're in what looks like a funeral procession or a parade all the cars are ready to go We follow the lead car and only then when we arrive do we know the location? Bela Hovlic, why is that done? Answer, it's an issue of security It's an issue of privacy and it's an issue of officer safety so that there's a guarantee that There can be no leak of any information even as simple as an address from my office And we prefer to operate in that manner So we don't know until we get there All we really need to know is that we are going to be going into so that we know the volume of bags the volume of boxes The volume of gloves or masks or processing gowns or lab coats Whether we would need head cover to protect or to prevent contamination of a scene or shoe covers which also Prevent contamination of the scene. We don't need to know a lot about the scene We only need to know what type of evidence we're going to be looking for and the potential volume or size of the area Knowing this we are then prepared to go to the scene and do whatever is necessary to fulfill the requirements of the search warrant And that's searching for specific items Miss Bela Hovlic, Mr. Parkinson So that would in addition to officer safety so that someone not waiting there to ambush you Also, nobody at the place to be searched knows you're coming so they can't just dispose of things Answer, that's correct Bela Hovlic, okay, on this date October 20th, where did you go? Answer, I went to a residence located on the island of Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida With the address of 358 El Brio Way The 300 block is the block just immediately west of the intercoastal water way Bela Hovlic, east of the intercoastal water way Answer, it is on the east side of the intercoastal water way In fact, this particular residence is on the intercoastal water way Bela Hovlic, okay, described to us how the house is entered Answer, the residence had staff or personnel present at the time of our arrival Detective Ricari went in ahead of me and Understanding that once you enter the property there is a heightened danger factor with persons or personnel on the scene And the first thing that must be done for everyone's safety is to go in and not search for items But clear the residence of living human beings so that there can be no access to weapons or any endangerment to them This was done and I took part in the search of the second floor on the west end of the residence All the living persons and there were no dead persons there So all of the persons non-police persons were escorted out to the south side of the residence into a patio area Bela Hovlic, were they allowed to take any items out of the home with them? Answer, no Nor did the police look touch or move anything other than opening doors closets to make sure that there were no other persons inside It was not a search in the sense of the search warrant at this time It was the search of the residence to clear it and neutralize any element of danger. This was done This was accomplished at this time officer detective Ricari Would read out loud word for word the search warrant to those persons that were removed from the house My responsibility at this time was to video and audio record the reading of that search warrant to these persons that I did and Recorded it until the conclusion of the reading of the search warrant Bela Hovlic, okay, were you requested by myself to prepare a diagram of the upper floor of the home searched answer? Yes, I was Bela Hovlic. What rooms around the upper floor answer? There are several rooms that are located on the second floor It's basically an L-shaped appearance where the main body of the house is aligned east and west There is an L-shaped short leg which protrudes to the north that actually sits that L-leg sits over a three-car garage The second floor contains a on the west end a large master bedroom Which is aligned north and south and then off of the south side There is a large master bedroom and large closet coming back through the bathroom to the north side There is another bathroom and these are quite large bathrooms. They're not like our he's cut off there by Bela Hovlic and then he continues You know not like my house Bela Hovlic is this the diagram you prepared answer? Yes, it is Bela Hovlic. Okay, can I ask you to step down and Indicate to the grand jurors what the upstairs looks like what rooms we're seeing here? Answer to orient you bear in mind You're looking at the second floor here and this is the spiral staircase Which goes from the second floor down to the first floor and this coincidentally is a double door main entrance to the front of the house and once inside Oops, juror broke the stairway answer. I did I broke the stairway once entering the front door and coming up the stairway you entered a landing once inside the landing It's basically a very long hallway. This hallway has a double door set here and a double door set here They open inward on the east side. They open inward on the west side Once coming through this hallway you then reach a normal sized door which gives you access to the master bedroom Which is the master bedroom? This is the large bathroom on the south side and this is the large walk-in closet of which there are two doors That you can enter and walk in all the way through and back out to the other and again moving back through the bedroom Pass the hallway you then enter another large bathroom which has a sink closets and a large bathtub and it was right here What looked very similar to a dentist chair without the big light it had all kinds of tubes and things on it I don't know really what the thing would do Answer no, it was just part of the furniture there like similar to a bed was here and a credenza over there Bellahove leak are these toilet facilities here, or is it just sinks in these bathrooms? Answer I believe that there were toilets also there in the hall Bellahove lick. All right. Did you find the massage table? Answer yes, there was a massage table in the bathroom Bellahove lick. Okay, how about massage oils were their massage oils up in that bathroom answer? I believe there were I know that we got some kind of jar of material out of his master bedroom out of one of the dressers Bellahove lick what about the actual room where the massage table was in answer that I'm not sure I was involved in the actual search and Photography of that other investigators would have to comment on it. Bellahove lick. Okay. Do you have the reports answer? Yes, I do Are they from the investigators Bellahove lick ass answer? Well, I have the