Beyond The Horizon

The Jeffrey Epstein Grand Jury Documents (Part 7) (7/3/24)

In February 2024, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 117, which allows for the release of grand jury documents from the 2006 investigation of Jeffrey Epstein. This legislation permits the disclosure of grand jury testimony if the subject of the inquiry is deceased, the investigation was about sexual activity with a minor, and the testimony was previously disclosed by a court order.

The bill, effective July 1, 2024, aims to provide transparency and justice for Epstein’s victims by revealing previously sealed grand jury proceedings. This move has been celebrated by victims and advocates as a significant step toward accountability and justice.

Epstein's 2006 investigation involved the Palm Beach Police Department, which had recommended multiple felony charges, including unlawful sexual activity with a minor and lewd or lascivious molestation. However, the State Attorney at the time chose to present the evidence to a grand jury, resulting in the details and names of those involved remaining sealed.

HB 117's passage was supported by two of Epstein's victims, who joined Governor DeSantis in Palm Beach to mark the occasion. Governor DeSantis emphasized that the public deserves to know who participated in Epstein’s sex trafficking and that wealth and status should not protect individuals from facing justice. Representative Peggy Gossett-Seidman also highlighted the significance of this legislation for the victims and the Palm Beach community that suffered from Epstein's actions.

And now those documents are available for us to dive into. 

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Epstein transcripts - DocumentCloud

