Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Christian Combs Is Accused Of Assault

The accusations against Diddy and those close to him keep coming in and this time, a woman is claiming that she was abused by Justin Combs while working aboard a Yacht that was chartered by his father Sean "Diddy" Combs who is also facing similar allegations from multiple accusers.  

Justin Combs and Diddy continue to maintain their innocence and no charges have been filed and no arrests have been made.

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Sean 'Diddy' Combs' son Christian Combs accused of sex assault in lawsuit (

Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
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What's up everyone and welcome back to the program so the hits keep coming for Diddy and I'm not talking about on the pop charts we now have another woman who has come forward and she's saying that she was sexually assaulted while she was working on a yacht that was chartered by puffy in 2022 and according to her while she was on this yacht working she was sexually assaulted by Diddy's son and as we continue to work our way through this there's going to be a lot of other people who come out and say that they were abused now does that mean that every single one of these accusers is telling the truth of course it doesn't but what it does mean is that every accusation made against puffy or his entourage has to be looked into now so let's get to this article from NBC news and let's see what they have for us headline Sean Diddy calm son accused of sexual assault and lawsuit that also names music mogul as a defendant this article was authored by Diana Dasarith and Doha Madani Sean Diddy comes who is subject of a federal sex trafficking investigation has been named as a defendant in a new lawsuit that alleges his son sexually assaulted a woman while she was working on a yacht the music mogul had chartered for a trip at the end of 2022 now look we don't know what happened here right we weren't there but when you have this many people coming forward and this many people saying that this happened to them there's going to be a whole lot of people who are interested in what these folks have to say including the federal government and while I like to give people the benefit of the doubt I have a hard time believing that all of these accusers are coming forward and every single one of them is just motivated by a payday sure there are some people that are going to try and latch on and try and get that bag but for the most part the people that are coming forward saying they were abused people believe that there's some truth in what they're saying now how far does that go what lengths were gone to by Diddy allegedly and his people to get all of this cracking off the allegations that are being made or true and girls and women were being flown in from different states you're looking at the man act you're looking at Rico you're looking at a whole bunch of shit that could see puffy behind bars for at least 20 just like Laine Maxwell but we are a long way away from that happening remember this man hasn't even been charged that we know about yet maybe there's a sealed indictment that's making its way through the system but as far as what we know publicly we know about the allegations made against puffy we know about the raid and we know about puffy's denial of these accusations anything besides that is speculation and is going to have to be figured out as this all continues to evolve the allegation is the latest in a wave of lawsuits accusing coms 54 of sexual assault sexual trafficking and engaging in other criminal activity he has denied all the allegations calling them sickening well I can agree with that they are sickening in the suit file Thursday in Los Angeles County Superior Court grace Omar Kay alleges that Christian Combs 26 sexually assaulted her in late December 2022 while she was working on a boat charter that had been sold as a wholesome family excursion but turned into a hedonistic environment well that tracks considering what we've heard about all of the other adventures if you will you know the freak offs why wouldn't there be one on this yacht you're out here on a yacht enjoying yourself sounds like the perfect time to have one of your silly little freak offs the alleged assault happened just days before Sean Combs hosted a New Year's Eve yacht party with a long list of celebrity guests that shouldn't shock you all of these degenerates they all roll with other rich people and we all know that the richer you become the more degenerate you become along with it oh you don't believe me just go and take a look at the so-called billionaire class just go and look at the financial sector just go and look at how they treat everybody around them Christian Combs is accused of sexual assault sexual harassment and infliction of emotional distress in the lawsuit Sean Combs is being sued for premise liability as the person who chartered the yacht and for aiding and abetting his son in the alleged assault so again I haven't seen this paperwork yet so I can't really comment too fully about what the court documents themselves say but my guess is it's gonna track with what we've heard in the other complaints and once I get my hands on it obviously we'll get it added to the catalog representatives for Christian and Sean Combs did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Thursday night Sean Combs has denied all of the recent allegations against him like father like son Attorney Tyrone Blackburn who is representing Omar Kay said Thursday night after the suit was filed it gives us no joy or pleasure in filing this suit against Christian Combs who has clearly adopted his father's pattern and practice of the privacy so Mr. Blackburn over here is just going bananas this dude's making all kinds of allegations and you heard in that umg lawyer letter what they think about Mr. Blackburn so this is going to set it up for this to be very contentious and that usually doesn't bode well for anybody involved honestly especially the alleged victims