evidence sheets Bellahove lick Okay answer of where the things were found Bellahove lick. Okay. Could you see if there were any massage oils found within the same room where the massage table was? Answer okay, and items that would be taken into custody by the police department would be itemized on the property receipt like that answer That's true Bellahove lick. Okay, but so there was a massage oil found by the master bedroom this room answer Yes, and I actually had that pointed out to me by detective Ricari And it was called the bottle or joy jelly and it was from the master bedroom in the credenza, which was right here Bellahove lick, okay, and you could have a seat again answer. Thank you Bellahove lick. Thank you You've had a chance to go over the receipts of all the properties that was contained Answer yes Bellahove lick did any of the officers find a purple vibrator at the home answer I have item 24, which which may be that I have not actually seen it, but it's called a twin torpedo Bellahove lick. All right. The twin torpedo was not found in the master bedroom though wasn't it found in another bedroom I think detective Ricari testified it was found in Galain Maxwell's or Nadia's bedroom answer I don't know. I don't have a listening right here on this particular document as to where it was found on the evidence sheet That would be covered in detective Ricari's report Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck anything is possible Chumba casino calm has hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new game releases each week Play for free anytime anywhere for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun Sign up now at Chumba casino calm sponsor by Chumba casino. No purchase necessary vgw group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply Bellahove lick nothing listed as a purple vibrator though answer not on the sheets that I have Bellahove lick what about a white vibrator answer? I don't remember seeing a white vibrator There may have been something that was recovered by them and photographed by CSI Pavlitch Bellahove lick, but you have the property receipts in this case and it's not listed answer I don't see it listed here. No, Bellahove lick. Okay at this point I'm going to see if the grand jurors have any further questions for you the witness I'm at your service a juror gets called upon Do you have any sexual toys other than the double-headed torpedo on the list? The witness not on the list that I have here, sir, juror. That's the only sexual toy you have witness pardon Juror that's the only sexual toy that was confiscated in this search witness I believe to my knowledge it is I haven't seen the white or purple so I can't he gets cut off here by the juror or Any other type of sexual toy period witness, right? Personally, I have not seen those juror. Okay Witness, but that is not uncommon either because of the nature of this investigation Detective Rachari would be the one that has the knowledge on all those specific items other than filming the room itself or I'm sorry the residents itself prior to the search Recording the reading of the search warrant and then folks also after the search I go through the re video to show that the police did not do any damage and then the door is finally locked and secured So there would be areas while I was in it. I photographed it from a video standpoint I would not have direct knowledge of some of the items that were found but detective Rachari would Bellahove lick and you obtain copies of all the evidence sheets of evidence checked in correct witness. I think so. Yes Bellahove lick. Yes witness. Yes Bellahove lick and only that twin torpedo is the only sexual item that was listed Witness as best as I can tell correct Bellahove lick. Okay calls on the next juror Is that report just from the master bedroom or from all the bedrooms on the second floor? Witness actually it represents the entire residence plus the two the servants quarters Barracks and on the southwest corner the fitness and exercise room. I believe this encompasses Everything juror can you point out what room that this woman Nadia was in? Bellahove lick are you familiar with which bedroom was Nadia's? Witness I am not Bellahove lick detective Rachari we can the witness right Bellahove lick bring him back in to show that okay Witness right Bellahove lick any other questions another juror raises their hand Was the suspect at the house at the time you served the warren sir witness? No, sir He was not juror. Thank you the next jurors called upon do your warrants have anything listed for light computer equipment or things like that? Witness it did juror it did witness. Yes, and we did take the computer equipment juror and can you say what's on it? Witness that was handled by the special investigations unit And while I saw actually physically saw the computers and saw them disconnected and removed I never saw anything that was on those computers Juror and did they confiscate passports or anything from anyone in the home witness? No, sir no passports and There were no weapons in the house rifles Juror they left them and yeah, yes, sir They were left behind because that was never part of what we were looking for so those were all left behind Bellahove lick calls on the next juror could you tell us the people that that you found there who was there? Witness do I know who they were juror the people? Yeah, who were they? Witness I understand one was the property manager. I think he was either Germanic or possibly Polish He had an Eastern European accent juror was that the only person witness? No, there were I think three people there Juror who were they? Witness. I don't know who they were sir. Bellahove lick. We can ask detective ricari witness, right detective ricari Would know who they are Juror do you know what the gentleman that owned the house was out? Did they tell you he was out of town? Witness. Yeah We knew he was out of town. Yes, Bellahove lick. All right. Thank you witness. Thank you All right, so this is where we're gonna wrap up where they let go of the witness here and the next witness that they're bringing up is Going to be Joe ricari once again and in the next episode. That's where we're gonna pick up All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box Lucky land slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'd my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes, you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes Excuse me. What's the weirdest place? You've gotten lucky. 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