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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what's up everyone and welcome back to the Epstein chronicles. We're gonna dive right back into those grand jury documents and pick up where we left off. Bella Hovlic, okay, she was what you said 17? Answer, it's Ricari still on the stand by the way. Correct. Bella Hovlic, did she tell Jeff Epstein that she was 17? Answer may have, I believe so. Bella Hovlic, take a minute and look at your report and see if you can find that there. Answer, okay, she was 16 when she first went to the house. Bella Hovlic, okay, she was 16. But did she ever tell him she's 16 or 17? Answer, no. Bella Hovlic, did any of the girls ever tell him that they were under 18? Answer, well, he knew that they went to redacted school. Bella Hovlic, that was not my question to you. You see how confrontational she is here? You see how she's going after her own witnesses? And this is all at the behest of Jeffrey Epstein's team. I don't care if she denies it. I don't care if Krissher denies it. And I don't care what that OIG report says. We're seeing it right here in real time. And then if you dig deeper and you understand who Jeffrey Epstein's team was really in contact with, meaning not Acosta, then you understand how all of this fell into place back to the document. Answer, okay. Bella Hovlic, did any of the girls ever tell Jeffrey Epstein that they were under 18 years old? Answer, not to my knowledge. Bella Hovlic and some of them affirmatively lied and said that they were 18 when they were not, didn't they? Answer, correct. Bella Hovlic, but he was aware that they were going to high school. Answer, correct. Bella Hovlic, okay. How much money did redacted make? Answer, $300 for each massage. Bella Hovlic, was she ever given anything other than cash money? Answer, she was also given a Western Union wire from New York for a Christmas bonus. Bella Hovlic, how much was the Christmas bonus? Answer, $200. Bella Hovlic, all right. At some point you spoke with someone named Alfredo Rodriguez. Answer, correct. Bella Hovlic, and who is he? Answer, he's a former houseman of Jeffrey Epstein. Bella Hovlic, what did he describe his duties when he was employed by Mr. Epstein? Answer, he was basically everything. He was the butler, the driver in charge of his security. He was basically the everything for the house. Bella Hovlic, okay, do it all. He did everything. In discernible wanted to? Answer, right? Bella Hovlic, okay. Did he? Did Alfredo Rodriguez give you any information regarding your investigation? Answer, he explained that he knew something was amiss during his employ with Mr. Epstein. He would see girls as young as his daughter come in and say they're his masseuse. And when asked how young, he said very young, too young to be a masseuse. Did he give you any other information? Answer, he also stated that he kept a folder for his protection, some notes that were made during his employ with Mr. Epstein. Bella Hovlic, what? So he kept like a journal? Answer, basically, yes, like a folder with different sheets of paper inside. Bella Hovlic, and he would write notes to himself or would put notes in that journal? Answer, he would put notes inside. Bella Hovlic, okay. Answer, notes that were given to him on Epstein's stationary. Bella Hovlic, was there any note that he provided to you in that folder that indicated something, any type of relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and any of the girls that we've discussed? Answer, yes, he provided two sheets. One was to extend the rental car for redacted, as the contract was up the 2nd of February. Bella Hovlic, the 2nd of February, that year, answer, I was unable to determine that. I researched that information through dollar rental car, and they were unable to locate the car that he rented. Bella Hovlic, okay, but did redacted confirm that she had gotten the car? Answer, yes, Bella Hovlic, okay. Answer, she even explained, described the car as a blue Dodge Neon foredoor, she explained the whole car to me. Additionally, there was another notation of, to take a bucket of roses at 9 p.m. to redacted for redacted, and give the flowers to redacted after her redacted performance, as she was in redacted and had a redacted that night. So what they're talking about is how Epstein sent flowers to some little girl who was doing a school play or whatever, and that's what they're recounting here. But that's not good enough for Mrs. Bella Hovlic, or Mr. Krisscher, I guess. Bella Hovlic, okay, and do you know when that was? Answer, it was while redacted was still in redacted and redacted, it was during his employ prior to Janice. Bella Hovlic, do you know if that was when redacted was 16 or when she was 17, or when she was 18? Answer, when she was 17. Bella Hovlic, okay, did you, any of these girls we've talked about, any of them a licensed massage therapist? Answer, no, no formal training, and any massages. Bella Hovlic, did you ever speak to licensed massage therapists that provided services to Jeffrey Epstein? Answer, through the trash pools we did locate two girls that were licensed massuses that I interviewed? Bella Hovlic, who were they? Answer, one was redacted, and the other one was redacted. Bella Hovlic, okay, did you talk to a redacted? Answer, yes I did. Bella Hovlic, what did she tell you? Answer, that she had been going to Epstein's house for quite some time. However, she was not a masseuse at the time when she first started going to his house. He also provided her a vehicle to get to his house because her scooter had broken down. She was, and he's interrupted here by Bella Hovlic. She started going to his house in a similar fashion and capacity as these other girls. Answer, that is correct. Bella Hovlic, okay, but she later became a massage therapist. Answer, yes. Bella Hovlic, what kind of relationship did redacted and redacted, and Jeffrey Epstein have? Answer, she stated that it was a consensual sexual encounter that they've had. Bella Hovlic, how old was she at the time? Answer, over 18 at the time, I think she was 18. Bella Hovlic, was she? Did she describe being paid money for? Answer, paid money, and additionally, I believe he paid for her tuition at redacted. Bella Hovlic, is that where she got her massage therapy training? Answer, no, she got into the redacted. Bella Hovlic, okay, all right. What you mentioned, a redacted, she's a licensed massage therapist? Answer, that's correct. Bella Hovlic, did she provide massage services to Jeffrey Epstein? Answer, yes. Bella Hovlic, what kind of services did she provide? Answer, she does a Swedish deep tissue massage. Bella Hovlic did the massages by redacted, go beyond a normal massage to the other acts we've heard about today. Answer, no, no, her job was strictly to come in and provide the massage, she got paid $100, and she left. Bella Hovlic, okay, so the licensed massage therapist gets $100, the other girls get much more. Answer, right. Bella Hovlic, okay, when you were, you've met most of these girls, was there anything different about redacted that you noticed that made her stand apart from the other girls that were going? Answer, redacted was not the petite little girl, she was always, she was a bigger girl, with plenty of tattoos on her forearm, her visible and visible on her neck, very visible tattoos. Bella Hovlic, if you were to say Mr. Epstein had a type, she would not fit that type? Answer, oh absolutely. Bella Hovlic, were you ever able to find any intelligence from the Palm Beach County Police Department that confirmed any of these girls being in his house, other than the girls saying so? Answer, through physical surveillance, I had researched all the intelligence that the police had gathered during the past couple of years, and in 2004, Mr. Rodriguez, the former houseman, had called the police because he had seen a suspicious vehicle that he did not recognize in the driveway of Mr. Epstein's house. Mr. Rodriguez was pulling in from Publix and didn't recognize the vehicle, so he left and drove straight to the police department and notified him that there was a strange vehicle in the driveway. When the vehicle was approached by the police officers, they found redacted sitting in this car with her friend. Bella Hovlic, does it identify who the friend is? Answer, uh, Bella Hovlic, and when you look at that report, what is the date that was there in 2004? Answer, November 28, 2004, and at which point her cell phone rang, and the officer felt that it must have been her mother because she says I can't talk, I'm in school. Bella Hovlic, okay, did the officer note why redacted was there? Answer, she stated that she was there to pick up monies that were owed to her, that she's a massage therapist for Mr. Epstein. Bella Hovlic, okay, the girls you talked to, how did they typically tend to know each other of those that do, were they all in school together? Answer, they were all they all knew each other from redacted high school. All except one. Bella Hovlic, because she was new, redacted from outside of school? Answer, correct, she knew redacted because she was dating redacted's cousin. Bella Hovlic, okay, at some point did you obtain a search warrant for Jeffrey Epstein's home? Answer, correct, I did. Bella Hovlic, when was that? Answer, that was in October. Bella Hovlic, page 42. Answer, October 12, 2005. Oops, I'm sorry, that was the nope, that was in another interview. Bella Hovlic, October 20, answer October 20, Bella Hovlic, you got the warrant on October 18 and executed it on October 20, answer, correct. Bella Hovlic, okay, who was present with you when you executed the warrant? Answer, various members in the police department, detective Kroll, Sergeant Frick, detective Dix, detective Dawson, detective Sandman, myself, crime scene manager Greg Parkinson. Bella Hovlic, okay, answer, there was a lot of people in the, and from the police department. Bella Hovlic, all right, and Greg Parkinson's is outside, answer yes. Bella Hovlic, okay, during the execution of the warrant, there was an item found that's identified as a twin torpedo, answer yes. Bella Hovlic, what is that item? Answer, that is, it's known as a dildo. Bella Hovlic, okay, a sexual toy that you buy. Answer a sexual toy. Bella Hovlic, okay, where was it found? Answer, that was found in the bedroom of, I want to say, Nadia's bedroom. Bella Hovlic, okay, is that the bedroom that the girls were taken to when they performed the massages as described by and to you? Answer, the main, the main massages occurred in Epstein's master bedroom, bathroom area. Bella Hovlic, not Nadia's? Answer, no. Bella Hovlic, bedroom, bathroom area? Answer, no. Bella Hovlic, okay, so that was found in a different place. Answer, correct. Bella Hovlic, was there any sexual devices, dildos, vibrators, found anything that matched the description that was given by the girls? Either a purple vibrator or a white vibrator with a large head? Answer, no. Bella Hovlic, at this point, Detective Ricari, I'm going to see if the grand jurors have any questions for you. All right, we're going to wrap up right here, and when we get back with the next episode, we're going to pick up with the grand jury questions to Detective Ricari. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box.