with the yacht studio in her suit Omar Kay alleges that Christian Combs drugged and sexually assaulted her she included transcriptions of audio clips that she states her evidence of her denying his advances as he gropes her the suit states that the clips were recorded by a producer in the studio so there's a producer in the studio allegedly at this time records this interaction between Mr. Combs and Miss Omar Kay and he has video of this seems to me that this is something that could be pretty dangerous for Christian Combs if there's actual video of him doing this Omar Kay who was 25 at the time of the alleged assault worked as a steward providing dinner and drink service on the yacht from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and witness partying and drug use between a constant rotation of suspected sex workers and celebrities the suit states she also alleges in the complaint that she suspected bottles of alcohol were laced with drugs because women began to fall over themselves panic or a pass out after just one drink and that again tracks with everything we've learned about P Diddy and what his alleged operation was up to we already know that according to these reports that he had a drug mule with him somebody that had everything he needed as far as drugs goes and then we've heard about spiking the drinks spiking the water so this all tracks around December 28 2022 Omar Kay was informed that Christian Combs would be joining the party to record with music producer Rodney Little Rod Jones in the yacht's makeshift studio the suit states Christian Combs had been staying on shore at a villa but often joined his father in the evenings according to the suit the woman's suit alleges that he arrived heavily intoxicated and that he paid an inappropriate amount of attention to her now look I've never been on a yacht but I watched that show below deck a few times and I've seen the way some of those disgusting animals conduct themselves meaning the guests so is it really out of bounds to think that somebody like Diddy and his kid would think they can do whatever they want on one of these yachts I don't find it that unbelievable now that said I'm not saying that this happened I don't know I'm currently interested in hearing more and taking a look at whatever evidence this lady says that she has Christian then pressured Omar Kay to take shots at tequila that she believes he brought on board according to the suit after she took the shot Omar Kay states in the lawsuit Christian Combs became aggressive and insisted that she drink more Omar Kay became fearful and began to feel the effect of tequila which she quickly suspected had been spiked the suit states the situation escalated as Christian Combs groped Omar Kay's legs breast anus and vagina the suit states the suit details audio recordings in which it states Omar Kay can be heard declining alcohol saying she had to leave and telling Christian Combs to stop touching her with what sounds like kissing noises in the background the audio was recorded by Jones the producer who was in the studio during the alleged assault and who has alleged in his own lawsuit that he was required to record Sean Combs constantly and had hours of footage in which the music mogul and his staff allegedly engaged in criminal conduct so how does he have these videos and if he does it's a wrap for puffed daddy NBC News has heard two clips of audio transcribed in the suit purportedly from the night of December 28th 2022 but is not verified who was recorded excuse me you don't touch my legs like that I'll move my legs where I want to Omar Kay has heard saying in the recording detailed in the suit if I want to do this then I will you don't touch my legs like that listen you and everybody in the crew Christian Combs allegedly replies I can't I have to go down Omar Kay says I have to go down Christian Combs and insists that Omar Kay stay with them but she responds that she cannot unless he makes that request to a crew leader the suit states citing the audio recording Omar Kay answered this way because she knew anyone of authority who could approve the request would be asleep and Christian Combs would not be able to contact them the suit states who can I talk to I'm going to say I requested you right now Christian Combs said according to the suit well you can take your hand off my ass for the first thing Omar Kay responded Omar Kay then attempted to resume her duties and finish her shift once she was able to leave the studio the suit states Christian Combs allegedly found her a short time later and insisted she find them a place to sleep and considering there might be audio or video to go along with all of this this might be the most damning one so far as far as these allegations go she directed him to the yacht cinema which was used as an extra sleeping area where he blocked her in the suit states Christian Combs allegedly began to groper and took off his clothes his penis was erect and he grabbed her arms and was trying to force plaintiff to perform oral sex on him the suit states the suit includes photos of bruising on Omar Kay's forearm and alleges it was caused when Christian Combs grabbed her It is Ryan C. 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Oh, that's right. Jeffrey Epstein told me the same story. So did Glenn Maxwell Well, how did that work out for them? There has been no finding of criminal or civil liability with any of the allegations Dyer said Mr. Combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name Well, the good news for Diddy is that we're all gonna be here waiting for him to do so The bad news for Diddy is it's a lot harder to prove that than just say it So we'll see if Diddy and his legal team can pull it off Either way the floodgates have now opened and you can be sure that more accusations are about to come flooding in Alright folks, that's gonna do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box It is Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like are you a fist-pumper? A woohoo a hand clap or a high-fiver? 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